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Donald Trump is a first-rate ass clown, but... Login/Join 
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Originally posted by Tubetone:
The problem with over-negative saturation is that it loses credibility and just becomes noise.

Jeb Bush threw $100 million into negatives and got no result because it was tuned out as voters looked at Trump's agenda.

At the current rate, the MSM will be reporting that 128% of Hispanic voters will not vote for Trump and that 119% of black voters won't as well. 70 rump Republicans doesn't represent the party but the fallacy of the bandwagon argument has always garnered some small number of thoughtless voters. Partisan hyperbole can discount its own message.

The counter message will get out despite the cable outlets. I guess CNN has dropped itself to 3rd behind MSNBC. Does that show some of the concept in reality? Maybe it's the Olympics?

The airheads in the man-on-the-street interviews don't watch the MSM news anyway. Those who are interested will want to know more and will see that Trump threatens to disrupt the status quo.

The polls showed that Trump had huge deficits among various subgroups in the primaries as well. But, the "favorability" poll numbers did not and do not mean that voters will not vote for Trump anyway. Indeed, voting for Hillary requires voting against favorability and trustworthy numbers.

Various disgruntled Republicans have been throwing a long temper tantrum but they should feel threatened because Trump will not give us the same ole' RINO results. Trump has a philosophy that embraces unpredictability that concerns some Republicans and Democrats and those in the donor-controlled system.

The threatened and immature grudge-holders will yelp all along the way. Perhaps this is better than Burr and Hamilton but it will be tedious.

Too true. Some of the lefties can't even remember why they are outraged anymore, there has been so much BS flying they can't remember that Trump eats KFC with a knife and fork!

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Yes, it's only August, and the news media has whipped itself into such a frenzy, they've nothing left to do but keep repeating the same stuff. My hope is that enough voters have now become aware of and are fed up with these charlatans, and ignore all of their lies and put Trump in the White House. Wouldn't it be glorious? I'd tune in to CNN and MSNBC every night for two weeks after a Trump victory. Comedy Gold it would be.
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Bad dog!
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^^^ Yes, exactly. Smile


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Peace through
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They'd have to have EMS standing by on the set, ready to defibrillate and revive the dying leftists. Dropping like flies, I tells ya!
Posts: 110960 | Registered: January 20, 2000Report This Post
Partial dichotomy
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Fox News Host STUNS Viewers with THIS URGENT Hillary Warning To America!
ByProud ConservativePosted on August 4, 2016 carlson

It’s not too often we get to hear a news host make a claim on national television that is so definitive that you wonder if they will lose their job afterward, but that’s what just happened on “Fox & Friends,” when Tucker Carlson issued an urgent warning to Republicans who oppose Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton as president will change America forever, and not in a positive way.

“This is a pivot point in American history. If Hillary is elected – everyone is focused on her deficits as a person. The truth is it’s her policies. She’s going to open the borders, pack the Supreme Court and you are not going to have the same country. Maybe you like that, maybe you don’t. But we’re not going back to the status quo, period. And so Republicans need to understand if Trump loses, it is a new America, OK? A lot is on the line, whether you like him or not. That is real.”


We certainly agree with Tucker Carlson here. Republicans who oppose Trump need to take notice that if Hillary gets elected, our country will never be the same.

Of course, Trump doesn’t make all Republican voters happy, but any Republican who is considering voting for Hillary over Trump needs to understand the catastrophic consequences she will have on our country.

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I don't get why that's considered stunning. Unless you consider honest reporting stunning.
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Picture of Tubetone
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Originally posted by parabellum:
They'd have to have EMS standing by on the set, ready to defibrillate and revive the dying leftists. Dropping like flies, I tells ya!

I'm not so sure. I think they'd be texting their "I Need A New Angle To Stay On Message" department with statements posed as questions such as: "This could not have happened?" . . . and so on.

It would probably be Trump's first day as the failed president-elect.

. . . and that's just from the Republicans already lined up for 2020. Wink

We should face the fact that Trump's presidency will be a constant misinformation/negative campaign by the same ones who are stuck on it now, including the media.

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A concern to all honest hard working Americans that desire making America the best place on earth is lost on our media promoting an unindited felon who is determined to racially divide our people through pandering, blatant lies, memory loss, all the while lining her pockets bemoaning the 1% she has become.

I truly don't understand how so many people can remain un-informed, choosing to remain comatose, not wanting to assimilate into our great country.

I recall seeing a map of the U.S.A (on this forum) showing the different states redrawn by race & non-contributing free loaders. That map seemed so far fetched, but now I'm not so sure.

I'm 70 years old, will always love our country, I wish more people felt the same.
I hope I don't come across negative, I'm just really pissed off!!
Posts: 5775 | Location: west 'by god' virginia | Registered: May 30, 2009Report This Post
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They're tearing him down so they can build him up again. Then when he wins, they can say "We knew it all along".
Posts: 958 | Registered: October 07, 2013Report This Post
Oh stewardess,
I speak jive.
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MSM is abandoning their pretense of journalism

It's important to understand and remember that FOX, CNN, MSNBC, Rush, Beck, HuffPo, Breitbart, et al, are first and foremost in the Entertainment business, of the so-called Infotainment variety, and this focus is both philosophical and a legal distinction as they are NOT primarily in the News business and are not legally bound to report truthfully or without bias. This ambiguity is by design on their part, and intentionally obfuscated, and it is true no matter how clearly or how often the word "News" is (mostly-falsely) associated with each.

They may have a facade and pretense of being real Journalists whose primary focus is reporting the News, but it is simply untrue in every sense of the word. And this is just as true whether we like what they're "reporting" or not. It doesn't matter who the writer or reporter is, you simply cannot, basically - ever, expect that what you're getting is true / objective Journalism of a traditional variety. It is mostly Entertainment, on purpose...

Every one of them may as well be The View redux for targeted audiences (because Ad Revenue is really what they're all about), even though many of them dress up the sets and delivery and pretend to be Newscasters and real Journalists. FOX skated under the radar for a while, and found a large audience because they were telling people in an untapped media market more of what they wanted to hear, though they've thrown the veil off entirely during this election cycle and shown their true colors, too.

Expecting otherwise is folly, and the only thing new about it lately is the degree to which it's true and the brazenness of those doing the talking, writing, and scheming.
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Only the strong survive
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Originally posted by parabellum:
They'd have to have EMS standing by on the set, ready to defibrillate and revive the dying leftists. Dropping like flies, I tells ya!

Big Grin Big Grin Oh why, Oh why...would you do that. They will just breed again and produce more leftists. I have enough trouble with two of them living on both sides of one place. Frown They think they can do no wrong.

And what about the EMS's their duty even though they don't like it. Sometimes they move a little slow when one of them drops. Smile


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Info Guru
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Originally posted by 46and2:
MSM is abandoning their pretense of journalism

It's important to understand and remember that FOX, CNN, MSNBC, Rush, Beck, HuffPo, Breitbart, et al, are first and foremost in the Entertainment business, of the so-called Infotainment variety, and this focus is both philosophical and a legal distinction as they are NOT primarily in the News business and are not legally bound to report truthfully or without bias. This ambiguity is by design on their part, and intentionally obfuscated, and it is true no matter how clearly or how often the word "News" is (mostly-falsely) associated with each.

But...It's NOT just entertainment. If it was entertainment and ratings/dollars driven, there would be several competitors copying Fox News and trying to get those viewers/dollars. If a network news department switched to a real news, semi-objective, air both sides of an issue format it would clean up in ratings and dollars. It would absolutely put the other networks out of business and the people in charge of these networks and news divisions know this to be true.

What we have here is years and years of journalism schools actively teaching students that their job is to advocate and force change. This is not a hidden agenda, one can simply look at the curriculum of J schools and it is plainly out in the open.

Ever since Watergate the objective has been to advance progressivism no matter the cost.

I tapped out during the Clinton years. The last time I watched a network news broadcast was during Desert Shield/Desert storm. I attempted to check the live coverage of the Ferguson riots and quickly learned that I could get better information online like I usually do. Better live shots without the inane commentary. I don't even know what channels the cable news networks are on.

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
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Reince Priebus appeared with Trump this evening in Altoona, PA, to put to rest that he and Trump have discussed defunding, etc. They made it VERY CLEAR that the entire thing was the fabrication of the media. There is no feud between the two at all.

The liberal media will create anything they can between now and November 8th to help Hillary. They have free reign to lie as much as necessary to assure a victory.

Understand that and don't be their foot soldier.
Posts: 1562 | Location: Chester County, PA | Registered: February 12, 2016Report This Post
Step by step walk the thousand mile road
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Remember folks, if he wins the general election on November 8, 2016, there will be legal contests that will make those of Bush (43) vs. Gore look like small claims court cases.

If, having survived that process, Trump manages to accrue the necessary 270 votes in the Electoral College on December 19, 2016, I bet there will be lawsuits filed challenging everything, including the Constitutionality of the Electoral College process.

And then, if he managed to get this far, he has to make it to around 1300 EST on January 20, 2017, when he completes the following statement: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

And if we get to that point, we need Noah 2.0 and the Ark II because the liberal tears will be like a biblical flood.

Nice is overrated

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Free radical
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Originally posted by JALLEN:
I like watching Fox News, have for years, even with Geraldo, but if they are going to run live Clinton nonsense like they have been, I'm out of there.

Fox News has Clinton, AHC runs Hitler/Nazi crap.... I've seen more baseball games this summer than in the rest of my summers put together (70 of them).

Hillary is showing up on Fox News because Mark Cuban advised her to:

And she even introduced a "real person" surrogate at the DNC.

CNN is running Breaking News reruns today: "Khan asks McCain to withdraw Trump support". (I won't bother with a URL to today's rehash.)

As for Hitler and the Nazis on the former Military Channel, I actually learned a lot of world history from watching that and especially the series on "The Great War". But yes, the reruns aren't interesting.

Like others on here, I don't watch much "national news" on TV and let others share selected excerpts. The last "national news" that I saw was when I turned on the TV one morning and saw/heard an unprepared Tom Brokaw babbling about banning "AR14s" on "Meet the Press." I turned off the TV and then checked online to see what had happened.
Posts: 1140 | Registered: April 02, 2007Report This Post
Picture of Tubetone
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Originally posted by 46and2:
MSM is abandoning their pretense of journalism

It's important to understand and remember that FOX, CNN, MSNBC, Rush, Beck, HuffPo, Breitbart, et al, are first and foremost in the Entertainment business, of the so-called Infotainment variety, and this focus is both philosophical and a legal distinction as they are NOT primarily in the News business and are not legally bound to report truthfully or without bias (emphasis added)

I am curious about your point here. Are you saying or implying that the MSM must legally report "truthfully and without bias" because they are in the news business as opposed to entertainment? Please, if you will, expand on your thoughts, if so.

If the MSM had to answer for untruthfulness and bias, there would need to be a regulatory agency that had the volume capacity of a black hole. O.K. . . . at least something moving toward that kind of capacity.

ABC, CBS & NBC. Are these the MSM outlets that you say must, by law, report truthfully and without bias - unlike cable? Do you have a citation for your legal proposition?

Even the equal time rule has loads of exceptions but that rule does not refer to truthfulness or unbiased reporting. Dan Rather, Brian Williams and the list goes on were not in any sense unbiased and, in clear cases, truthful.

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Originally posted by Tubetone:
Originally posted by 46and2:
MSM is abandoning their pretense of journalism

It's important to understand and remember that FOX, CNN, MSNBC, Rush, Beck, HuffPo, Breitbart, et al, are first and foremost in the Entertainment business, of the so-called Infotainment variety, and this focus is both philosophical and a legal distinction as they are NOT primarily in the News business and are not legally bound to report truthfully or without bias (emphasis added)

I am curious about your point here. Are you saying or implying that the MSM must legally report "truthfully and without bias" because they are in the news business as opposed to entertainment? Please, if you will, expand on your thoughts, if so.

If the MSM had to answer for untruthfulness and bias, there would need to be a regulatory agency that had the volume capacity of a black hole. O.K. . . . at least something moving toward that kind of capacity.

ABC, CBS & NBC. Are these the MSM outlets that you say must, by law, report truthfully and without bias - unlike cable? Do you have a citation for your legal proposition?

Even the equal time rule has loads of exceptions but that rule does not refer to truthfulness or unbiased reporting. Dan Rather, Brian Williams and the list goes on were not in any sense unbiased and, in clear cases, truthful.

In what you bolded, I think he would have been correct had the word "legally" been replaced by "ethically." There is no "legal" mandate for the news media to report "truthfully or without bias." Their only judge is the court of public opinion.
Posts: 1562 | Location: Chester County, PA | Registered: February 12, 2016Report This Post
Admin/Odd Duck

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Originally posted by parabellum:
They'd have to have EMS standing by on the set, ready to defibrillate and revive the dying leftists. Dropping like flies, I tells ya!

Originally posted by 41:
Big Grin Big Grin Oh why, Oh why...would you do that. They will just breed again and produce more leftists.

No one said the defibrillators needed to be placed around the heart. There are other places they could be put on which would negatively affect their breeding.

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There is iron in my words of death for all to see.
So there is iron in my words of life.

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safe & sound
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It's sad that you would say such a thing. I'm planning to vote for Trump but that's not good enough for you, because I voted for someone else in the primary.

Voting for Trump is good enough for me. What isn't good enough for me is the persistent negativity. I don't care who anybody voted for in the primary.

I have an employee like this with restaurants. Doesn't matter where we go. Doesn't matter how good things are. He will bend over backwards to find something to complain about.

And sure... let's all just ignore what's going on in the campaign.

How about we just ignore the media reports about what's going on in the campaign?

Instead of posting all of the negative crap that others have reported, why not post your personal observations?

If it doesn't go our way you can always blame it on the people who voted for someone else in the primary. That's unity for you.

Who voted for who in the primary doesn't matter. What does matter is who's promulgating false and potentially damaging information.

Why is it so difficult to focus on the positive for some of you?

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Political Cynic
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when you consider the media being a shill for the democrats, you're making an assumption that republicans are distinctly different, and that hasn't been in evidence in 8 years

republicans and democrats are the same coin - just different sides

Trump is the outsider - he's not on the coin

the only thing that makes any sense is that both the republicans and the democrats want Hillary to win

their actions post convention point to no other conclusion

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