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Donald Trump is a first-rate ass clown, but... Login/Join 
Bad dog!
Picture of justjoe
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You don't need a crystal ball to see what's coming.

You don't need a crystal ball to see what's happening right now. And what has been happening since the '14 elections. Somehow raising the alarm of a 3rd party doesn't quite make me tremble with fear anymore.


"You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone."
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Past Master
Picture of yucaipa
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Originally posted by justjoe:
You don't need a crystal ball to see what's coming.

You don't need a crystal ball to see what's happening right now. And what has been happening since the '14 elections. Somehow raising the alarm of a 3rd party doesn't quite make me tremble with fear anymore.

If you believe Trump can beat Hillary in 3 way
(or even 2 way) national race, Ladies & Gentlemen of the jury I rest my case. Wink

It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.

Harry S. Truman
"Deep in the heart of the Ozarks"

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Lawyers, Guns
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Somehow raising the alarm of a 3rd party doesn't quite make me tremble with fear anymore.

I hear you... and maybe this time is different... but I'm quite sure Hillary would welcome a 3rd party Donald Trump.
Remember, Ross Perot handed the Presidency to her husband and put her in the White House.

Hillary Clinton’s push on gun control marks a shift in presidential politics

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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Originally posted by chellim1:
So...don't ever allow another opponent of Donald Trump's to accuse him of saying untrue or racist things about illegals who commit horrific crimes against Americans. Mr. Trump was 100% correct, and the very dismaying facts back him up.

Yes, he's right... and I wish other Republicans would talk about the issue rather than attacking Trump and trying to make Trump the issue. Nothing is more likely to make him go independent than attacking him personally. He has a huge ego.

Again, the argument of "Politician" vs "Businessman".

When have you EVER heard a Politician verbally take a stand on anything? They talk in circles, skirt the issue, double-speak, blabber about nonsense.


Because "Politicians" don't want to offend anyone, they're looking for votes.

There's a lot of talk on this thread about the Immigration issue. No Politician is going to come out and say "CLOSE THE BORDER!". The Latino Vote is pretty important, pretty large, and getting larger. Even though that Mexican/Honduran/Cuban/Guatemalan/Columbian... came to this country in the right way, gained citizenship, has a job, votes, does the right thing... they may have family and friends that haven't. The war-cry of "CLOSE THE BORDER" scares them, their sister/brother/friend may have to go back, or not get in. Politicians don't want to chance upsetting that voting block.

The Black vote is pretty important, pretty large, and getting larger... Start talking about welfare reform, and you're loosing their votes.

Social Security? the "third rail" of politics. We all know it needs to be fixed, but just mention that you're going to change it, and you're toast.

Elections aren't won or lost on the platform of "doing the RIGHT THING for this Country" they are won or lost on VOTES. (Well, actually key votes from key states, IIRC on how that whole Electoral thing works)

Attacking Trump is the best way for them not to take a stand, say something along the lines of "Can you believe this guy?", and make the lemmings that vote feel all better about themselves!

"When its time to shoot, shoot. Dont talk!"

“What the government is good at is collecting taxes, taking away your freedoms and killing people. It’s not good at much else.” —Author Tom Clancy
Posts: 8775 | Location: Attempting to keep the noise down around Midway Airport | Registered: February 14, 2008Report This Post
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Originally posted by justjoe:
You don't need a crystal ball to see what's coming.

You don't need a crystal ball to see what's happening right now. And what has been happening since the '14 elections. Somehow raising the alarm of a 3rd party doesn't quite make me tremble with fear anymore.

I think a 3rd Party is long overdue!

But remember, that Party is going to first, have to face a full on attack from the other two Parties! The 3rd Party is upsetting the apple cart! That 3rd Party would have to stand up to a pretty dirty smear campaign.

"When its time to shoot, shoot. Dont talk!"

“What the government is good at is collecting taxes, taking away your freedoms and killing people. It’s not good at much else.” —Author Tom Clancy
Posts: 8775 | Location: Attempting to keep the noise down around Midway Airport | Registered: February 14, 2008Report This Post
Political Cynic
Picture of nhtagmember
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we need a 3rd party desperately

as far as the Latino vote counts - its only the Latino citizens that should be voting so all the illegals and wannabe criminals don't count

if they want to vote, they can swim back to Mexico

I applaud The Donald for speaking it like it is - as for the politicians that don't like it - where have they gotten us?

exactly where we are today, which makes it obvious that 'their way' has been a failure

[B] Against ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC

Posts: 54270 | Location: Tucson Arizona | Registered: January 16, 2002Report This Post
Lighten up and laugh
Picture of Ackks
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If you like Trump he's in the GOP race. Libertarians have Paul, conservatives have Cruz, Walker seems like a good guy in the middle of them, and most people would be happy if any of the three got the nomination. For the first time in years the GOP has really strong people running, so I don't get this third party talk. There are enough bad things going on. Why turn a positive into a negative?
Posts: 7934 | Registered: September 29, 2008Report This Post
Lawyers, Guns
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Picture of chellim1
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If you like Trump he's in the GOP race.

For now. Wink
Libertarians have Paul, conservatives have Cruz, Walker seems like a good guy in the middle of them, and most people would be happy if any of the three got the nomination. For the first time in years the GOP has really strong people running, so I don't get this third party talk.

I totally agree. I welcome Trump... he's useful... for now.
If he goes 3rd party though... he's a spoiler.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
Posts: 25317 | Location: St. Louis, MO | Registered: April 03, 2009Report This Post
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Originally posted by nhtagmember:
we need a 3rd party desperately

as far as the Latino vote counts - its only the Latino citizens that should be voting so all the illegals and wannabe criminals don't count

if they want to vote, they can swim back to Mexico

I applaud The Donald for speaking it like it is - as for the politicians that don't like it - where have they gotten us?

exactly where we are today, which makes it obvious that 'their way' has been a failure

Not in disagreement with you at all!
However, I want you to think about this: The next time you're in a public place, take a look around. Take a good look at the people. Ask yourself "Self, can THAT person handle the cold, hard bitch-slap of reality?"

Seriously! Can THAT PERSON that's on welfare, and not ever a chance of getting off of the Govm't tit and loosing their obama phone accept the fact that they are part of the problem?

"Hey, Senorita, your son is a world class fuck up. The kid isn't supposed to be here, and the only thing that he does while he's here is commit crimes and mess up other peoples lives!"

Look at that skinny-jean wearing, latte-sippin, drivin' the Prious 45mph in the left lane, and tell him its HIS RIGHT as well to carry a gun, waive the Confederate Flag and eat red meat that you killed.

I hate to sound like a over-quoted Jack Nicholson, but they can't handle the truth. They just want to feel good, not make too many hard decisions in their lives and exist with their head in the sand.

"When its time to shoot, shoot. Dont talk!"

“What the government is good at is collecting taxes, taking away your freedoms and killing people. It’s not good at much else.” —Author Tom Clancy
Posts: 8775 | Location: Attempting to keep the noise down around Midway Airport | Registered: February 14, 2008Report This Post
Political Cynic
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I look around all the time whenever I have the urge to go out into a crowded public place and it makes me cringe

most of them I think would be dead within a few days if you cut off the milk supply

I am a legal immigrant and illegals make me want to go postal - amnesty talk makes me consider that person to be an absolute zero and a contemptable SOB - it demeans everything I went through and makes 'citizenship' a sticker.

A third party would accomplish a lot. Would make for very useful coalitions where two groups could get together to thwart rogue behavior. But it would work both ways - could also guarantee passage of something meaningful. Right now we have one party.

[B] Against ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC

Posts: 54270 | Location: Tucson Arizona | Registered: January 16, 2002Report This Post
Lighten up and laugh
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Ted Cruz and Donald Trump to meet Wednesday in New York

Sen. Ted Cruz (Tex.) and real-estate mogul Donald Trump -- each running for the Republican presidential nomination as anti-establishment outsiders -- are cultivating an already chummy relationship at this early stage of the 2016 race and will huddle Wednesday in New York.

The meeting was confirmed by Republicans familiar with both campaigns who requested anonymity to discuss private conversations. Aides to Cruz declined to comment, as did Trump representatives.

The meeting will take place at Trump Tower, the gleaming Manhattan skyscraper where Trump has for decades managed his business endeavors, according to knowledgeable Republicans. The building now serves as the headquarters for Trump’s national political operation.

The conclave is the latest sign of budding solidarity between the contenders, who have been friendly for several years and who have put forceful critiques of illegal immigration and their party’s establishment at the center of their bids.

In recent weeks, Cruz has defended remarks Trump made on immigrants over the past month that have drawn rebukes from leading Democrats and Republicans. Trump said in his announcement speech that when "Mexico sends its people," it sends people who are "bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists."

While other Republicans called Trump’s words "offensive and inaccurate" (Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida) or "extraordinarily ugly" (former Florida governor Jeb Bush), Cruz praised Trump as someone who is "terrific" and "speaks the truth."

Asked about Cruz in an interview over the weekend, Trump told The Washington Post, "I really respect him for saying what he did."

Earlier this month on CNN, Trump said, "I shouldn't say this because, I assume, he's an opponent, but the fact is he was very brave in coming out."

Cruz has previously met with the mogul at Trump Tower, mostly during fundraising swings through New York.

Republicans close to Cruz said the first-term senator is intent on staying cozy with Trump in spite of the billionaire’s controversial persona, believing that their overlapping messages and support make them fellow-travelers in a crowded field.

Should Trump leave the primary contest at some point, Cruz is also angling for his endorsement or at least lingering goodwill among the conservatives who have rallied to Trump’s side as he has revived the hard-line wing of the GOP on immigration, the Republicans said.

Republicans acquainted with Trump’s circle said the feeling is mutual. They said Trump is content to form an informal bond with Cruz -- the son of a Cuban immigrant -- and sees him as an accompanying voice on immigration who could help him to fend off attacks. The first GOP debate is set for Aug. 6 in Cleveland.

Last week, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus called Trump and asked him to tone things down. It appears that he has ignored that advice.

In a fiery speech delivered to thousands on Saturday in Phoenix, Trump declared: "These are people that shouldn’t be in our country. They flow in like water."

And on Wednesday, he will meet with Cruz, best known for his role in the 2013 government shutdown and his congressional showdowns over illegal immigration.
Posts: 7934 | Registered: September 29, 2008Report This Post
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Originally posted by yucaipa:
Trump is the 'Ross Poret' of 2016, He has given Clinton money and support for decades. Hilliary already knows she can't win a 2 man race just like Bill in 92.

As soon as it becomes clear he can't win the 'R' nomination, and he has allowed the left to tell America that his most extreme statements speak for all R's.

He'll claim the system is corrupt, bla-bla-bla and he'll run 3rd party. The same imbeciles on the right will show up "I refused to vote for the lesser of two evils", and every vote for Trump will be a vote for Clinton, just like 92.

You don't need a crystal ball to see what's coming.

Interesting take on Trump, a False Flag strategy. He is entertaining! MG
Posts: 2714 | Registered: March 22, 2010Report This Post
God will always provide
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Who would have thought the Hispanics are not for Trump after all the BS hype and under reporting of what he said.
"Politico Link"
Poll: Trump's favorability increasing, but not with Hispanics
By NICK GASS 7/15/15 7:55 AM EDT Updated 7/15/15 12:45 PM EDT
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Americans have increasingly positive views of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump since his remarks on immigration, though many more still dislike him by nearly a 2-to-1 margin, according to a new ABC News/Washington Post poll released Wednesday.
Thirty-three percent of those surveyed said they had a favorable view of the billionaire real-estate mogul, while 61 percent said they did not. Still, that is an improvement from the last ABC News/Washington Post poll, conducted in May before Trump’s campaign announcement, when 71 percent viewed him unfavorably and just 16 percent said they had a favorable impression of him.
Story Continued Below
Among Hispanics, however, his negatives are soaring. Just 13 percent said they have a positive opinion of Trump, who last month said undocumented immigrants who are “rapists” and “killers” are coming across the border from Mexico and other countries. Eighty-one percent of Hispanics said they have an unfavorable impression of him.
The only groups that see Trump favorably are Republicans and strong conservatives, according to the poll. Republicans view Trump favorably by a margin of 57 percent to 40 percent, while those identifying as very conservative view him favorably by a margin of 55 percent to 37 percent. Among all whites, 53 percent see him unfavorably, along with 74 percent of nonwhites, 58 percent of independents and 60 percent of moderates.
Among Democrats, Hillary Clinton’s favorability rating (52 percent to 45 percent) tops that of Bernie Sanders’ (27 percent to 28 percent), though a plurality (45 percent) of those surveyed said they had no opinion of the independent Vermont senator.
The poll was conducted July 8-12 via landline and cellphones in English and Spanish, surveying a random national sample of 1,011 adults. The results carry a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.
Posts: 4485 | Location: White City, Florida | Registered: January 11, 2009Report This Post
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As others have posted, I hope Trump keeps bringing up issues the boot black politicians avoid.

I wish the Donald would say there's plenty of Social Security money for those that worked, we're not going to cut back at all. We're gonna give raises to you folks.

We are going to cut back on welfare, free handouts and you will be drug tested in order to receive taxpayer money.
Posts: 5775 | Location: west 'by god' virginia | Registered: May 30, 2009Report This Post
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Just watched the big Donald Trump speech. Damn, I don't think I disagree with a single point he made. I'd personally like to see him on a stage with the others and Hillary. He would tear them to shreds. He is saying all the stuff we know is true, but politicians wont say.
Posts: 3577 | Registered: February 25, 2010Report This Post
I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not
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Originally posted by Ackks:
He's basically another Chris Christie progressive who's wrong on most of the issues, but we get tricked into liking him because he speaks his mind.

yep..thats what I think
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Didn't someone on here claim that Trump would never file his financial disclosure?

Trump Files Disclosure, Touts $10 Billion Net Worth

I like his approach of neither hiding nor apologizing for his wealth. He seems to be telling everyone "I'm really rich" and trying to convince them how great it would be for them to be rich too. I've long supported the approach of always attacking and never, never, apologizing for anything. Seems to be working so far for The Donald. Smile

Guns are awesome because they shoot solid lead freedom. Every man should have several guns. And several dogs, because a man with a cat is a woman. Kurt Schlichter
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Originally posted by Ackks:
If you like Trump he's in the GOP race. Libertarians have Paul, conservatives have Cruz, Walker seems like a good guy in the middle of them, and most people would be happy if any of the three got the nomination. For the first time in years the GOP has really strong people running, so I don't get this third party talk. There are enough bad things going on. Why turn a positive into a negative?

Compared to the DEMs who have Hilary and crap running.....Biden LOL
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Maybe Joe the Dumber wants to be VP again.
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Well Trump seems pretty dang pro-2nd amendment to me. Since jobs/economy, illegal immigration, and gun rights are the tops of my president list, Trump is doing well in that regard.

Trump would end 'gun free zones' on military bases
By Paul Bedard • 7/16/15 6:32 PM


Donald Trump was unfortunately proven right on another one of his top issues Thursday: "gun free zones" at military bases.

Indications that Thursday's shooting at two military bases in Chattanooga, Tenn., occurred at or near "gun free zones."

In an interview with the website, Trump decried the zones on military bases, suggesting that they left highly-trained gun operators without a weapon to fire at attackers, with the exception of military police.

A photo from the scene taken from a local Fox station showed 29 bullet holes around a "gun free zone" sign.

Here's our earlier story:

Pistol-packing GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump ripped a policy implemented by former President Bill Clinton making military bases "gun free zones," declaring that as president bases would no longer be defenseless against terror attacks.

"As Commander-in-Chief, I would mandate that soldiers remain armed and on alert at our military bases." he told the website

"President Clinton never should have passed a ban on soldiers being able to protect themselves on bases. America's Armed Forces will be armed," he added to the website closely watched by gun rights groups and the National Rifle Association.

While military police are armed, the rules prohibit soldiers on bases from packing heat even though virtually all have been trained to use guns. In several terror attacks at military bases, critics of the policy have said that soldiers would have been able to thwart the attack if armed.

Trump agreed, telling Ammoland that as president, "They will be able to defend themselves against terrorists. Our brave soldiers should not be at risk because of policy created by civilian leadership. Political correctness has no place in this debate."

The interview was a tour de force on guns and the Second Amendment by Trump, who recently addressed the NRA annual convention in Nashville.

Trump, permitted to carry a concealed weapon, said that Americans should stay vigilant against gun control on the national and local stage.

"My advice is to remain vigilant. Harassment of this nature will always be with us, but we know that Americans have inherited a strong outdoor and shooting heritage that we are happy to defend," said Trump. "The 2nd Amendment is right, not a privilege. The small minority of anti-everything activists may be vocal, but we have facts, and the Constitution, on our side."

He also said that gun control doesn't work. "Gun control does not reduce crime. It has consistently failed to stop violence. Americans are entitled to protect their families, their property and themselves. In fact, in right-to-carry states the violent crime rate is 24 percent lower than the rest of the United States and the murder rate is 28 percent lower. This should not be up for debate."
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