August 02, 2024, 10:59 AM
selogicBrake Check - If person has dash camera, who is at fault
NO scenario is cut and dry once the insurance companies get involved . They complicate everything . My wife was in an accident in a Walmart parking lot where a girl was cutting across the lot and didn't stop to allow my wife to pass . Wife clearly had the right of way and the other driver didn't have a license anyway . Other driver's insurance turned it into a clusterfuck of delays and complications . We prevailed but being right doesn't guarantee an easy win .
August 02, 2024, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by selogic:
I didn't see anything about it being immediately . Did I miss it ?
It appears that you did miss it.
Originally posted by sigarmsp226:
This all happened so quick. He quickly returned to our lane and within one second of him being back in our lane he hit his brakes twice - the first one was a quick tap and the second one he reduced his speed significantly- the second one is where I had to swerve to miss the rear of his car.
August 02, 2024, 01:41 PM
selogicWell there you have it !
August 02, 2024, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by selogic:
Well there you have it !
I missed it too, first time around. Took a couple readings to really see it.
August 03, 2024, 03:11 AM
bendableAre you asking if dash cams relieve you of all responsibility ?
August 03, 2024, 04:00 AM
Originally posted by bendable:
Are you asking if dash cams relieve you of all responsibility ?
No I don’t think he is.
He’s asking if a dash cam would provide enough evidence to incriminate the other driver for deliberately trying to cause an accident if I read the question correctly.
August 03, 2024, 04:07 AM
KMitch - Yes, that was my question.
The bad news in this situation for me was mine was not working at the time (thank goodness no accident occurred) but it made me realize that I needed to get mine working again.
August 03, 2024, 10:43 PM
jimmy123xThe person that rear ends the car in front of them is at fault, the ticket is called "failure to use due care". Not sure why people tail gate the car in front of them instead of staying a safe distance behind them (a few car lengths or so depending on speed), you get there just as fast.......