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FNC reporting the Hilary's Email contained a "Top Secret" labeled message Login/Join 
Too soon old,
too late smart
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The following is a piece of an article from

... Barbara Wells, an attorney for Platte River Networks, a Denver-based company that has managed Clinton's private e-mail since 2013, said in a phone interview Thursday that the server turned over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation “is blank and does not contain any useful data.” But Wells added that the data on Clinton's server was migrated to another server that still exists. She ended the interview when questioned further, declining to say whether the data still exists on that other server and who has possession of it...
Posts: 4757 | Location: Southern Texas | Registered: May 17, 2005Report This Post
Peace through
superior firepower
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Holy shit.

Holy shit!! Mad
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Step by step walk the thousand mile road
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Originally posted by parabellum:
Holy shit.

Holy shit!! Mad

Someone, anyone, get a fucking warrant for any digital device, records, information, or anything else whatsoever related to HRC and her private email system and serve it on Platte, that lawyer, HRC, everyone who works for HRC,the NSA.... everyone.

When they refuse, break out the handcuffs, sex lube, and the elbow high rubber gloves.

Nice is overrated

"It's every freedom-loving individual's duty to lie to the government."
Airsoftguy, June 29, 2018
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Semper Fi - 1775
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At some point, even the FBI and "others" will have to get fed up with this bullshit and switch gears into "do our job mode", right? RIGHT?

All it all you got.
For those who have fought for it, Freedom has a flavor the protected will never know

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wishing we
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here is a Bloomberg link with reference to Barbara Wells

The FBI is seeking to determine whether data from Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's private e-mail server may still exist elsewhere, a U.S. official said.

After acquiring the server on Wednesday, agents are attempting to determine whether e-mails may have been backed up on another machine, said the official, who asked for anonymity. The official said it's one of the next logical steps in the agency's investigation into whether the former secretary of state's private e-mail account handled classified information.

Barbara Wells, an attorney for Platte River Networks, a Denver-based company that has managed Clinton's private e-mail since 2013, said in a phone interview Thursday that the server turned over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation “is blank and does not contain any useful data.”

But Wells added that the data on Clinton's server was migrated to another server that still exists. She ended the interview when questioned further, declining to say whether the data still exists on that other server and who has possession of it.

Subsequent calls and e-mails to Wells and the Clinton campaign went unanswered.

Justice Department spokesman Patrick Rodenbush declined in an e-mail to comment on whether it is aware of the other server and is trying to access it.

“The data on the old server is not now available on any server or device that is under Platte River’s control,” Wells said during the interview.

The outcome of the FBI’s forensic analysis of the server will depend on what steps were taken to delete and overwrite data on it, according to former law enforcement investigators and cybersecurity specialists.

“Most people don’t understand really what it takes to actually delete things from a computer permanently,” said Peter Toren, a former computer crimes prosecutor for the Justice Department. “The FBI has had a great deal of training and they’re very good about recovering data from computers that people think have been erased or deleted.”

Clinton is not accused of any wrongdoing and has said she’s confident that material in her e-mails wasn't marked as being classified at the time it was sent and received through her server.

Philip Lieberman, president of Lieberman Software Corp., a cybersecurity company based in Los Angeles: “If the disk itself at the lowest level was wiped, it’s probably not recoverable,”

Toren, Lieberman, and Yoran all said they considered Clinton’s use of a private e-mail system and server to be extraordinary and weren’t aware of any other government officials doing the same.
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
Ball Haulin'
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What are the chances of emails and the content thereof...shall we say...pointing to other directions within the Executive Branch?

Prolly pretty damn good.

There are some flunkies that are going to take a fall here...and they dont even know themselves yet.

"There are things we know. There are things we dont know. Then there are the things we dont know that we dont know."
Posts: 10079 | Location: At the end of the gravel road. | Registered: November 02, 2006Report This Post
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Platte River has been on Fox news several times pimping their products and services. This company could hold the key to Hillary's jail cell. Maybe they are cozy with Fox and will leak what they know to them.
If they have another server that all the data on Hillary's server was migrated to well, that would be just dandy now wouldn't it?!

So the plot thickens. Now will will see if this is a real investigation or not. The FBI should already be knocking on the door of this company if they are even hinting or suggesting that they may have another server with the data in question.
But as I have said before the data on that server would take down more than Hillary. A lot of people on both sides of the aisle would have some real ugly issues if all those emails are revealed.
There are more people than just Hillary sweating this out which is why I think this is going to stop short after a few close aides are taken down and no information could be recovered from the server and we are all just left with our suspicions.

"Fixed fortifications are monuments to mans stupidity" - George S. Patton
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Oh stewardess,
I speak jive.
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what is this, the old "no body, no crime" approach?

it's like a cop vs politicians skit on Benny Hill or something.
Posts: 25613 | Registered: March 12, 2004Report This Post
wishing we
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The chairman of the Senate’s homeland security committee has asked a small, 13-year-old Denver technology company that managed tens of thousands of emails for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to describe what measures it took to safeguard national security information.

“Given that the server was used to conduct official State Department business, questions have been raised regarding whether classified information was stored on the private server,” Republican Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin wrote Platte’s president in a letter Tuesday.

He said he also wants to know “if that data was secure, who had access to that material and whether all official documents were appropriately preserved.”

Senior Republicans in Congress now want to know whether Platte River has a backup file containing the deleted emails.

In the letter obtained by McClatchy, Chairman Johnson asked company President Treve Suazo to respond to detailed questions within two weeks.

He requested all communications referring to the server “between or among employees or contractors of Platte River” and between company employees and the family’s global charity, the Clinton Foundation. Johnson also sought an explanation of whether the company is “authorized to maintain or access classified information.”

Suazo and other company officials did not respond to phone requests seeking comment.

The declaration by Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III, however, ramped up the stakes, because security officials had been less concerned about the arrangement if information was classified no higher than “Secret.”

Platte River’s services were sought in early 2013 to improve security of the server, which was installed for former President Bill Clinton at the couple’s home in New York state years earlier, The Washington Post reported recently.

The Colorado firm’s hiring coincided with the discovery that an email account for Clinton’s longtime confidant, private consultant Sidney Blumenthal, had been hacked by a Romanian national Marcel Lazar Lehel, known as Guccifer.

If Clinton had a backup, the type likely would be specified in her contract with the company that provided the server, Reid said.

Clinton’s campaign did not respond to questions Wednesday.

Other than:
“Look, this kind of nonsense comes with the territory of running for president"
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
wishing we
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The State Department sent a safe to Hillary Clinton’s lawyer in early July in an effort to ensure a thumb drive containing classified emails was being stored securely.

A debate ensued between the Inspector General for the Intelligence Community and the State Department about whether the material, including copies of Hillary’s emails on a thumb drive kept by her attorney, were properly secured. It is not known what, if any, security precautions were taken between May and July, but in early July the State Department became concerned enough that it delivered a safe to Kendall’s office.

The State Department has previously mentioned that it had physically verified the security of the thumb drive in Kendall’s office, but never mentioned providing a safe.

On July 30th, about a week after word of the thumb drive’s existence became public knowledge, a State Department spokesman told Politico, “We’ve provided the lawyers with instructions regarding appropriate measures for physically securing the documents and confirmed via a physical security expert that they are taking those measures.”

Nearly a week later, State spokesman Mark Toner again noted that State had sent a security expert to Kendall’s office. He told CBS News, “We simply cleared the site where they’re being held, made sure that it was a secure facility, and capable of holding what could be classified material.”


The requirements for storing SECRET and TS material extend far beyond just a safe.
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
Picture of domcintosh
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What kind of safe: some bulk order sheet metal, or the double lick designed to satisfy security requirements?

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Posts: 5446 | Location: Stationed in Kitsap Washington w/ the USN | Registered: November 04, 2007Report This Post
wishing we
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Who was the State Dept staffer who ran Hillary Clinton's personal email server ?

Bryan Pagliano

Bryan Pagliano, who served as the IT director for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, joined the State Department in 2009 to act as a “special advisor.”

In this capacity, Pagliano managed Clinton’s private email server for about four years, until Clinton left the State Department and gave her server to the Denver-based IT firm Platte River Networks.

Here is Bryan:


Prior to joining the Clinton team, Pagliano was infrastructure team lead at Community IT Innovators for over seven years through to Aug. 2006. University of Maryland - Robert H. Smith School of Business, 2007. B.A. in political science from Emory University, 1998.

?? what computer science training / security training did Bryan have ?
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
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Now there is this. The onion just keeps getting peeled back.

The Internet company used by Hillary Clinton to maintain her private server was sued for stealing dozens of phone lines including some which were used by the White House.

Platte River Networks is said to have illegally accessed the master database for all US phone numbers.

It also seized 390 lines in a move that created chaos across the US government.

Among the phone numbers which the company took - which all suddenly stopped working - were lines for White House military support desks, the Department of Defense and the Department of Energy, a lawsuit claims.

Link to complete article

"Fixed fortifications are monuments to mans stupidity" - George S. Patton
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Ball Haulin'
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"There are things we know. There are things we dont know. Then there are the things we dont know that we dont know."
Posts: 10079 | Location: At the end of the gravel road. | Registered: November 02, 2006Report This Post
Gracie Allen is my
personal savior!
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“The data on the old server is not now available on any server or device that is under Platte River’s control,” Wells said during the interview.

So...the FBI has it?
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Picture of Ace31
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Total waste of time, this bitch will come out even more famous than before this fiasco.
It would take kryptonite to bring her down.

Sad but true....
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Oh stewardess,
I speak jive.
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Surrrre he wrecked his bike in (inset air quotes) Montana...

Now we know, he's really a hacker secret squirrel sort.

Probably hurt himself in some exotic border crossing or something.


Posts: 25613 | Registered: March 12, 2004Report This Post
Step by step walk the thousand mile road
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... Spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats...

Nice is overrated

"It's every freedom-loving individual's duty to lie to the government."
Airsoftguy, June 29, 2018
Posts: 32717 | Location: Loudoun County, Virginia | Registered: May 17, 2006Report This Post
Speling Champ
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Didn't Tom Brady have to appear in court last week because he is refusing to turn over his e-mails or cell phone records or some such in regards to deflating some footballs???

If this shit had been pulled by anybody but Hitlery, they would've already been arrested, charged with everything from A-to-Z, been locked away in a dark, undisclosed location and getting a firsthand experience at "enhanced interrogation techniques" to locate all the other co-conspirators involved, all in the name of National Security.

All approved and legal under a FISA order.

Instead this fucking Harpy gets to run for President.

And just why in the hell is Trump the only one who is going after this evil hag with any fervor or conviction? Where in flying fuck-all are the rest of the Republican candidates on this? Mad
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I believe in the
principle of
Due Process
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Originally posted by OcCurt:
Didn't Tom Brady have to appear in court last week because he is refusing to turn over his e-mails or cell phone records or some such in regards to deflating some footballs???

If this shit had been pulled by anybody but Hitlery, they would've already been arrested, charged with everything from A-to-Z, been locked away in a dark, undisclosed location and getting a firsthand experience at "enhanced interrogation techniques" to locate all the other co-conspirators involved, all in the name of National Security.

All approved and legal under a FISA order.

Instead this fucking Harpy gets to run for President.

And just why in the hell is Trump the only one who is going after this evil hag with any fervor or conviction? Where in flying fuck-all are the rest of the Republican candidates on this? Mad

Probably because nobody can say what went on exactly, and there is no point in being flagrantly and publicly wrong. Just wait until everything is sorted out.

Fools rush in, and all that.

Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown
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