I picked up a Gen3 P365 last week and took it to the range over the weekend and put several rounds of FMJ and a couple brands of carry ammo through it. Zero issues and it is an accurate little pistol as well. I bought a 12 round magazine for it also. I have been watching these guns for sometime and it seemed like the bugs had been worked out of them. I am glad I jumped on one because I absolutely love this gun; it is honestly the perfect carry gun for me. The gun carries like the Glock 43, but I can comfortably have 33 rounds of ammo on me. This gun will stay on me all of the time without a doubt.
100 rounds of FMJ and 50 rounds of carry ammo. My thumb was hurting from the magazines and I had to stop. I am going to need to get a magazine loader because they are tight.
I got one 2 weeks ago. I’ve had it at the range a couple of times. So far I have 250 rounds with zero issues. Mostly Speer Lawman 115 gr FMJ, but I also went through a couple of mags of Federal 9BPLE just to see how it handled the +P+ ammo.
Found a couple of 12 round mags at Academy for $39 each.
Posts: 2890 | Location: Unass the AO | Registered: December 16, 2007
I picked up one in January, with a November manufacture date. I’ve put over 250 rounds through it now, and have not had a single issue. I have fired Winchester white box, old winchester hollow point, american eagle 115 grn fmj, federal 147 grn HST, and 50 rounds of old nasty Umarex lead ammo. Not a single hiccuup - Although after the Umarex it was pretty gunky.
It’s now y edc over my G43 and Shield.
Posts: 1977 | Location: Southern CA | Registered: July 27, 2008
I have over 1700 rounds through my Oct. 2018 P365. Numerous brands of ammo used. Only one misfeed and it was mag related. Be sure to clean your mags, you'll be surprised how dirty they are. Fantastic gun!
Posts: 118 | Location: SC | Registered: April 23, 2004
Originally posted by CCP007: 100 rounds of FMJ and 50 rounds of carry ammo. My thumb was hurting from the magazines and I had to stop. I am going to need to get a magazine loader because they are tight.
Oh yeah. I've never needed any form of mag loader till now. P220 8 rounders, any P226 double stack - no problem. Bought the Mrs a P365 for Valentines because I'm romantic like that. I swear I almost broke my thumb off trying to top off her 12 round P365 mags. The Uplula is definitely your friend here.
...that I will support and defend...
Posts: 883 | Location: Northern VA | Registered: July 16, 2005
I'm well over 500 rounds through mine now with nary a bobble. I've used American Eagle 115 & 124 gr FMJ's, Remington generic 115 JHPs's, as well as a variety of handloads, including 124 gr LSWC's from Missouri Bullet Co.
It's been a daily carry gun now for two months here on our farm and I've found that a high ride OWB of my own make renders it nearly impossible to feel (no discomfort) while carrying.
Accuracy has been stellar for a gun with a 3" bbl. Hope you enjoy yours as much as I've liked mine. Best Regards, Rod
5th Spl Forces, Air Force Bird Dog FAC, lll Corps RVN 69-70.... We enjoy the Bill of Rights by the sacrifices of our veterans; Politicians, Preachers, Educators, Journalists and Community Organizers are beneficiaries, not defenders of our freedoms.
I have had my 365 (Sept 2018 mfr date) since Oct 2018. Close to 1000 rds and no issues. The only issue I had was with the Winchester white box ammo I ran thru it. I wanted to see how well it ate inferior ammo.
Posts: 24 | Location: NW Chicago Suburb | Registered: September 19, 2018
Zero issues and it is an accurate little pistol as well.
Good. The small size - but still 10 rounds -intrigues me, but I'd rather have one to look at more closely without a trigger lock on it. (I'm talking to you, Bass Pro and Academy.)
Posts: 29510 | Location: Johnson City, TN | Registered: April 28, 2012
I took my 12/2018 P365 out for it’s first hundred the other day. No malfunctions, but in several instances with all three mags, the slide would get hung up and nearly fail to go into battery. It was cleaned and lubed prior, so I’m not sure what that was about. I was shooting S&B 124 grain fmj. Not going to hit the panic button yet, just going to shoot the hell out of it. Assuming all goes well, it will replace at least my 43 and maybe my 42 during the summer.
Originally posted by tcop143: I took my 12/2018 P365 out for it’s first hundred the other day. No malfunctions, but in several instances with all three mags, the slide would get hung up and nearly fail to go into battery.
One thing I found myself doing at first, and occasionally afterward, was to allow my thumbs to interfere with the slide and slide stop.
If my thumbs rub against the slide, even slightly, it causes feeding issues and sometimes fails to lock back after last round. If my thumb is on the slide stop, it will often not lock back after the last round. My friend had similar issues.
These issues don't occur with our other pistols but they are easy to induce on the P365. Paying a attention to thumb placement remedied these issues for both of us.
Sic Semper Tyrannis If you beat your swords into plowshares, you will become farmers for those who didn't! Political Correctness is fascism pretending to be Manners-George Carlin
Posts: 2043 | Location: Central FL | Registered: September 03, 2008
Originally posted by tcop143: I took my 12/2018 P365 out for it’s first hundred the other day. No malfunctions, but in several instances with all three mags, the slide would get hung up and nearly fail to go into battery. It was cleaned and lubed prior, so I’m not sure what that was about. I was shooting S&B 124 grain fmj. Not going to hit the panic button yet, just going to shoot the hell out of it. Assuming all goes well, it will replace at least my 43 and maybe my 42 during the summer.
It just needs to wear in/break in. Be sure to clean it thoroughly, and oil/lube it, then shoot it more. I manually cycled the slide a couple hundred times without releasing/resetting the trigger after cleaning/oil/lube on the ones I have, and they are ok now. I had some trouble with the first one returning to battery during the initial outing to the range with it. I avoided it on the second one I bought by thoroughly cleaning/oil/lube and manually working the slide a hundred or two times prior to initially shooting it.