Just snagged an esee 5. Got talked into it at my LGS as I was in the market for a fixed blade survival knife. Not unhappy with the kk I’ve, but it’s heavy.. and I prob overpaid (but always good to support my LGS).
I’ve since checked out a few reviews of the knife and it seems like people rate it highly.
Tell me I won’t be disappointed
Sigs: P220, P228, P239, P290, P365, P365 NRA
Posts: 1131 | Location: Midwest | Registered: October 26, 2003
I really like my 5, I also have a LaserStrike, a 6, and a Junglas. I like the 5 the best. Why? It is just so "substantial," a serious piece of steel. Seems like you could beat on it all day long and not do it any harm while whatever you are beating it on is going to be a hurting puppy. Probably not the first choice for delicate work.
Posts: 7079 | Location: NoVA | Registered: July 22, 2009
It's a beast. You won't be disappointed as long as that's what you were looking for. You'll want a smaller, lighter, finer blade (could easily be a pocket knife) to act as a companion piece and do the more delicate work. But you won't be under-gunned (under-knifed?) for the tough work. Stout, sturdy piece of metal. Feels good in the hand, too.
I picked up a ESEE 5 today also. It could easily one up Crocodile Dundee. It's the stoutest knife I've ever held. I have no doubt it will hold up to any abuse I could put it through.
I was so happy with the quality and heft of my sharpened pry bar that I've since picked up a fixed Xancudo in S35V stainless for edc and a 1095 ESEE-3 with the contoured G10 scales. I guess I'm a fan.