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When will the coronavirus arrive in the US? (Disease: COVID-19; Virus: SARS-CoV-2) Login/Join 
Picture of Killer
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Originally posted by TAllen01:
Originally posted by TXLe:
There have been mentionings in the news of the national guards being called up but not much details. Does anyone have any information and which states, the numbers being called up and the timeline?

I don't have numbers, but Ohio has called them up. Helping set up tents for testing and distributing groceries.

There are 60 so far in Illinois. My niece is in the Illinois Air Guard and I worry about her being in the middle of this mess.
Posts: 323 | Location: Central Illinois | Registered: December 10, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Yeah, that M14 video guy...
Picture of benny6
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Had a rough night last night. The tree pollen count is high right now and my head was cloudy. Had a splitting headache. Body aches (mostly my legs), ears feel pressure and I had alternating chills and sweats last night.

No fever. No cough, no sore throat, no runny nose.

Got home at midnight and it wasn’t that cold. I was shivering pretty hard. Took some Benadryl and fell asleep on top of the covers. Woke around 2:30 and changed, then got back into bed shivering again.

I’ve never had shivers with allergies, but I don’t seem to check the boxes for WU FLU.

Wife just checked my temp. 98.7.

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Something wild
is loose
Picture of Doc H.
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Originally posted by Dakor:

There are different types of asymptomatic carriers. Those that have the virus and progress towards being symptomatic and those that won't ever demonstrate symptoms (technically disease free but not pathogen-free) whose immune systems eliminate the virus relatively quickly. Age is a primary factor in estimating the strength of one's immune system. All viruses replicate intracellularly and typically the symptoms one experiences are a result of the expansion of the virus (destroying one's cells in layman's terms) and/or the immune system reacting to the infection.
nCov-19 or SARS-CoV-2 is not a latent virus and thus doesn't integrate with one's genome. The possibility of reinfection was significantly hyped for a while, but unless robust mutation occurs (providing a lack of antigenic recognition) that's highly unlikely. Those infected will not pass it along forever regardless of whether they become symptomatic or remain symptom free. Secondary vectors (different than fomites) can act like viral harbors in the environment so further research needs to be conducted on that front.
Hope this explanation helps.

Good rundown Dakor, thanks. I would add that there's no indication - yet - that the virus has crossed back into any non-human reservoir to date. Apparently it's getting pretty comfortable living in humans...

"And gentlemen in England now abed, shall think themselves accursed they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that fought with us upon Saint Crispin's Day"
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Run Silent
Run Deep

Picture of Patriot
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Originally posted by benny6:
Had a rough night last night. The tree pollen count is high right now and my head was cloudy. Had a splitting headache. Body aches (mostly my legs), ears feel pressure and I had alternating chills and sweats last night.

No fever. No cough, no sore throat, no runny nose.

Got home at midnight and it wasn’t that cold. I was shivering pretty hard. Took some Benadryl and fell asleep on top of the covers. Woke around 2:30 and changed, then got back into bed shivering again.

I’ve never had shivers with allergies, but I don’t seem to check the boxes for WU FLU.

Wife just checked my temp. 98.7.

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Picture of holdem
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Originally posted by sigspecops:
I want to know and I think that we are all owed a definite answer to the question of when does this stupid shit stop?

I think it is going to take some really large companies to step up and essentially say, "We are tired of hemorrhaging cash, on April 1st we are going to re-open whether this social distancing has worked or not, damn the consequences. We would much rather lose 1% (or less) of our customers to COVID-19 than to have no customers at all." Of course they cannot say that publicly, but maybe that is what is said in the board meeting.

I am thinking along the lines of Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, production studios in Hollywood, the production plants for GM, Ford, Honda, etc. And then small businesses can follow suit and if needed, defy the orders of the governors of PA and CA and similar areas.

If that does not happen, I fear we are in for an extended shutdown.
Posts: 2322 | Location: Orlando | Registered: April 22, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of sigfreund
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Originally posted by benny6:
Wife just checked my temp. 98.7.

You reminded me of an interesting (to me) issue.

Years ago the mathematician John Paulos pointed out that when an early German researcher tried to determine what the “normal” human body temperature was, he conducted his work using Celsius thermometers. He also averaged a large number of readings because not everyone’s normal temperature is the same (mine is 97.8°), and then there was the fact that he didn’t try to determine the average to the nearest tenth of a degree.

When his research results were taken up in this country, however, none of that was taken into consideration, just as is true when Americans convert other round figure metric measurements today. The one I see most frequently is something like “The effective range of the M4 carbine is 500 meters [546.807 yards].” Really? Do we truly believe that it’s effective against a point target out to 546 yards, but not 547?

The German researcher’s “normal” body temperature was a nice, even 37° Celsius, which when converted to Fahrenheit equals 98.6, but there’s no reason to believe that his results were ever intended to be precise to 0.1° Fahrenheit, which is equal to 0.056 (or about 1/20) degree Celsius.

Then there is the recent research that was reported in The Wall Street Journal (link) that indicates the true “normal” body temperature average is 97.5° Fahrenheit. There is a lot of speculation around why that’s less than the old 98.6, but one thing I mentioned in my comment to the article is that no one seems to have considered what Paulos pointed out decades ago.

So, what’s normal? And when I brought up all this in another post here some time ago, someone else pointed out that American health care providers don’t consider someone to be running a fever until it reaches 100.4 °F—which is a nice, round 38 °C. What a coincidence, eh?

I bring up this tedious subject to ask what one’s temperature has to be to get locked up into quarantine as a result of temperature screening. Do the people who are setting the limits understand all that?

Posts: 47467 | Location: 10,150 Feet Above Sea Level in Colorado | Registered: April 04, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Fortified with Sleestak
Picture of thunderson
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Saw this posted on Fakebook. It's getting serious out there.....

"Coronavirus Pandemic, day 16.
If anyone is still out there, I’m alive but struggling. Food is running low. Down to only 459 days worth. My hands are super sanitized and my butt is super clean. Down to 1599 rounds of ammo (dropped 1 round down the heat vent while doing daily inventory). Power still on, but for how long? Missing human interaction but I have my dogs.. for now.. (I'm soaking their food in BBQ sauce in an attempt to marinate them from the inside in case I have to eat them) . I fear dark days ahead. News is all bad. Neighbors have attempted to leap from windows to their death, (or near death... most have single story homes so they are badly bruised). Blew through most Netflix series so may have to rewatch some again..Basic Survival is a definite challenge. I vow to persevere to the end, I am a survivor! Please, if there is life out there, communicate with me to help preserve my sanity..
Going to have my coffee now and maybe a slice of apple pie with whip cream god help me God help me"
*Copy and pasted from another fellow survivor *

I have the heart of a lion.......and a lifetime ban from the Toronto Zoo.- Unknown
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Lawyers, Guns
and Money
Picture of chellim1
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We are rapidly ramping up testing in this country. That's a good thing.
However, as a consequence, there were 4943 "new cases", reported yesterday (3/19)... up about 2000 cases from the 2977 "new cases" reported the day before (3/18), and 1754 "new cases" (3/17). It's a steep curve.

Once testing is widely available we will have a better handle on the trajectory of this thing. At some point, the "new cases" number will level off, and then gradually begin to decline.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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Step by step walk the thousand mile road
Picture of Sig2340
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Dear Diary,

Day seventy-two thousand nine hundred two of the novel Corona virus pandemic? I'm not sure, I'm loosing track of time locked away with my two grown cat food can opening hairless apes and their three hellion progeny.

The senior hairless ape (SHAPE) has started to treat me preferentially to the hellions. While I get my fur stroked during my occasional forays out from under the sofa, I hear her making increasingly threatening statements to the hellions. This morning, when the eldest hellion qdemanded to be released on furlough, I distinctly heard the SHAPE say "Keep it up and you'll spend the summer with Auntie Pamela at her island shack in Maine." I know, shocking the she could contemplate such a horrific fate for what was her prize offspring.

The number two hairless ape, a male, locked himself in his safe space, with a TV, laptop, recliner and seven crates of a caramel colored bitter liquid that tastes like it was strained though the litter box. I comes from some place called, I think, Snotland. He seems unperturbed by all this, though I suspect that's a facade.

Meanwhile, the two older hellions seem to be looking at this as an opportunity to rid themselves of the runt of the litter. Last I saw of them, they'd glued a sheet to his arms and were headed up to the roof to play pair of chute. Yes I noticed the incorrect pluralization, but they were whispering.

I still have enough food, and in the worst case scenario could join with the dog to eat the smaller hellions. But cat nip supplies are getting dangerously low. The oldest hellion L graciously shared some of her nip with me. The off flavor was nothing compared to the effect. I spent the entire afternoon trying to make brownies, all the while avoiding the chartreuse lizards.

I must cut this log entry short, as I hear the sound of the hairless apes thinking about preparing Second Breakfast.

Taffer, the Cat.

Nice is overrated

"It's every freedom-loving individual's duty to lie to the government."
Airsoftguy, June 29, 2018
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Picture of holdem
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Have you guys seen the TikTok video from the girl whose Dad did the toilet paper math?

I have no idea how to post a video, but here is the math;

-Charmin 30 roll package from Costco.
-425 sheets per roll.
-12,750 sheets per case.
-If one uses 20 sheets per shit, that is 637 shits per case
-If you hoarded and bought 4 cases, and were quarantined for 14 days, each person in a family of four would need to shit 45 times per day to use all of their toilet paper.
Posts: 2322 | Location: Orlando | Registered: April 22, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Nosce te ipsum
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Please, where is the pic of the tattoo'd guy with vodka tumbler, captioned, "I've been training for this my whole life" ... ?
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Is this a legitimate source?

CROI Webcast
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We gonna get some
oojima in this house!
Picture of smithnsig
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As far as Italy goes according to a Doctor friend of mine at UAB.

Johns Hopkins ranked nations healthcare systems on patient care and protection of health care workers. Italy was 59th, USA #1.

Italians have the one of the highest median age of the populations.

The median age of deaths in Italy is 79.5.

Smoking is still popular in Italy. Almost 30% smoke. USA 14%. This seems to be a big deal with Covid-19. We will see.

The Lombardy region had a large influx of infected people from the Wuhan province probably returners from Chinese New Year. Very large Chinese contingent travel back and forth on business.

There were approx. 10,000 quarantined in Lombardi that basically ignored it and went home throughout Italy.

Italians as a whole ignored directions to socially distance and carried on until the deaths started to accumulate.

He is still really nervous about this in the USA and it’s going to be a matter of months instead of weeks.

TCB all the time...
Posts: 6501 | Location: Cantonment/Perdido Key, Florida | Registered: September 28, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Go ahead punk, make my day
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Originally posted by chellim1:
We are rapidly ramping up testing in this country. That's a good thing.
However, as a consequence, there were 4943 "new cases", reported yesterday (3/19)... up about 2000 cases from the 2977 "new cases" reported the day before (3/18), and 1754 "new cases" (3/17). It's a steep curve.

Once testing is widely available we will have a better handle on the trajectory of this thing. At some point, the "new cases" number will level off, and then gradually begin to decline.
Yup - there aren't 4K "new cases", there are 4K cases that we now know about. Most of them had it yesterday and likely the day before.
Posts: 45798 | Registered: July 12, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
It's not you,
it's me.
Picture of RAMIUS
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Man. I really should have got that haircut last week. I’m looking rough!
Posts: 7016 | Location: Right outside Philly | Registered: September 08, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of maladat
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Originally posted by smithnsig:
There were approx. 10,000 quarantined in Lombardi that basically ignored it and went home throughout Italy.

Italians as a whole ignored directions to socially distance and carried on until the deaths started to accumulate.

Good thing that won't be a problem here. Oh wait...

Posts: 6319 | Location: CA | Registered: January 24, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by RHINOWSO:
Originally posted by chellim1:
We are rapidly ramping up testing in this country. That's a good thing.
However, as a consequence, there were 4943 "new cases", reported yesterday (3/19)... up about 2000 cases from the 2977 "new cases" reported the day before (3/18), and 1754 "new cases" (3/17). It's a steep curve.

Once testing is widely available we will have a better handle on the trajectory of this thing. At some point, the "new cases" number will level off, and then gradually begin to decline.
Yup - there aren't 4K "new cases", there are 4K cases that we now know about. Most of them had it yesterday and likely the day before.

Yes but the masses won't understand this and the media is sensationalizing the hell out of it. Every day be prepared for doomsday headlines - "5,000 NEW CORONAVIRUS CASES SWEEP THE NATION!"
Posts: 2690 | Location: Baltimore | Registered: October 22, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
10mm is The
Boom of Doom
Picture of Fenris
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Originally posted by maladat:
Good thing that won't be a problem here. Oh wait...

[ IMAGE: Disney ]
[ IMAGE: Clearwater Beach ]

But in their defense, sunshine and happiness kill Chinese Origin Virus is Deadly

The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People again must learn to work, instead of living on public assistance. ~ Cicero 55 BC

The Dhimocrats love America like ticks love a hound.
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Picture of 229DAK
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Originally posted by RAMIUS:
Man. I really should have got that haircut last week. I’m looking rough!

I'm lucky; I sleep with my barber. Big Grin

“A man’s treatment of a dog is no indication of the man’s nature, but his treatment of a cat is. It is the crucial test. None but the humane treat a cat well.”
-- Mark Twain, 1902
Posts: 9099 | Location: Northern Virginia | Registered: November 04, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of maladat
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Originally posted by Fenris:
Originally posted by maladat:
Good thing that won't be a problem here. Oh wait...

[ IMAGE: Disney ]
[ IMAGE: Clearwater Beach ]

But in their defense, sunshine and happiness kill Chinese Origin Virus is Deadly

Those lazy bastards are only killing their own coronaviruses. These guys are working on everyone's.

Some articles put the number at more like 30,000.
Posts: 6319 | Location: CA | Registered: January 24, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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