November 10, 2024, 11:10 AM
sigarms229WTS: Sypderco PM2 and Emerson CQC-10
For sale, additional pics on request via email:
Spyderco PM2, S110V blade, part number C81GPDBL2, VG condition, has been carried but not often, includes factory box but it isn't perfect (not bad either). These sell for $253 at Blade HQ. I'm asking $150
Emerson CQC-10, discontinued model, its been carried but not often, VG condition, includes factory box but it isn't perfect (not had either). These sold new for around $200, I'm asking $100.
My email is in my profile. Prices are shipped in the continental USA and I'll knock a few dollars if you want both knives.
November 11, 2024, 05:32 PM
RNshooterEmail sent.
November 12, 2024, 06:48 AM
sigarms229Replies sent, looks like they are both SPF to you.