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When will the coronavirus arrive in the US? (Disease: COVID-19; Virus: SARS-CoV-2) Login/Join 
Picture of PowerSurge
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Originally posted by jimmy123x:
Did anyone notice. We are now #1 in the world in total confirmed cases? The number is growing very rapidly, each and every day.

Was already mentioned about 5 or 10 pages back. Either way, who cares if we have more cases than China? It’s not like we can count on the truth from a communist country.

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Psalm 14:1
Posts: 4012 | Location: Northeast Georgia | Registered: November 18, 2017Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by parabellum:
It's comin' for ya, jimmy. I saw corona virus in a bar and it was drunk as shit and it asked me for your address. I don't have your address of course, but it said it was going to kick your ass, so, y'know, be on the lookout.

I heard it got too drunk to find my house, so I'm good and ready for it now! Big Grin
Posts: 21408 | Registered: June 12, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
tumbles into the sea
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Originally posted by BMR:
By Ann Coulter
March 25, 2020

- snip -

Surgeon General C. Everett Koop -- as revered by the media then as Anthony Fauci is today -- lied about the disease, insisting that “[h]eterosexual persons are increasingly at risk.”

Speaking of which, here’s liberal sex symbol Fauci on AIDS back in 1983, when he was with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, but not yet its director: "As the months go by, we see more and more groups. AIDS is creeping out of well-defined epidemiological confines.” (It didn’t.)

In 1987, Fauci warned that French kissing might transmit the AIDS virus, saying, “Health officials have to presume that it is possible to transmit the virus by exchange of saliva in deep kissing. That presumption is made to be extra safe."
this fauci fellow sure has the track record.
Posts: 10665 | Location: NV | Registered: July 04, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of cjevans
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Meanwhile, in Australia:

The Prime Minister has announced that everyone coming to Australia - on arrival at airports - will be quarantined for 14 days to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Effective from midnight Saturday.

The States and Territories will cover the costs.

Australian PM announces two week quarantine

2/3rd's of Aussie COVID-19 cases, are Australians returning from OS.

I can't imagine this restriction in place for say, California or New York states.

Friends of mine departed back to the US today, WA state bound.

One, a dual citizen, before obtaining his boarding pass, signed under oath an Aussie Border/Customs Biosecurity statement, that he would not be returning to Australia, for a period of at least 6 months.

Again, from me, not doom and gloom my forum friends, just information from Down Under.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid." ~ Benjamin Franklin.

"If anyone in this country doesn't minimise their tax, they want their head read, because as a government, you are not spending it that well, that we should be donating extra...:
Kerry Packer

SIGForum: the island of reality in an ocean of diarrhoea.
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Picture of bigdeal
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Originally posted by oddball:
Oddly enough, this woman might be more coherent than many in regards to this virus. NSFW.
If there was ever a good example for sterilization, that right there is it. Your GD kids are not mine or "Trunk's" damn responsibility. If you'd kept your damn knees together you wouldn't have a problem, now would you? Roll Eyes

And here I sit in my home in Orlando for the next two weeks, completely restricted from free movement and/or work, because Central Floridians elected a retard as our county mayor, a man too illiterate to read/write at a 12th grade level. To say I'm a bit pissed off would be a monumental understatement.

Guns are awesome because they shoot solid lead freedom. Every man should have several guns. And several dogs, because a man with a cat is a woman. Kurt Schlichter
Posts: 33845 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: April 30, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of spunk639
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I must be in a different world, all this panic, all this exponentially growing cases, need for 40,000 vents. This virus is being watched as it spreads, causing the panic, falling sky or end of the world. I wonder if we had watched other viruses like the flu, and the numbers it affects would we even be here, the propaganda media manufacturing a crisis.

This thing is simple,

If you're sick flu or cold like stay home until it passes, learned this about 7 or 8 years old.

If you're elderly, frail, sickly, immunocompromised and there's a bug going around, stay home. Watched elderly relatives due this season after season, all had a variety of ailment didn't get the bug, lived into 80's some 90's.

Wash your hands! Learned this around 4 or so, stuck with me, thanks Grandma.

Guess I'm not so smart because I'm not following the experts and the doom and gloom.

Eat well, take vitamins, wash my hands, avoid sick people, or incubators(elementary school, homeless shelters or jails) and I should be ok.

Not wasting time or energy to panic
Posts: 2837 | Location: Boston, Mass | Registered: December 02, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Jack of All Trades,
Master of Nothing
Picture of 2000Z-71
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Originally posted by cjevans:
Meanwhile, in Australia:

The Prime Minister has announced that everyone coming to Australia - on arrival at airports - will be quarantined for 14 days to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Effective from midnight Saturday.

The States and Territories will cover the costs.

Australian PM announces two week quarantine

2/3rd's of Aussie COVID-19 cases, are Australians returning from OS.

I can't imagine this restriction in place for say, California or New York states.

Friends of mine departed back to the US today, WA state bound.

One, a dual citizen, before obtaining his boarding pass, signed under oath an Aussie Border/Customs Biosecurity statement, that he would not be returning to Australia, for a period of at least 6 months.

Again, from me, not doom and gloom my forum friends, just information from Down Under.

Alaska now has a mandatory 14 day quarantine for anyone entering the state by air, international and domestic.

My daughter can deflate your daughter's soccer ball.
Posts: 11884 | Location: Eagle River, AK | Registered: September 12, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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^^^^ Hope they lift it before our visit! Damn this has us wondering if our dream vacation will still happen.


"Once abolish the God, and the Government becomes the God." --- G.K. Chesterton
Posts: 3856 | Location: WNY | Registered: April 11, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Prefontaine
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Originally posted by cjevans:
Meanwhile, in Australia:

The Prime Minister has announced that everyone coming to Australia - on arrival at airports - will be quarantined for 14 days to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Effective from midnight Saturday.

The States and Territories will cover the costs.

Australian PM announces two week quarantine

2/3rd's of Aussie COVID-19 cases, are Australians returning from OS.

I can't imagine this restriction in place for say, California or New York states.

Friends of mine departed back to the US today, WA state bound.

One, a dual citizen, before obtaining his boarding pass, signed under oath an Aussie Border/Customs Biosecurity statement, that he would not be returning to Australia, for a period of at least 6 months.

Again, from me, not doom and gloom my forum friends, just information from Down Under.

The state of Hawaii already did the exact same thing days ago.

What am I doing? I'm talking to an empty telephone
Posts: 12932 | Location: Down South | Registered: January 16, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by PowerSurge:
Originally posted by jimmy123x:
Did anyone notice. We are now #1 in the world in total confirmed cases? The number is growing very rapidly, each and every day.

Was already mentioned about 5 or 10 pages back. Either way, who cares if we have more cases than China? It’s not like we can count on the truth from a communist country.

21 million fewer active cell phones in the last month in China. [Bloomberg]
Posts: 122 | Location: N. TX | Registered: June 22, 2019Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by opticsguy:
Originally posted by PowerSurge:
Originally posted by jimmy123x:
Did anyone notice. We are now #1 in the world in total confirmed cases? The number is growing very rapidly, each and every day.

Was already mentioned about 5 or 10 pages back. Either way, who cares if we have more cases than China? It’s not like we can count on the truth from a communist country.

21 million fewer active cell phones in the last month in China. [Bloomberg]

If anybody here believes the numbers and that we are ahead of China, I have some prime beach front property near the Grand Canyon for sale.
Posts: 887 | Location: North Carolina | Registered: December 14, 2019Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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NIH failed to test coronavirus drugs, studied drunk monkeys, soap operas, and tailgating instead

On a steamy summer day inside the lecture auditorium of the storied National Institutes of Health headquarters, Dr. Michael Bracken delivered a stark message to an audience that dedicated its life, and owed its living, to medical research.

As much as 87.5% of biomedical research is wasted or inefficient, the respected Yale University epidemiologist declared in a sobering assessment for a federal research agency that spends about $40 billion a year on medical studies.

He backed his staggering statistic with these additional stats: 50 out of every 100 medical studies fail to produce published findings, and half of those that do publish have serious design flaws. And those that aren’t flawed and manage to publish are often needlessly redundant.

“Waste is more than just a waste of money and resources,” Bracken preached to the audience back in July 2016, according to the NIH’s official account of the speech. “It can actually be harmful to people’s health.”

Nearly four years later, Bracken’s sweeping indictment about the financial management, organization and conduct of federal medical research looms large over a series of “what if” questions about the deadly and ever-spreading COVID-19 pandemic:

What if the research community hadn’t bet all its marbles on the next pandemic coming from a flu instead of a version of the coronavirus?
What if NIH or other agencies had funded research into the efficacy of drugs like chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, remdesivir, and HIV cocktails that had shown promise against coronavirus dating back to 2003?
What if more pressure had been applied by the medical governance world to develop vaccines aimed at coronavirus?
What if the medical community had simply adjusted its outdated modeling that predicted coronavirus would spread slowly and could be contained to account for the massive growth in global air travel the last decade that transported this virus from China to the West in treacherously fast time?

Correspondent Christine Dolan laid bare in an article Thursday in Just the News how the major failures, miscalculations and bad bets that the official science world made on coronavirus are now coming back to haunt the current pandemic.

As Dr. Carlos Del Rio, the Emory University infectious disease specialist and former CDC disease hunter, aptly noted: “There are multiple faults. And in the end, we were woefully unprepared.”

Del Rio’s assessment — shared by many infectious disease colleagues — will certainly drive plenty of armchair quarterbacking when the current outbreak recedes. Challenging doctors in the middle of the crisis is neither politically popular nor effective when their attention should be on their many critically ill patients.

But at some point — if America is to learn from this crisis — the policymakers and NIH overseers will need to address the clarion warning that Dr. Bracken made four years ago inside Uncle Sam’s most prestigious medical research institution.

His assessment — if true — would mean that $30 billion or more of NIH’s annual funding is wasted, inefficient, redundant, or flawed.

Coming to grips with that problem will undercut the big excuse that medical researchers often make when challenged about failure: There isn’t enough research money, so they make decisions based on the biggest risks they see to public health.

Senate Homeland and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson, R-Wis., told Just the News on Thursday night he plans to investigate why the medical community was so poorly prepared for this pandemic.

‬“Once the current crisis has passed, Congress must conduct thorough oversight to understand why we weren’t better prepared and take corrective for the future,” he said.

Several of the researchers whom Dolan interviewed suggested there weren’t enough resources to simultaneously plan for both a flu pandemic and a coronavirus pandemic, so they simply skipped the clinical trials on treatments for the latter.

There wasn’t enough in a $40 billion a year pot of money to plan for two pandemics?

As you weigh that question, consider this: In the 15 years since evidence first emerged that drugs like chloroquine might help in a coronavirus pandemic, NIH spent:

$3.7 million so researchers at Oregon Health & Science University could compel monkeys to drink excessively to determine the impact of drunkenness on tissues, organs and central nervous systems.
$3 million to study why lesbian women are likely to be two times more overweight than gay men.
$700,107 for the study of the impact of televisions and gas generators on villages in Vietnam.
$542,074 for a 12-episode soap opera on the love lives of HIV-infected patients.
$3.54 million for a series of anti-obesity hip-hop songs to see if they would encourage kids to skip the fries and eat healthier.
$35,000 for a University of Missouri study on whether text messaging college students before pre-football game tailgates would lead to less alcoholism.
$350,000 for Yale University and Arizona State University to measure whether young adults between 21 and 30 would lose more money gambling if they drank alcohol.
$721,000 for an Arizona company to develop a flight simulator to study drunken piloting.

Just two days ago, in the midst of surging coronavirus deaths in America, NIH released a joint study by its National Cancer Institute and the National Institute on Aging that came to a heady conclusion: If you walk more, you are likely to live longer.

“We wanted to investigate this question to provide new insights that could help people better understand the health implications of the step counts they get from fitness trackers and phone apps,” the researchers explained.

To accentuate that Dr. Bracken’s warning on redundancy four years ago hasn’t been heeded: NCI funded a prior study published just one year earlier at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School. The conclusion was mostly the same: “Death rates declined with more steps taken each day.”

Tying NIH research to popular fitness trackers and pedometers will get plenty of media attention, but the proposition that more exercise leads to better health is already irrefutably accepted.

And that is little solace to an intubated coronavirus patient laying in an ICU bed who wonders if there is a drug to treat his or her disease.

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
Posts: 13075 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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British Prime Minister Boris Johnson tests positive for coronavirus

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has tested positive for the coronavirus.

The 55-year-old Johnson made the announcement Friday morning on Twitter.

"Over the last 24 hours I have developed mild symptoms and tested positive for coronavirus," Johnson tweeted. "I am now self-isolating, but I will continue to lead the government’s response via video-conference as we fight this virus. Together we will beat this. #StayHomeSaveLives."

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
Posts: 13075 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
wishing we
were congress
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DEM Governor Gretchen Whitmer from the Michigan Directorate has threatened to turn the eye of the state upon any doctor or pharmacist who would attempt to prescribe chloroquine to treat their patients suffering from coronavirus. Medical licenses may need to be revoked.

The agency’s March 24 letter warns physicians and pharmacists of professional consequences for the prescribing of hydroxychloroquine (and chloroquine). Beyond the rational recommendation against hoarding, the letter includes threats of “administrative action” against the licenses of doctors that prescribe hydroxychloroquine.


second DEM Governor restricting hydroxychloroquine


Bayer gave the US Government 3,000,000 Chloroquine tablets. According to the reports at the time 750,000 doses went to NY, the rest were never discussed (whereabouts unknown).

Novartis stated they have 50,000,000 doses on hand with another 80,000,000 doses to be ready by May

Why would giant pharmaceutical companies produce and distribute 130 million doses of a medication for potential treatment if there was no basis it?
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Newsflash - It's all Trumps fault

Why America has the world's most confirmed Covid-19 cases

Opinion by Jeffrey Sachs (my note - Communist prick)

The MSM is nearly giddy parroting this crap. It's almost as if they want to stop his reelection!

"if Trump has his way, easing guidelines to stay at home by Easter, we will fail to stop the epidemic and millions more will be infected."

"Trump bears direct responsibility for America's unpreparedness and failed response to the epidemic. Since Trump came into office, he has systematically taken apart our protective public health system."
Posts: 801 | Location: Southeast Tennessee | Registered: September 30, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of holdem
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Originally posted by bigdeal:

And here I sit in my home in Orlando for the next two weeks.

Do not sit around, go out and do what you can. Practice good hygiene, maintain distance, but go out if you wish.

The list of exceptions under this stay at home order is so long that you can pretty much leave at will. I am not an attorney, but my guess is they knew they were on shaky constitutional ground, so they wrote it in a way as to not interfere much more than already has been. But, also knowing that if they issue a shelter in place order, a certain percentage of the people will just stay home.

I went for a bike ride around Orlando this morning. A route of 20 miles that I ride regularly, from just before 6am to just after 7am. The drop in traffic this morning versus earlier this week was slight, maybe 10%, but there was still PLENTY of traffic out there. There are plenty people that were not at home this morning before 7am.

And I was really, really glad to see that.
Posts: 2349 | Location: Orlando | Registered: April 22, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Sigforum K9 handler
Picture of jljones
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Originally posted by tleo205:
Originally posted by opticsguy:
Originally posted by PowerSurge:
Originally posted by jimmy123x:
Did anyone notice. We are now #1 in the world in total confirmed cases? The number is growing very rapidly, each and every day.

Was already mentioned about 5 or 10 pages back. Either way, who cares if we have more cases than China? It’s not like we can count on the truth from a communist country.

21 million fewer active cell phones in the last month in China. [Bloomberg]

If anybody here believes the numbers and that we are ahead of China, I have some prime beach front property near the Grand Canyon for sale.

Well, some people apparently do believe it. They keep posting it in this thread as if it were the gospel of “we’re all going to die”

"It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it works out for them"

Posts: 37174 | Location: Logical | Registered: September 12, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
tumbles into the sea
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these covid19 positive celebrity, politician, sports star, whathaveyou infected assholes have to be infecting more than the average bear. what is it - 4 to 5 days where you show no symptoms but can transmit to others? and they announce it like their fucking martyrs.
Posts: 10665 | Location: NV | Registered: July 04, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of holdem
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Originally posted by tleo205:

If anybody here believes the numbers and that we are ahead of China, I have some prime beach front property near the Grand Canyon for sale.

China probably is lying. But you know what, I am glad they are.

If they told the truth, and their numbers were then inflated by 10%, or 30%, or maybe more, that would give the media even more to scream about. There would be even more doom and gloom scenarios.

If China lying helps keep some sanity here in the US, then I say lie away.
Posts: 2349 | Location: Orlando | Registered: April 22, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by f2:
these covid19 positive celebrity, politician, sports star, whathaveyou infected assholes have to be infecting more than the average bear. what is it - 4 to 5 days where you show no symptoms but can transmit to others? and they announce it like their fucking martyrs.

One interesting aspect about the celebrities/athletes/politicians testing positive is how media is so quick to run big headlines announcing the news, but nothing on their condition a week later, i.e. that they aren't dying and they are totally fine.

Case in point - an old friend of mine is Kevin Durant's cousin. When the news first broke that he tested positive, I texted him about how I was sorry to hear. He said that he (KD) was totally fine. Zero symptoms. But you would never see that in big headlines.
Posts: 2690 | Location: Baltimore | Registered: October 22, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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