Random things you find while riding around in central Texas.

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February 01, 2022, 01:11 AM
Random things you find while riding around in central Texas.
300+ lbs, dumb as a box of rocks. Talons that can easily gut a man throat top to bottom. Ain't they cute?

This is Clark's Ostrich Farm. Elite Meat you eat. Near Bend,Tx.

You do NOT have the right to never be offended.
February 01, 2022, 06:11 AM
Niiiiiice! That was a great video. I loved how the big bird came right up to y’all for a while.

Man that looked like fun! It’s so cool that you guys are just out there riding around trails and exploring. I’m so jealous! Big Grin

Thanks for posting up that video, I really enjoyed it.


The price of liberty and even of common humanity is eternal vigilance
February 01, 2022, 10:20 AM
When I was a teenager , I spent one summer working at the local Zoo . There is a large bird . slightly smaller than an Ostrich that is called a Cassowary . The Keepers were EXTREMELY cautious when working around them . They were kind of like an Ostrich with a bad attitude . Their spurs were deadly .
February 01, 2022, 10:53 AM
Might want to change the code on your eyePhone Big Grin

Friend of my dads started raising them in Ocala after he sold off his business and bought some land, said to stay away they were "mean sumbitch's"
February 01, 2022, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by stickman428:
Niiiiiice! That was a great video. I loved how the big bird came right up to y’all for a while.

Man that looked like fun! It’s so cool that you guys are just out there riding around trails and exploring. I’m so jealous! Big Grin

Thanks for posting up that video, I really enjoyed it.

Thanks! I feel incredibly fortunate to be able to get on the bike and run 250-300 miles on an average Saturday. A few weeks ago I had back injury and literally couldn't lift my leg to get it on the foot-peg. That kind of experience really puts things into perspective, and I try not to take this mobility for granted.

You do NOT have the right to never be offended.
February 01, 2022, 10:58 AM
Tasty critters, too. Love ostrich.

"I vowed to myself to fight against evil more completely and more wholeheartedly than I ever did before. . . . That’s the only way to pay back part of that vast debt, to live up to and try to fulfill that tremendous obligation."

Alfred Hornik, Sunday, December 2, 1945 to his family, on his continuing duty to others for surviving WW II.
February 01, 2022, 11:16 AM
Nice video. I need to use my GoPro more when I ride. I am just south of you in Pville.

NRA Benefactor Life Member
February 01, 2022, 11:21 AM
My uncle had an ostrich farm. They were . . . interesting. You wanted them to be nice and cute, and sometimes they were, but I never could get used to them, as babies, being able to look my 6' 4" size in the eye.

Life Member NRA & Washington Arms Collectors

Mistake not my current state of joshing gentle peevishness for the awesome and terrible majesty of the towering seas of ire that are themselves the milquetoast shallows fringing my vast oceans of wrath.

Velocitas Incursio Vis - Gandhi
February 01, 2022, 01:41 PM
The historical marker:

Meusebach–Comanche Treaty

This land was earmarked for the settlement of immigrants who arrived in Texas under the sponsorship of the Society for the Protection of German Immigrants.

You do NOT have the right to never be offended.
February 01, 2022, 02:02 PM
Ostrichs are like a limp dick. You don't **** with either one.

There was a news story, around 20 years ago, about an auto salvage yard in Amarillo TX.

Not an ordinary run of the mill salvage yard, this one only did high end cars. BMW's, Mercedes, Ferraris Lamborhinis Porsches Maserati's, Rolls and Bentleys, and other really high end cars. Very expensive parts were making them good money.

At the time, they were getting a lot of burglaries. Thieves were sneaking in at night and stealing valuable parts.

The owners invested in a new big fence with razor wire. The thefts continued.

So next they hired a security guard. Dude slept at night, barely made a few rounds. The thefts continued.

So next they brought in a few really nasty mean dogs, large dogs, that they turned loose at night, and put back in their caged area during the day so they wouldn't bother the employees and customers, etc.

The thefts continued. Then they found evidence that the thieves were tossing food over the fence, steaks, burgers, whole chickens, etc. Dogs ate, got happy, slept.

At their wits end, the owners heard that Ostrichs were good guardians. Mean, foul tempered, big and nasty and strong. So they got a few with the intent of letting them out to patrol at night, and back into a safe secured area during the day.

The very next day after the Ostrichs first night, they found a trail of blood just inside the fence and continuing in the outside. This happened for a few more days, then after that, no more thefts.

I love a happy ending.