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A Grateful American
Picture of sigmonkey
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Start at 58 minute mark, beginning of speaking.
(full recording)

"the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב!
Posts: 44121 | Location: ...... I am thrice divorced, and I live in a van DOWN BY THE RIVER!!! (in Arkansas) | Registered: December 20, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
stupid beyond
all belief
Picture of Deqlyn
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Originally posted by Ackks:
Originally posted by sdy:
I didn't catch the question that Sidney Powell was asked.

Did she really confirm that "someone" confiscated a server in Germany ?

Yes, but she said she doesn't know if the good guys or bad guys got it. I'm guessing if she doesn't know then it won't help in time with all of this.

This makes me wonder how she knows it was raided then? Maybe she doesn't have security clearance to know more?

If if I were guessing, since dominion offices are relocating odds and the servers are in the hands of bad guys, purely based on the fact that they didnt have to track it down like the good guys do. The bad guys have it.

Specualting even further, maybe shes trying to convince those that have it to turn it over.

I guess we wait.

What man is a man that does not make the world better. -Balian of Ibelin

Only boring people get bored. - Ruth Burke
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So let it be written,
so let it be done...
Picture of Dzozer
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Slight drift - It's nice having Steven Crowder on Parler now... Smile
Louder with Crowder!!

'Live long and prosper'
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Picture of Jimbo Jones
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I really liked that press conference even though it made me mad as hell.

At one point Sydeney Powell looked like she, like many of us here I imagine, was barely able to contain her anger and disgust at what has been uncovered.

This is really some epic third world shithole type corruption the Dems are trying to pull.

And Jenna Ellis calling out the BS media coverage and pointing out that this is about something a lot larger than 1 election and then invoking the Constitution and the Fouding Fathers...great piece.

It's like my brain's a tree and you're those little cookie elves.
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Lawyers, Guns
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since dominion offices are relocating odds and the servers are in the hands of bad guys, purely based on the fact that they didn't have to track it down like the good guys do. The bad guys have it.

Unfortunately, that's probably true.
They wouldn't be running if they didn't have something to hide.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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A Grateful American
Picture of sigmonkey
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Originally posted by Ackks:...
This makes me wonder how she knows it was raided then? Maybe she doesn't have security clearance to know more?

As I understood when the information came out, the "snatching of the server" was reported by those in the facility where where the server was locate, and all they knew was that it was taken but they did not know who it was, and "reported" that it was military people.

Unless it is "computatrum delecti" it is moot.

Focus on the evidence in hand, and trust those that are fighting the good fight.

We, out in the boonies, need to trust those who are leading this thing. Falling apart, because we are not getting pacified with things that feel good, is a sure way to get overrun by the efforts of the enemy.

Sack up.

If you "must do something", call, contact representatives, even if they "are fucking Democrats" and let them know that you are not accepting the fraud.

And same for "fake news", let them know.

Would do good to let the "real and unadulterated news media" (Newsmax, OANN, Right News etc.) that you appreciate their integrity and willingness to be a voice in the storm.

"the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב!
Posts: 44121 | Location: ...... I am thrice divorced, and I live in a van DOWN BY THE RIVER!!! (in Arkansas) | Registered: December 20, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Modern Day...

I disagree. I had to pause this presser and attend to a roofing contractor. I just started from where I paused it earlier.

I believe Rudy has the same common-man delivery approach as the president. I think he did a very good job in his delivery.

Sydney comes off as mono-tone and robotic to me. Not that this matters as I only care about substance. I am at the point in the presser where she began speaking and she is mimicking the same mono-tone, rigidly still delivery she uses on TV.

Again... it doesn't matter to me. However, I preferred Rudy's delivery.

I will continue watching now...

The "Boz"
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The Unmanned Writer
Picture of LS1 GTO
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Originally posted by az4783054:
Originally posted by LS1 GTO:

Two things for me:

1. Everything Rudy is saying is factual (I presume it is) and;
2. SCOTUS will hear POTUS' argument VERY soon (as in, the first few days of Dec 2021).

Personally, and as someone with a passion for teaching, I see this as a great opportunity for all schools to be teaching these current events in their civics classes. WITHOUT BIAS.

Sadly though, I suspect 90% of the civics lessons out there for OUR high school students and those in college will be teaching "this is how Trump is attempting to steal the election; with made up facts and fraudulent witnesses."

Hopefully sooner than December 2021 or the damage by obiden will be in full swing...


Working on a document for 2021 through 2023 and fat fingered my reply above.

Yes, that SCOTUS hears the argument before Dec 2020.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

"If dogs don't go to Heaven, I want to go where they go" Will Rogers

The definition of the words we used, carry a meaning of their own...

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Lead slingin'
Parrot Head
Picture of Modern Day Savage
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Originally posted by bozman:
Modern Day...

I disagree. I had to pause this presser and attend to a roofing contractor. I just started from where I paused it earlier.

I believe Rudy has the same common-man delivery approach as the president. I think he did a very good job in his delivery.

Sydney comes off as mono-tone and robotic to me. Not that this matters as I only care about substance. I am at the point in the presser where she began speaking and she is mimicking the same mono-tone, rigidly still delivery she uses on TV.

Again... it doesn't matter to me. However, I preferred Rudy's delivery.

I will continue watching now...

To each his own...I was trying to convey the approach that I find most likely to be found persuasive to those who don't follow such things. Don't forget that as much as this is a legal investigation, it is also a publicity campaign to gain support and justify fighting on rather than conceding.
Posts: 7324 | Location: the Centennial state | Registered: August 21, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Lead slingin'
Parrot Head
Picture of Modern Day Savage
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I don't have the storage capacity, but for anyone who does, given the widespread censorship happening, it may not be a bad idea to download a copy of this press conference and the Q&A session afterwards.
Posts: 7324 | Location: the Centennial state | Registered: August 21, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
wishing we
were congress
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Thread is moving fast. This may have been reported before

Sean Davis (generally reliable) tweeted that Durham was dropping his investigation.

BUT after that, Davis tweeted:

"Another source familiar with Durham's investigation rejected entirely the characterization that Durham is dropping his probe: "John Durham's investigation remains at full-speed ahead.""
Posts: 19704 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
A Grateful American
Picture of sigmonkey
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Originally posted by Modern Day may not be a bad idea to download a copy of this press conference and the Q&A session afterwards.

I have it.

"the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב!
Posts: 44121 | Location: ...... I am thrice divorced, and I live in a van DOWN BY THE RIVER!!! (in Arkansas) | Registered: December 20, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of lastmanstanding
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Originally posted by sdy:
Thread is moving fast. This may have been reported before

Sean Davis (generally reliable) tweeted that Durham was dropping his investigation.

BUT after that, Davis tweeted:

"Another source familiar with Durham's investigation rejected entirely the characterization that Durham is dropping his probe: "John Durham's investigation remains at full-speed ahead.""

I posted about this probably 5 to 8 pages back. Not going to look for it right now. I linked to a report on it. The part about it remaining active is new. At least to me.

"Fixed fortifications are monuments to mans stupidity" - George S. Patton
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Oriental Redneck
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Shit, folks. How about stop with criticizing this person's style or that person's delivery. I swear, some of you would probably criticize Jesus Christ, also.


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I kneel for my God,
and I stand for my flag
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Originally posted by 12131:
Shit, folks. How about stop with criticizing this person's style or that person's delivery. I swear, some of you would probably criticize Jesus Christ, also.

Exactly. That's what the lame stream media does. It'll all be about Rudy sweating and his hair dye running. Forget substance.
Posts: 1831 | Location: Oregon | Registered: September 25, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
stupid beyond
all belief
Picture of Deqlyn
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Originally posted by sdy:
Thread is moving fast. This may have been reported before

Sean Davis (generally reliable) tweeted that Durham was dropping his investigation.

BUT after that, Davis tweeted:

"Another source familiar with Durham's investigation rejected entirely the characterization that Durham is dropping his probe: "John Durham's investigation remains at full-speed ahead.""

Seems like there is a lot of smoke and mirrors going on from the Trump side. Art of war, conceal your movement strategy. Keeping people guessing. Trump of course, as we know, is great at that.

What man is a man that does not make the world better. -Balian of Ibelin

Only boring people get bored. - Ruth Burke
Posts: 8231 | Registered: September 13, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of az4783054
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Remember that President Trump's off the cuff style is what most of us prefer over the obama/obiden style of reading prepared text off the teleprompter. The President's legal team are doing just fine.

Some of you would make great cnn commentators... Razz
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wishing we
were congress
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minor point:

Sidney Powell said the Smartmatic SW has the ability to program "weights" to each candidate's votes.

example: weight each Biden vote by 1.5 and each Trump vote by .75.

I think she said that happened in some cases.

Could explain why some vote data is expressed w 2 decimal points xxxx.xx rather than integers
Posts: 19704 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Get Off My Lawn
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Listened to the press conference on Rush's show, no visuals. What I heard was convincing, concise, and I'm pleased with their progress. And Sidney Powell does not disappoint.

"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
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wishing we
were congress
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Romney, the forever snake,

"Normally you find evidence and then after seeing evidence then you reach a conclusion about whether or not there was a crime committed,’ Romney chuckled to David Axelrod during an interview on CNN

Romney said he’s surprised so many Republicans believe that Biden’s win is ‘illegitimate’ and due to some sort of funny business in ballot collection and tabulation
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