Originally posted by Skins2881:
Originally posted by Georgeair:
Tagged to follow.
After reading all the risks of hitting a post-tension cable, I was considering this for a safe in our current slab house. Figured I could slow a casual crook down about as much by bolting to studs as floor, and for a serious thief neither will matter.
Moving to a different home, same construction, and plan to have a safe installed within a few weeks of arrival there.
It's Jackson, MS. I need at least a safe....
If you've ever ran a hammer drill you can tell the difference from drilling in one material to the next. I've never heard of them being used in residential construction. Maybe it has to do with geology of where houses are. It's all rebar here, so very small risk of hitting anything.
We get X-ray's done when we need to drill through commercial buildings, but that's rather pricey and may cost as much or more than safe.