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Lawyers, Guns
and Money
Picture of chellim1
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The FBI stalks Hillary while Bill Clinton trolls Obama

The Clintons may sense a breakdown...
By Monica Crowley - The Washington Times - Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Do Bill and Hillary Clinton sense a breakdown in whatever deal they may have struck with President Obama to protect her presidential ambitions? Is whatever negotiation they may have been conducting over her email server problem and any inside information she may have on him now imploding? Or have the Clintons “won” the negotiation with Mr. Obama, freeing them to hit him publicly to get her elected?

Something has happened, which has led Mr. Clinton to openly slam Mr. Obama: ” If you believe we’ve finally come to the point where we can put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us ” he said recently. A few days later, Chelsea Clinton launched a broadside on Obamacare’s costs. A classic Clintonian one-two punch, coming just days before a report that the FBI is seeking interviews with Mrs. Clinton’s top aides, and likely Mrs. Clinton herself. Most investigations interview the target last.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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I believe in the
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Due Process
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How many delegates up for grabs in DC?

Not that many, I would guess.

If it was intentional, well, that's traditional God Damned Commie political tactics.

If my understanding is accurate, DAc is overwhelmingly black, and hence overwhelmingly likely to go for Hillary. So it may be "no harm, no foul."

Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown
Posts: 48369 | Location: Texas hill country | Registered: July 04, 2005Report This Post
I believe in the
principle of
Due Process
Picture of JALLEN
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Originally posted by chellim1:
The FBI stalks Hillary while Bill Clinton trolls Obama

The Clintons may sense a breakdown...
By Monica Crowley - The Washington Times - Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Do Bill and Hillary Clinton sense a breakdown in whatever deal they may have struck with President Obama to protect her presidential ambitions? Is whatever negotiation they may have been conducting over her email server problem and any inside information she may have on him now imploding? Or have the Clintons “won” the negotiation with Mr. Obama, freeing them to hit him publicly to get her elected?

Something has happened, which has led Mr. Clinton to openly slam Mr. Obama: ” If you believe we’ve finally come to the point where we can put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us ” he said recently. A few days later, Chelsea Clinton launched a broadside on Obamacare’s costs. A classic Clintonian one-two punch, coming just days before a report that the FBI is seeking interviews with Mrs. Clinton’s top aides, and likely Mrs. Clinton herself. Most investigations interview the target last.

Monica must be smoking whacky tabackcy.

There are only two guys in the entire world who they can hope to spare Hillary. One is Obama, the other is James Comey. Either one can hand the election to the GOP, assuming there are any left after their convention.

As far as we know, the Clintons cannot leverage either one. What does Obama care if the Clintons bad mouth his policies? He knows it is mere electioneering. He's played the game

Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown
Posts: 48369 | Location: Texas hill country | Registered: July 04, 2005Report This Post
wishing we
were congress
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If the FBI interviews Hillary Clinton, I wonder if the fact that the interview was held becomes public.

Some of the reporters seem to have good sources, but everything we hear is from an anonymous source.

Past cases have shown that suspects can get prosecuted more for lying in the interviews than for anything else.
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
Mired in the
Fog of Lucidity
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Posts: 4850 | Registered: February 10, 2007Report This Post
Mired in the
Fog of Lucidity
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Originally posted by Sigmanic:
More from FOX today...

From the article:

Former Clinton campaign staffer and State Department information technology specialist Bryan Pagliano, who installed Clinton’s private server, was granted immunity by the Justice Department and is cooperating with the FBI.

“His importance as a witness cannot be underestimated,” a source told Fox News.

Pagliano’s has first-hand knowledge of who held and used accounts on the server from Clinton’s dealings in politics, philanthropy and private enterprise. Understanding how these worlds intersected is “causing rats to leave the ship and others to sweat blood,” said the source.
Posts: 4850 | Registered: February 10, 2007Report This Post
186,000 miles per second.
It's the law.

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If the Clintons are openly slamming Obama, they are worried IMO. One would think they would want O's support for the end-game. I wonder if the FBI will toast Hillary, and Obama inserts Biden? This is crazy shit.
Posts: 3292 | Registered: August 19, 2001Report This Post
wishing we
were congress
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Comey has a history w the Clintons

20 to 30 agents, technical specialists and analysts have been assigned to the investigation

Comey is keeping a close watch on the investigation, getting briefings from team leaders and personally overseeing the case. Agents have been told they may be polygraphed to prevent leaks

Comey’s first brush with them came when Bill Clinton was president.

Comey signed on as deputy special counsel to the Senate Whitewater Committee. In 1996, after months of work, Comey came to some damning conclusions: Hillary Clinton was personally involved in mishandling documents and had ordered others to block investigators as they pursued their case. Worse, her behavior fit into a pattern of concealment: she and her husband had tried to hide their roles in two other matters under investigation by law enforcement. Taken together, the interference by White House officials, which included destruction of documents, amounted to “far more than just aggressive lawyering or political naiveté,” Comey and his fellow investigators concluded. It constituted “a highly improper pattern of deliberate misconduct.”

Comey led the successful prosecution of Marc Rich, a wealthy international financier, for tax evasion. But on his last day as President in 2001, Bill Clinton pardoned Rich. “I was stunned,” Comey later told Congress.

As top U.S. prosecutor in New York in 2002, appointed by George W. Bush, Comey inherited the criminal probe into the Rich pardon and 175 others Clinton had made at the 11th hour.

Despite evidence that several pardon recipients, including Rich, had connections to donations to Bill Clinton’s presidential library and Hillary Clinton’s 2000 Senate campaign, Comey found no criminal wrongdoing.

When pressed for details in one case, he said, “I can’t really go into it because it was an investigation that didn’t result in charges. That may be a frustrating answer, but that’s the one I’m compelled to give.”

Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
Leave the gun.
Take the cannoli.
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Originally posted by sdy:
Comey has a history w the Clintons

That's good to know. It shows he's highly motivated. What bothers me is the disinformation coming out. 20-30 agents? 150-200 agents? Unless the feds are fuckin with us and don't want anyone to know. Like we can't break into the phone. We can break into the phone. OK - maybe it shouldn't bother me. I just want to see an indictment.
Posts: 6634 | Location: New England | Registered: January 06, 2003Report This Post
Get my pies
outta the oven!

Picture of PASig
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Does anyone else think this interview by the FBI Director himself is the beginning of the slap on the wrist and quick sweeping under the carpet of this whole affair that's coming? I'm starting to think that's how this plays out. Frown

Posts: 35592 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Report This Post
Irksome Whirling Dervish
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The number of agents assigned to a case is not a static number. Some are assigned to complete a task, others participate in affidavits and once done, they might be done. Anyone doing intel might complete their assignment and their part could be over.

The number is fluid so I don't place any faith in whatever number is floated out there. Might have been true at one time, could be the cumlative total or who knows.
Posts: 4371 | Location: "You can't just go to Walmart with a gift card and get a new brother." Janice Serrano | Registered: May 03, 2005Report This Post
Peace through
superior firepower
Picture of parabellum
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Originally posted by PASig:
Does anyone else think this interview by the FBI Director himself is the beginning of the slap on the wrist and quick sweeping under the carpet of this whole affair that's coming? I'm starting to think that's how this plays out. Frown
Would you feel better if some here agreed with you? Why the rush to be miserable?
Posts: 110953 | Registered: January 20, 2000Report This Post
Get my pies
outta the oven!

Picture of PASig
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Originally posted by parabellum:
Originally posted by PASig:
Does anyone else think this interview by the FBI Director himself is the beginning of the slap on the wrist and quick sweeping under the carpet of this whole affair that's coming? I'm starting to think that's how this plays out. Frown
Would you feel better if some here agreed with you? Why the rush to be miserable?


Just trying to think realistically here in light of how slippery the uber-slick Mrs. Clinton truly is. Maybe I'm off base and she's going to be doing a perp walk real soon which would delight me to no end.

Posts: 35592 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Report This Post
Peace through
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You're making assumptions and, really, I'm getting tired of the pervasive pessimism I've seen here lately. It really has gotten old. It's depressing. Can we try to have a fighting spirit, please? I don't even want to look at these threads any more.
Posts: 110953 | Registered: January 20, 2000Report This Post
delicately calloused
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I think Comey is reeling in a big fish. This has to be done deliberately with care. Tug too hard you can lose the fish. Apply constant resistance and eventually the fish is fatigued and vulnerably close to the surface. I think this interview is designed to see if he can slip the net under her and snatch her from the water. With a perp as slippery and powerful as HiLIARy, the cogs of justice must grind slowly....but they do grind.

You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier
Posts: 30258 | Location: Norris Lake, TN | Registered: May 07, 2008Report This Post
Get my pies
outta the oven!

Picture of PASig
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Originally posted by parabellum:
You're making assumptions and, really, I'm getting tired of the pervasive pessimism I've seen here lately. It really has gotten old. It's depressing. Can we try to have a fighting spirit, please? I don't even want to look at these threads any more.

Yes sir.

I'll do my best to try to stay positive here.

Posts: 35592 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Report This Post
Peace through
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I believe Comey will do the right thing, but if things go bad, you'll have years to be miserable about all of this. There's no reason to rush it.
Posts: 110953 | Registered: January 20, 2000Report This Post
I believe in the
principle of
Due Process
Picture of JALLEN
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Originally posted by PASig:
Does anyone else think this interview by the FBI Director himself is the beginning of the slap on the wrist and quick sweeping under the carpet of this whole affair that's coming? I'm starting to think that's how this plays out. Frown

No. When you have to question someone as historically prominent, experienced, very well trained, you want to be sure the questioner is up to it. You also want to be sure the target doesn't overawe the questioner. The Clintons are notoriously good at these things, and got where they are becayse of it.

Comey has some very high presure decisions to make in the weeks ahead. He needs to be sure, feel confident, that he is proceeding on solid grounds, he wants to look into her face, take her measure, see for himself, while she's under presssure, and make sure an underling doesn't misunderestimate her.

I'd be surprised if he has not met her, socially as well as officially.

It may still end up a big kabuki dance, but there is no reason I can see to think that now.

Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown
Posts: 48369 | Location: Texas hill country | Registered: July 04, 2005Report This Post
Ball Haulin'
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I believe its FISHES.

One of them may even be fond of cigars. If it ties to the Clinton Foundation, it ties to WJC.

Moby Dick!!!

"Its not down in any map. True places never are."

Big Grin

"There are things we know. There are things we dont know. Then there are the things we dont know that we dont know."
Posts: 10079 | Location: At the end of the gravel road. | Registered: November 02, 2006Report This Post
Leave the gun.
Take the cannoli.
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Originally posted by PASig:
Does anyone else think this interview by the FBI Director himself is the beginning of the slap on the wrist and quick sweeping under the carpet of this whole affair that's coming? I'm starting to think that's how this plays out. Frown

Comey is America's top cop and he's ready for a big fat retirement. He has nothing to lose and he still has another career ahead of him. Did you read the article? The Clintons have slipped through his hands before. Do you really think he intends to slap Hill on the wrist. The Democrats have nothing but disdain for law enforcement and the Clintons showed no respect to Secret Service and other uniformed personnel. I believe it will be Comey's shot heard around the world. (But I've been wrong before)
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