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When will the coronavirus arrive in the US? (Disease: COVID-19; Virus: SARS-CoV-2) Login/Join 
Lawyers, Guns
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On January 5th, in Freedom Coalition of Doctors for Choice v. Centers for Disease Control, et al, a Texas federal court gave the CDC a twelve-month rolling deadline to cough up all the “free-text” entries from its V-SAFE vaccine side-effect tracking database.

It was surely the most important decision of this year (so far). It may ultimately be ranked among the most important of the pandemic’s court decisions. To start, the Court declined to believe the giga-funded health agency’s sworn affidavit that redacting those side-effect documents would take 59 years.

V-safe is similar to but different from VAERS; it is a smartphone-based app allowing vaccine recipients to enroll and report their (or their child’s) health status after vaccination. Users get a confidential registrant number to protect their privacy, and for 12-months after each shot the system regularly sends texts prompting folks to sign in and report how they’re doing. Each check-in collects two types of data: a series of generic check boxes asking high-level questions about pain at the injection site, chills, headaches, et cetera, and a 250-character free-text field where users can type out any other feedback.

Any other feedback like myocarditis, rashes, blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, or death. The CDC ensured serious adverse events would be limited to the difficult-to-search free text field and not show up in an easy-to-check box.

By the time the CDC suddenly and unexpectedly pulled the plug on the V-safe program last May, it had collected 7.8 million text entries.

Despite initially promising to promptly make the V-safe data public, the CDC has instead been guarding the V-safe data like it is made out of gold. CDC stubbornly refused to release any V-safe data — privacy! — except on a limited basis to a couple friendly teams of CDC-affiliated scientists. It released the ‘check the box’ part of the data in September 2022 to ICAN — but only after a lawsuit and a court order. In January of last year, the Plaintiff in this case asked the CDC for the free-text entries.

It’s taken a full year.

One of the most remarkable things about last week’s order was how skeptical the judge seemed about nearly everything the CDC said. The public’s loss of trust in the health agency apparently extends to the judicial branch. Judges are part of the public, after all. The order even referenced the disgraceful loss of trust, ironically noting that “While 'Trust the Science’ became something of a national slogan, the American public’s trust in science and scientists are at an all-time low.”


The Plaintiff is a non-profit formed specifically to get the V-safe data and make it available to the public on its website, Now that they have an order, the first batch of V-safe entries should be released to the public on February 15th.

Warning signs for the CDC started appearing early in the order. In addition to snarking about the CDC’s loss of public trust, by page 12 (out of 30), the court had also footnoted Francis Collin’s recent mea culpa, where the NIH director loonily admitted that public health people shouldn’t be in charge of important decisions. The Court wrote:

In 2024, American citizens may be more interested in COVID data following Dr. Francis Collins’s statements on the “public-health mindset”: “If you’re a public-health person and you’re trying to make a decision, you have this very narrow view of what the right decision is, and that is something that will save a life. It doesn’t matter what else happens. So you attach infinite value to stopping the disease and saving a life. You attach a zero value to whether this actually totally disrupts people’s lives, ruins the economy, and has many kids kept out of school in a way that they never quite recovered from … This is a public-health mindset. And I think a lot of us involved in trying to make those recommendations had that mindset, and that was really unfortunate. It’s another mistake we made. Okay.”

Stop for a second. Those of you who were annoyed when Collins said that but nothing happened to him — this happened. Collins thought his silly statement would make him look good somehow (our fault was we just cared too much!). But his half-baked, half-hearted, half-witted admission is now showing up in crucial court orders.

This high-stakes game we are playing is a game of inches. Be patient.

Next, the Court began using skeptical language suggesting it thinks the CDC lies like a rug, or a dog, or a Pelosi. The Court considered the CDC’s sworn claim that it would take one of its analysts fifty-nine years to review all the 7.8 million text entries for private information, which came to 650,000 pages, and said, yeah, that’s your own fault:

To this lawyer’s eyes, that last comment about overestimating — wholly unnecessary to the order — stuck out like a sore injection site. The Court didn’t just say the CDC overestimated the number of pages; it said the CDC excessively overestimated the number of pages.

That’s how the judge calls you a liar without calling you a liar.

Then the Court began analyzing whether forcing the CDC to cough up the V-safe data was in the public interest, and here is where the order really began to soar. Enjoy these remarkable comments, and contrast this calm, collected judicial reasoning to the media’s position on the vaccines:

Plaintiff argues that release of the data is essential for myriad reasons. Some groups contend they were injured by the vaccine, and without access to the underlying data they cannot meaningfully seek coverage or treatment. Some parents are hesitant to consent — or even believe they are incapable of consenting — for their minor children to receive the vaccine. Production of the source material is essential for independent researchers to evaluate the vaccines and for medical professionals to provide meaningful treatment to their patients.
Rapid vaccination of a huge percentage of the American population is nothing short of astounding, and the endeavor continues. As of May 11, 2023, the CDC reports that more than 81% of Americans have received at least one dose, including nearly 32 million children. Understandably, there is substantial public interest in the data that supported, and continues to support, the government’s promotion of the COVID-19 vaccines and boosters.

After describing how important the data was to the public interest, the judge moved on to the CDC’s V-safe “studies,” of which he seemed to take an exceptionally dim view:

Notably, Plaintiff points to several studies published and presented by CDC that rely upon on the V-safe data. All but one of those studies considered only the first seven days after receiving a vaccine, and the only study that looked beyond the first week considered just two weeks. Defendants do not contest this. Rather, Defendants dismiss the limited scope of the published studies as just “the time period that some scientists have chosen to use in their research studies.”
Because Defendants structured V-safe to collect health and symptomatic responses for a full year after a vaccine or booster, reviewing that data is of great importance to the public. If “some scientists” — sponsored or platformed by Defendants — “have chosen to use” only the first week or two of data to report the vaccine is safe and effective, then other scientists should be permitted to access the data to “pierce the veil of administrative secrecy,” “open agency action to the light of public scrutiny,” and “promote the disclosure of information.”
Many of the policies previously addressed were enacted because of guidance from Defendants. With billions of taxpayer dollars expended to develop, distribute, administer, and fund messaging campaigns, Plaintiff assumes a hefty and viable public interest in examining the raw clinical data. Production of the free-text data will permit independent researchers to put the government agencies to their proof by considering all of the available data.
Plaintiff has shown an urgent need to inform the public about “actual or alleged Federal Government activity” — namely, related to the health and safety of the COVID-19 vaccines and policies.

The judge continued, suggesting that some of the CDC’s published V-safe studies might actually be misleading:

Plaintiff marshalled evidence that some vaccine studies may be misleading or based upon cherry-picked data. One study reported that only 0.8% to 1.1% of users reported needing medical care according to the check-the-box data. However, when the raw data was released pursuant to separate FOIA litigation, it showed some 7.7% of V-safe users reported needing medical care and an additional 25% missing school or work or unable to perform normal activities. Similarly, Plaintiff alleges the check-the-box data captures only the “symptoms CDC says are normal to occur after vaccination and are actually a sign the vaccine is working.” Thus, collecting that data and then profiling the vaccine as safe and effective was a “pointless” exercise. Any concerning symptoms would necessarily be restricted to only the free-text responses, to date unexamined by independent researchers not sponsored by Defendants.
Plaintiff (has) presented evidence that calls into question the claim that the vaccines are safe and effective — or at least the scope of research supporting that claim.

The Court concluded by ordering the CDC to produce all 7.8 million entries over the next 12 months, starting with 390,000 a month and expanding to 780,000 per month.

Now let’s consider some of the order’s implications.

First of all, we know this must be bad news for the jabs because, had the V-safe data shown the vaccines were safe and effective, the CDC would have already released the data. (We can ignore the CDC’s bogus claims about its alleged 59-year effort to review the data, since the court already dealt with that.) It is vexing that a publicly-funded health bureaucracy used taxpayer money to protect big pharma from the reality of its defective products by dragging out the release of this information for two years.

But the data is finally coming out. Add this order to the list of other eye-popping disclosures last week. It’s starting to look like 2024 could be a lot more productive — and a lot less apocalyptic — than we thought.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
Posts: 25324 | Location: St. Louis, MO | Registered: April 03, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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The Chinese are at it again, and have developed a new strain of coronavirus that kills 100% of the humanized mice infected:

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Posts: 13704 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Lawyers, Guns
and Money
Picture of chellim1
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This post from A Midwestern Doctor discusses what is probably the most central problem we face which is convincing the masses that the "scientific experts" should not be trusted especially since none of them will allow open challenge.
- Steve Kirsch

The Deadly Rise of Scientism
We All Suffer Once You Can No Longer Debate "The Science"
A Midwestern Doctor

One of the greatest challenges each society faces is deciding what constitutes “truth.” Whoever holds that power wields enormous influence and steers the direction of the society for better or for worse.

For centuries, “truth” was delegated to the ruling institutions of the time, and hence truth was simply the narrative which conformed to their interests. Then, during the enlightenment period a new idea emerged—that truth could be determined empirically through experimentation and data.

This in turn gave birth to the scientific revolution, and while not perfect (as vested interests would still try to make their “narrative” be truth irrespective of what the scientific data showed), scientific inquiry began shaping the direction of Western Culture, and in a rocky fashion gradually moved society forward, giving us many of the benefits we take for granted today.

Sadly however, the tendency of ruling interests to want to monopolize the truth never went away and we’ve watched a curious phenomenon emerge where science, riding on the social credit earned by the success of its revolutionary discoveries, has gradually transformed into something not that different from a state religion. Given that science was originally meant to be a way to move beyond truth being monopolized by the dogmatic institutions which ran society, it is quite tragic that science has become one as well.

As a result, science has more and more become the practice of “trusting scientific experts” and not being allowed to question their interpretations of the data—or even see it. This is very different from what science was originally intended to be—the collective endeavor of scientists around the world to put forth ideas and have the ones that stand up to scrutiny become the generally accepted standard.

(please read more...) here:

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
Posts: 25324 | Location: St. Louis, MO | Registered: April 03, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Newly released emails show what a fraud Fauci is.

Posts: 13704 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Wait, what?
Picture of gearhounds
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And the hits just keep coming; another one of the beautiful people dropped from Covid, despite full and boosted “vaccination”. How very(not) odd. When oh when will our hero’s in Hollywood finally step up and speak out against the plandemic? I kid, I kid; the phonies are committed at this point… if they want to keep working in this town… or until they die from a disease they were “vaccinated” against. Seriously though- I wonder what would happen if the estate of some really rich/famous person with the financial resources sued despite “vaccine” producers immunity granted by the criminal fed?

'All My Children' actor Alec Musser dead at 50, fiancée suspects COVID contributed

Actor Alec Musser, famous for his roles in "All My Children" and "Grown Ups," passed away on Saturday, Fox News Digital can confirm. He was 50 years old.

His fiancée, Paige Press, says Musser was suffering from "a severe case of Covid," and believes he died from the illness. He was both vaccinated and boosted. She says he died at their home in Del Mar, California.

Musser confirmed that an autopsy would be conducted.

"He was a very healthy person. I mean he took exceptional care of his body and what went into it. …He'd eat some cookies and that was the worst thing I ever saw him do."

"Alec was a wonderful man. He was the best fiancé. The best dog dad. Very kind hearted person," Press said of Musser, whom she got engaged to a little over a year ago. "Seeing how many messages and people have reached out to me from his childhood…In the last couple of days, people I’ve never even met, sending me photos from him from high school and when he was in there wedding…He was so loved and touched by so many people."

Press says the couple had not chosen a wedding date, but that planning was on the horizon.

Actor Adam Sandler, whom Musser worked with on the 2010 film "Grown Ups," shared his condolences with the family. "I loved this guy," Sandler wrote alongside a frame of Musser in the flick to his Instagram. "Cannot believe he is gone. Such a wonderful, funny good man. Thinking of Alec Musser and his family and sending all my love. A true great sweetheart of a person."

Press added that some kind of service, perhaps on the beach, would take place in the future.

In addition to acting, Musser was also a model. Born on the East Coast, he eventually moved to California and attended the University of San Diego.

“Remember to get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from a virus they got vaccinated against because you’re not vaccinated.” - author unknown
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Originally posted by wcb6092:
The Chinese are at it again, and have developed a new strain of coronavirus that kills 100% of the humanized mice infected:

Anyone care to make a guess at what race/ethnicity those mice were “humanized” to simulate? It has long been assumed that China (and probably everyone else) is working on bio-weapons aimed at specific groups.
Who is their biggest threat? White/euro? Pakistani?

“That’s what.” - She
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Oriental Redneck
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Originally posted by gearhounds:

'All My Children' actor Alec Musser dead at 50, fiancée suspects COVID contributed

Actor Alec Musser, famous for his roles in "All My Children" and "Grown Ups," passed away on Saturday, Fox News Digital can confirm. He was 50 years old.

His fiancée, Paige Press, says Musser was suffering from "a severe case of Covid," and believes he died from the illness. He was both vaccinated and boosted. She says he died at their home in Del Mar, California.

.....that an autopsy would be conducted.

Updated 1/16/24: And that autopsy shows that he died by suicide from a self-inflicted GSW to the chest.
...there were no contributing conditions to Musser's death.

The release from the medical examiner's office says Press last saw Musser on the evening of Jan. 12 when she went to sleep. In the morning, she found Musser "seated and slumped forward on the bathroom floor" and a firearm was near his body.

A bullet hole in your fiancée, with a gun near his body, and you "believe he died from covid"? Your story has a huge whole in it that an 18-wheeler can go through, lady. Roll Eyes


Posts: 28842 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: September 04, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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What a bizarre story. I don't get it.

"Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it." L.Tolstoy
"A government is just a body of people, usually, notably, ungoverned." Shepherd Book
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safe & sound
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A bullet hole in your fiancée, with a gun near his body, and you "believe he died from covid"?

That's how the hospitals were doing it a few years ago..... Wink

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Oriental Redneck
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Originally posted by konata88:
What a bizarre story. I don't get it.

According to the link, the case is "not officially closed". I'm betting that investigators are building a case against the fiancée, looking for more holes in her story.


Posts: 28842 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: September 04, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Political Cynic
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Not jail

That means we have to pay to support his miserable life.

He should be tried for crimes against humanity
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Worth the watch.

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Sandy Hook requires visitors to mask up again as COVID spikes

Updated: Jan. 14, 2024, 12:10 p.m.|Published: Jan. 14, 2024, 11:52 a.m.

By Larry Higgs | NJ Advance Media for

Visitors to buildings at Sandy Hook National Park will be required to wear masks indoors again due to a spike in COVID-19 hospitalizations in Monmouth County that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control reported last week.

National Park Service regulations require the park to track CDC Community Risk level metrics which led to the masking decision, said Daphne Yun, a spokeswoman for NPS Gateway Recreational Area.

“We track the hospitalizations and they went to high Friday morning according to the CDC,” Yun said...

I'm blocked from reading any further, but this is not encouraging.
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I'm pretty sure this guy was vaxed and boosted and boosted again if he was coaching in the NBA and/or Europe. Maybe Pfizer, Moderna, or J & J has some insight on a healthy 46 year old dropping dead.

Jazz-Warriors game postponed after Golden State assistant coach dies in SLC


SALT LAKE CITY — The NBA has postponed Wednesday night's game between the Golden State Warriors and the Utah Jazz at the Delta Center after a Warriors assistant coach died Wednesday morning.

The game was originally postponed early Wednesday due to what the NBA called "a medical emergency in the Warriors family" after a private dinner Tuesday night with players and coaches in Salt Lake City.

The news came hours after the Warriors announced that assistant coach Dejan Milojevic, 46, had been hospitalized Tuesday night in Salt Lake City, but announced Wednesday afternoon that "despite life-saving efforts," Milojevic suffered a heart attack and died late Wednesday morning.

"We are absolutely devastated by Dejan's passing," Warriors head coach Steve Kerr said in a statement. "This is a shocking and tragic blow for everyone associated with the Warriors and an incredibly difficult time for his family, friends, and all of us who had the incredible pleasure to work with him.

Kerr said Milojevic was "one of the most positive and beautiful human beings I have ever known," while adding that he was a "terrific" basketball coach. He said Milojevic brought "joy and light to every single day with his passion and energy."

"We grieve with and for his wife, Natasa, and their children, Nikola and Masa," Kerr added. "Their loss is unfathomable."

A Warriors spokesman told the San Francisco Chronicle that the team's mood was "shaken." The team canceled its morning shootaround as players spent time at the hospital with Milojevic. The team will fly back to San Francisco late Wednesday and are scheduled to play Dallas Friday night.

Milojevic, a native of Belgrade, spent three season with the Warriors as an assistant coach after spending the 2021 season as the head coach of KK Buducnost in the Adriatic League in Montenegro. He played 14 years in international basketball and was named the Adriatic League MVP three times from 2004-06.

"The Utah Jazz organization expresses our deepest condolences following the tragic passing of Golden State Warriors assistant coach Dejan Milojevic," the Jazz said in a statement. "Our thoughts are with his family, friends, and the entire Warriors family during this difficult time. Milojevic was a well-respected and beloved member of the NBA family. We join the Warriors, the NBA, and basketball fans everywhere in mourning this incredible loss. He will be greatly missed."

A date for the rescheduled game has not been determined. The Jazz said that "all tickets for tonight's game will be honored for the rescheduled game." The Jazz will next play Thursday against the Oklahoma City Thunder.
Posts: 7858 | Registered: October 31, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Lessons From the Great Covid Cover-Up
Rand Paul
U.S. Senator from Kentucky
Author, Deception: The Great Covid Cover-Up

The Covid cover-up began in China. But in a way we make too big a deal of that. No one should be surprised that a totalitarian government run by the Chinese Communist Party would seek to cover up its responsibility for a worldwide pandemic. What was mind-jarring—and what we should focus our attention on—is the cover-up in our own country spearheaded by Dr. Anthony Fauci and his fellow public health bureaucrats. And they might have gotten away with their deception if a federal judge hadn’t ordered their emails released.
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Picture of konata88
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Originally posted by Sigmund:

Sandy Hook requires visitors to mask up again as COVID spikes

So, even though Fauxi admits that masking and social distancing had no basis and are demonstrated to be ineffective, this gem of brainiacs continues to follow the 'fauience' and require masking again? What a darling. I'm so glad she's in the position of authority. I'm sure her ego is completely supportive and inflated. Yay, good for her.

"Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it." L.Tolstoy
"A government is just a body of people, usually, notably, ungoverned." Shepherd Book
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Originally posted by Bytes:
I'm pretty sure this guy was vaxed and boosted and boosted again if he was coaching in the NBA and/or Europe. Maybe Pfizer, Moderna, or J & J has some insight on a healthy 46 year old dropping dead.

Jazz-Warriors game postponed after Golden State assistant coach dies in SLC


It's a sad event. Some people understandably shocked. But there seems to be a glaring absence of wonderment why a presumably and assumed healthy, young person suddenly dropped dead of a heart attack? No one is wondering how or why he had a heart attack suddenly? Maybe it's just me, but in times past, if somebody suddenly died, we'd always wonder why. People interviewed may wonder aloud. Times have changed if nobody is wondering anymore.

"Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it." L.Tolstoy
"A government is just a body of people, usually, notably, ungoverned." Shepherd Book
Posts: 13414 | Location: In the gilded cage | Registered: December 09, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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Originally posted by Bytes:
I'm pretty sure this guy was vaxed and boosted and boosted again if he was coaching in the NBA and/or Europe. Maybe Pfizer, Moderna, or J & J has some insight on a healthy 46 year old dropping dead.

Jazz-Warriors game postponed after Golden State assistant coach dies in SLC

You forgot to mention that he also was assistant coach to Steve Kerr, the absolute biggest leftist douchebag not only in the NBA but probably on the planet, who is also perhaps the loudest vocal cheerleader for the Pfizer poison.


Acta Non Verba
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God, Family, Guns, Country

Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan

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Peace through
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Do they say when they think he might get better?
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