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Frangas non Flectes
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Originally posted by PASig:
Do we know if Trump has made an ad yet featuring Biden saying that he “beat Medicare“?

Carthago delenda est
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This Mark Dice video contains a clip of the greatest comeback answer in modern American presidential debates- Ronald Reagan's response to a question about his age.

Posts: 108265 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Step by step walk the thousand mile road
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Tucker on Joe’s abysmal debate performance.

Nice is overrated

"It's every freedom-loving individual's duty to lie to the government."
Airsoftguy, June 29, 2018
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The new Time Magazine cover.

"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
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Bad dog!
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The Democrats will invoke the 25th amendment, thus getting around Jill Biden, and making the new candidate viable in every state. The new candidate will be someone virtually unknown, so that they can create their version of him by November 5.

Someone like Andy Beshear, the governor of Kentucky. He is young, 46, and relatively good looking. Whatever else he is, or is not, won't matter because as we know very well, truth does not matter to Democrats, including the Democrat press and media. The Democrats will make him up, and the press and media will testify to whatever they say.

It won't work, but I don't see anything else that they can try.


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It is disgusting to me that this whole panic reaction of the Democrats about the debate fiasco is that Biden is too old and senile to be their candidate now. I have not seen one person point out that he is the sitting President of the United States! Not one. Wouldn't that be a bigger problem? I guess not to them.
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Peace through
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Originally posted by justjoe:
The Democrats will invoke the 25th amendment, thus getting around Jill Biden, and making the new candidate viable in every state.
The problem with this is that Harris would then be POTUS, and if the Dems then passed her over for a new candidate, this would enrage the identity politics fanatics in their party. You think they would jettison the "first black female president"?

Ain't happenin'. If they invoke the 25th Amendment, they're stuck with Harris, who would then get stomped in the election.
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A Grateful American
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I still think the GDC's play was the Lawfare angle of dirtying DJT with conviction(s) and if possible, jail time, thinking that would be all people (who would vote for him) would need to withhold votes or cast for some other.

And I think they have realized they played a short hand in a long game, and Trump does not play to lose.

My only concern (not fear) is I believe there is absolutely nothing these people will do.

They are unhinged, only held together by static cling, and a very unstable isotope.

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Picture of 2BobTanner
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Originally posted by justjoe:

Someone like Andy Beshear, the governor of Kentucky. He is young, 46, and relatively good looking. Whatever else he is, or is not, won't matter because as we know very well, truth does not matter to Democrats, including the Democrat press and media. The Democrats will make him up, and the press and media will testify to whatever they say.

It won't work, but I don't see anything else that they can try.

As a Kentuckian, this idea interests me as I heard that same thought about him. He’d be a true dark horse over those more well known, but heavily baggaged, Govs from California, Illinois, Michigan. Coming from a State that is now hard red, Beshear has to walk a narrow road if he wants to have any legacy. Overall, he is rather decent, but has to talk like a purple-ish Dem to work in this State.

I believe that the Dems realize that this Election is already decided and everyone is just waiting for November. By jettisoning Biden and/or Harris, and bringing in someone like Beshear, they are setting the stage for the 2028 Campaign.

Beshear falls into the Old Guard wing of the Dems; definitely not a far lefty “Squadie” that is currently getting all the attention. As Beshear was just re-elected last year, he doesn’t have to give up the Governor’s chair should he be selected as a Biden replacement for the 2024 campaign. Even by loosing, he gets lots of exposure for the 2028 timeframe.

And with McConnell retiring out of the spotlight as the #1 Republican and from Kentucky, political re-alignment is occurring within this State.

The Uni-Party is looking for a way in 2028 to counter what Trump will do come January 2025, and by selecting a not-scary middle-roader as a sacrificial candidate in 2024, they are trying to show that they could be trusted again.

Just my thoughts on the subject.


"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." — Mark Twain

“Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” — H. L. Mencken
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Raised Hands Surround Us
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Originally posted by 2BobTanner:
Originally posted by justjoe:

Someone like Andy Beshear, the governor of Kentucky. He is young, 46, and relatively good looking. Whatever else he is, or is not, won't matter because as we know very well, truth does not matter to Democrats, including the Democrat press and media. The Democrats will make him up, and the press and media will testify to whatever they say.

It won't work, but I don't see anything else that they can try.

As a Kentuckian, this idea interests me as I heard that same thought about him. He’d be a true dark horse over those more well known, but heavily baggaged, Govs from California, Illinois, Michigan. Coming from a State that is now hard red, Beshear has to walk a narrow road if he wants to have any legacy. Overall, he is rather decent, but has to talk like a purple-ish Dem to work in this State.

I believe that the Dems realize that this Election is already decided and everyone is just waiting for November. By jettisoning Biden and/or Harris, and bringing in someone like Beshear, they are setting the stage for the 2028 Campaign.

Beshear falls into the Old Guard wing of the Dems; definitely not a far lefty “Squadie” that is currently getting all the attention. As Beshear was just re-elected last year, he doesn’t have to give up the Governor’s chair should he be selected as a Biden replacement for the 2024 campaign. Even by loosing, he gets lots of exposure for the 2028 timeframe.

And with McConnell retiring out of the spotlight as the #1 Republican and from Kentucky, political re-alignment is occurring within this State.

The Uni-Party is looking for a way in 2028 to counter what Trump will do come January 2025, and by selecting a not-scary middle-roader as a sacrificial candidate in 2024, they are trying to show that they could be trusted again.

Just my thoughts on the subject.

Not going to happen! He would not even win his own state in a Presidential election.

He is far from rather decent!!!! He sent KSP to houses of worship on EASTER SUNDAY to record license plates of those that chose to worship with their fellow parishioners on their holiest of holy days!

Far from decent!

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Originally posted by Rightwire:
Which Democrat strategist thought THIS was a good idea. They would have been way better off hiding Biden in his basement as they did before the last election.

Probably the same guy that knocked up his high school girlfriend because he thought he could get away with unprotected sex "just one more time!"
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Second major newspaper calls on Biden to retire, this one in battleground Georgia

Georgia’s largest newspaper on Saturday night published a front page editorial pleading with President Joe Biden to step aside and embrace “the shade of retirement.”

The Atlanta Constitution-Journal declared Biden’s debate performance in Atlanta on Thursday night was “excruciating” and failed to lay out a "competent and coherent vision for the future of America.”

More at link

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
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Peace through
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I'd rather Biden stay in, but I take the greatest pleasure- indescribable pleasure- at the downfall of that OBNOXIOUS BASTARD, who has NEVER given the first shit about the American people.

The arrogant son of a bitch might be out of the race before Donald Trump's sentencing, and that would be so very satisfying, and there is no way for the Dems to put a good face on any of this.

There was nothing- NOTHING- in that 90 minutes on Thursday night that the American people hadn't seen from Biden countless times since he's been in office, and the left has denied all of it until the debate. No matter whether this was calculated or simply more of their ridiculous bumbling, they look like assholes, like jokes.

Sack of shit. Looks like his days may be numbered. And if this end does come, it will be as a direct result of the debate, and that will be humiliating for this self-serving career do-nothing, living off of the American taxpayer for half a century, criminally enriching himself and his entire crooked family. I cannot even begin to tell you how very satisfying such an end for this bastard would be for me.

Despite delivering a rousing speech at a rally in North Carolina Friday that calmed some of his allies, Biden was described by one person familiar with his mood as humiliated, devoid of confidence and painfully aware that the physical images of him at the debate — eyes staring into the distance, mouth agape — will live beyond his presidency, along with a performance that at times was meandering, incoherent and difficult to hear.


"I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023
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Staring back
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The left will be torn. Having to acknowledge their disgraceful behavior with regard to Biden, and patting themselves on the back for getting "THE FIRST BLACK FEMALE PRESIDENT!!!!!!11!

(Even though she's not really black.)

"Great danger lies in the notion that we can reason with evil." Doug Patton.
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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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Originally posted by Gustofer:
The left will be torn. Having to acknowledge their disgraceful behavior with regard to Biden, and patting themselves on the back for getting "THE FIRST BLACK FEMALE PRESIDENT!!!!!!11!

(Even though she's not really black.)

There's no indication he's stepping away from the Presidency, just the race. But if he's unfit to run, he's unfit to serve as far as I'm concerned.

Biden squared off with Trump after literally calling him out and got dealt a knockout blow. That is indeed most satisfying, even if I prefer they keep the mean old bastard running.


Acta Non Verba
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Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan

"Once there was only dark. If you ask me, light is winning." ~Rust Cohle
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Peace through
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I don't think they will seek to remove him via the 25th Amendment. I think he will declare that he will not seek reelection, and then serve out his term, thus avoiding the laughably incompetent Kamala Harris.

And that's another thing I find satisfying about all of this- Harris' humiliation that no one, and I do mean no one, has considered or will consider her for POTUS. She Goddamn well has earned the humiliation, with her aloofness, idiocy and lack of seriousness about her position.

Whether or not Biden drops out, I'm fine either way. If President Two Scoops stays in, he'll get stomped. If the Dems nominate someone else, they can take the stomping. Whatever happens in the next few days, both Biden and Harris are done.


"I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023
Posts: 108265 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
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I picture his old friend "Cornpop" sitting in a bar and thinking, "Damn Bro, how many times I gotta tell you - don't be struttin' thru the "Hood" yelling, MAKE MY Day lessen' you lookin' to get yo' ass handed to you!"
Posts: 1648 | Registered: February 15, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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^^^^ Hahaha

That Time cover


Acta Non Verba
NRA Life Member (Patron)
God, Family, Guns, Country

Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan

"Once there was only dark. If you ask me, light is winning." ~Rust Cohle
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Picture of sigfreund
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Originally posted by parabellum:
I think he will declare that he will not seek reelection ....

That does seem most likely now. It would provide the same advantage of allowing the nomination of a much more electable candidate as forcing him out of office, while avoiding a number of difficult complications and uncertainties for the Democrats.

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