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Savor the limelight |
^^^That's OK because you can still share your views and ideas with like minded people on social media. | |||
Lawyers, Guns and Money ![]() |
feersum dreadnaught: Sundance was talking about that yesterday: Illegitimate Government and Control Mechanisms Require The Elimination of Communication, FIGHT IT It is not coincidental that bars and taverns have been targeted for closure and control under the auspices of 2020’s COVID-19 fear and mitigation. It is not coincidental that churches and fellowship gatherings have been targeted for closure and control under the auspices of COVID-19 fear and mitigation. Both of these assembly points and gathering places have a deep history within the American rebellion. The Sons of Liberty plotted rebellion in the public houses of Boston such as the Green Dragon Tavern, which began operation as early as 1712. ![]() Members of the St. Andrew’s Lodge of Freemasons, which included Paul Revere and Dr. Joseph Warren, purchased the Green Dragon Tavern in 1764 to use as their headquarters. In the fall of 1774, Revere, Warren, Samuel Adams, John Hancock and other members of the Sons of Liberty met in secret at the tavern to exchange intelligence gathered on the movement of British soldiers in and around Boston. By some accounts the plot for the Boston Tea Party was also hatched inside. So pivotal were the secret meetings inside the Green Dragon Tavern that statesman Daniel Webster called it “the headquarters of the Revolution.” (link) Fast forward 250 years later and the modern rebellion against leftist authoritarianism is now facing an identical issue. Individual members of the rebel alliance are having to use covert methods just to meet and discuss issues, grievances and concerns about liberty. Additionally, modern social media communication has been intentionally throttled. As seen in the recent actions by Google/YouTube any challenge to the command and control authority will not be permitted. Any voices who raise questions about the legitimacy of our government will be silenced. The effort to block communication is happening in real places (bars and taverns) and in the digital space (the internet). Less than a week after the November 3rd election our own voice was targeted to be silenced. Our Treehouse gathering place was razed by big tech, WordPress/Automattic, for violating opaque terms of service – for which they could not provide a single example. As an illegitimate government intends to extend its power to control We The People, we would be wise to understand the purpose of cutting communication lines and attempting to isolate us. In the bigger picture any war strategy is more effective when the communication lines are disrupted. Do not doubt this is an actual war against the core principles of freedom and liberty. The totalitarians have a strategy, and a big part of that strategy is to isolate us from assembling against their interests. This is why fellowship is so critical and all efforts to remain in communication must remain a primary focus. Ultimately what the collective weight of progressiveness is putting upon us is isolation. There are so many historic references to this strategic sentiment it is disconcerting to review with hindsight. We are not sages, but we saw this coming…. we just didn’t know the entry vector that would be used to accomplish the final stages of diminished freedom and individual liberty. As we look at the current COVID-19 mandates and dictates one cannot easily dismiss the weaponized use of a virus to attain division under the guise of “social distancing.” When we initially asked the question: “where would you choose to live“, we had no idea a virus would be purposeful to enhance the objectives of social engineering, isolation and ultimately, painfully, oppression. Oblivious to the grand design, we allowed a seemingly disparate network of big tech companies to control communication. The COVID aspect now generates in the physical world exactly the same distance created in the digital world. In/around July it was obvious in my travels we were on the precipice of a disconnect from human interaction that would numb our psyche to what ultimately matters, fellowship. Not only are various governmental agencies forcing the separation of people from their community networks, we are also seeing faith-based organizations, churches, buying into the fear. Even in areas where churches are not forcibly shut down, many are seeing a structural shift where some faith leaders are willingly ostracizing their community under the guise of various COVID alarms. This is not good... not good at all. https://theconservativetreehou...munication-fight-it/ "Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." -- Justice Janice Rogers Brown "The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth." -rduckwor | |||
Lawyers, Guns and Money ![]() |
Top Catholic Cardinal Warns COVID-19 Being Used to Usher in “Evil” Great Reset Cardinal Raymond Burke, one of the most powerful Catholics in the United States, gave a homily in which he savaged “secular forces” who want to “make us slaves to their godless and murderous agenda.” “Then there is the mysterious Wuhan virus about whose nature and prevention the mass media daily give us conflicting information,” said Burke. “What is clear, however, is that it has been used by certain forces, inimical to families and to the freedom of nations, to advance their evil agenda. These forces tell us that we are now the subjects of the so-called ‘Great Reset,’ the ‘new normal,’ which is dictated to us by their manipulation of citizens and nations through ignorance and fear.” The Cardinal also slammed the United States’ fealty to China as a dangerous threat to Christian identity in America. “To attain economic gains, we as a nation have permitted ourselves to become dependent upon the Chinese Communist Party, an ideology totally opposed to the Christian foundations upon which families and our nation remain safe and prosper,” he said. Burke, who sits on the Church’s Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, the highest judicial authority in the Catholic Church, is not the first prominent figure in the Catholic Church to warn about the dark objectives behind the Great Reset. As we highlighted back in November, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò wrote an open letter to President Trump claiming that the COVID-19 pandemic is part of a plot to impose a “health dictatorship.” “We see heads of nations and religious leaders pandering to this suicide of Western culture and its Christian soul, while the fundamental rights of citizens and believers are denied in the name of a health emergency that is revealing itself more and more fully as instrumental to the establishment of an inhuman faceless tyranny,” wrote Viganò. https://summit.news/2020/12/18...in-evil-great-reset/ "Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." -- Justice Janice Rogers Brown "The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth." -rduckwor | |||
Member |
^^^^^^^^^^^^ I wish these folks would stay out of politics. | |||
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Your anecdotal claim that "the number one overwhelming cause of death in this country is medical screw ups and failures" is shaky at best and unsupported by actual evidence when weighed against the numbers of those who die of heart disease and cancer. How many people live longer and better because medical procedures and medicines are available now that didn't exist a hundred years or more ago? Want a world without antibiotics? Yea, lets see how that works! How about preventative medicine that tells us what substances can kill us or at least shorten our lives? ![]() Name ONE human endeavor that has a perfect history. Name ONE medical procedure or FDA approved drug that doesn't have potentially serious side effects. Don't like vaccines because they have potential side effects? Okay, but how does a case or a few million cases of smallpox hit you as the alternative? How about another pandemic of polio? If you're bitten by a rabid animal, are you going to reject the vaccine developed to combat this nearly 100% fatal virus because it may have serious side effects? Medicine like the rule of law can be used improperly, but without it and the imperfection associated it how would our lives be? Medicine and the rule of law has greatly improved our lives as a whole. "I'm not fluent in the language of violence, but I know enough to get around in places where it's spoken." | |||
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie![]() |
When governments started shutting down church services and prohibiting people from worshipping and even going so far as ticketing and arresting people for doing so, they have every damn right to wade into politics. ~Alan Acta Non Verba NRA Life Member (Patron) God, Family, Guns, Country Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan | |||
Partial dichotomy |
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Member![]() |
It's pretty challenging to find fault with the above statement. | |||
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie![]() |
Except we're not talking about smallpox. We're not talking about polio. We're talking about a virus that, what...99.7% of those infected typically have no ill lasting effects? And you're asking us to trust people who have been universally wrong about damn near everything associated with Covid. Damn near everything. None have been more wrong than the exalted Dr. Fauci (peace be upon him), and yet people are still listening to him. Our betters these white lab coat dictators they are not. ~Alan Acta Non Verba NRA Life Member (Patron) God, Family, Guns, Country Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan | |||
Member |
The statistics of this disease will take years to compile, but I think that's WAY off. It may represent the death rate, but certainly doesn't account for all lasting effects. I think it's become pretty clear that there are additional cases that suffer some degree of lung or vascular damage among those sick enough to be hospitalized. I'm guessing the individuals that were hospitalized and survived would have preferred to be healthy and at home. There was just a story about a White House security officer who lost a toe on one foot and the lower part of his other leg. Not among the .3% dead, but sure as heck not back to normal. I don't care if you get the vaccine or not and definitely don't think it should be mandatory for everyone, but it's not quite as benign as the mortality statistics would imply. | |||
Lawyers, Guns and Money ![]() |
Yes, and I sure hope someone like Cardinal Raymond Burke or Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò emerge victorious in the next Papal enclave. Francis is a globalist and a commie. "Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." -- Justice Janice Rogers Brown "The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth." -rduckwor | |||
Member![]() |
Dr. Fauci is ONE person. There are far more medical professionals here in the US and abroad that are studying this disease, assess it's danger level, and create vaccines to deal with it. You're as wrong to point the finger at me as asking you to trust "people" (encompassing thousands involved) as you are to insist that "they" (who the fuck are "they"?) were "universally wrong." Do we rely on your assessment or every medical professional that you seem to believe is part of a conspiracy to lead us into a dictatorship? ![]() Earlier this week, I had a meeting with an MD that happens to be an infectious disease specialist that's treated me for a condition over several years. The doctor has been involved in research as well as treating patients for decades. We talked about how much progress has been made regarding the use of RNA and DNA technology over just the last FIVE YEARs. It's this knowledge and technology that's led to the development of the vaccines being offered now. I suppose I could just go along to get along with YOUR assessment of the extent of the threat posed by COVID, but our ICU facilities here in Arizona are just about maxed out with seriously infected patients. Our closest hospitals are staffed with people, some of whom I know personally that I trust because I know them from outside of their profession as honorable people. My infectious disease specialist isn't just a medical professional and my doctor, he's wheelchair confined and one of the last "iron lung" patients who was infected by polio. He got into the medical profession because of his personal experience, but he (like those others I know) are all (according to your assessment) supposed to be unworthy of trust because they (again according to YOU) have been "universally wrong"??? ![]() Painting with such a broad-brush is a sign of ignorance and paranoia. As I've said before, nothing done by humans is perfect in it's entirety. Fauci certainly isn't perfect and his abilities as a national manager for this pandemic should be closely scrutinized, BUT labeling everyone involved whose knowledge of medicine, epidemiology, and pharmaceuticals as being incompetent, corrupt, or unqualified is totally unwarranted. "I'm not fluent in the language of violence, but I know enough to get around in places where it's spoken." | |||
Member![]() |
I would agree that a broad brush is unfair. There are many who act with academic and professional integrity. However, my perception of people today is that they don’t follow a normal distribution and the population is heavily biased toward those who seek fame, fortune, agenda or some combination thereof while severely compromising their integrity. That’s the real pandemic of our times. I will trust individual people. I won’t trust a group or industry or consortium. "Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it." L.Tolstoy "A government is just a body of people, usually, notably, ungoverned." Shepherd Book | |||
Festina Lente![]() |
What could possible explain the California experience, what with all the strict shutdown applicable to everyone from g]the governor to mayors, to the masses? ![]() NRA Life Member - "Fear God and Dreadnaught" | |||
Festina Lente![]() |
Robert Kennedy Jr Warns of COVID Compliance Creating The Dystopian End Game Posted on December 19, 2020 by Sundance There are many issues where we may disagree with Robert Kennedy Jr., the weaponization of COVID fear is not one of them. In this short video Robert Kennedy Jr, a passionate advocate against forced vaccinations of all types, talks about how professional politicians will lie to create the underlying source of their power, dependency. [Transcript] “My father told me when I was a child: people in authority lie. If we are going to continue to live in a democracy we need to understand that people in authority lie. People in authority will abuse every power that we relinquish to them and right now we are giving them the power to micro-manage every bit of our lives, 24 hours a day. They’re going to know where we are, they’re going to know the money that we spend, they’re going to have access to our children. They’re going to have the right to compel unwanted medical interventions on us. You know, the NAZI’s did that in the camps, in World War 2—they tested the vaccines on Gypsies and Jews. And the world was so horrified after the war that we signed the Nuremburg Charter and we all pledged when we do that, we would never again impose unwanted medical interventions on human beings without informed consent. And yet in two years all of that conviction has suddenly disappeared, and people are walking around in masks where the science has not been explained to them—they are doing what they’re told. These government agencies are orchestrating obedience and it is not democratic—it’s not the product of democracy. It’s the product of a pharmaceutical-driven, bio-security agenda that will enslave the entire human race and plunge us into a dystopian nightmare where the apocalyptical forces of ignorance and greed will be running our lives and ruining our children and destroying all the dreams and dignity that we hope to give to our children.” ~Robert F. Kennedy Jr. https://youtu.be/p-5gm0kUXCw NRA Life Member - "Fear God and Dreadnaught" | |||
Festina Lente![]() |
WHO (finally) admits PCR tests create false positives Warnings concerning high CT value of tests are months too late…so why are they appearing now? The potential explanation is shockingly cynical. The World Health Organization released a guidance memo on December 14th, warning that high cycle thresholds on PCR tests will result in false positives. While this information is accurate, it has also been available for months, so we must ask: why are they reporting it now? Is it to make it appear the vaccine works? The “gold standard” Sars-Cov-2 tests are based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR works by taking nucleotides – tiny fragments of DNA or RNA – and replicating them until they become something large enough to identify. The replication is done in cycles, with each cycle doubling the amount of genetic material. The number of cycles it takes to produce something identifiable is known as the “cycle threshold” or “CT value”. The higher the CT value, the less likely you are to be detecting anything significant. This new WHO memo states that using a high CT value to test for the presence of Sars-Cov-2 will result in false-positive results. To quote their own words [our emphasis]: Users of RT-PCR reagents should read the IFU carefully to determine if manual adjustment of the PCR positivity threshold is necessary to account for any background noise which may lead to a specimen with a high cycle threshold (Ct) value result being interpreted as a positive result. They go on to explain [again, our emphasis]: The design principle of RT-PCR means that for patients with high levels of circulating virus (viral load), relatively few cycles will be needed to detect virus and so the Ct value will be low. Conversely, when specimens return a high Ct value, it means that many cycles were required to detect virus. In some circumstances, the distinction between background noise and actual presence of the target virus is difficult to ascertain. Of course, none of this is news to anyone who has been paying attention. That PCR tests were easily manipulated and potentially highly inaccurate has been one of the oft-repeated battle cries of those of us opposing the “pandemic” narrative, and the policies it’s being used to sell. Many articles have been written about it, by many experts in the field, medical journalists and other researchers. It’s been commonly available knowledge, for months now, that any test using a CT value over 35 is potentially meaningless. Dr Kary Mullis, who won the Nobel Prize for inventing the PCR process, was clear that it wasn’t meant as a diagnostic tool, saying: “with PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody.” And, commenting on cycle thresholds, once said: If you have to go more than 40 cycles to amplify a single-copy gene, there is something seriously wrong with your PCR.” The MIQE guidelines for PCR use state: Cq values higher than 40 are suspect because of the implied low efficiency and generally should not be reported,” This has all been public knowledge since the beginning of the lockdown. The Australian government’s own website admitted the tests were flawed, and a court in Portugal ruled they were not fit for purpose. Even Dr Anthony Fauci has publicly admitted that a cycle threshold over 35 is going to be detecting “dead nucleotides”, not a living virus. Despite all this, it is known that many labs around the world have been using PCR tests with CT values over 35, even into the low 40s. So why has the WHO finally decided to say this is wrong? What reason could they have for finally choosing to recognise this simple reality? The answer to that is potentially shockingly cynical: We have a vaccine now. We don’t need false positives anymore. Notionally, the system has produced its miracle cure. So, after everyone has been vaccinated, all the PCR tests being done will be done “under the new WHO guidelines”, and running only 25-30 cycles instead of 35+. Lo and behold, the number of “positive cases” will plummet, and we’ll have confirmation that our miracle vaccine works. After months of flooding the data pool with false positives, miscounting deaths “by accident”, adding “Covid19 related death” to every other death certificate…they can stop. The create-a-pandemic machine can be turned down to zero again. …as long as we all do as we’re told. Any signs of dissent – masses of people refusing the vaccine, for example – and the CT value can start to climb again, and they bring back their magical disease. https://off-guardian.org/2020/...ate-false-positives/ NRA Life Member - "Fear God and Dreadnaught" | |||
Member![]() |
That may be correct, but in this case, I think his opinion is accurate. We can see the government using the fear of this virus to manipulate the people in places right in front of us like California and Nevada(Roberts' ruling against churches in Nevada is a highly un-Constitutional case in point). . | |||
Member![]() |
I too think the broad brush is unfair, however there have been credentialed doctors and researchers who have been silenced or been made to be spreaders of false information or painted as conspiracy theorists in favor of Dr Fauc. So while the broad brush is unfair, it is reality. | |||
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie![]() |
What are you going on about? I'm referring to the people being constantly paraded out on mainstream media and social media. These people, with few marginalized exceptions, have been wrong with just about everything regarding this pandemic every step of the way. Fauci was just the most obvious example of it. First it was this virus is nothing to be concerned about; it won't affect America in any real degree. Then don't worry about it; the seasonal flu is worse and should be people's main concern. Then it was don't wear masks; masks are stupid and ineffective for the majority of people. Of course now they say masks must be worn. We have been lied to or outright misled from the very beginning. Furthermore, any opposing scientific or medical opinion disagreeing with the current main narrative is censored or shamefully ridiculed. As such, I no longer believe a damned thing about this virus coming from the media's or even the government's science overloads. Not a thing. So you're speaking with medical people you know on the ground and in the hospitals who are dealing with the virus personally. Well good for you. Many people are not. Obviously those people working in hospitals have a different perception of things. They are engrossed in it everyday, so of course everything they see looks like a medical catastrophe. From my perspective, everything isn't. From my perch, the global economy, the US economy, and the destruction of the US's energy sector is all i see because that is what I'm engrossed in almost every day, and it frankly terrifies me. I wonder what your medical expert friends' opinion on that would be if you asked them. Let me guess; they wouldn't give a shit. And I don't begrudge them that because their priorities are the sick. But the rest of us live outside of their medicinal bubble and can only judge things by what we see in real life and in the media, and the only conclusion I can come to from that is that this pandemic and the overall response to it is a giant three-ring freakin' circus. ~Alan Acta Non Verba NRA Life Member (Patron) God, Family, Guns, Country Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan | |||
Member |
Great points above. My niece is an ER nurse in Memphis. Nearly every night is a medical disaster and the ICU is always full. She told me this the last time we spoke, which was 2018. Oddly enough, 2020 will be the first year in my adult life where I did not know or hear of a single American dying of the Flu. (H1, SARS, Garden variety FLU, etc) | |||
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