Originally posted by smschulz:
Originally posted by Ronin101:
He is a minor celebrity that has worked very hard to get where he is. I don't always agree with him but he can give a reasoned discussion about everything he believes. Libertarian that is pro second amendment and a hunter.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_RoganPeople have been screaming at CA members to leave that state for years. He is doing just that. I'm sure he will make a good citizen of TX!
Rogan is far from conservative.
He is literally all over the map on just about every issue.
On his show he is a chameleon assuming the position of whatever guest he has on.
Colion Noir is on - all in on the 2A.
Alonzo Bodden is on and starts bashing guns - he jumps on the bandwagon.
Rogan isn't doing us Texans any favors (politically) by moving here.