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Political Cynic
Picture of nhtagmember
this article, if most of it is true, paints a very unflattering picture of the state of today's military

posted in US Defense Watch

Dereliction of Duty – The Feather Merchants, Duds and Perfumed Princes that Sold out the US Military to Political Correctness

Dereliction of duty is a specific offense under United States Code Title 10, Section 892, Article 92 and applies to all branches of the US military. A service member who is derelict has willfully refused to perform his duties (or follow a given order) or has incapacitated himself in such a way that he cannot perform his duties. Article 92 also applies to service members whose acts or omissions rise to the level of criminally negligent behavior.

The US military is in Deep Kimchi. The US military is a non-military, military in 2017.

Since late 1991, the military has been attacked by leftists and militant feminists who were determined to transform the last bastion of masculinity in American society. With the help of traitorous enablers in the military and civilian government officials, their efforts have been more successful than their wildest dreams.

A Maoist cultural revolution has slowly engulfed the military, with the results that today’s US armed forces are totally feminized, led by perfumed princes, focused on things that have nothing to do with war fighting and in many regards, ill-prepared for combat on the high seas, on land and in the air.

The US military in 2017 is being largely run by senior leaders who believe the military is no different than a corporation, except the military has cool uniforms and high explosives. Hollywood values are now the norm and the spirit of the bayonet is no longer, kill, kill, kill; but, diversity.

Sure, we have cool technology, predator drones and nukes. Yes, the SEALs, when they’re not selling juicers or video games, are still eating glass and urinating napalm. Yes, there are still motivated troopers, and good NCO’s; but as a composite, competent, effective and lethal instrument of death to our enemies, the military is a shadow of its former greatness during the Cold War and in Desert Storm. This is not the military that Tom Clancy idolized and wrote about. It’s the military Claudia Kennedy and Patricia Schroeder wanted…and got.

In the last few years, the list of politically correct and socially engineered lunacy in the military seems like something out of a science fiction movie.

The nation has watched as male US Army ROTC cadets were ordered to parade around in red high heels to show their empathy towards rape victims. Soldiers from the Big Red One, the 1st Infantry Division, a unit that landed, fought and died on Omaha Beach (in addition to every other war in the 20th and 21st Century) were ordered to conduct physical training in pregnancy simulators to make men understand how difficult it is to exercise while pregnant. US service personnel were ordered to take white privilege classes, and training which instructed them that the Bible and the Constitution are sexist documents. The Secretary of the Army distributed a memorandum for record to worldwide commands, which instructed commanders to ‘balance lactation support and readiness.’ At Fort Benning, a conspiracy as grand as the Kennedy assassination ensured that three women, including a 37 year old mommy, graduated from Ranger School, a move which gave Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, the green light to authorize women to serve in the combat arms and special operations units. To brainwash an entire generation of young marines, so called ‘unconscious bias training’ is conducted at marine bases to try and convince young men that Mary Jane can hack it in combat with the Old Breed on Peleliu and Okinawa.

At the US Air Force Academy, a lesbian serves as the commandant of cadets. While a lesbian unfurls the colors in Colorado Spring, a veteran combat pilot and Air Force Major General is thrown out of the service for telling a subordinate that he was ‘drunker than 10,000 Indians.’

In the Navy, 16 out of every 100 females are medically evacuated from ships because of pregnancies. In fact, a baby was born on board the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower last September. The Navy smoke and mirrors unit went into action immediately. The idea of a baby being born on a US ship of war was looked at as something normal and the Navy even said they were happy to welcome a new member of the Navy family.

Good God. Raymond Spruance is rolling in his grave.

Meanwhile, the 7th Fleet is still reeling from the Fat Leonard Scandal and is having problems navigating at sea. Collisions in the last year have cost the lives of 17 sailors. In the 5th Fleet last year, a young navy officer willingly surrendered his crews and craft to outgunned Iranian thugs. When in captivity, the young officer continued to violate every tenet of the Code of Conduct, by thanking the Iranians for their hospitality, while one of his men weeped openly on camera like a guest on Oprah.

In the army, senior leaders, realizing that they have no armored or mechanized skills left in the force are desperately trying to turn the army of none overnight into the army that won the Cold War and Desert Storm. Good luck.

Meanwhile, Kim Jong-un seems to have figured out that our missile defense might just very well be full of sound and fury and signifying nothing.

How did all this happen and who’s responsible?

The demise of the US military essentially started the day the Gulf War ended. The war, which had all the nastiness of war from the past, was seen by the public as a video game, where the enemy just laid down their arms and surrendered en masse. War was now clean and bloodless. Sergeant Stryker was no longer needed to storm the ash laden hills of Iwo Jima. Suzie Q could kill the enemy at stand-off ranges by merely pushing buttons.

And, so the feminist fantasies, the PC madness and the social engineering insanity commenced.

Then there was Tailhook…

The Tailhook Affair took place in September of 1991, when Navy and Marine Corps aviators at the yearly convention in Las Vegas were accused of drinking and lewd behavior. Feminists in Congress and in the Beltway saw their moment to wreak havoc on the military’s masculine culture. Tailhook became a feminist slaughterhouse, where hundreds of seasoned and exceptional US Navy and Marine Corps officers, including Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Frank Kelso, were keel-hauled by the Navy for drinking, carousing, indecent conduct and drummed up charges of sexual assault. Imagine that, aviators who drink and get laid; can’t have that in the military.

In a 1992 Newsweek article on Tailhook, the writer states, “It won’t be easy changing the macho atmosphere of the Navy, which has lagged behind the other services in addressing sexual harassment.”

God knows we wouldn’t want macho military people in the military; the hell with Sergeant York and Chris Kyle. Send in Nathan Lane and Liberace…

Actually, it was pretty easy to change the macho environment of the Navy. All you had to do was s-can all the warriors and gradually fill the ranks with powder puff leaders who are PC wallflowers; the result, a surface navy that can’t sail from one end of the lagoon on Gilligan’s Island to the other.

The following is a list of some of those responsible for the current state of the military. There are many others, hundreds; the criminally negligent feather merchants, duds and perfumed princes who sold out the military to political correctness and the let the armed forces be socially engineered into the fiasco we have today:

The Tailhook witch hunt was conducted by Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Barbara S. Pope, who, along with Congresswoman Patricia Schroeder are the first villains in the death of the US military. Pope chaired an ad hoc committee that not only reexamined the roles of women in the military, but put political pressure on President Bill Clinton to make drastic changes in US military policy, which included assigning women as combat pilots in the US military and allowing women to serve on Navy ships, two actions which contributed to the lack of readiness and the lack of fighting spirit we see in the Air Force and Navy today. Schroeder had been a left wing lunatic and advocate of women in combat for years while serving in Congress. Of course, she, like Pope had actually never been within ten thousand miles of a combat zone.

The liberal and feminist militants in the Pentagon and in the Beltway had an ally in the Great Draft Dodger, President Bill Clinton, who saw the military as a great place to conduct social experiments.

In 1994, women were also authorized to serve in support units in the army that they had traditionally been banned from because the units supported the combat arms. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General John Shalikashvili, looked on and said nothing.

During the 1990’s Lieutenant General Claudia Kennedy, was a vocal advocate for women to serve in combat positions in the army, although she herself had never been near any shot and shell. Kennedy’s most famous quote and one which still reverberates through the tattered army today was ‘this is not your father’s army.’

No, it sure as hell isn’t and that’s a big, big problem.

Before out-processing from the lean green machine in 2000, Kennedy accused a fellow general officer of sexual harassment. After all, she’s a feminist. She currently serves as chairwoman of the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services and is a menace to the military.

Nine years after Tailhook and an onslaught of feminist led policies had already shot holes in the military, my old boss at Soldiers for the Truth, the late Colonel David Hackworth, wrote about the ridiculous coddling of young army recruits at Fort Jackson in a 2000 article titled, ‘The March of the Porcelain Soldiers.’ Hack had travelled to ‘Relaxin’ Jackson himself and saw the effects of nine years of the post Desert Storm army. He wasn’t impressed.

In 2001, with a conservative back in the White House, you would have thought that things might revert back to pre-1991 days. Vice President Dick Cheney, who had served as Secretary of Defense knew the score. He had read the reports indicating how poorly coed units in Desert Storm had performed compared to the rock ‘em, sock ‘em all male combat arms units that won the war in 100 hours.

During the Iraq War, to propagate the fantasy of women fighting in combat, the Jessica Lynch fairy tale was written by feminists in the Pentagon. Lynch’s convoy was ambushed in Iraq in 2003. The feminist propaganda machine went into full swing. She was reportedly fighting like John Wayne, Nick Rowe and Henry V combined as she killed multiple enemy soldiers. She was awarded the Bronze Star and her rescue from the hospital was practically directed by Ridley Scott. In actuality, when the ambush started, Lynch was unable to chamber her M-16 because it was dirty. Her vehicle soon crashed, knocking her out. Subsequently, she was taken prisoner and treated in an Iraqi hospital that was largely empty when Lynch was rescued. She will go down in history as the only US soldier to received a Bronze Star for getting cold cocked.

Jessica Lynch will be the first person to tell you she was completely used by perfumed princesses in the Pentagon.

As the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan raged, nothing was done to change anything that had taken place in the Pentagon during the Clinton years.

The die was cast…

The election of President Barack Obama in 2008, would ignite leftists and feminists in the Pentagon, in Congress and in the Beltway to finish a job they had started in 1991. Obama’s mission was to not only fundamentally change America into a socialist country, but to turn the military into a Bob Fosse musical with C4.

No one was more responsible for allowing the military to be destroyed during the Obama years more than General Martin Dempsey. Dempsey, who was referred to as ‘an echo chamber of the Obama administration’, was the virtual captain of the Pentagon Titanic, who stood on the bridge calmly as the US military sank into the Potomac. Under Dempsey’s watch, open homosexuality was authorized, rules of engagement that got troops killed in Afghanistan continued, along with the myriad of absurd sensitivity and diversity training, the collapse of the army’s armor and mechanized capabilities, while the Obama administration shifted money and focus away from missile defense as Dempsey said nothing.

One of those responsible for the abysmal state of the US Navy now is former Secretary of the Navy, Ray Mabus, who was THE WORST SECRETARY OF THE NAVY IN US HISTORY. Mabus was a one man social engineering wrecking ball. During his tenure, the Navy lost ships and quality leaders while the Marine Corps received a new Orwellian gender neutral dictionary and Soviet style ‘unconsious bias training.’ In an OPED to the Washington Post, Mabus wrote that he believed women should serve in combat because he once watched four female marines negotiate a six foot wall.

Obama’s willing executioner to implement every single PC directive was none other than Secretary of Defense Ash Carter. Carter opened all combat positions in the US military to women in 2016, and with the help of Ray Mabus, completely ignored the Marines’ 36 million dollar study which said in no uncertain terms that all male units perform much better in combat simulated situations than all female and coed units.

After Dempsey escaped from the Pentagon Titanic in a lifeboat down the Potomac, he was replaced by General ‘Fighting Joe’ Dunford, who is clearly against women serving in combat, but never said so publicly, or resigned his commission in protest. Dunford’s silence helped no one except Dunford and his pension.

In the summer of 2015, the former Secretary of the Army, John McHugh conspired with Major General Scott Miller, the commander of Fort Benning, to graduate several women from Ranger School. McHugh ignored repeated attempts from Congressman Steve Russell to present school records for the three women who were passed through at Fort Benning. Major General Scott Miller, a former member of Delta Force and a veteran of combat in Mogandishu, sold his soul to political correctness by ensuring that there were female graduates from the army’s toughest training. Stories of special coddling for the women, including showers, special diets, unlimited attempts to pass the course and pre, pre Ranger training held at Fort Carson, led many to believe that something was indeed rotten at Fort Benning; along with the fact that the three female graduates looked very plump on graduation day, when most men lose 40 to 60 pounds. To this day, Congressman Russell has never seen the green cards (Ranger School transcripts) for the three women.

In Congress, Congresswoman Marth McSally, a former A-10 pilot and a feminist Kool Aid consumer, has been a strong supporter of women to serve in ground combat units and MOS’ even though she has never experienced ground combat herself.

Others members of Congress that are vocal and obnoxious supporters for women to serve in combat, but who know nothing of combat, or the military in general are Congresswoman Kristen Gillibrand and Senator Claire McCaskill.

Then there’s General Mattis…

Mattis has largely been all talk and very little action. He has done nothing to reverse any of the Obama era directives except for the transgender issue, in which he was ordered to by the President.

The jury is still out on General Mattis.

Those mentioned, as said, are only a smattering of the hundreds of self-serving military bureaucrats and politicians who sold out the armed forces because they were more concerned about their pensions, PX benefits, Tricare and post career salaries than about the soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen and women.

Anyone who has served, particularly in the army or marines, knows the phrase, ‘The Mission and the Men; first the military’s main mission – to train for war, to be prepared for war and to win those wars. Second, the men and the women that serve in the military need to know that their leaders and particularly those at the top are making decisions that will ensure that they have the best chance to survive training, and more importantly combat. Our senior leaders are most importantly in charge of people’s lives. Their actions affect whether your son or daughter comes home in a box or not.

Frankly, it’s more than obvious that a majority of the nation’s senior military leaders, senior defined as anyone wearing a star, haven’t given a damn about the troops for a long time. It’s been all about soothing feminist fantasies, placating some idiot in Congress who doesn’t know a FROG-7 from a F-14 and following along with social engineering that any fool with half a brain knows is plain old insanity.

Should these people be prosecuted for criminal negligence, aka, dereliction of duty? Can they be? Through their actions, for whatever motivation, they have put not only the lives of US military personnel in danger, but the nation itself.

[B] Against ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC

Posts: 54252 | Location: Tucson Arizona | Registered: January 16, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
I Am The Walrus
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The past 8 years under the regime were awful on our military and the long term consequences will be great. It takes years to build a military up. The community organizer did his best to tear it down.

We will recover.


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Staring back
from the abyss
Picture of Gustofer
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Originally posted by nhtagmember:
Patricia Schroeder

Haven't heard that creature's name in years. What a vile shrew she was.

I can't say as I disagree with much in the article.

"Great danger lies in the notion that we can reason with evil." Doug Patton.
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Man Once
Child Twice
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Me either
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Doin' what I can
with what I got
Picture of Rob Decker
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What an absolute crock of catastrophizing, posturing bullshit. The services have their problems but good Lord is that a whole lot of misplaced blame.

I dare the author of that piece to tell any of the Soldiers I served with that they're a bunch of no-fight pansies face to face. To their credit, most of them would just laugh at him. Few of them have much left to prove.

Death smiles at us all. Be sure you smile back.
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Too old to run,
too mean to quit!
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I would point, first of all, that much of the damage done to our military was done by CIVILIANS working at DOD.

Was major damage done to our military? You bet, and the so called military leaders who helped should be brought up on charges for dereliction of duty!!!!!!!!!!!

And, IMO, about 60% of the civilians working at DOD should be summarily FIRED, with prejudice! No pensions, no benefits.

For the last few years of my career I worked with a lot of DOD employees, including several higher field grade officers. But that was long before obummer got in office.

Anyone else remember that huge number of high ranking military officers obummer fired!?!?

To survive in his kingdom the officers had to salute and obey. If they did not, their careers came to an abrupt ending.


There has never been an occasion where a people gave up their weapons in the interest of peace that didn't end in their massacre. (Louis L'Amour)

"To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical. "
-Thomas Jefferson

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The Idaho Elk Hunter
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Picture of HayesGreener
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Originally posted by Rob Decker:
What an absolute crock of catastrophizing, posturing bullshit. The services have their problems but good Lord is that a whole lot of misplaced blame.

I dare the author of that piece to tell any of the Soldiers I served with that they're a bunch of no-fight pansies face to face. To their credit, most of them would just laugh at him. Few of them have much left to prove.

I agree fully. The previous administration was clueless and seemed committed to geld our military. What value is sensitivity training when your job is to blow your enemy to bits and destroy all his stuff? Mattis is in the process of re-calibrating our military away from the social engineering BS and placing the emphasis on making it a more lethal force. You know, focus on the mission.

The problems mostly stem from poor leadership.
It will take a while to make everyone understand that we need warriors not pansies, but we still have plenty of the best trained, smartest, and most ferocious warriors ever fielded. I am privileged to have served with many of these fine young men and women. And I am damned proud to be the father of three of them, past and present.

CMSGT USAF (Retired)
Chief of Police (Retired)
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The Main Thing Is
Not To Get Excited
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To Hayes and Rob, I haven't been anywhere near trouble in 5 decades so I'll bow to your more recently gained wisdom, but I didn't read the article as a disparagement of the war fighters, but of the title The Perfumed Princes and my favorite Feather merchants.

There is nothing disparageing to the soldiers FORCED to wear high heels and preggers suits. That's on the pogues. I can't imagine a Ranger regimental commander thinking that shit up.

So from a temporal separation of two generations and having the acquaintence of quite a few men from the submarine service and several from the Marines and the army and a couple from the 75th Ranger Regiment (If that's the hi-speed low-drag bunch of meat eaters at Ft. Lewis) I see what the guy is saying is certainly in the park, and not about trigger-pullers, but like I said I will bow to your more recent wisdom.


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Lawyers, Guns
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It's not for lack of money.
They are spending money but on silly stuff. They are also using far too many outside civilian contractors.

The problems mostly stem from poor leadership.
It will take a while to make everyone understand that we need warriors not pansies, but we still have plenty of the best trained, smartest, and most ferocious warriors ever fielded.

Yes, we have good warriors.... poor leadership.
And we waste too much money.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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Leave the gun.
Take the cannoli.
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Originally posted by Rob Decker:
What an absolute crock of catastrophizing, posturing bullshit.

The writer uses satire and sarcasm to address a very serious issue in our military. He is also a former Army intel officer and Gulf War veteran.
Posts: 6634 | Location: New England | Registered: January 06, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Rob Decker:
What an absolute crock of catastrophizing, posturing bullshit. The services have their problems but good Lord is that a whole lot of misplaced blame.

I dare the author of that piece to tell any of the Soldiers I served with that they're a bunch of no-fight pansies face to face. To their credit, most of them would just laugh at him. Few of them have much left to prove.

The whole point of the article is that as time goes by "the soldiers you served with" who aren't pansies...become fewer and fewer replaced by the current coddled generation who are. The warriors who remain are more and more shackled every day.

A while ago, I was waiting in a line to do pushups for a PT test, a wise-ass SGT in front of me said "Hey Sir, you should identify as female and get more points, I did." We both had a good laugh. This was right after the bathroom issue hit society at large.

Not 2 months later is when DOD announced the new transgender policy. It blew my mind how fast it happened, how fast it went from funny joke (not likely to happen in my my mind) to reality.

“People have to really suffer before they can risk doing what they love.” –Chuck Palahnuik

Be harder to kill:
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Clinton ran the military down, but not nearly as bad as obama.

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Better Than I Deserve!
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Originally posted by Rob Decker:
What an absolute crock of catastrophizing, posturing bullshit. The services have their problems but good Lord is that a whole lot of misplaced blame.

I dare the author of that piece to tell any of the Soldiers I served with that they're a bunch of no-fight pansies face to face. To their credit, most of them would just laugh at him. Few of them have much left to prove.

I think the point of the article missed you.

I served in the Navy for 26 years and retired five years ago. That article is spot on.

I had a lot of Commanding Officers that were "nice guys" and you'd love to have them as a brother-in-law. Can't think of one of them that I would be inspired by if we had to storm the beaches of Normandy. Lots of "geeks" and nerds and PC nice guys are leading the military these days. The military is not led by tough men that can lead other tough men to do unspeakable things to the enemy.

All the bullshit that came down the pike the last few years before I retired made me sick. When we were ORDERED that we could no longer call it the "Global War on Terror" and Obama ordered us to call it "Overseas Contingency Operations" I knew all hope was lost.

One of the last things I did right before I retired was hold an all hands, all day stand down to hold training on homosexual sensitivity when we got rid of "don't ask don't tell". I was ashamed of the military I was leaving to the Sailors following me.

I spent a career in the military and my early days were a blast. Worked hard and played even harder in ports around the world with women, booze, and debauchery. My poor son served a tour in the Navy and deployed overseas and didn't get to drink once, didn't get to sleep off the ship for 11 months, and had to have a liberty buddy and curfew every time he stepped foot off the ship. He experienced NOTHING like I did as a junior Sailor.

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Stangosaurus Rex
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I was over half way through my career when Clinton took office. He is responsible for the demise of the military. He is the reason I only did 20 and not 30. I was on the first Cruiser, The Vella Gulf, that was built with female berthing. Most of us tried, but the influence was too great. The aftermath of Tailhook was a big thing to cause changes that shaped the Navy as it was then.

"I Get It Now"

Beth Greene
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Picture of Mike the Texan
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Originally posted by Rob Decker:
What an absolute crock of catastrophizing, posturing bullshit. The services have their problems but good Lord is that a whole lot of misplaced blame.

People have to find their niche and fill it. That pays the bills. Starmann is part of a group that makes its money from saying all doom all gloom all the time. He previously wrote for Soldiers For The Truth, which had a similar outlook.

None of this is to say there isn't room for improvement in the military, of course. But it's good to know an author's biases and take a guess at his agenda.
Posts: 220 | Location: Near a white sand beach. | Registered: October 11, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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My military career began just before Ronald Reagan was swearing-in. So I started with Carter and ended with Obummer. Can honestly say that the article is 100% accurate. The biggest problems in our military were brought about by Libs/Dems/Socialists like Carter, Clinton, and Obummer. The military should not be a social experimentation organization -- but one of force. One to be feared and respected.
Posts: 1892 | Location: KY | Registered: April 20, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
His diet consists of black
coffee, and sarcasm.
Picture of egregore
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I disagree that Mattis has done or is doing nothing. The TG business has been halted, although I don't know if existing ones will be "grandfathered" (in a manner of speaking).
Posts: 29447 | Location: Johnson City, TN | Registered: April 28, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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