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When will the coronavirus arrive in the US? (Disease: COVID-19; Virus: SARS-CoV-2) Login/Join 
Seeker of Clarity
Picture of r0gue
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Just a thought I had. If UV kills it, it might be a good idea to park outdoors. It would help to kill it on the steering wheel and shifter, etc.

Posts: 11433 | Registered: August 02, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
7.62mm Crusader
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Originally posted by Sunset_Va:
Originally posted by 229DAK:
Originally posted by PASig:
I’m now almost certain I had this virus back in mid-December and recovered and didn’t even realize it. I got what I thought was just a bad cold with an awful, awful sore throat and a hacking cough that would not go away. A sore throat for me lasts normally 1-2 days. This lasted 3 full weeks along with the cough, I was coughing so hard and so much I was having to sleep elsewhere to stop waking my wife. My chest hurt for weeks after I finally got over it. Initially went to my doctor after a week, they tested for strep, it was negative and told me it’s “just a cold, suck it up”. After another 10 days of this horrible sore throat and hacking cough, I went to the urgent care and they again tested for strep, negative, flu , negative and took chest x-rays. The doctor I saw told me “it’s a good thing you came in when you did, you were on your way to getting pneumonia” They gave me some heavy duty cough meds and something else and finally after a good 3 weeks I felt better. It was horrible. Never had a cough like that in my life.

Same here; late last year. I cannot remember coughing that bad.

Same here, around Christmas 2019, cough with terrible mucus buildup. Lasted 2 weeks, I stayed away from family then as much as possible. No fever or sore throat in my case.

I thought to myself, this is the first chest cold I've had in my memory. However, I didn't go to any doctor. The cough finally went away, although, the mucus buildup was terrible for the next month.

I am glad SF members brought this up, most of these cases occured last December.
Count me in. Mid January and all of February. Never in my life have I had a bug I couldnt shake in 10 days or so. Drowning in my own snot. Left lung was pretty pissed. And then it cleared up.
Posts: 17987 | Location: The Bluegrass State! | Registered: December 23, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
It's not you,
it's me.
Picture of RAMIUS
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Originally posted by sigfreund:
Why I decided to start wearing a mask at the grocery store—and how many others are now?

I did yesterday. I had to go shopping to get some "normal" food for the week (plenty stocked on emergency food).

I wore a properly fitted N95 mask, protective glasses, and latex gloves. I was also armed with clorox wipes. I felt like a weirdo. Even wiped everything down with clorox wipes in the garage at home.

The main reason I've been taking such measures is so all the grandparents can see our 2 year old in a week once they're 2 week window has passed. The grandparents really miss seeing their grandchild and I don't want to infect them when they come over since they're all in their 70's. Plus the wife is pregnant.

They're also our free childcare, don't want to lose that!

Interesting to see some people at the store not giving two shits about safety. Seems like mostly older folks too. People talking closely in the aisles, touching the carts, their phones, their faces. The supermarket workers who look exhausted also look like they don't really care about being careful. You'd think they'd at least sanitize the touch screens at check out.
Posts: 7016 | Location: Right outside Philly | Registered: September 08, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of maladat
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India came up a few pages ago. They just announced a total lockdown for three weeks.


India, the world’s second-most populous country, will order its 1.3 billion people to stay inside their homes for three weeks to try to curb the spread of the coronavirus, Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared on Tuesday.

The extensive lockdown order was declared a day after the authorities there grounded all domestic flights.

Mr. Modi said the decree would take effect at midnight.

“There will be a total ban of coming out of your homes,’’ Mr. Modi said.

“Every district, every lane, every village will be under lockdown,’’ he said. “If you can’t handle these 21 days, this country will go back 21 years.”

“The only option is social distancing, to remain away from each other,’’ he said. “There is no way out to escape from coronavirus besides this.”

Left unclear was how Indians would be able to get food and other needed supplies. Mr. Modi alluded vaguely to the government and civil society groups stepping in to help, but offered no details.

Though India’s number of reported coronavirus cases remains relatively low, around 500, the fear is that if the virus hits as it has in the United States, Europe or China, it could be a disaster far bigger than anywhere else.

... snip ...
Posts: 6319 | Location: CA | Registered: January 24, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Nullus Anxietas
Picture of ensigmatic
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Originally posted by r0gue:
Just a thought I had. If UV kills it, it might be a good idea to park outdoors. It would help to kill it on the steering wheel and shifter, etc.

I keep a can of disinfectant wipes on the back seat floor of the Jeep. First thing I do when I get back to the Jeep is unlock, get that out, wipe down the container, the door handle I used to open the Jeep, and my key fob. This way I never touch anything else in or on the Jeep with potentially contaminated hands.

I do occasionally wipe down all other touch surfaces in the Jeep, just in case.

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system,,,, but too early to shoot the bastards." -- Claire Wolfe
"If we let things terrify us, life will not be worth living." -- Seneca the Younger, Roman Stoic philosopher
Posts: 26009 | Location: S.E. Michigan | Registered: January 06, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Void Where Prohibited
Picture of WaterburyBob
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Originally posted by r0gue:
Just a thought I had. If UV kills it, it might be a good idea to park outdoors. It would help to kill it on the steering wheel and shifter, etc.
Maybe someone knows otherwise, but I don't think enough UV passes through tinted auto glass to do any good.

"If Gun Control worked, Chicago would look like Mayberry, not Thunderdome" - Cam Edwards
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wishing we
were congress
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Andrew Cuomo Supports Loosening Restrictions to Restart Economy

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo shared similar views as President Donald Trump on Tuesday, agreeing it would be possible to restart the economy by loosening coronavirus isolation restrictions on Americans.

On Monday evening, President Trump made a similar argument at a White House press briefing, stating it was possible to restart the economy and remain conscious of America’s health.

“What I’m saying, basically, is that we can do two things simultaneously,” Trump said, noting “we’ve had this incredible learning period” about the virus that might allow the federal government to review the requirements for social distancing.

Cuomo made the same argument at a press conference on Tuesday.

“Don’t make us choose between the two,” Cuomo said. “We can do both and we must do both.”

Cuomo argued lower-risk and younger people could return to work, as soon they would not need to be quarantined with the elderly.

“You can have an economic start-up strategy that is consistent with a public health strategy,” Cuomo said.

He said testing recovering individuals from the coronavirus and sending them back to work was essential, noting many Americans likely had the virus and recovered.

“I believe once we get that test, you’re going to find hundreds of thousands of people who have had the coronavirus and resolved,” Cuomo said.

Cuomo looked forward to younger people returning to work.

“Let the younger people go back to work, let the recovered people go back to work,” he said. “Ramp up the economy with those individuals.”

Cuomo said that although the initial public health strategy was strict, it was possible to refine recommendations based on what officials had learned about the virus.

“So you’re refining your public health strategy and at the same time you’re restarting your economy,” Cuomo said. “Those two can be consistent if done intelligently.”
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Partial dichotomy
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Originally posted by ensigmatic:
Originally posted by r0gue:
Just a thought I had. If UV kills it, it might be a good idea to park outdoors. It would help to kill it on the steering wheel and shifter, etc.

I keep a can of disinfectant wipes on the back seat floor of the Jeep. First thing I do when I get back to the Jeep is unlock, get that out, wipe down the container, the door handle I used to open the Jeep, and my key fob. This way I never touch anything else in or on the Jeep with potentially contaminated hands.

I do occasionally wipe down all other touch surfaces in the Jeep, just in case.

I also do this and wipe down anything else in the car that I touch....steering wheel, shifter, seat belt buckle. I've been doing this for years after being in stores or gassing up? Do I germaphobe much?

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Picture of sigfreund
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Originally posted by FiveFiveSixFan:
Originally posted by sigfreund:
* Know why the glasses?

To avoid aerosol contact with the conjunctiva perhaps?

Yes, that’s my intent. If rubbing our eyes with contaminated fingers can introduce the virus, it seems obvious that a cough or sneeze droplet from an infected person can do the same. It is mildly surprising that that danger hasn’t received more recognition.

Then again, as for what other people do or don’t do, I saw a woman take a disinfecting wipe from the dispenser at a store, pick up the handle of a hand basket with her bare hands, and then carefully wipe it down.

Originally posted by RAMIUS:
I felt like a weirdo.

I did too. I believe, however, that that feeling will pass.
And I hope that some people will think, “I saw my hero, sigfreund, wearing a mask and gloves; it must be okay.” Wink


“I regret that I am to now die in the belief, that the useless sacrifice of themselves by the generation of 1776, to acquire self-government and happiness to their country, is to be thrown away by the unwise and unworthy passions of their sons, and that my only consolation is to be, that I live not to weep over it.”
— Thomas Jefferson
Posts: 47719 | Location: 10,150 Feet Above Sea Level in Colorado | Registered: April 04, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
thin skin can't win
Picture of Georgeair
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I'm getting first-hand accounts of the shortage from the hospitals where my wife (a nurse) and daughter (a doctor) work. They're using a single mask for an entire shift in most cases and then salvaging it for reuse later because there's such a shortage. They and the hospitals are looking the possibility of fabricating "homemade" masks if necessary. Fortunately, 3M and others are supposedly ramping up production, and Lowe's and others are donating masks that will be distributed to some hospitals so I'm hoping it won't come to that.

This is one of the challenges of the "let 'em get sick and deal with it" strategy. All that PPE is what keeps the healthcare folks functional. Without it, or with it working poorly, they suddenly become spreaders instead of healers, or you have to send them home. Since no hospital will let someone knowingly infected work nor would most workers in anything but extreme times, you lose some of the workforce needed to cover the patients just at a time you have a spike of patients.

It's not just respirators that have a finite supply, it's doctors/nurses/techs, etc. Even without killing them once you take any meaningful portion of them off the field you've got real challenges.

We are seeing shortages of PPE even in a relatively lightly impacted area as Jackson, so I'm sure it's widespread in other markets. While not a doctor, I work in the field and have gotten this firsthand by those affected, not a FB friend..... Wink

You only have integrity once. - imprezaguy02

Posts: 12708 | Location: Madison, MS | Registered: December 10, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Exceptional Circumstances
Picture of dave7378
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Originally posted by sigfreund:
Why I decided to start wearing a mask at the grocery store—and how many others are now?

I have had a persistent cough for years that has been checked many times and not found to be a symptom of anything serious. I believe it’s probably due to the scarring from many bouts of pneumonia I’ve had, not to mention having breathed other people’s smoke for 40 some years. I do, however, believe it demonstrates that I need to try to avoid catching something that will damage my lungs further. And then there’s my wife who also has reasons to avoid catching this, along with the fact that we live at an altitude where we really need all the lung function we can get.

I’m not afraid of dying of COVID-19 because there are worse ways to go, but despite the fact that both I and my wife are old enough for the “No longer useful” category, it would be an inconvenience to others, especially now. What I especially don’t want myself is to develop a problem that would require me to be on oxygen all the time as is true of many of the local residents, or, even worse, would require a move to a lower elevation.

All that led me to finally start wearing an N95 mask and a pair of my shooting glasses* to the grocery store, which is about the only place left in town where more than a few people congregate. As a bit of unintended irony, though, a couple of days ago our local more-or-less supermarket established a policy that from 7 to 9 A.M. shopping would be limited to “seniors,” the pregnant, and other people with special vulnerabilities. Needing a couple of perishables this morning, I arrived there about 7:30, and guess what? The place was packed with old people, probably because they thought that products would be more plentiful than has been normal for the past couple of weeks. Only a few of us were wearing masks, but it will be interesting to see if that changes in the future.

* Know why the glasses?

No longer useful my ass. Your brain is still sharp as a knife.

As far as the n95 masks. I own a pest control business so have a lot of experience wearing these as do many other service industry related workers like painters or carpenters. Always have worked well for me but not nearly as good as a respirator. When the advice came out that they were relatively ineffective against this virus I laughed as I have always been a "something is better than nothing" person. Turns out now that masks may be how S Korea got ahead of the spread in their country. It will be enlightening to look back on this and learn from the misinformation, sensationalism, fear mongering and most disheartening, the failure of people who I thought would be most mentally prepared to deal with this. I am a little surprised and a little saddened by some close to me who just fell to despair with every new infection rate announced on tv. Easy to follow the herd I suppose. While we aren't out of this by a long shot, and there is a percentage of the population that is at risk, I still hold that this has been a media driven frenzy that is crippling both the mental well being of our society as well as our economy. I also believe both will come back stronger.

Posts: 5938 | Location: Hampton Bays, NY | Registered: October 14, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Chip away the stone
Picture of rusbro
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The thing I don't get about the theory that this has been going around for 4 months in the US is that we're only now (seemingly) seeing a big spike in hospitalizations and deaths. Seems to me if it had been widespread in December hospitals in New York or other large cities would have already been well aware something was making an unusual number of people sick and requiring them to be on ventilators.
Posts: 11597 | Registered: August 22, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Exceptional Circumstances
Picture of dave7378
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Originally posted by sdy:

Andrew Cuomo Supports Loosening Restrictions to Restart Economy

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo shared similar views as President Donald Trump on Tuesday, agreeing it would be possible to restart the economy by loosening coronavirus isolation restrictions on Americans.

On Monday evening, President Trump made a similar argument at a White House press briefing, stating it was possible to restart the economy and remain conscious of America’s health.

“What I’m saying, basically, is that we can do two things simultaneously,” Trump said, noting “we’ve had this incredible learning period” about the virus that might allow the federal government to review the requirements for social distancing.

Cuomo made the same argument at a press conference on Tuesday.

“Don’t make us choose between the two,” Cuomo said. “We can do both and we must do both.”

Cuomo argued lower-risk and younger people could return to work, as soon they would not need to be quarantined with the elderly.

“You can have an economic start-up strategy that is consistent with a public health strategy,” Cuomo said.

He said testing recovering individuals from the coronavirus and sending them back to work was essential, noting many Americans likely had the virus and recovered.

“I believe once we get that test, you’re going to find hundreds of thousands of people who have had the coronavirus and resolved,” Cuomo said.

Cuomo looked forward to younger people returning to work.

“Let the younger people go back to work, let the recovered people go back to work,” he said. “Ramp up the economy with those individuals.”

Cuomo said that although the initial public health strategy was strict, it was possible to refine recommendations based on what officials had learned about the virus.

“So you’re refining your public health strategy and at the same time you’re restarting your economy,” Cuomo said. “Those two can be consistent if done intelligently.”

Don't be fooled by him. He loves the cameras. This was the same guy quoted yesterday that this could go on for 9 months and today is is talking about easing back restrictions, restrictions I didn't agree with. Luckily my business is considered essential or I would have fallen into non compliance. Watch for his 2024 aspirations.

Posts: 5938 | Location: Hampton Bays, NY | Registered: October 14, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
It's not you,
it's me.
Picture of RAMIUS
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The thing I don't get is that people say that masks aren't effective at reducing transmission. I've heard so many dumb reasons, many by actual medical professionals.

I understand that they must fit properly, but I'm also not getting as close to people as medical professionals do. It's just another layer of protection.

And yes, I'm aware you can get it in your eyes, that's why I wear protective glasses too.
Posts: 7016 | Location: Right outside Philly | Registered: September 08, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
wishing we
were congress
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after reading Doc H post about the finger prick test, I searched a bit online.

A number of places are working on this approach

Here is just one of them:

Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I hope this isn’t too off topic but the Richardson, TX city council announced its own SIP “orders” effective until April 30.

Besides ordering all non essential businesses to close and a few other things, here are a few items I found interesting:

* Religious and worship services may only be provided by video and teleconference.

* A limit on the purchase of toilet paper has been established. Residents may purchase only 12 rolls, or one package, whichever is greater, at a time.

Once these types of orders are issued below the level of the governor and somewhat at the county level, I start to get a “fuck you” attitude. Who the hell does this mayor think he is telling residents how much toilet paper they can buy? Or whether they can attend church?

Anyway, does a city mayor have the constitutional right to interfere with my constitutional rights? I’m fine with guidelines or recommendations during a time of emergency but otherwise they can FO.
Posts: 3974 | Location: UNK | Registered: October 04, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Prefontaine
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Originally posted by rusbro:
The thing I don't get about the theory that this has been going around for 4 months in the US is that we're only now (seemingly) seeing a big spike in hospitalizations and deaths. Seems to me if it had been widespread in December hospitals in New York or other large cities would have already been well aware something was making an unusual number of people sick and requiring them to be on ventilators.

Many people don't show symptoms. Others some, others full blown. China, with all their bullshit, even said November when it cranked up. World travelers slowly trickling out with it. Myself I get sick like I did in December, I work from home, wear a mask so I don't contaminate others, and constantly wash my hands and wipe things down. Same as any cold/flu I have ever gotten. Things like this start slow, gain momentum etc. Makes sense.

What am I doing? I'm talking to an empty telephone
Posts: 12961 | Location: Down South | Registered: January 16, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Internet Guru
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If we are careful enough, we can drag this thing out through the end of the year.
Posts: 2050 | Registered: April 06, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
wishing we
were congress
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good video of Sen Barrasso yelling at DEMs in the senate

worth a watch
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Victim of Life's
Picture of doublesharp
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More anecdotal evidence. Dr Fauci wont like it because it's inexpensive and ready now.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko of NY has treated more than 500 patients with Hydroxychloroquine and has had zero deaths, zero hospitalizations, and zero intubations. He personally witnessed patient difficulty in breathing improve in 4 hours.

God spelled backwards is dog
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