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Donald Trump is a first-rate ass clown, but... Login/Join 
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Originally posted by Southflorida-law:
Trump won, a third of the vote, he has always won a third of the vote, he has yet to go over a third of the vote.

Get the point, the true test for Trump is when the field starts to thin (see Bush thread).

A 1/3 of the people cant elect a president

But they can get Trump the Republican nomination. Trump will continue to win as long as it's a three man race.

Rubio's and Cruz's only hope is that the other drops out soon. In a two man race, Trump vs. Rubio, Trump wins. Trump vs. Cruz would be close, but I believe Trump wins again.

Trump is the Teflon Don. None of the crap he's said sticks. He's the perfect candidate to oppose Hillary, the Teflon Con, in the general election.
Posts: 12390 | Location: SWFL | Registered: October 10, 2007Report This Post
wishing we
were congress
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Please excuse a long post. I saw this in a comment from:

Well written. Here it is:

Karl Rove still does not get it. Once you scratch the surface of the public's attitudes, you begin to realize that there has been a rising tide of discontent and flat out anger - and it needs to come apart at the seams!

Up until 18 months ago, that discontent was largely unorganized, more just driven by the state of the economy and the apparent decline in America. Totally warranted, but unorganized.

The last year, however, what have we seen: VA, ISIS, Bowe Bergdahl, Ebola, the Iran deal, TPP, Syrian refugees, more about the IRS, and to top it off, the immigration fiasco.

That discontent and anger has now become outrage, directed not just at Obama and the RINOs, but at the powers that be -- elites, globalists (my preferred term), the upper crust, political class, whatever you want to call them.

Wall Street, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, Academia, CofC, the DC suburbs are all part of it. And the news media can't spin the ordinary person understanding that all-important truth as a mere "conspiracy theory."

Now while the behavior of those globalists has been absolutely reprehensible and deserving of outrage by the public, it is only really now that people have begun to connect the dots. You name the issue, and you quickly see that everything has been to their benefit, and the expense of the rest of us:

1. Gun control: they have bodyguards, but we're supposed to be defenseless.

2. Food choice: they can buy any high-calorie drink they want (i.e. wine anyone?), but its bad for us to drink a big gulp.

3. School choice: their kids go to private schools, but we're supposed to be stuck in crummy public ones.

4. Environment: they can afford to helicopter to a remote national park, but we're not supposed to be able to drive there -- it might hurt some endangered species no one knew existed and has never been actually seen.

5. Taxes: they get laws written to give them loopholes and deductions so they pay next to nothing, but we're supposed to show patriotism by getting taxed to the hilt. That's their definition of fairness.

6. Foreign policy: they institute an all-volunteer military so their kids escape sacrificing for this country through a draft, but then manipulate and take advantage of the genuine patriotism of the public to fight wars that ultimately benefit these globalists themselves (i.e. Google why they really wanted us to go into Syria).

7. Trade: they tell us that free trade is great for the average American, all the while very free trade policy they implement results in jobs shipped overseas. I guess it is free, just for other countries!

And the list goes on and on and on....

But let's not kid outselves. Their wealth is not the result of capitalism, but cronyism through lobbyists, lawyers, and accountants. In fact, they hurt true capitalism by punishing its very engine: small business.

So should we be surprised that Donald Trump is doing so well? Not really.

What am I surprised about is how those globalists are now trying to accelerate their plans, knowing full well the more they accelerate them, the more people will become aware of their goals. Case in point: amnesty for low-skill illegal immigrants and H1B Visas for high-skill immigrants from 3rd-world countries.

Donald Trump is despised by the globalist elite because he considered by them to be a traitor to his class. He has lifted the veil on how this country REALLY works, whether it be donating to all candidates for special favors, to giving political positions to campaign donors, to even having our military needs dictated by contractors, not the folks in uniform.

When you expose those facts, you make a lot of enemies and burst a lot of bubbles. The vile attacks from everyone from presidents (both parties) to major media outlets, foreign governments, and even religious leaders should show everyone that he speaks the truth.

Moreover, Trump infuriates the ruling class because he is not beholden to them. Any decisions he makes are his decisions, and we've seen his ability to not back done from them either.

Finally, and perhaps the thing the globalists fear the most, is that a Trump presidency means massive investigations and exposing the lies, fraud, and corruption perpetrated by the elites on the public.

Many of these people have literally committed treason, and will try to flee the country to escape justice for the crimes they have committed. And because Trump knows their game better than they do, there is no safe haven for these crooks from the American people.

Going forward, it should be obvious to the casual observer that the actions of these globalists are not being driven by ambition, but panic. As more and more people become aware that there is no difference between people like Sheldon Adelson and Tom Steyer, or Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner, or Chris Mathews and Rich Lowry, the more the established order of these globalists will fall apart, as well it should.

Remember folks, for people who supposedly are so diametrically opposed to one another, it is interesting how they all frequent the same dinner parties, play at the same tennis clubs, and their kids all attend the same schools. For crying out loud, they are all on a FIRST-NAME BASIS with one another!

And each one of us should keep this in mind every time these people speak or do anything. Remember when you seem them on TV, meet them in person, or go into the voting booth who they owe their allegiance to, and it sure as heck isn't us.

bonus feature:
2014 Gaslighting video by Bill Whittle
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safe & sound
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Dear all the people that cry about Trump not being a conservative,

Imagine a train careening down the railroad tracks, seemingly out of control. It started out at the top of the mountain, has rolled down the hill picking up speed inch by inch, and is in danger of running off the tracks at the base due to its excessive momentum.

You want the train back at the top of the mountain where it started. We get it. That's conservatism. But it's not going to happen instantly. Impossible. Defies common sense.

To get the train back to the hill, the first thing you need to do is slow it down. Then stop it. Then put it in reverse. After its in reverse it will move from dead stop to measurable motion. You can then gain some speed going in the proper direction.

I believe most of us who support him know he's not a conservative. We also know that a conservative will not win this election. What we do understand is that he stands the best chance of stopping the train and throwing it in reverse if we still have enough track left. Cruz would be a great option a bit further up the track.

It does however amuse me to constantly read the "my way or the highway" talk. This guy is known as one of the most vocal deal makers out there. So which is one is it? It is his way or nothing, or will he give up too much in his compromising with others? Wink

Posts: 16011 | Location: St. Charles, MO, USA | Registered: September 22, 2003Report This Post
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Originally posted by justjoe:
^^^ If Trump makes THOSE people look like THAT-- vote for Trump! Smile

The only person those people hate more than Trump is Ted Cruz. Trump must be the right guy.
Posts: 21838 | Registered: May 25, 2009Report This Post
Picture of Fishjager
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Just call me dumb. But I am going to vote for anybody that gets the Republican nomination. I have seen in my life what Democrats do for our country.

Republicans tend to make the money Democrats spend it.
(Sorry I forgot about Bill Gates, Paul Allen and Costco's CEO which are all local to me. They just buy votes, and are all Democrats)

I personally am getting tired of paying taxes and see all of it go to foreign countries in foreign aide. Let's support our own first.
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Picture of Skins2881
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Originally posted by Sig2340:
Damn, the Donald thread is closing in on the Cat thread for length.

The cat thread makes me smile. Trump does not.


Sic Semper Tyrannis
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safe & sound
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The cat thread makes me smile. Trump does not.

Trump cat is not amused.

Posts: 16011 | Location: St. Charles, MO, USA | Registered: September 22, 2003Report This Post
Dances with Wiener Dogs
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Originally posted by a1abdj:
The cat thread makes me smile. Trump does not.

Trump cat is not amused.

Wow, so if we merged the cat thread with the Trump thread, Trump cat would become so irritated that he WILL buy a Glock.

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Posts: 8398 | Registered: July 21, 2010Report This Post
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Originally posted by a1abdj:
The cat thread makes me smile. Trump does not.

Trump cat is not amused.

Posts: 21838 | Registered: May 25, 2009Report This Post
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Why doesn't someone write a "Picking Winners-Not Losers" guide for all the confused and low IQ voters we apparently have here. Knowing the dire consequences of our choices may set things in order.
Posts: 1214 | Registered: May 02, 2005Report This Post
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Originally posted by a1abdj:
Dear all the people that cry about Trump not being a conservative,

Imagine a train careening down the railroad tracks, seemingly out of control. It started out at the top of the mountain, has rolled down the hill picking up speed inch by inch, and is in danger of running off the tracks at the base due to its excessive momentum.

You want the train back at the top of the mountain where it started. We get it. That's conservatism. But it's not going to happen instantly. Impossible. Defies common sense.

To get the train back to the hill, the first thing you need to do is slow it down. Then stop it. Then put it in reverse. After its in reverse it will move from dead stop to measurable motion. You can then gain some speed going in the proper direction.

I believe most of us who support him know he's not a conservative. We also know that a conservative will not win this election. What we do understand is that he stands the best chance of stopping the train and throwing it in reverse if we still have enough track left. Cruz would be a great option a bit further up the track.

It does however amuse me to constantly read the "my way or the highway" talk. This guy is known as one of the most vocal deal makers out there. So which is one is it? It is his way or nothing, or will he give up too much in his compromising with others? Wink

Trump is the true heir to Regan albeit lacking the class we wish a president should have. Time has changed. If you want Regan conservatism in 2016 that speaks to the grass roots and some of the brainwashed youth, actually instead of Rubio, or Cruz, Trump is your man. practical conservatism fiscal, social, and especially foreign policy is what Reganwas all about. Richard Nixon embraced communist china which really weakened the soviets and eventually brought down the iron curtain.
Posts: 471 | Registered: September 06, 2013Report This Post
Glorious SPAM!
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President Trump should sell bricks to finance the wall. For twenty bucks you get your name on a brick. For forty bucks you can have a personal quote on the other side. That side will face Mexico Smile
Posts: 10647 | Registered: June 13, 2003Report This Post
Get Off My Lawn
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Originally posted by parabellum:
A Trump vs Clinton contest would, I think, drive some people insane from anxiety.

I think it would be very entertaining to watch Trump verbally slap around Hillary until she's punch-drunk (if she's not already). But I can see the feminist-lesbian-commie supporter's heads explode from the Donald.

"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
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Trump is the true heir to Regan albeit lacking the class we wish a president should have.

No way. To think Trump is the heir to Reagan is delusional at best. Trumps Not a conservative and never was.

Go back and listen to Reagans 1964 speech for Barry Goldwater and hear a true Conservative. A speech that shows his beliefs and ideas years before he gets on the national stage.

Read the title of the Thread.


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Rule #1: Use enough gun
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According to Fox, Trump led all other candidates by a wide margin in the women's vote in S.C.

So, another "Trump can't win" myth is decisively busted.

When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are undisturbed. Luke 11:21

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Picture of stormwalker
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A Donald vs. Hillary debate will last all but a few minutes. Hillary will proclaim that she will not be bullied and walk off the stage. I predict a Presidential Election without debates this go around.
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Step by step walk the thousand mile road
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Originally posted by stormwalker:
A Donald vs. Hillary debate will last all but a few minutes. Hillary will proclaim that she will not be bullied and walk off the stage. I predict a Presidential Election without debates this go around.

That alone is grounds to support Trump.

Nice is overrated

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Trump is in some real trouble now...Hillary got the Prostitute Endorsement from Hookers4Hillary...

Is it just my eyes, or does that Painted Lady in the upper right look a lot like Chelsea?
Posts: 21838 | Registered: May 25, 2009Report This Post
Rule #1: Use enough gun
Picture of Bigboreshooter
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Originally posted by Czechvar:
Trump is in some real trouble now...Hillary got the Prostitute Endorsement...

I think Bill has been working on that one for a while now...

When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are undisturbed. Luke 11:21

"Every nation in every region now has a decision to make.
Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists." -- George W. Bush

Posts: 14826 | Location: Birmingham, Alabama | Registered: February 25, 2009Report This Post
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Originally posted by 45 Cal:

What the hell is it with kellys hair,she turning into Eddie Munster !

More like Ellen DeGeneres.............
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