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hello darkness my old friend ![]() |
Republicans voters were out in force. not so much for Democrats. Republican voters up dramatically from 2012 primary turn out. Iowa R +57% D -27% NH R +19% D -73% SC R +71% D -31% AL R +51% D -27% TX R+103% Just to name a few. | |||
Chip away the stone![]() |
Just heard someone on the radio claim they talked to four people in line at a Republican polling place who said they were Democrats and would vote for Hillary in the general, but that they were voting for Trump in the Repub. primary because they thought she'd whip him in the general. Trump scares me, just like the rest of the candidates to some degree or another, but what sweet irony if he did win in spite of such shenanigans. Of course, the story is probably false, because we all know voter fraud is completely non-existent, as the left says. | |||
Member![]() |
This mornings paper had the totals with 95% of the precincts reporting showing a huge difference in turn out in Tennessee. Total Democrat votes: 339753 Republican: 782608 Trump by himself had 316800, almost as much as Hillary and Sanders combined. | |||
Get my pies outta the oven! ![]() |
I used to like him before all this, but no longer. On CNN last night, he looked shifty as all hell. Not to be trusted. ![]() | |||
Member |
Rubio needs to drop out. | |||
Happily Retired![]() |
Yeah, I agree. Rubio now spends the majority of his time attacking Trump with the same old crap we have been hearing for months. It is now beyond annoying to where if he is on the channel, I turn it to something else. Can't even listen to him now. ![]() .....never marry a woman who is mean to your waitress. | |||
I believe in the principle of Due Process ![]() |
The "establishment" has accused Trump of dealing with the Mob, and sympathizing with the KKK. Next, they'll accuse him of having been a Boy Scout. Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me. When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson "Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown | |||
Festina Lente![]() |
Can somebody please punch William Kristol in the taint? He needs to go elsewhere to play out his games... What kind of "R" hands to White House and the future of the SCOTUS to Hillary? Kristol Lays Out Strategy to Give White House to Hillary: Trump ‘Shouldn’t Win’ by JOHN NOLTE In order to defeat Donald Trump, The Weekly Standard’s Bill Kristol admits he is prepared to hand Hillary Clinton the Oval Office. On Wednesday’s “Morning Joe,” the Republican Establishment leader laid out his plot to deprive Trump of the 50% of delegates necessary to secure the nomination. From there, the idea is to go into a brokered convention and cut a kamikaze deal that awards enough delegates to an “acceptable” candidate (who will have won far fewer votes, states, and delegates than Trump). The problem with the Establishment brokering a behind-closed-door deal that hands the nomination to a Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), is that the backlash against the Republican Party is almost certain to hand Hillary Clinton the presidency. If a bunch of rich, angry GOP elites rob Trump supporters of their victory, the blowback will result in so many voters staying home in November, Hillary wins. As NBC’s Chuck Todd pointed out last night, at this point the delegate math is such that the only way to stop Trump is through this scheme at the convention. As you’ll see below, that outcome is preferable to Kristol, and by extension it is safe to assume that outcome is also fine with the rest of the Republican Establishment. JOE SCARBOROUGH: The fact of the matter is that you know there is no historical precedent with someone doing as well as Candidate Trump did yesterday — winning New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada, [losing the nomination] has never happened before, and as you know there is a momentum, a forward progress– BILL KRISTOL: Right, so we have to stop the momentum, I totally agree. SCARBOROUGH: So that’s my question. There’s no cheering here. I am looking at facts. KRISTOL: To your credit, you have correctly seen that this was not going to be the historically normal year, and it’s not, so maybe we go– SCARBOROUGH: So how do you beat him? KRISTOL: You have to beat him in Florida and Ohio, the first two winner-take-all states, which means there has to be a de facto agreement between the opposition candidates — between the resistance to Trump, which I am proud to be a part of, because I think he’d be a terrible nominee and a terrible president… SCARBOROUGH: You have the authority to broker that deal right now? KRISTOL: Well, they need to. They need to defer to Rubio in Florida and probably to Kasich in Ohio, and say, or imply, that if you are a Cruz voter in Ohio, and if you look up the day before the primary and it’s Trump 42%, Kasich 35% — vote for Kasich. And the truth is if Trump doesn’t win Florida and Ohio, it remains very much of an open race. … Donald Trump [so far] has 35% of the popular vote and 47% of the delegates. That’s a lot better than having 24% of the popular vote and 25% of the delegates, granted. … JOHN HEILEMANN: Just to go a little further on this topic of what Bill’s advocating: As you talk more and more to Republicans, who will say to you privately and sometimes publicly, that they would rather vote for Hillary Clinton than for Donald Trump, [these are the] people who are going to try to stop him — their attitude is: We know that would happen at a contested convention if we took the nomination away from a Donald Trump [who has won through] a plurality of delegates. What would happen is that we would likely alienate his supporters and we would likely lose the presidential election. But their position is that it would be better for us to lose the [general] election than to have Donald Trump tear the Party in half as the nominee. Now you can say that’s suicidal, but that is the posture of people [worried] about the negative effects down ballot. KRISTOL: And [Trump] would still lose the election. And shouldn’t win the election, So, yeah, I agree. This is a good time to ask where this scorch-earthed mentality was when America needed it most to stop Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012. http://www.breitbart.com/big-g...-trump-shouldnt-win/ NRA Life Member - "Fear God and Dreadnaught" | |||
Little ray of sunshine ![]() |
I didn't think Trump could broaden his base of support, but he clearly has been able to do it. His message is appealing to many, and winning primaries seems to draw people in, too. He wouldn't be my pick, but I will certainly support him in the general election over Clinton if that is the way it plays out. The fish is mute, expressionless. The fish doesn't think because the fish knows everything. | |||
safe & sound![]() |
Once upon a time the regular people would tar and feather the miscreants, or perhaps hang them from the nearest tree. Having this in the back of their minds prevented the exact type of behavior on current display. They act this way because they know nothing will happen to them. Not much different than what we see across society as a whole. | |||
Lighten up and laugh![]() |
I said weeks ago that more people would stay home for Trump than Romney because of the stunts he was pulling, but I didn't see this Never Trump movement coming. People want to believe it won't mater, but it has a sitting governor and senator behind it already. What's problematic for Trump is one is a Tea Party conservative and one is Establishment, so it has the ability to pull voters from both groups. I honestly felt this was going to happen anyway on a smaller level with more people blowing off steam then coming out in November and doing the right thing. Now people have the "cover" of a movement to justify it. It's just not good. They only have to siphon 5% of voters in Florida, Ohio and Virginia and Hillary wins. We are looking at them either taking it in Cleveland or taking it in November by telling people to stay home. Graham came out for the possibility of Cruz last night. That should say it all about how serious people are about it. That's like a Red Sox fan saying I hope the Yankees win the World Series. | |||
safe & sound![]() |
That surely doesn't reflect in the primary numbers. Actually, just the opposite. | |||
wishing we were congress |
If people like Bill Kristol, Sen Sasse, Rubio and other establishment types go against the legitimately elected nominee, and cause that person to lose, the Republicans won't win a national election for 10 to 20 years. (JMHO) Bama said it earlier. These political cowards never went all foam mouthed against Obama, the worst candidate in our history, but they want to attack with lies and threats someone who says he will do what tens of millions of Americans want done. | |||
Member |
The Republican Party would lose so much more by giving the election to Hillary in my opinion. | |||
Lighten up and laugh![]() |
a1, I was talking about the levels of hatred I saw being generated. I assumed most of that was steam being blowing off and people would come out in November, but it's the party of Goldilocks. Fox had exit polls last night showing that was reflected by around 50% of voters, but that's not the point now. Now there are people from all sides of the party drilling holes in the boat. Jimineer and syd are right that this is going to set the party back for a decade...if they don't go the way of the Whigs. The other thing people aren't talking about is how this is going to impact senate and congressional races. The Never Trump people aren't thinking about that while they make plans to burn the house down. Stay home or vote Hillary, but vote for Kirk and Toomey or Hillary could walk into office with the Senate and Supreme Court. | |||
safe & sound![]() |
They made their bed, and can now lie in it. I won't loose any sleep. A new party, one that actually represents its members, can emerge. | |||
Ol' Jack always says... what the hell. |
Good. The only reason at this point that I'm still registered as a Republican is so I can vote in the Republican primaries for president. | |||
Member![]() |
I must really like the old days as I keep telling people I am stocking up on oil and feathers. ![]() Moral don't push us too far as, You don't want to make us angry, you won't like us when we get angry..... ------------------------------ Knowing is half the battle! "When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." Thomas Jefferson | |||
Member |
It looks like there is truth in this:
I was looking at the election list and Cruz is generally doing better when the election is only open for republican voters (ie, a closed vote), and Trump does better when the vote is open to both dems and repups to vote for him. Interesting .....I think that the dems voting for Trump don't know what they are in for when he starts tearing Hillary a new one. | |||
Sigforum K9 handler![]() |
We're into March and I'm amazed at some of the comments I see still about Trump, Cruz, and Rubio. For those who just can't bring themselves to vote for Trump. Reasons I've heard have been "I don't trust a salesman" or "He has not given one specific plan of what he is going to do" etc. My suggestion is that you need to do some serious soul searching to see what your priorities are. Do you want this country to move forward? This election is far bigger than Donald Trump. It could determine the course of this country. So, what am I talking about? I'm talking about the "why" behind Trump crushing all comers. I acknowledge that Trump has had some questionable dealings. And that in a Presidential candidate, he would never have been a thought to me. But, his rise to steam rollering everyone else is for some very specific reasons, and those reasons are both symbolic and crucial to Freedom. I'm sure Cruz is a great guy. Rubio is a douche. At this point, Rubio can't even be honest with his own supporters about how bad he is doing. Really dude? My intent is not to run either of them down but highlight a single point. Both Rubio and Cruz are PART OF THE PROBLEM. They are part of the problem in Washington right now. They act and campaign like they haven't been, and that they will make broad changes as President. Horseshit. We all know it. They claim to be different, but they both play by the same rule book. Within 24 hours of Trump getting supported by David Duke, both camps called or alluded to Trump being a racist. And they and the others in politics just don't get why they are getting crushed in this election cycle. The claims of racism against Trump only solidified, and likely drew more people to him. Because the county is racist? Nope not at all. As a matter of fact, all except a small fraction could give a shit less about race. But, those who are energized by Trump's style are sick of the race game. And each time they come out and play that card, it pisses them off more, and they become more committed. Or pick any other issue. It is all the same. If Cruz or Rubio and their folks had simply said "let's not make this about race baiting, and I have no other comments" it might have turned out a little different. But, they are both part of the problem. So why is Trump hated so badly by everyone in Washington? The first reason is that he is a wild card, and both sides of the isle are scared as can be that he is going to upset the gravy train. Both sides of the isle have been complicit for far too long in the buttering of their own bread and no one else's. The second, and larger reason Washington is scared and why this is important to Freedom, is that Trump has energized a base that has been far too long told that they had to vote for the Mitch McConnells and Lindsey Grahams. The guys that claim that they are different side of the coin, but fail to acknowledge they are the same coin. The guys that are like a toddler who continually ask for one more cookie and then they'll clean their room. All of that might now be in jeopardy for them. This sleeping giant that has for far too long been told stuff by the Washington status quo as fact that they had no other choice. Both sides of the isle are calling in chits and favors to attempt to derail Trump. And it is backfiring so badly. Largely because the playbook they use just pisses off people and pushes them toward Trump at a faster rate. People seem to be starting to figure out that although Washington and the media keep insisting that we need Washington, the current political cycle is starting to show that Washington has to have us. The question is will it take? I'd say that all depends. We have the power, and Washington is terrified that Trump's continued success is going to convince us we don't need them. Since I have been on this Earth, every election cycle is the same. Candidate A repeats over and over again that Candidate B, if elected, will kill social security, repeal Roe vs Wade, hurt minorities from getting ahead, conduct a "war on women", won't work with others in Washington, etc. And they travel the country on those talking points knowing full well that these issues are going no where, no matter who is elected. This year, it isn't working and there is a panic inside the camps. The harder they attack Trump, the more that silent giant moves toward him. Frankly, I do not care what Trump has to say. I don't. I'm not a Trump supporter, but I am enjoying watching the establishment squirm in fear. Democrat operatives whining on cable news concerned about Trump "damaging" and the future of the republican party. Wringing their hands about Trump being elected and ruining the "cooperation", "compromise" and "team-work" that goes on in Washington between the left and right. They are terrified right now. Their gravy train is in danger. And I am all for it. Whether you like him or not, Trump is ripping the establishment. Will he be any better? Don't know. But, the implications are far bigger. People who have been told for far to long that "there is nothing they can do" are finding out that they in fact hold the power as a byproduct of Donald Trump. This power, if recognized, could change the face of conservative politics forever. | |||
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