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When will the coronavirus arrive in the US? (Disease: COVID-19; Virus: SARS-CoV-2) Login/Join 
Partial dichotomy
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^^^ I'm sure Robert Malone could talk to that.

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Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier?

2024 Update Reviews the Data on Ever Increasing Routine Vaccine Schedule and Health Outcomes
Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
Apr 20, 2024

We can all accept that a better diet, fitness, body weight, and good sleep all would contribute to improvements in human health. But what about medical interventions that are applied to us as children and some continuing into adulthood. Products injected into us with no way of getting them out of the body?

The COVID-19 crisis and the mass vaccination debacle has caused all of us to re-evaluate the ever-expanding childhood and adult CDC ACIP vaccine schedule and similar programs outside of the United States.

Here is some key input from film-maker Greg Glaser of Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier?

“Americans remember churches locked down during Covid-19 but liquor stores kept open. They remember strangers with nose swabs pointing at their children. And they remember vaccine mandates for work and school. Americans do not want to repeat those Covid-19 experiences in the future. The people want recognition of their right to decline vaccination and testing. Americans are also interested to learn how the health of the vaccinated compares to the unvaccinated.

This new video “Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier?”, updated for 2024, catalogues important control group science to answer the question, and discusses a legal solution being introduced in the 2024 Congress: [insert your links to Rumble and X]

One of the most important lessons of Covid-19 is that America is a better place when people are nice to one another. Indeed, the clear majority of Americans (2/3) oppose all vaccine mandates for school entry, even for vaccines other than Covid-19. See e.g., Des Moines Register Poll (2022) (“Just 34% of Iowa adults now say all children should be required to receive standard shots unless they have a doctor-signed statement showing they have a medical reason not to be vaccinated, the poll shows. That’s down from 59% who supported such a requirement in 2015, when the Iowa Poll asked a similar question about childhood vaccinations.”)

Individual rights and science are not mutually exclusive, but they are mutually under attack. Learning from covid tyranny, America can become stronger and more resilient. The key is to put new learning into action.”

So please sit back and enjoy this important video production and share with others as we all try to see out of the fog of vaccine hubris and gain some clarity on what is going on with human health.

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"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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FBI found it ‘alarming’ that Fauci-funded virus research at Wuhan lab would leave no trace of ‘human manipulation’

The FBI was tipped off in April 2020 to gain-of-function virus research in China, funded by the agency formerly headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, that “would leave no signature of purposeful human manipulation,” emails from agents at the bureau show.

At least one FBI agent at the bureau’s Newark Field Office referred to the revelation as “alarming.”

Another agent called the tip “interesting,” and vowed to follow-up with others at the FBI.

The five-pages of emails were obtained by conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch via a Freedom of Information Act request and released Friday.

“These smoking gun documents showed the FBI quickly understood that Fauci’s agency funded the gain-of-function research that could disguise the resulting coronavirus as ‘natural,’” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement.

“These new documents further demonstrate the need for a comprehensive criminal investigation into Fauci’s gain-of-function scandal,” he added.

In an email exchange from April 23, 2020, with the subject line “Follow up call,” a person whose name is redacted passes along details and analysis to several FBI Newark Field Office officials related to the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases $661,000 grant to EcoHealth Alliance for bat coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

“The reason I am writing is that the experimental strategy proposed in Aim 3 (‘infectious clone technology’), if performed using commercial or in-house gene synthesis to prepare the infectious clones, *** would leave no signatures of purposeful human manipulation***,” the unnamed individual informed the FBI.

The individual sending the email – who appears to have been previously interviewed by agents at the Newark Field Office – scrutinized the project details related to EcoHealth Alliance’s grant from NIAD (details which are publicly available), and translated the jargon into “lay language” for the FBI agents to better understand, it appears.

“Hey are you going to be in office tomorrow?” an agent wrote as they forwarded the missive to another person at the bureau. “We just interviewed our person from [redacted] and he provided us with some alarming new info. Give me call if you can.”

“This interesting, I’m following up with the squad tomorrow morning,” an unnamed assistant special agent in charge of national security then writes to Newark Field Office Special Agent in Charge Gregory Ehrie.

Ehrie replies: “[Redacted] Details when you can.”

Emails previously obtained by Judicial Watch indicate that the FBI opened an “inquiry” into the National Institutes of Health’s bat coronavirus grant tied to the Wuhan Institute of Virology around May of 2020.

The FBI determined last year that an accidental lab leak was the most likely explanation for the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The FBI has for quite some time now assessed that the origins of the pandemic are most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan,” FBI Director Christopher Wray said in March 2023.

The Post has reached out to EcoHealth Alliance for comment.

Posts: 13704 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Peace through
superior firepower
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I can't believe that story because the FBI said stuff.

Simple as that
Posts: 110948 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Wait, what?
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Fauci and his ilk needs to swing from ropes. Drag them from wherever they are ensconced and string them up from the nearest light pole or tree.

“Remember to get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from a virus they got vaccinated against because you’re not vaccinated.” - author unknown
Posts: 16099 | Location: Martinsburg WV | Registered: April 02, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Appeals Court rules against mother who sued Guilford schools over son’s forced vaccination

The North Carolina Court of Appeals has ruled against a mother who sued the Guilford County school board and Old North State Medical Society over her teenaged son’s forced COVID-19 vaccination in 2021. Appellate judges agreed that a federal law protected both defendants from legal liability.

The Appeals Court reached a unanimous decision against the mother and son despite labeling the forced vaccination “egregious.”

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act of 2005 guided appellate judges’ decision.

“Plaintiffs argue the trial court erred in determining that the PREP Act … is applicable to this case and provides immunity to both Defendants,” Judge April Wood wrote. “Due to the sweeping breadth of the federal liability immunity provision in the PREP Act, we are constrained to disagree.”

“Bound by the broad scope of immunity provided by the PREP Act, we are constrained to hold it shields Defendants, under the facts of this case, from Plaintiffs’ claims relating to the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine,” Wood added.

In August 2021, 14-year-old Tanner Smith was a Western Guilford High School football player. His family learned in a letter from the Guilford schools that he might have been affected by a COVID-19 “cluster” involving the team. He would not be allowed to return to practice until getting a COVID test.

Free testing would be provided at Northwest Guilford High School. “The letter indicated ONS Medical Society would conduct the testing and ‘consent for testing is required,’” Wood wrote.

Smith’s stepfather drove him to the testing site and waited outside. The teenager was asked to fill out a form while a clinic worker tried unsuccessfully to contact his mother, Emily Happel. The clinic was providing COVID-19 vaccine shots along with testing.

“After failing to make contact with Tanner’s mother, one of the workers instructed the other worker to ‘give it to him anyway.’ Tanner stated he did not want a vaccine and was only expecting a test, but one of the workers administered a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to him,” Wood wrote.

Happel and Smith filed suit in August 2022. A trial judge dismissed the case in March 2023.

Appellate judges ruled that both the school board and medical society are covered by the federal PREP Act. A declaration from the secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services in March 2020 offered protection related to the COVID-19 vaccine.

“[W]e hold ONS Medical Society is a covered person as a program planner that administered a vaccine clinic, and individually administered vaccines to individuals. … The declaration clearly provides that a program planner may be a private sector employer or community group when it carries out the ‘described activities’ including administration of a covered countermeasure,” Wood wrote.

The same law also applied to the Guilford school board. “We are convinced by the Secretary’s interpretation in the declaration that a covered person under the PREP Act includes a ‘state or local government . . . [that] provides a facility to administer or use a Covered Countermeasure.’ We hold this language includes the Board, which provided a facility — Northwest Guilford High School — for the administration of the COVID-19 vaccines,” Wood wrote.

“Wisely or not, the plain language of the PREP Act includes claims of battery and violations of state constitutional rights within the scope of its immunity, and it therefore shields Defendants from liability for Plaintiffs’ claims,” Wood added.

The Appeals Court noted that North Carolina’s General Assembly amended state law in 2021 to require “parental consent before a vaccine granted emergency use authorization may be administered to a minor.”

“Its intent is to prevent the egregious conduct alleged in the case before us, and to safeguard the constitutional rights at issue — Emily’s parental right to the care and control of her child, and Tanner’s right to individual liberty,” Wood wrote. “Notwithstanding, the statute remains explicitly subject to ‘any other provision of law to the contrary’ under the broad provision preempting state law in the PREP Act.”

“The PREP Act provides only one exception for a ‘Federal cause of action against a covered person for death or serious physical injury proximately caused by willful misconduct.’ Because Plaintiffs have not made any such allegations in their complaint, we are constrained to conclude the PREP Act preempts the protections provided” by state law, Wood wrote.

Posts: 13704 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Seems like par for the course for the Feebs. A person reports something to the local grunts.... up the chain it goes and nothing. Zip. Zero. Nada.

End of Earth: 2 Miles
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I'm very relieved that the one and only vaccine I took was the J&J one. It contained no Mrna.
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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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That's one of the biggest, "yeah, no fucking shit" in history.


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From the New York Times, the dam is cracking. No pay wall or subscription.

Thousands Believe Covid Vaccines Harmed Them. Is Anyone Listening?

Posts: 13704 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Unvaccinated Blood will be worth its weight in Gold. You can "bank" your blood in the event of a surgery.
Posts: 9358 | Location: 18 miles long, 6 Miles at Sea | Registered: January 22, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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It already is to the Red Cross. The blood drive workers I've talked to have all said that unvaccinated blood is the top of the preferred categories.

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We told you we wouldn't take these experimental "vaccines" because they were untested and not approved in the normal fashion, but you knew better, didn't you, you smirking, arrogant motherfucking smartass.

And now, the chickens have come home to roost, and if this poison you gleefully allowed to be put into your body, and which you berated and browbeat innocent people to put into theirs, kills you prematurely, I am going to dance in the Goddamned street.

We warned you, you stupid apparatchik. You called us ignorant. You called us stupid. You called us cowards, yokels, right-wing conspiracy theorists. You told us we were going to be responsible for our own death and the deaths of millions of others, and you were wrong about ALL of it.

Suck on that, fool.

BREAKING: Former CNN anchor and vaccine pusher Chris Cuomo disclosed for the first time that he has been suffering from side effects he attributes to the COVID-19 vaccine.

Cuomo admitted his side effects during an in-depth interview with nurse practitioner Sean Barcavage.

“We know that vaccines can have unintended consequences, a.k.a. side effects… But nobody’s really talking about it because they’re too afraid of blame, and they just want it to go away.”

“Sean, I can’t help you because I’m no clinician. I’m sick myself. But I’m working with people who are working on this, so I’ll make sure that we’re in touch right after the show, and I’ll help any way I can. You may be ahead of me. I’ll connect you with my clinicians, and maybe you can share different protocols and things that may help. But I will never stop reporting on this. All I’m doing is just beating the drum for a 9/11-style commission to figure out what worked and what didn’t and what questions need to be answered because it’s not over,” Cuomo said.


"I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023
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Shall Not Be Infringed
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Not a shame at all actually, more like KARMA!

They demanded we comply or lose our livelihoods, and our freedoms. He and his ilk even demanded that we inject our healthy young innocent children...NEVER FORGET!!!


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Edge seeking
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Any of the grim reaper wannabees consider how many lives they ruined and shortened with their pleas to get the dupes to take the untested poison. Remember when they wanted to take rights to be in public or other coercive means to get everyone to take it?
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Thank you
Very little
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Posts: 25065 | Location: Gunshine State | Registered: November 07, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Political Cynic
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I read that today.

Wonder how long the others will take once enough people know the jig is up and they were used as Guinea pigs.

Whatever happens to them is entirely in them. I see a lot of lawsuits on the horizon. Get a few class action lawsuits for $60 to $80 Billion each and now you can plead your case.

Pharma and their greed brought this on themselves.

I do t feel bad for anyone that bought the kids and willingly took the jab and then rubbed it in our faces.

As for that CNN twat, couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. I hope he suffers.
Posts: 54272 | Location: Tucson Arizona | Registered: January 16, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
No More
Mr. Nice Guy
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It will be exceedingly difficult to bring lawsuits against the jab makers or any government officials. They were given very robust immunity in the law.

Afaik, the only avenue is to pierce immunity by proving intentional fraud. Pharma will have a strong defense that they sent all the data to government regulators, which may be true. Plenty of math and science experts have found what appears to be defective "studies" which give the desired outcome due to the design of the study.

Arguably it is the job of regulators to identify these problems. The mathematics may be correctly calculated, which pharma will argue makes it not fraud. I am skeptical of lawsuit success.

I, personally, believe many people should swing from the gallows, and there should be a public Nuremberg type trial first. Proof of intent is easy with what is already known.
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