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Unflappable Enginerd
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Originally posted by Pipe Smoker:
furtile: serving no useful purpose


NRA Benefactor
I lost all my weapons in a boating, umm, accident.
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Hate auto check whe typing........ughh
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Picture of V-Tail
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Originally posted by spunk639:

Hate auto check whe typing........ughh
The guy who invented auto-correct died last week. His funnel will be tomato.

הרחפת שלי מלאה בצלופחים
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Originally posted by V-Tail:
[The guy who invented auto-correct died last week. His funnel will be tomato.


Posts: 8687 | Registered: September 26, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Fani Opens Up: Admits To Relationship With Dude She Hired To Get Trump

Fani Willis, the Fulton County, Georgia DA whose personal life has completely upstaged the impact of her election interference case against Donald Trump, has admitted to having a "personal relationship" with a prosecutor she hired to go after the former president - Nathan Wade, the NY Times reports.

The admission came almost a month after allegations of an “improper, clandestine personal relationship” between the two surfaced in a motion from one of Mr. Trump’s co-defendants. The motion seeks to disqualify both prosecutors and Ms. Willis’s entire office from handling the case — an effort that, if successful, would likely sow chaos for an unprecedented state criminal prosecution of a former president.

“While the allegations raised in the various motions are salacious and garnered the media attention they were designed to obtain, none provide this Court with any basis upon which to order the relief they seek,” Ms. Willis’s filing said, adding that “the personal relationship between” Ms. Willis and the prosecutor, Nathan J. Wade, “has never involved direct or indirect financial benefit” to Ms. Willis.

Are free tickets to Napa, Florida, and the Caribbean considered an indirect financial benefit? Because according to records filed in the Wade divorce, Wade bought tickets for he and Fani to travel on both Norwegian and Royal Caribbean cruise lines.


House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) has slapped a subpoena on Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis for failing to comply with document requests related to allegations that Willis fired a whistleblower who tried to stop a top campaign aide from misusing federal funds.

More at link

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
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Conservative Behind
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I think my Democrat friends would identify with this woman.

Never Trumper

I found what you said riveting.
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"I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023
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Oriental Redneck
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Originally posted by synthplayer:
I think my Democrat friends would identify with this woman.

Never Trumper

Pretty sure she's on the Babylon Bee's staff. Lol.


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Shall Not Be Infringed
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Donald Trump is a good man! Anyone that has met and spoken with him knows this. He is genuine, very gracious and extremely generous with his time. He loves this country, holds no prejudices and has worked tirelessly on behalf ALL Americans in his quest to Make America Great Again! DJT, the Greatest President of my Lifetime! Smile


If Some is Good, and More is Better.....then Too Much, is Just Enough !!
Trump 2024....Save America!
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Fani/Nathan situation even worse

A year before Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis hired Nathan Wade to lead the election fraud case against former President Donald Trump, the relatively unknown private attorney was embroiled in another high-profile case investigating suspicious deaths in an Atlanta-area jail.

Accusations that Wade mishandled the jail-deaths investigation in 2020 are adding to questions about Willis’s judgment in hiring him

Now, as part of her effort to get the Trump case dismissed, Merchant is seeking documentation from Cobb County to determine if there was potential corruption and cronyism involving Willis, Wade and a third person, the former No. 2 at the Sheriff's Department, Sonya Allen.

Wade did not respond to a request for comment. Willis and Allen, the former Sheriff’s department official — who now works for Willis as a top aide — also did not respond to requests for comment sent to the Fulton County DA’s office

Wade was hired by the Cobb County Sheriff’s Department in June 2020, after more than a year and a half of brutally critical media coverage about the deaths of predominantly Black inmates, including one who begged repeatedly to be sent to the hospital for nearly eight hours while struggling to breathe.

“It has to stop!” then-Deputy Chief Allen said about the “constant attack and scrutiny” by the media and civil rights advocates in a June 14, 2020, previously undisclosed email to the department’s rank and file, a copy of which was obtained by USA TODAY. Allen wrote that she retained Wade’s law firm to review cases "that have involved alleged excessive use of force, deadly force, discrimination or neglect ... with a fine-tooth comb.”

When Wade finished his investigation later that year, he released no formal public report about what led to the deaths at the notoriously dangerous lock-up.

Asked about his findings for a local TV news investigation, Wade conceded that he created no “documents, communications, or records memorializing, reflecting evidence, or relating to the work,” according to the news station, 11Alive.

“I have obviously my brainchild, what’s going on in my mind about it. That’s what I have,” Wade told a lawyer for 11Alive who was trying to obtain Sheriff’s Department internal records about the probe through public records act requests. That outcome was condemned by local criminal justice reform activists and defense attorneys, some of whom said Wade’s investigation helped the Sheriff’s Department use the pretense of an ongoing investigation to deny public access to potentially embarrassing records.

“Based on the complete lack of following the necessary protocol for conducting a proper investigation, I would question anyone who would consider utilizing Mr. Wade’s services for this type of investigation, especially one that involves such complicated issues as in the Trump election prosecution,” Yeager said Thursday.

“To say he kept no written notes, no record of interviews conducted, no record of reports he reviewed, amounts to a total disregard of his duty,” said Yeager, who is now the co-chief assistant District Attorney in Cobb County.

Invoices show that Wade billed at $550 an hour for his services, despite an Oct. 8, 2020 affidavit also obtained by USA TODAY, in which Sonya Allen of the Sheriff's department said Wade and his law firm had offered to do the investigation “pro bono,” or for free, “as a public service to the community.”

On Friday, Wade confirmed in his affidavit in the Trump case that he was paid $550 an hour to conduct "an external independent accountability assessment and review" in the Cobb jail case.

Merchant has also filed public records act requests with the Fulton County DA’s office for information she says she needs to prepare for the Feb. 15 hearing. On Tuesday, she subpoenaed both Willis and Wade to testify at that hearing, contending that the DA’s office is intentionally withholding the information she seeks.

A Fulton County DA’s office official, in an interview Wednesday, said the office is complying with Merchant’s request.

The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss ongoing investigations, also declined to comment on Willis’ relationship with Wade and with Allen, who now works for Willis as head of the Fulton County DA’s Anti-Corruption Division, and whether their performance in the Cobb jail investigation undermines her confidence in them.

Allen who now heads the anti-corruption division
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Thoughts on VP choices

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quarter MOA visionary
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Thoughts on VP choices

Interesting and can't say I disagree.

The only other factor is that whoever he picks needs to be someone that can continue on in a similar fashion in 2028.
That makes more sense with the female path.
That person is going to have a head start and needs to be good.
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Get Off My Lawn
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The number criteria will be 100% loyalty to Trump, even his people have alluded to this back in 2022. They know getting people around him who would not stab him in the back was one of the shortcomings in his presidency, and they do not want to make the same mistake. Plus I believe a certain VP choice will not make an undecided voter pull the lever for Trump, he is not a typical political candidate. IMO, the person is going to vote for Trump alone, the main attraction.

For me, I have long ago put Noem at the top of the list because throughout the last 7 years, she has supported Trump non-stop 100%, same with Ben Carson. Tim Scott in his short career has been behind Trump, even endorsing him over his friend DeSantis. I truly think Trump and his people will be far more careful in their choices for his inner circle at the White House in regards to loyalty vs. backstabbers.

"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
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No, not like
Bill Clinton
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Democrats Will Not Listen

This is not a problem for the Democrats per se. This is a problem with insular majorities. Republicans have, in the past, run into it as well. Surrounded in a mass echo chamber, they refuse to believe data to the contrary from their echo chamber. Making matters worse, Democrats are in a remarkably cohesive echo chamber with most major media outlets catering to their views, voices, and presuppositions.

In that world view, there is no way Donald Trump could get elected President in 2024. Voters are telling Democrats otherwise, but the Democrats choose not to listen. The Democratic Party and so much of the national press corps does not just disdain Trump, but they do not relate to, listen to, understand, or value the voices of Americans who would consider voting for Trump. The result is a constant feedback loop affirming Democrats that there is a problem, but the problem can be overcome and, after all, no one will vote for Trump.

Related to that is the relentless bullying of anyone who might dare speak up for Trump or his supporters. The bullying is real. The pressure to silence those who might talk out of turn is real. The reality is that Trump benefits from this.

According to NBC News, Donald Trump is beating Joe Biden by five points. While voters say they would go with Biden should Trump be convicted, Bill McInturff, the Republican side of the NBC polling team, is not so sure they will. Why? Voters who say they’d abandon Trump if he were convicted shift only narrowly, still prefer a GOP controlled Congress, and absolutely disdain Joe Biden.

Republican pollster Bill McInturff, the GOP half of the bipartisan group of pollsters who conduct the NBC News survey, cautions that the sliver of voters who shift on these two ballots — 55 in total out of 1,000 interviews — hold overwhelmingly negative opinions about Biden, and they also prefer a Republican-controlled Congress by more than 60 points.

As a result, McInturff says, he has doubts if these voters would really stick with Biden even if Trump is convicted of a felony.

Biden, likewise, gets slaughtered on his handling of the economy, even as the macroeconomic picture improves. The Democrats keep forgetting, in their echo chamber, that voters vote on the microeconomic picture and Democrats are selling the macroeconomic picture. Democrats are living in a world that voters do not inhabit.

Likewise, Gallups tells us that, and you need to process this one, fewer Americans support Biden’s re-election than think he is doing a good job. Again, more Americans think Biden is doing a good job than want him to get re-elected. When you actually look at the numbers, you see how pathetic it all is. 41% of Americans think Biden is doing a good job. Only 38% want him re-elected. Yikes.

The number one issue in America right now is the border situation. Sixty percent of swing state voters blame Joe Biden for the problem. On top of that, twenty percent more voters say Trump would do a better job handling the economy than Joe Biden.

Joe Biden is losing young black men. He is losing Hispanic voters. He has lost the working class. His coalition is falling apart. But what is notable is how so little press coverage does anything to change this. The startling irony is that the media conversation during the Republican primary process lamented how Trump’s rivals patently refused to aggressively attack him.

Now, the Democrats and their friends in the press who fret openly about Trump’s surge are circling their wagons around Joe Biden instead of trying to force him out of the race or accurately and honestly cover him as most Americans see him.

The symbiotic relationship of the liberal leaning press and Democratic Party will be the very thing that gets Trump back in office. They do not even see it. No, it should not be the job of the press to engage as partisans against either side. But, if we are really honest, they already do that against Republicans. The bias is there and most of them are aware of it and the fair minded ones work to overcome that bias and present both sides evenhandedly.

But Trump is so despised by the press, it becomes very hard for the press or the Democrats to do that. They know no one who would support Trump. They cannot fathom a majority of Americans might vote for him. The result is that they are missing the voices of a mass of Americans saying, basically, “We’re voting for him even if we don’t like him because you guys don’t listen to us, seem to hate us, and we hate you more than we hate him.”

2024 seems to be a combination of both 2016 and 1992 all over again. Just as in 2016, so many could not conceive of Trump winning that they had to conjure excuses like “Russia stole it” to process it. Democrats and their friends in the press who hated Trump so much could not understand that most Americans hated Hillary Clinton more.

In 1992, the GOP ran its presidential race focused on the macroeconomic picture, that was improving, and lectured Americans about how good they had it. Americas resented being told the national economy had come back to life when, in their own lives, they did not feel it, see it, or appreciate it. They began to resent Republicans telling them how good they had it.

In 1992, Republicans could not fathom that most Americans would reject war hero, Reagan heir, and winner of the Gulf War George H. W. Bush for a draft dodging pothead with woman issues from a trailer park in Arkansas. Guess what happened?

This time, the parties are reversed.

Posts: 5401 | Location: GA | Registered: September 23, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I came to that same thought last week, as I said in a note to a friend:

“Trump names his VP-select prior to the Repub convention, to be held in July in Milwaukee (Wisconsin is a flipable/crucial State). His VP-selectee is, wait for it…former Congresscritter from Hawaii—Tulsi Gabbard. Why her? She quit the Dems over 2 years ago over the direction the Dems were headed. She’s been quiet during that time; a sure sign that something is up. She’s a Hawaii National Guard (Lt Col) combat veteran (enlisted medical and officer MP) from the Afghanistan debacle. Trump goes for the “unconventional”; she fits that billing. And she is more than camera-ready. Additionally, should anything prevent a full-term Trump, I believe she is more than capable of doing the job, as her tell-off to the Dems was that she’s for “America FIRST”.”

The last sentence of my above paragraph is what I think is going to be the unspoken but critical decision maker here. Sure, no one wants anything to happen, but being “overcome by events” (OBE) can never be discounted. Does anyone want a “President Kamala ‘Kackles’ Harris” Administration? Kurt Schlichter in his recent book “The Attack” answered that one for everyone !!!


"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." — Mark Twain

“Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” — H. L. Mencken
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I kneel for my God,
and I stand for my flag
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Originally posted by 2BobTanner:
I came to that same thought last week, as I said in a note to a friend:

“Trump names his VP-select prior to the Repub convention, to be held in July in Milwaukee (Wisconsin is a flipable/crucial State). His VP-selectee is, wait for it…former Congresscritter from Hawaii—Tulsi Gabbard. Why her? She quit the Dems over 2 years ago over the direction the Dems were headed. She’s been quiet during that time; a sure sign that something is up. She’s a Hawaii National Guard (Lt Col) combat veteran (enlisted medical and officer MP) from the Afghanistan debacle. Trump goes for the “unconventional”; she fits that billing. And she is more than camera-ready. Additionally, should anything prevent a full-term Trump, I believe she is more than capable of doing the job, as her tell-off to the Dems was that she’s for “America FIRST”.”

The last sentence of my above paragraph is what I think is going to be the unspoken but critical decision maker here. Sure, no one wants anything to happen, but being “overcome by events” (OBE) can never be discounted. Does anyone want a “President Kamala ‘Kackles’ Harris” Administration? Kurt Schlichter in his recent book “The Attack” answered that one for everyone !!!

You can't possibly be hoping for Tulsi Gabbard. I wouldn't trust her one bit.
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Posts: 108268 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
No, not like
Bill Clinton
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She's toast

Posts: 5401 | Location: GA | Registered: September 23, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Get Off My Lawn
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Originally posted by SIG228:
You can't possibly be hoping for Tulsi Gabbard. I wouldn't trust her one bit.

I would bet money Trump will never choose her or Robert Kennedy Jr for VP. Gabbard's stances on education, abortion, LGBT, healthcare, fossil fuels, etc are all non-starters in the MAGA universe. Plus to my knowledge, is not part of Trump's circle of trust as far as unfettered support, endorsements, etc.

"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
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