I have the WC Brig Tac and it's a great shooter. I also have a 92 INOX Vertec with the WC action tune.
Then new vertec Centurian is calling to me... But I don't really need it with the other two Berettas I have. Does the half inch shorter slide make much of a difference? I doubt I would carry it. But I love my Berettas so much and this just keeps calling to me but I don't know why. I was going to go for an M9A3 but now this comes along.
Is the Centurian worth the $$
Don't weep for the stupid, or you will be crying all day
Posts: 10785 | Location: TN | Registered: December 18, 2005
Beretta’s can sing a sirens artful song no doubt! That WC Vertec is sweet. The LTT elite is a better shooter & value. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right?
______________________________________________ Life is short. It’s shorter with the wrong gun…
Posts: 13893 | Location: VIrtual | Registered: November 13, 2009
I believe we are all on a journey through firearms land. We buy, sell, and trade stuff like women love shoes. But, the experience gives us the ability to speak with a certain amount of intelligence based on experience about a wide range of guns. Do we need 37 pistols? Likely not, but the experience is the golden part.
I'd go with the Centurion because it is different than what you've had in the past.
Originally posted by jljones: As hokey as this may sound.......
I believe we are all on a journey through firearms land. We buy, sell, and trade stuff like women love shoes. But, the experience gives us the ability to speak with a certain amount of intelligence based on experience about a wide range of guns. Do we need 37 pistols? Likely not, but the experience is the golden part.
Well-said, Sir.
Posts: 2715 | Location: West Texas | Registered: January 19, 2004
Originally posted by jljones: As hokey as this may sound.......
I believe we are all on a journey through firearms land. We buy, sell, and trade stuff like women love shoes. But, the experience gives us the ability to speak with a certain amount of intelligence based on experience about a wide range of guns. Do we need 37 pistols? Likely not, but the experience is the golden part.
I'd go with the Centurion because it is different than what you've had in the past.
In laymen's terms, everyone likes to have a little 'strange' sometimes.
IMHO - yes - it’s worth the money. My main carry pistol is a WC Centurion Tactical.(Not a fan of the Vertec grip, mainly because the bottom edges of the grip dig into my palm, but that’s just me.)
I absolutely love the pistol. The slightly shorter slide & barrel not only makes it more comfortable to carry IWB, but also perfectly balances the gun. Not to mention all the extra bells and whistles are just what you’d want in a carry gun. (And it makes a damn fine competition gun too )
I'm really pleased with the resurgence of the 92 in the last few years. When I started buying and carrying guns in my early law enforcement career (2003-2006), it seemed like the 92 had a bad rap. Mostly from cops that couldn't shoot them and military people indoctrinated to believe they were junk (although many were enlisted types that never shot or carried them). The last couple years have been great for the line. Between Beretta innovating a little (M9A1, 92A1, M9A3, Compact with rail, G conversion) while still embracing the history of the guns (Vertec frame in M9A3, imox and no rail guns still out there) and outfits like Wilson and LTT offering interesting, feature-rich variants, this is probably the golden era of the platform.
I say get the Wilson. Or an LTT. Or both...
Posts: 5313 | Location: Iowa | Registered: February 24, 2011
-and I wish you would stop speaking of this. I have been telling myself I have no need or desire for another archaic, obsolescent, too big, too heavy, too expensive gun.
-and and ...... I really want one too
Take Care, Shoot Safe, Chris
Posts: 8098 | Location: On the water | Registered: July 25, 2002
I owned both the Wilson and Langdon Tactical. Both great pistols. I ended up with the Langdon only because I just liked how it looked better than the Wilson. If shot side by side i think you would have a tough time determing that one shot better than the other.