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When will the coronavirus arrive in the US? (Disease: COVID-19; Virus: SARS-CoV-2) Login/Join 
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Originally posted by wcb6092:
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett: To all those eligible, go and get your 4th shot...

We were planning to visit Israel in the fall, but I'm not counting on it. It's closed to US citizens now, who can predict the future.

Israel bans travel to US over omicron; borders to remain closed to Americans

As of Nov. 28, Israel has restricted tourists from all countries due to the omicron variant, but will no longer reopen to Americans as soon as Dec. 22. Instead, Israel is keeping the ban on foreigners in place, and is now also banning travel to the United States over fears of the new omicron variant and its rapid spread in America.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett spoke to his country Sunday night and said he was adding the U.S. to its so-called “red list,” meaning Israelis will need special permission to fly to America, which joins a long list of more than 55 countries.

Bennett said the ban on all visitors had bought the country some time, but “Omicron is already in the country, from the Knesset to kindergartens, and it is spreading fast.”

Back on Nov. 1, Israel reopened its borders to vaccinated travelers after more than 18 months.

The initial November reopening followed Israel’s successful implementation of a pilot program in May 2021 that allowed a select number of tour groups to enter the country before temporarily allowing all international travelers, including Americans, back into the country after the extended closure due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Obviously, Israel has frozen the entry of tourists for now.

Two tests and quarantine likely to be required

When the country finally reopens, all travelers, including those who are fully vaccinated, will likely have to show results of a negative PCR test taken within 72 hours or antigen test taken within 24 hours of boarding a flight to Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv (TLV). Those are the previous rules per Israel’s Ministry of Health, which notes that test results must be in English and specify the traveler’s passport number.

To be considered fully vaccinated, at least 14 days must have passed since your final dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, including those from Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, Sinovac, SinoPharm and the Serum Institute of India. If it has been 180 days (six months) since your final dose, you will need proof of receipt of a booster shot at least 14 days prior to arrival in the country.

Once Israel reopens, travelers who can show proof of recovery from COVID-19 within 11-90 days of entering the country are exempt from pre-arrival testing requirements.

All people arriving in Israel will need to quarantine upon arrival, the length of which is based on the country from which you are arriving. Israel codes countries by color based on COVID-19 risk. More information on country designations by color is available here.

Unvaccinated Americans will remain prohibited from entering Israel.

Additional pre-departure steps

In addition to the aforementioned vaccination and pre-departure testing, all travelers (once Israel reopens) will need to complete an online entry form within 48 hours of departure to Israel, where they will upload proof of vaccination or recovery. Note that parents may complete the form on behalf of their children, in addition to spouses, as long as all individuals in the group have been within the same country in the preceding 14 days leading up to arrival in Israel.

“Foreign nationals who do not meet these conditions will be denied entry to Israel and will be required to return to their country of origin,” per Israel’s Health Ministry. “Violators of isolation, who are not confirmed cases, will be denied entry to Israel for a period of three years.”

The same pre-departure and arrival requirements will apply to passengers entering the country by sea or land borders.

Current entry requirements for Israeli citizens are outlined here, which says, “Non-Israeli citizens are not allowed to enter Israel, unless they have a special entry permit from the Exceptions Committee.”

Current COVID-19 situation

The prime minister said Israel was in the midst of a fifth wave of coronavirus infections, with more than 1,000 new cases reported in the past 24 hours. That’s the highest number of new cases since October.

The Israeli government is reportedly considering restrictions on crowd sizes and large gatherings.

Israel already restricts all indoor activities to those who are fully vaccinated, recovered from or recently tested negative for COVID-19 via a “green pass” system. TPG’s Zach Griff detailed his experience obtaining a pass here.
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Told cops where to go for over 29 years…
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What part of "...Shall not be infringed" don't you understand???

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186,000 miles per second.
It's the law.

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Interesting. US Army coming out with a comprehensive Covid vaccine. Who would have thunk it.
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Picture of bigdeal
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Originally posted by wcb6092:
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett: To all those eligible, go and get your 4th shot

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has ordered preparations to be made for a fourth COVID shot to be offered to all those who meet the criteria established by the government's epidemic taskforce, which, this evening, issued a recommendation to offer a fourth vaccine shot to the over-60s, the immunocompromised, and healthcare workers.
Climb on folks. It isn't even gonna end....

Guns are awesome because they shoot solid lead freedom. Every man should have several guns. And several dogs, because a man with a cat is a woman. Kurt Schlichter
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Bad dog!
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As the variants never end, and the "next shot" becomes an endless series, Covid becomes an increasingly effective tool for separating the "troublemakers" from the passive, compliant masses. Then, in the name of science and the protection of the people, the troublemakers can be rounded up and sent into "quarantine" -- leaving passive, compliant masses who will obey any and all directives from the government.

At that point you have the perfect totalitarian state.


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Picture of 2BobTanner
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Could it be? Could it just may be?

Did Jen Psaki tell us a little more than she meant to about coughing Joe Biden's COVID status?
Coughing all over the place during his rare public appearances, multi-vaxxed Joe Biden gives all appearances of having COVID. But if he does, he's got politics on his mind and therefore isn't about to be honest about it.

The latest nonsense then comes from White House spokesweasel Jen Psaki, who's making curious claims.

Following a report that Biden was exposed to COVID by a staffer who caught the disease, Psaki tried to spin the obvious to us about whether Biden has COVID, this time with a positively Jesuitical evasion about the president's status.

She claimed this:

darlene superville
.@PressSec says Biden is asymptomatic after his close contact last week with a staffer who later tested positive for COVID-19.

"He's asymptomatic. I spent several hours with him this morning and he is feeling great," she said.
2:21 PM · Dec 21, 2021

Asymptomatic? As in, has the disease, but isn't coughing all over the place? That not only is dishonest based on the fact that he is coughing in public appearances, but also implies a positive test for COVID. Asymptomatic people with COVID don't cough all over the place the way old Joe does.

It sounds as if she revealed more than she meant to with that remark, given that it appears quite realistic to suspect that Joe has COVID.

Twitchy has an excellent roundup of the public skepticism of that claim seen on Twitter here.

It's worth asking more about, because Joe has been a coughing wreck for weeks.

Here's the news from less than three weeks ago, on Dec. 3:

President Biden explained Friday that his cough and raspy voice is due to a grandson who had a cold and not the coronavirus. He is tested for the virus every day and recent results were negative, he said.

"I'm okay," he told a reporter who noted the difference in his voice after he concluded his remarks at the White House on the latest jobs report. "I have a [coronavirus] test every day."

"What I have is a one-and-a-half-year-old grandson who had a cold who likes to kiss his pop," Biden added. "It's just a cold."

He didn't name the grandson, but the only one who matches that profile is the new offspring of his son Hunter Biden and his latest wife. (That's the same Hunter Biden who's quite the artist these days and supposedly the relative Joe never discusses business with. Seems they meet a lot, though. In any case, it's unknown whether the kid gave senile old Gramps any cold.)

A month earlier, Psaki herself tested positive for COVID. Of course she would have no problem working in the same room with Coughing Joe, as she has natural immunity. That's a lot of COVID floating around the White House with its hyper-vaxxed staff, yet somehow, none of it ever lands on Joe.

Now, why would Biden be so eager to deny he has COVID despite his obvious symptoms? President Trump had no problem admitting he had COVID. Prime Minister Boris Johnson of the U.K. and President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil never hid the fact that they were sick with COVID, either. But Biden is showing all signs of having caught COVID himself, and the White House spin machine is working overtime to deny anything amiss to the public.

Why is he being so dishonest about this?

Most likely because he's been hollering and haranguing the public to get vaccinated. He's been so obnoxious about it that he even told a Kentucky tornado victim trying to get over injuries and the shock of losing all his possessions in the mega-storm to get vaccinated, showing his complete tin ear on how to deal with victims of natural disasters. He might have even spread a little COVID there as he said it, given the White House COVID Petri dish. Who knows? He seems to be in the clutches of some kind of Big Pharma corporate interests, which would involve forcing the vaccine on everyone, given the high profits and zero risk of lawsuits for vaccine injuries.

We all know that Biden's vaccinated — many times — having made a public show of it.

Now he's caught COVID? Like millions of others who've been vaccinated?

What it sounds like is that his vaccination agenda might just be more important than public health and decisions about one's body. Biden catching COVID puts that priority on the rocks, given that the public can see that these vaccines don't work very well and certainly don't stop anyone from catching COVID.

That affirms what vaccine skeptics have been saying all along — that the vaccines are jury-rigged, they don't work very well, and many people would be better off skipping the vaccine and relying on natural immunity as a defense. With the very mild omicron variant going around and acting as a natural vaccine, that seems reasonable, as does the idea of learning to live with COVID and focusing on effective therapeutics such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.

But all of that flies in the face of Biden's hard vaccine agenda. If Biden has COVID, it would be Exhibit A of why that idea makes less and less sense, because the vaccines don't seem to prevent anything.

Fact is, the most vaccinated places on Earth, such as Gibraltar and Israel, have some of the highest COVID cases. It's as if the vaccines make people more, not less vulnerable to catching the new variants. Substack here has an excellent piece on the "pandemic of the vaccinated."

What we see here, if it's eventually found out to be true that Joe has COVID, is Biden putting his political agenda ahead of the public's health. Besides the bizarre desire to force vaccinations on everyone, there are also uncomfortable questions about the 25th Amendment which raises the question of whether there will be a President Kamala Harris at some time in the near future.

All of these things rank higher to Joe than the actual truth — about the vaccines and about Joe himself. Can't this administration act with honesty? Seems they can't, given that the lies coming from them seem to be reflexive.


"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." — Mark Twain

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Israel's first Omicron death - was actually not Omicron-related

Health Ministry says elderly man who died Tuesday and was labeled 'first Israeli Omicron death' - actually had Delta variant, not Omicron.

A death in southern Israel Tuesday which was labelled Israel’s first confirmed fatality related to the Omicron variant was actually not linked with the new variant, the Israeli Health Ministry said Wednesday morning.

On Tuesday, a 68-year-old man who had received two shots of the Pfizer vaccine and suffered from serious pre-existing conditions died after testing positive for SARS-Cov-2, officials at Soroka Medical Center in Beersheba announced.

Hospital officials emphasized that the primary cause of death was the man’s pre-existing health conditions.

The man was initially said to have been infected with the Omicron variant, with media outlets calling his death the first Omicron-related fatality in Israel.

On Wednesday, however, the Health Ministry announced that the man’s lab results indicated that he had been carrying the Delta variant, not the Omicron variant.

The Israeli government’s Coronavirus Cabinet voted Tuesday evening to impose distance learning on students in towns with higher infection rates, citing the spread of the Omicron variant, despite initial data from South Africa and elsewhere suggesting the variant may be less virulent that previous strains.

Earlier, the Health Ministry banned travel to the United States, Canada, and a number of other countries, due to the relatively high levels of the Omicron variant in those countries.

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
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Lawyers, Guns
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Did Jen Psaki tell us a little more than she meant to about coughing Joe Biden's COVID status?
"He's asymptomatic. I spent several hours with him this morning and he is feeling great," she said.
2:21 PM · Dec 21, 2021

Yeah... if he didn't she would have outright denied it.
And he was coughing through his little beat-down of the un-injected yesterday... Roll Eyes

Maybe he could get some advice from Joe Rogan and Aaron Rodgers? Big Grin

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
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Originally posted by 2BobTanner:

Did Jen Psaki tell us a little more than she meant to about coughing Joe Biden's COVID status?

The Democrats concealed FDR's polio from the public, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if they aren't being honest about Biden's health. Roll Eyes

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Official forum
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I used to REALLY want to visit Israel. Now not so much. Until things change drastically with the mandatory tests and covid bullshit I won’t be traveling. I wonder how many people will jump through the hoops to travel and how many will just say fuck it and not travel?

I almost wonder if some powerful people are intentionally trying to kill the travel industry or at the very least permanently alter it for the worse.

It is interesting that the US Army is looking into a vaccine.


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Picture of Shaql
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It is interesting that the US Army is looking into a vaccine.

In what respect?

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Bart: Alright, we'll settle this like men, with our fists.
Hedley Lamarr: Sorry, I just remembered . . . I am armed.
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Originally posted by justjoe:
As the variants never end, and the "next shot" becomes an endless series, Covid becomes an increasingly effective tool for separating the "troublemakers" from the passive, compliant masses. Then, in the name of science and the protection of the people, the troublemakers can be rounded up and sent into "quarantine" -- leaving passive, compliant masses who will obey any and all directives from the government.

At that point you have the perfect totalitarian state.

You very well maybe right. I am not doubting any and all possible motives about any of this. It's the "rounding up and sending into quarantine" the so called troublemakers that may prove to be the glitch in the plan. Troublemakers can be troublesome to round up. Wink

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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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Originally posted by Shaql:

In what respect?

Well I'll say, for one, the Army clearly has no faith in these current covid injections.


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In what respect is it not interesting?

The Army is of course going to have those who study viruses for obvious reasons but seeing this headline does make me wonder about the legitimacy of a lab leak. This is one hell of a resilient virus to have come from a nasty meat market.

It also does not exactly bolster confidence in the current “vaccines”.


The price of liberty and even of common humanity is eternal vigilance
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Shall Not Be Infringed
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Originally posted by stickman428:
I used to REALLY want to visit Israel. Now not so much. Until things change drastically with the mandatory tests and covid bullshit I won’t be traveling.

I've been wondering about Israel...

Anyone else notice the marked uptick in COVID Deaths has occurred since Benjamin Netanyahu left office?
Anyone else think that with Netanyahu still as Prime Minister that the quick, seemingly reflexive adoption of COVID Boosters by the Israeli Health/Gov would be happening as it is?
I can't imagine Netanyahu advocating, or even tolerating the COVID policy in place in Israel right now!


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Secret Service: $100 billion in COVID relief funds stolen

Nearly $100 billion at minimum has been stolen from COVID-19 relief programs set up to help businesses and people who lost their jobs due to the pandemic, the U.S. Secret Service said Tuesday.

The estimate is based on Secret Service cases and data from the Labor Department and the Small Business Administration, said Roy Dotson, the agency’s national pandemic fraud recovery coordinator, in an interview. The Secret Service didn’t include COVID-19 fraud cases prosecuted by the Justice Department.

While roughly 3% of the $3.4 trillion dispersed, the amount stolen from pandemic benefits programs shows “the sheer size of the pot is enticing to the criminals,” Dotson said.

Most of the headlines related to these thefts have dealt with the Paycheck Protection Program, which turned out to be ludicrously easy to defraud. But according to the Secret Service, the amount of money stolen from PPP is only a small fraction of the total that has been pilfered from the federally enhanced unemployment benefits that were being handed out until a few months ago. Of the at least $100 billion that’s been stolen, as much as $87 billion may have been taken via unemployment fraud. We’re forced to use the phrase “as much as” because they simply don’t know how many people filed fraudulent claims and went undetected.

The fraudulent unemployment claims are particularly insidious because many of the suspected thieves are operating out of other countries, making enforcement efforts far more complicated. They obtain the addresses of vacant houses and file claims in the names of people whose digital identities have been stolen using those “new” addresses for them. Then when the money is approved to be paid via debit cards or similar electronic means, they can quickly transfer the funds to accounts in other countries and be gone before they are detected. Washington State was hit particularly hard with this type of thievery for some reason.
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Stocks Rally as Omicron Fears Ease

Screen crawler headline on FOX Business this morning.

Ya know…some people, like South Africa’s “Surgeon General” were saying this variant was nothing to fear from the very beginning.

despite them
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Covid relief funds. May have well had a bon fire with that money. Minnesota received over 4 billion in CRF. Plus had over a one billion tax surplus. I believe we now have 200 or more fewer icu beds across the state than we did in 2020 when this entire cluster fuck began. Mad Now governor Walz and his family have tested positive for Covid just in time for Christmas. I call bullshit! Just more smoke and mirrors. It's not designed to garner sympathy for them but I'm sure they welcome any that comes their way it's designed to keep feeding the fear in mindless masses. See even the governor and his family can get it!

"Fixed fortifications are monuments to mans stupidity" - George S. Patton
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Partial dichotomy
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Originally posted by nhracecraft:
Originally posted by stickman428:
I used to REALLY want to visit Israel. Now not so much. Until things change drastically with the mandatory tests and covid bullshit I won’t be traveling.

I've been wondering about Israel...

Anyone else notice the marked uptick in COVID Deaths has occurred since Benjamin Netanyahu left office?
Anyone else think that with Netanyahu still as Prime Minister that the quick, seemingly reflexive adoption of COVID Boosters by the Israeli Health/Gov would be happening as it is?
I can't imagine Netanyahu advocating, or even tolerating the COVID policy in place in Israel right now!

No. They had to get rid of him, just they got rid of Trump.

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The Tolerant, Compassionate Left:

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
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