It's working out spectacular in Pittsburgh. Guy arrive in town on a bus with $1.6 million in fentanyl. Drug sniffing dog finds the drugs, guy gets arrested. Arraigned by a progressive no cash bail judge and is set free without posting a bond.
Oh hell ‘yea! NY has it all, sanctuary city, cashless bail, painfully high taxes, shit roads, decrepit infrastructure, overpaid school admins. We’ve got it all!!! Can’t wait to gtfo!
Foster's, Australian for Bud
Posts: 7553 | Location: Stuck in NY, FUAC | Registered: November 22, 2005
Bail? Ha! It's catch and release here. Like citation that has no teeth and cut loose on the spot. It works about as well as one with even a half functioning brain might suspect.
Posts: 4409 | Location: Peoples Republic of Berkeley | Registered: June 12, 2008
Texas allowed for a Personal Recognizance Bond (PR Bond) in which a person is released without putting up money. It got out of control in Harris County (Houston area) and a guy killed a cop while out on bond. Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a bill into law in 2021 (SB6) that prevents PR Bonds for violent crimes or certain crimes committed while a person is out on bail or community supervision. A PR Bond is still available for low level offenses as far as I know.
NRA Benefactor Life Member
Posts: 9057 | Location: The Lone Star State | Registered: July 07, 2008
Screw around, get caught, and the BOOM hammer drops! Bail means pony up and no pandering. Conviction penalties are not meager in severity either. (Ask any of the dumb shits who come for the Sturgis Rally from out of state and think they can flaunt the law here!) Currently the state and local authorities are working together to ensure that convicted do full sentences. None of this bullshit where you get sentenced to 20 years and walk after 6. You're gonna do the 20 period as it should be.
Certifiable member of the gun toting, septuagenarian, bucket list workin', crazed retiree, bald is beautiful club! USN (RET), COTEP #192
Posts: 16649 | Location: Black Hills of South Dakota | Registered: June 20, 2010
Originally posted by bald1: None of that stupidity in these parts partner!
Screw around, get caught, and the BOOM hammer drops! Bail means pony up and no pandering. Conviction penalties are not meager in severity either. (Ask any of the dumb shits who come for the Sturgis Rally from out of state and think they can flaunt the law here!) Currently the state and local authorities are working together to ensure that convicted do full sentences. None of this bullshit where you get sentenced to 20 years and walk after 6. You're gonna do the 20 period as it should be.
I can only imagine all the crap local LE deals with when it comes to Sturgis and I would bet if they had a no cash bond, then many people from out of state arrested would take the chance of getting out, leaving the state, not showing for court, and just hoping to not get caught in the future and extradited back.
<thread drift. I won’t forget probably 25 years ago when I was in Mississippi for work, I think it was that state, I got pulled over in a small town for doing 5 MPH over the speed limit probably 20 feet away from the speed limit sign that increased the speed. I was traveling late in the day to go to the next city several hours away where I had a flight out early in the morning. They had a law that they physically took possession of your driver license if you were from out of state until you paid your ticket. The court was closed at that time and I HAD to have my DL to fly out the next morning. The cop would not give me a break for 5 MPH over and said if I went to an ATM and gave him the cash for the fine, he would pay it for me and give me my DL back. I knew he was a crooked cop and was taking my money but I wanted to fly out and had no real way to prove it. He followed me to an ATM and I gave him him the money and he gave me my DL back. Years later I looked into it and sure enough there was no record of anything taking place so that cop just used the law to take my money. End thread drift >
NRA Benefactor Life Member
Posts: 9057 | Location: The Lone Star State | Registered: July 07, 2008
The Rock Island county attorney just said That there is no correlation between people with or without financial stability, Pertaining to criminal activity.
Safety, Situational Awareness and proficiency.
Neck Ties, Hats and ammo brass, Never ,ever touch'em w/o asking first
Posts: 55462 | Location: Henry County , Il | Registered: February 10, 2004
In Virginia a person who stands accused of stabbing another person was released on a PR bond, then visited my church. There he claimed to be a church planter (missionary, of sorts), just getting his church off the ground. His record suggests otherwise.
------- Trying to simplify my life...
Posts: 5377 | Location: Commonwealth of Virginia | Registered: January 15, 2007