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secure the Blessings of Liberty
Picture of rackrack
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I believe this is a blessing in disguise.

No one would like to see her go to prison more than me, but that's not my highest priority.

My highest priority is to see the Democrat presidential candidate lose in November.

I think we're much more likely to see that with a weakened Hillary on the ticket rather than an indignant Joe Biden.
Posts: 1463 | Location: NC | Registered: February 23, 2010Report This Post
Fire begets Fire
Picture of SIGnified
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With corruption so blatantly evident at all levels of our government (there just went the FBI, like the DOJ under Holder, the VA, the IRS, the EPA, the FED, Homeland Security/TSA, Fannie/Freddie, State Dept. etc. etc. ad nauseum ad infinitum), ... how can you trust the .gov on any ballot count or electoral college in November?

"Pacifism is a shifty doctrine under which a man accepts the benefits of the social group without being willing to pay - and claims a halo for his dishonesty."
~Robert A. Heinlein
Posts: 26758 | Location: dughouse | Registered: February 04, 2003Report This Post
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Originally posted by BurtonRW:
Originally posted by chellim1:
I'm still having trouble reconciling Comey's statements with his recommendation.

I just went through the official transcript with three different colored highlighters. In green, I highlighted the following statement of the law: "federal statute making it a felony to mishandle classified information either intentionally or in a grossly negligent way, or a second statute making it a misdemeanor to knowingly remove classified information from appropriate systems or storage facilities."

That's followed by a sea of yellow - in which I highlighted the evidence, as he presented it, of violations of those laws.

Then in pink (for Communism): "Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. [...] we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. [...] we are expressing to Justice our view that no charges are appropriate in this case."

In my professional opinion as an attorney and an officer of several courts, including federal, James Comey is full of shit.


This is what gets me. Why did he make such a compelling case and then contradict himself?
Posts: 2107 | Location: Bowling Green, KY | Registered: January 02, 2004Report This Post
Step by step walk the thousand mile road
Picture of Sig2340
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Originally posted by BurtonRW:

In my professional opinion as an attorney and an officer of several courts, including federal, James Comey is full of shit.


Full of shit he may be, but the FBI is not recommending any sanctions on any one involved.

Any sanction. Not even a security clearance suspension.

For any one of the dozens involved.

That's truly remarkable.

Nice is overrated

"It's every freedom-loving individual's duty to lie to the government."
Airsoftguy, June 29, 2018
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marinated and

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Originally posted by PASig:
Originally posted by getupatree:
This is how the media ran cover today.

CNN and MSNBC did NOT mention or air the FBI news conference. Then after it was over the headline and soundbot was NO CHARGES.

They didn't? I just watched it live on CNN 51 minutes ago.

Not on the .com. Sorry we cut the cable so streaming over here. No, CNN was headlining Rio Olympics. Not even a news alert.

Posts: 1835 | Location: Kentucky | Registered: February 21, 2010Report This Post
I'll try to be brief
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Now you can see why the FBI never stopped the Boston Bombers, Major Nidal Hasan, the San bernadino shooters, or the Orlando shooter. Just not enough evidence to take any action.
Posts: 14298 | Location: Heart of Texas | Registered: April 14, 2005Report This Post
Dances with Wiener Dogs
Picture of XinTX
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I know of people who have simply emailed ITAR data who have been prosecuted for far less than this. But as I expected, POSHitlary will skate.

“The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.” Ayn Rand

“If we relinquish our rights because of fear, what is it exactly, then, we are fighting for?” Sen. Rand Paul
Posts: 8365 | Registered: July 21, 2010Report This Post
Fire begets Fire
Picture of SIGnified
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This is what gets me. Why did he make such a compelling case and then contradict himself?

To illustrate that they have "photos" (read: leverage) ... or whatever they got on Chief Justice Roberts, they also have on Comey.

"Pacifism is a shifty doctrine under which a man accepts the benefits of the social group without being willing to pay - and claims a halo for his dishonesty."
~Robert A. Heinlein
Posts: 26758 | Location: dughouse | Registered: February 04, 2003Report This Post
delicately calloused
Picture of darthfuster
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We, the jury, find Orenthal Hillary Clintson, not guilty....

You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier
Posts: 29906 | Location: Norris Lake, TN | Registered: May 07, 2008Report This Post
The Unmanned Writer
Picture of LS1 GTO
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Originally posted by Loaded Round:
Originally posted by BurtonRW:
Originally posted by chellim1:
I'm still having trouble reconciling Comey's statements with his recommendation.

I just went through the official transcript with three different colored highlighters. In green, I highlighted the following statement of the law: "federal statute making it a felony to mishandle classified information either intentionally or in a grossly negligent way, or a second statute making it a misdemeanor to knowingly remove classified information from appropriate systems or storage facilities."

That's followed by a sea of yellow - in which I highlighted the evidence, as he presented it, of violations of those laws.

Then in pink (for Communism): "Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. [...] we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. [...] we are expressing to Justice our view that no charges are appropriate in this case."

In my professional opinion as an attorney and an officer of several courts, including federal, James Comey is full of shit.


This is what gets me. Why did he make such a compelling case and then contradict himself?

It's code for "I want to see the sunrise."

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

"If dogs don't go to Heaven, I want to go where they go" Will Rogers

The definition of the words we used, carry a meaning of their own...

Posts: 14160 | Location: It was Lat: 33.xxxx Lon: 44.xxxx now it's CA :( | Registered: March 22, 2008Report This Post
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Posts: 7385 | Registered: January 10, 2009Report This Post
would not care
to elaborate
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He pulled a Roberts
Posts: 3076 | Location: USA | Registered: June 12, 2008Report This Post
I have a very particular
set of skills
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I see little surprise with the outcome.

This is about ABSOLUTE POWER. They have it, we don't. They enjoy all the protections and privileges we'll never come close to having on our side. Short of carving a demonic symbol in their forehead, setting babies on fire and throwing them from roof-tops, don't expect to see those at the very top to ever see the inside of a jail cell or be convicted of anything.

Why? Because when it comes down to it...really, truly comes down to it...what are you going to do? You'll scream up and down on the internet and you might go down to the polling station vote. That's it. Nothing less, nothing more. There will be no uprisings or any such thing. Those types of activities are illegal against them, and you'll go to jail, loose your job and everything else while they continue to enjoy summers in the Hamptons. And they won't loose a wink of sleep about it.

The best we can hope for is that Trump hangs on to this like a pit bull with a rope toy, and hammers it home, over and over, and over again. This is a window of opportunity for him, if he has the guts to pursue it...the flip side is pursing this a HUGE gamble for Trump (and anyone who wants to ride that bus)...if he looses, the consequences/retaliation may well be severe.

Regardless, in 12 quick months (much sooner for some), this will be, in most peoples eyes like Benghazi...old news.

That's the way the world works folks...its not fair and not a level playing field.


A real life Sisyphus...
"It's not the critic who counts..." TR
Exodus 23.2: Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong...
Despite some people's claims to the contrary, 5 lbs. is actually different than 12 lbs.
It's never simple/easy.
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women dug his snuff
and his gallant stroll
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Originally posted by Jimineer:
There still is another investigation going on - the corruption / Clinton Foundation. Hopefully Comey has something up his sleeve. Wouldn't that be cool.

You're funny!
Posts: 10828 | Registered: August 12, 2002Report This Post
Peace through
superior firepower
Picture of parabellum
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Originally posted by Boss1:
That's the way the world works folks...its not fair and not a level playing field.
Oh, please do tell us more about how the world works, since you are so wise about such things and we are so very naive.
Posts: 109088 | Registered: January 20, 2000Report This Post
And say my glory was
I had such friends.
Picture of Hunthelp
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"Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others."

- Robert Louis Stevenson

"I don't shoot well, but I shoot often." - Pres. T. Roosevelt
Posts: 1942 | Location: Chandler, AZ | Registered: June 30, 2010Report This Post
Wait, what?
Picture of gearhounds
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I hope that fucking whore has a stroke and dies. I further hope Comey reflects on his failure for the rest of his days and goes to his grave suffering from the crushing guilt of violating his oath to uphold the Constitution.

A dark day for law abiding Americans.

“Remember to get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from a virus they got vaccinated against because you’re not vaccinated.” - author unknown
Posts: 15805 | Location: Martinsburg WV | Registered: April 02, 2011Report This Post
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Originally posted by HuskySig:
Originally posted by Jimineer:
There still is another investigation going on - the corruption / Clinton Foundation. Hopefully Comey has something up his sleeve. Wouldn't that be cool.

You're funny!

I know. Just grasping for something.

What I truly feel cannot be said here.
Posts: 3972 | Location: UNK | Registered: October 04, 2009Report This Post
3° that never cooled
Picture of rock185
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I said from the first that she is not touchable. I admit that I did have some small glimmer of hope that Director Comey would do the right thing.....

NRA Life
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Get out & vote for Mr. Trump! Now, more then ever he needs your vote. Do not give up & sit this election out. TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!
Posts: 5775 | Location: west 'by god' virginia | Registered: May 30, 2009Report This Post
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