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Political Cynic![]() |
well the other side of the coin is that when enough people get pissed off, a lot of turn over is going to happen at the Congress end of town, so perhaps Trump will sweep a lot of real conservatives into place with him. Can he bet everything done? Probably not, but I am willing to bet he will at least try - which is something the republicans in power today haven't done in 10 years. Is Trump the best? No - but he's a damned sight better than anyone else on the stage right now. The two party system got us to where we are today - one party. Time for a real change. And if its a third party, then some of us have hope. Otherwise, more of the same will simply give us more of the same and it will be ultimately worse than it is now. These are the people that created every problem we face. They did so because they were ignorant AND stupid. How can that same group of people be expected to fix the problems? [B] Against ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC | |||
Member![]() |
+1 Donald Trump is a breath of fresh air. In his interview with Ammoland he called Karl Rove a loser. No other candidate has the balls to call it like he sees it. I am tired of all of the broken promise of the beltway republicans. I am tired of seeing the country that I love turned into a third world country. We are the only country that has ever put a man on the moon. Now thanks to the clowns in Washington we have to beg the Russians to take out astronauts to the space station. I agree with Donald Trump lets make America great again. ______________________________________________________________________________ My grandfather voted republican until the day he died, now he votes democrat. | |||
Member |
That is almost exactly what my FIL said, nhtag. Here's the kick. Big kick. He's a Democrat and voted for Obama. The statement might have more consequence than is apparent. I haven't asked him what he thinks about Trump, but will do, say, a month from now. Back to mowing weeds. *************************** Knowing more by accident than on purpose. | |||
Knows too little about too much ![]() |
Absolutely damn right! One party with two different names and no balls to be found under anyone's skirt! If Trump doesn't make it, I hope he can stick around and irritate enough people to force the eventual candidate to grow a pair and deal with the problems facing this country. It's going to be hard for anyone to wishy-washy their way into the WH after Trump has clearly state the issues we face. Well unless the mentally-defective turn out for Ms. William Jefferson Clinton, liar extraordinaire! RMD TL Davis: “The Second Amendment is special, not because it protects guns, but because its violation signals a government with the intention to oppress its people…” Remember: After the first one, the rest are free. | |||
Banned |
""Trump is going to be really dismayed when he figures out that all the grand and glorious stuff he plans can't be done without the herd of cats at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue, who have their own ideas about some of these things, their own needs, their own bases to mollify."" I figure that when/if this happens, Mr Trump will turn his attention to those who won't go along, & Mr Trump will not be subtle about it. I bet he would call them out by name, & raise the ire of the people against them. Plus, we have to get to that point 1st. If we nominate Jeb!, Krispy Kreme, or some other RINO, we will never get to the point of even having an executive President that WANTS to change things. | |||
Member |
I agree that you need the other Republicans on board to get things done, but at least the Republicans won't be afraid to get anything done like they are in our current situation. | |||
Bad dog!![]() |
Right, just look at Obama. He couldn't get shit done because of that herd of cats. Like federalizing one-sixth of the economy. Oh, wait. Well, okay, but when the Republicans took the House and Senate on the promise to repeal Obamacare, then... Oh, yeah, nothing at all happened. But when Obama kept the border open and began distributing green cards like some drunk Santa....Okay, bad example. So let's take Iran, and Obama basically handing them nuclear weapons.... Hmmm. Well, okay, Obama got all that and much more including reams of executive actions done despite the herd of cats, but... see, he had all those years as a community organizer. Organizer? Get it? The man knows how to get stuff done. As opposed to Trump. What does Trump know about getting stuff done? ______________________________________________________ "You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone." | |||
Lawyers, Guns and Money ![]() |
'Anchor Baby' Flap Shows Left Losing Grip By Jack Cashill “You said that you have a big heart, and that you’re not mean-spirited,” queried ABC reporter Tom Llamas. “Are you aware that the term ‘anchor baby,’ that’s an offensive term? People find that hurtful.” The target for Llamas’s pique, of course, was presidential candidate Donald Trump. Yes, “hurtful” and “offensive.” Llamas joined ABC less than a year earlier, but he had already mastered the rudiments of progressive patois, the language of victimization. As ABC’s designated Hispanic avatar, he felt free to spell out the left’s newly revised semantic codes to the insufficiently ethnic Trump. “You mean [anchor baby] is not politically correct, and yet everybody uses it?” said Trump defiantly. “You know what? Give me a different term.” Llamas had swung at the wrong piñata. There was no good answer to Trump’s question. Said Llamas lamely, “the American-born childs [sic] of undocumented immigrants.” This suggestion was so foolishly cumbersome even his fellow reporters snickered. Trump scoffed, “You want me to use that? Okay. I’ll use the word ‘anchor baby.'” Game, set, match -- Trump. For a half-century or more, the left has been imposing its absurd, improvised values on America. In the age of Obama, that imposition has taken on the force of law. Historians may well look back upon the Obergefell v. Hodges decision in late June as the most forward salient in the left’s slog through the institutions. Having forced gay marriage and its consequences on the nation’s dispirited conservatives, progressives thought the battlefield theirs. It was not. Unexpectedly, two people emerged this summer to counter the left’s relentless attack on the nation’s traditions. One, of course, is Trump. In disposing of Llamas, this unlikely culture warrior showed once again the simple glory of rational resistance. Conservatives have been yearning for someone to fight back since Ronald Reagan hung up his cowboy hat. Trump is no Reagan, but he is a fighter. The second and even less expected partisan is David Daleiden, the 26-year-old project lead of the Center for Medical Progress (CMP). If Trump is the counter-revolution’s firebrand, its John Brown, Daleiden is its Harriet Beecher Stowe, the quiet chronicler of the evil that undermines the left’s claim to superior morality. Daleiden’s videos could make a Nazi gag. They provide visual evidence of what conservatives only imagined, namely the sausage-making side of a cause that the left embraces sacramentally. Gun-shy just months ago, conservatives now voice their disgust openly and everywhere. If dismembering unborn babies and trafficking in their body parts is not evil, they ask, what is? Refusing to bake a gay wedding cake? Flying a Confederate flag? Calling Bruce Jenner “Bruce”? The moral “outrage” advantage has swung sharply from left to right. Although at first glance Clinton found the CMP videos “disturbing,” she quickly realigned her rhetoric with that of her base. Said she later of the videos, “I think it is unfortunate that Planned Parenthood has been the object of such a concerted attack for so many years. And it’s really an attack against a woman’s right to chose.” Those who have seen the CMP videos thought Hillary’s whine empty and obscene. Imagined wars on women cannot compete with real images of dead babies. Like Llamas, Hillary Clinton had yet to come to terms with the shift in moral momentum. Last week, in response to the use of the term “anchor babies” by Trump and Jeb Bush, the spiritually obtuse Clinton tweeted, “They’re called babies.” She sent this reflexively pious tweet on the same day that the CMP released its most unnerving video to date, one in which a clinic worker tearfully described how she cut the brain out of an aborted baby whose heart was still beating. Clinton’s mindless response stoked the Twitter universe. “I thought you guys preferred ‘fetus,’” said one tweeter. “How about 'Clump of anchor cells’?” said another. “But you are a-ok with @ppact chopping their heads in half and plucking out the brains of unborn babies. you are sick!” said a third. As I argue in my new book Scarlet Letters: The Ever-Increasing Intolerance of the Cult of Liberalism, the left has succeeded in bullying the right because so few people have stood up to the bullies. As Trump and Daladein have shown, it is not that hard to do. Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com...p.html#ixzz3jZLoOhxr "Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." -- Justice Janice Rogers Brown "The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth." -rduckwor | |||
Admin/Odd Duck![]() |
It's so easy to spot the term "ass clown" among the other topics. I like the title. Every morning when I check in, I am looking for the "ass clown" topic. ____________________________________________________ New and improved super concentrated me: Proud rebel, heretic, and Oneness Apostolic Pentecostal. There is iron in my words of death for all to see. So there is iron in my words of life. | |||
Member |
I'm an ass clown! *************************** Knowing more by accident than on purpose. | |||
Lighten up and laugh![]() |
As long as Cruz is in the race I'm not voting for Trump, but I like the guy and think this is great. If Cruz ever drops out I'd find it hard to vote for one of the others over Trump. He's winning me over. My issue with him isn't just conservatism, but some of the progressive stances like going into people's bank accounts to pay down the debt. You can't say someone is putting America first if they aren't putting the Constitution first. I said it a few pages ago, but it also worries me having someone who's not used to being told no (like the guy in there now) in power during an age of expanded executive orders. You can't close Pandora's Box by kicking it open further. We know he is great on a lot of issues, but I'd like to learn where his heart is on some of that stuff. I don't even think Reagan had the fire and generated the same enthusiasm as Trump, but Cruz seems like the guy a lot of us have been waiting for since 1980. If he's not in the race Trump is stronger than the rest and probably would be better for the country. The way the momentum and polls are going it looks like I'll get one of my top two. It's a great feeling. | |||
Bad dog!![]() |
^^^ Trump/Cruz Make America Great Again ______________________________________________________ "You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone." | |||
Member![]() |
Obama was the first black president and the Hildabeast wants to be the first woman president. If Trump does pull it off, we'll have another first. His wife will be the first, First Lady that has posed for Playboy Magazine. I'm sure if he becomes the nominee, the MSM will try to make a big deal out of it. | |||
Glorious SPAM!![]() |
They shouldn't. Women's liberation and all ![]() | |||
Member![]() |
"I don't even think Reagan had the fire and generated the same enthusiasm as Trump, but Cruz seems like the guy a lot of us have been waiting for since 1980." I was in High School in '80, so my memory may not be all that telling, but while Reagan was the RNC favorite & later nominee, the enthusiasm for him was not as "high" or "exciting" at the time. I think the ground swell support for him, at the time, was more support for something/anything that was not Jimmy Carter or anything like the peanut farmer. In 80, I don't think people knew what to expect from RWR but they damn sure knew what they didn't want anymore of. He certainly talked in conservative terms but he was largely not well known as how he would be as POTUS. I suppose those in California, had a clearer idea at the time, than the rest of the country. I went to a Reagan stumper speech at a smallish hangar at Ft. Worths' Meacham Field. By todays standards, it would have been considered a small event. BY RWR second election, I think the country knew what he was all about & that was definitely a time a great enthusiasm for Reagan. I think Cruz has great potential as a leader. I hope he begins to resonate to the voters. Trump is effective in bringing issues to front but dang if I can't get the idea of Ross Perot out of my head. | |||
Lawyers, Guns and Money ![]() |
I couldn't agree more. Great potential. Of course, Donald Trump is showing great potential and drawing a crowd which could turn into gathering votes.... we'll see. I'm glad Trump and Cruz are playing nice with one another. "Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." -- Justice Janice Rogers Brown "The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth." -rduckwor | |||
Mired in the Fog of Lucidity |
I agree! I think Walker would be in third place for me. | |||
Member![]() |
Great thread. Thanks. I'm all in for Donald. Bob | |||
Member![]() |
I believe Walker, also would be quite capable. He certainly has a more laid back style, which might get overshadowed in such a large group of candidates. My ideal ticket would include Cruz/Walker or even Cruz/Fiorina. | |||
I believe in the principle of Due Process ![]() |
There is no doubt that Reagan shone compared to Jimmy Carter. The Republican race that year was not a slam dunk. George Bush made a race out of it. I remember that year very well. I was an admirer of John Connally, still am. I attended a fund raiser for Connally at an estate of another Texas Ex up above La Jolla. He and Mrs. Connally were there, mingling amongst the gathering. I had not met her before, a most charming and gracious woman. Connally was arguably the most impressive men I have ever met. That evening, he gave a talk about the world petroleum situation, a survey of each country's situation and interests in terms understandable by the service station owner on the corner. For all his skill, insight, experience, Connally had no chance against Reagan. For one thing, like Reagan, Connally had been a Democrat, but much more recently. Unlike Reagan, he had just been acquitted in a bribery trial, and he had nowhere near the name recognition and political standing in the party that Reagan had earned. His biggest asset, the judgment forged in years of experience in politics, was his biggest liability, the connection with LBJ, and Nixon. I've always thought Connally would have been a magnificent President, but so, it turned out, was Reagan. No matter what else Reagan did, the Iranians couldn't get rid of those hostages fast enough as his inauguration approached. Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me. When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson "Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown | |||
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