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Came across the elusive P365 Login/Join 
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Originally posted by SIGWolf:
Price point here is $510 plus tax which is an outrageous 7%.

Trade ya'. Mine was $549 with 8.25% tax. Frown

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Originally posted by pblanc:
Originally posted by sns3guppy:
Sig states that there was never a take it with a grain of salt. I'd be careful about assuming it's ready to go until you've got ample rounds downrange.

On the "other" sig forum a thread was posted with a link to a poll of P365 owners asking what, if any issues they had experienced with their pistols. Out of a total of 178 P365 owners who responded, there were 15 reported broken strikers for a total of 8.43% of those who responded, and 9 reports of broken or displaced trigger bar springs (resulting in a dead trigger) for a total of 4.49% of respondents. So the total of critical failures reported constituted nearly 13% of those who participated in the poll.

There were many other issues reported in the poll including failures of slide lock on empty magazines, excessive barrel peening, failures to return to battery, failures to eject or feed, etc, but the critical failures were my main concern since these take the pistol out of service immediately without any prior warning and there is no immediate remedial action available to correct them. What is more, they have been reported at very high round counts, with one striker breakage occurring after 1900 rounds, several others occurring after 500 rounds, and several trigger spring malfunctions occurring after 450-500 rounds. For those who have seen the MAC P365 video, recall that Tim's trigger went dead suddenly after shooting nearly 900 rounds.

It has been said that most of the striker breakages occurred with a batch of pistols produced from February through April of this year and is has been suggested that SIG has instituted changes in the assembly of the trigger bar spring. But in the poll referenced, there was one striker failure reported and one dead trigger reported in pistols manufactured in the second half of last month (May). What is also concerning is that there is one individual who has reported on that forum, and others, two separate striker failures and another individual reported two trigger spring failures. In other words, these individuals returned their pistols to SIG for repair, and experienced exactly the same failure after they got it back.

Before anyone labels me a "SIG basher" be advised that I currently own 5 SIG pistols and I have been interested in the P365 since its introduction. It is possible that I will someday buy one to replace my M&P Shield. But based on what others have reported, I would not consider the major problems with the P365 to have been "ironed out" as of now, and I would not purchase one for self-defense usage. I acknowledge that many P365 owners have had no trouble whatsoever. But when critical failures are reported after round counts of 500 to 1900, what can be considered ample rounds downrange before the pistol is vetted?

mine was made in February, my fathers in early March

both perfect

considering serial numbers are now in the 66,000 range I personally see the issues as very small. and that survey had 178 respondents... I'd have to go and look again but I recall my serial within the 3000 and less range

I see people pushing this little pistol hard, purposefully trying to make them fail..oh I have 6000 rounds through it and I now have a bunch of failures...oh I didn't replace the spring at 2500 rnds as suggested because they should last forever... type stuff

rolling revisions yes are being made but I can't think of an industry that doesn't

totally understand your hesitancy for being a "beta" tester with what has happened in the past, the overwhelming appearance of issues on social media, but its not isolated to this one manufacturer

not calling you a hater at all, we all know that Sig will make it right and fix whatever, no questions asked. I know you will totally enjoy it once you get one

I don't expect 100% out of anything...just prepare for it.. 2 is 1 and 1 is none

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My serial number is 66A0648xx, build date, June 19, 2018. Received it June 23, 2018 from the FFL.
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I wouldn't put much faith in alot of these post about failures. Most problems stem from lack of maintenance, even basic cleaning. You-tube videos are all about clicks, created or intended failures just for clicks that equal money.
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The Constable
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Selway Armory in Missoula just got in three....two left. I'll pick up mine tomorrow.

I had planned to wait until at least the Fall to allow any issues to show themselves and hopefully be remedied. But like a ten year old, couldn't WAIT.

Plus, they called and You HAVE to take it when they call.
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Good luck with your new Sig P365. I just got mine Monday Built date 05/24/18. Got it to the range Tuesday and put over 75 rounds thru it with no hang ups. Bought a 12 round mag at the range for my big hands Smile.
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I saw side by side pics of a redesigned striker vs. the original. My May 12 build has the older design.

The new design has a much more robust shoulder on the pin AND will require a new slide due to the way the striker is now cut.

To my knowledge, no announcement was made. There are a few reports of guns sent in getting a new slide and pin. Presumably all new production has it.
Posts: 1931 | Location: S.E. Michigan/Macomb County | Registered: October 24, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I was going to wait till next year to buy one to give SIG time to work out any problems that may exist. Made the mistake of stopping in my LGS last week. They had two on the counter they had just received. Key word is had. I paid $559 + 7% tax. Put 50 rounds of various ammo through it this weekend. It is comparable in size to my Glock 42. If it turns out to be reliable it will take the place of my carry gun Glock 43.

P229 - 40s&w/357sig
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P365 - 9mm
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Originally posted by Redford1970:
I saw side by side pics of a redesigned striker vs. the original. My May 12 build has the older design.

The new design has a much more robust shoulder on the pin AND will require a new slide due to the way the striker is now cut.

To my knowledge, no announcement was made. There are a few reports of guns sent in getting a new slide and pin. Presumably all new production has it.

Do you have a build date on one with the new design?
Posts: 17342 | Location: Northern Vermont | Registered: September 20, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
The Constable
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Originally posted by SIGWolf:
My serial number is 66A0648xx, build date, June 19, 2018. Received it June 23, 2018 from the FFL.

Picked mine up today, the serial is 66A0492XX so earlier than yours. 10May 2018 build date on the box.

Mine has the 2nd , updated striker design, just checked it.

Will shoot it tomorrow, rain or shine.

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Posts: 7074 | Location: Craig, MT | Registered: December 17, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by SIGWolf:
My serial number is 66A0648xx, build date, June 19, 2018. Received it June 23, 2018 from the FFL.

I picked this up yesterday and it has the new striker. I posted more info here:

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The Constable
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Just ran 160 rds of assorted 100-124 gr through my new one..NO glitches at all.

NO trigger finger soreness issues either, which I DO get with my G-42.

One surely needs a mag loader, after 6 rds they are tough to load with just ones fingers. Even the 10th with the mag-lula required a hard press down. NO biggie there, I have loaders.

Also seems to be easier to shoot accurately vs the G-42.

AND...I like the X-ray sight's too.

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Haven't taken it to the range yet Confused Frown

Range is closed today and tomorrow Mad thanks to people in the neighborhood deciding the don't like living near a gun range after all.

I'm assembling ammunition of different types to take out with me.
Posts: 17342 | Location: Northern Vermont | Registered: September 20, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Redford1970:
I saw side by side pics of a redesigned striker vs. the original. My May 12 build has the older design.

The new design has a much more robust shoulder on the pin AND will require a new slide due to the way the striker is now cut.

To my knowledge, no announcement was made. There are a few reports of guns sent in getting a new slide and pin. Presumably all new production has it.

Do you have any accurate information about the "new" slide to match the new striker profile? I have the old slide and the "new" striker which now has over 1000 rounds on it.
March build, sent in June 6 for a extractor issue, returned June 15 with new recoil spring, extractor & spring and in Sigs words, courtesy striker sleeve. Translated, new profiled striker, original slide and I could see no new machine marks in the striker channel indicating some alteration was made.
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The Constable
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Ran another fifty rds through mine yesterday, so I have 260 rds now total. All trouble free.

Need to figure out a holster now. It does fit in a G42 pocket holster perfectly. But need an IWB of some type.

Also ordered some Talon grip tape to give that a try. Have it on my G-42 and it made the grip easier to hold on to.

Extra mags on the way from Brownells too.
Posts: 7074 | Location: Craig, MT | Registered: December 17, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by pm9:
Originally posted by Redford1970:
I saw side by side pics of a redesigned striker vs. the original. My May 12 build has the older design.

The new design has a much more robust shoulder on the pin AND will require a new slide due to the way the striker is now cut.

To my knowledge, no announcement was made. There are a few reports of guns sent in getting a new slide and pin. Presumably all new production has it.

Do you have any accurate information about the "new" slide to match the new striker profile? I have the old slide and the "new" striker which now has over 1000 rounds on it.
March build, sent in June 6 for a extractor issue, returned June 15 with new recoil spring, extractor & spring and in Sigs words, courtesy striker sleeve. Translated, new profiled striker, original slide and I could see no new machine marks in the striker channel indicating some alteration was made.
At this point, I have more contradictions than data. Waiting on Sig to speak up.
Posts: 1931 | Location: S.E. Michigan/Macomb County | Registered: October 24, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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