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Value of silver after TSHTF? Login/Join 
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Batteries !!!!
Posts: 4983 | Location: NH | Registered: April 20, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of pepsiblue
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Antibiotics.... where do you get these without a prescription?

10mm lays waste to entire cities, cuts through diamonds and will tear Superman a new asshole. - Parabellum

Sex offenders can not be rehabilitated. It's in their wiring. They should not be released back into the general public. On the other hand they should not be warehoused either. I think they should be executed.....Spectre

When someone tries to kill you, it doesn't matter how they are doing it. You're in mortal danger, and it's time to try to kill them back.


Kill every last one of these goddamned animals. We need a president with balls. We need leadership. We should be carpet bombing these barbarians wherever we find them, and we should be looking for them 24/7. We have to unleash Hell upon them. They understand nothing but death, so death is what we should bring them, wholesale.... Para

I left "practical" behind many years ago. It was covered with my first Glock 19. (Fredward)
Posts: 2550 | Location: Kentucky | Registered: July 09, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Antibiotics, prescription medicine...I imagine a scene like in World War Z (store/pharmacy) taking place in a real shitty situation...but it would have to be something really big! Coins are easy to carry, need a tank of gas to get your ass out of town, some guy might take your silver...but then again he might not, then you bust out a box of 9mm or two packs of cigarettes...better make that a carton.
Posts: 3241 | Location: Middle Earth, Rivendell | Registered: November 13, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Savor the limelight
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Silver has quite a few interesting uses that would be valuable in an end of the world as we know it scenario. For example, it can be used to purify water.
Posts: 12388 | Location: SWFL | Registered: October 10, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Bolt Thrower
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Gold is the way to go. Much easier to carry enough to start a new life on your person. The only problem is freeing up enough capital to sit unused for an unlikely societal breakdown.
Posts: 10110 | Location: Woodinville, WA | Registered: March 30, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Chilihead and Barbeque Aficionado
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I’d rather have mayonnaise and ketchup than silver. And lots of whiskey.

2nd Amendment Defender

The Second Amendment is not about hunting or sport shooting.
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Great replies folks. Btw, I have guns, ammo,water, food, toilet paper, hygiene items.i need a few other items. I think the best deal is getting a few trusty neighbors to join you and become an "area Tact team" to help each other and stand as a unit to survive as long as possible. " huddle up" group. We have each other's back with all the individual skill sets with each person contributing.

GOD/Israel, family, 2nd amendment rights: in that order.
Tennessee -ELOHIM IS MY GOD!

Posts: 807 | Registered: May 31, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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If SHTF I think gold/silver may be useful as a form of currency...but barter even better.

Short of SHTF, like massive inflation, depression, market crash etc. that is the scenario when Gold and Silver would take off. There will still be lots of people with lots of assets...they can't put them in a falling currency, falling stock market or falling real estate, physical gold and silver (already extremely popular way to hold wealth in the rest of the world) would soar.

“People have to really suffer before they can risk doing what they love.” –Chuck Palahnuik

Be harder to kill:
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Get Off My Lawn
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Originally posted by bobtheelf:
Silver and gold is for when civilization starts to come back, not while the F is still flinging the S that hit it.

My feelings as well.

PMs are not for bartering when the SHTF. Bullets, beans, and bandaids are for that (booze and cigarettes also). PMs are for when society starts to re-organize itself into a functioning entity, to hold on to some of one's previous wealth. Since I have plenty of beans, bullets and bandaids stockpiled, PMs is just another component for survival in a changing world.

"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
Posts: 17887 | Location: Texas | Registered: May 13, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of sigfreund
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I’m curious why so many people believe alcoholic beverages will be as desirable in a widespread catastrophe situation as something like nonperishable food or even toilet paper. When I got home after a long range session and no lunch yesterday, I made myself a hamburger, not a drink, but perhaps I’m in a minority—? If I had to choose a nonessential that would nevertheless be highly sought after, it would be something with nicotine. Some malnourished or even starving POWs in World War II traded food for cigarettes, so the urge is obviously pretty strong. What’s the shelf life of “chew”? I know many more people who “dip” than smoke these days.

Or are replies that put booze near the top of the list of things to stockpile just facetious comments to avoid serious thought about a serious question?


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— Neville the Appeaser
Posts: 48142 | Location: 10,150 Feet Above Sea Level in Colorado | Registered: April 04, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by sigfreund:
I’m curious why so many people believe alcoholic beverages will be as desirable in a widespread catastrophe situation as something like nonperishable food or even toilet paper. When I got home after a long range session and no lunch yesterday, I made myself a hamburger, not a drink, but perhaps I’m in a minority—? If I had to choose a nonessential that would nevertheless be highly sought after, it would be something with nicotine. Some malnourished or even starving POWs in World War II traded food for cigarettes, so the urge is obviously pretty strong. What’s the shelf life of “chew”? I know many more people who “dip” than smoke these days.

Or are replies that put booze near the top of the list of things to stockpile just facetious comments to avoid serious thought about a serious question?

I’m not much of a drinker myself, but lots of people like to drink now, in a functioning society. Imagine how many will want an escape after a SHTF scenario. Alcohol also has secondary value as a disinfectant,cough suppressant etc.
Posts: 529 | Location: Texas | Registered: March 25, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of craigcpa
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Originally posted by HCM:
Originally posted by sigfreund:
I’m curious why so many people believe alcoholic beverages will be as desirable in a widespread catastrophe situation as something like nonperishable food or even toilet paper. When I got home after a long range session and no lunch yesterday, I made myself a hamburger, not a drink, but perhaps I’m in a minority—? If I had to choose a nonessential that would nevertheless be highly sought after, it would be something with nicotine. Some malnourished or even starving POWs in World War II traded food for cigarettes, so the urge is obviously pretty strong. What’s the shelf life of “chew”? I know many more people who “dip” than smoke these days.

Or are replies that put booze near the top of the list of things to stockpile just facetious comments to avoid serious thought about a serious question?

I’m not much of a drinker myself, but lots of people like to drink now, in a functioning society. Imagine how many will want an escape after a SHTF scenario. Alcohol also has secondary value as a disinfectant,cough suppressant etc.

Yes. You may not like the taste of bourbon, but plenty others do. Including doctors and not necessarily to drink.

Furthe,for the short-term shtf product look no further than cigarettes. When an apocalypse happens lots of people will find a desire to catch a flame.

But, on a more relevant "value" isn't a current commodity you may have, but an ability to produce that commodity over and over. For instance, the hurricane(s) this past summer over Puerto Rico showed the necessity of clean drinking water. If you owned a well, you had a gold mine.

Just my 2¢

Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right ♫♫♫
Posts: 7731 | Location: Raleighwood | Registered: June 27, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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The precious metals in that scenario will be brass, lead and copper. A box of 9mm or .22 LR will be worth its weight in gold.
Posts: 712 | Registered: March 08, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Aeteocles
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Originally posted by pepsiblue:
Antibiotics.... where do you get these without a prescription?

I just ask my doctor for a prescription when I'm getting my regular checkups, and tell him exactly what it's for (travel, Backcountry first aid, survival prepping), and the types of infection I'd like for it to treat (deep cuts, gastrointestinal, respiratory, post-surgery, etc) and he'll hook it up with what he thinks is best (doxycycline, amoxicillin, azithromycin, etc).

Then I take the prescription and buy the generic stuff. I've never had to use the antibiotics, so I'm laying into a pretty deep stash.

Don't forget to get your vaccinations updated. Hep A and B, tetanus, etc.
Posts: 13069 | Location: Orange County, California | Registered: May 19, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Big Stack
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I'm not with you guys on this one. I think they'll still be a use for a medium of exchange. People used gold and silver as money for millennia. If paper, and now electronic, money because useless, they'd want something innately physical. Gold and silver work for that, as they had pretty much through the entire history of civilization.
Posts: 21240 | Registered: November 05, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
safe & sound
Picture of a1abdj
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I'm not with you guys on this one. I think they'll still be a use for a medium of exchange. People used gold and silver as money for millennia.

Here's why this works out this way.

You have water, but want ammo. This other guy has ammo, but wants food. Outside of a trading post that has a huge assortment of items to accommodating barter you need a medium of exchange. Since precious metals and similar have always had value, they are a natural choice.

It's no different than the cash we use today. With cash you can get what you want regardless of what the other has to offer. Everybody wins.

Posts: 16010 | Location: St. Charles, MO, USA | Registered: September 22, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Cruising the
Highway to Hell
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This is all why I live in the middle of nowhere.

We have a large garden, a few edible critters, both Wild and in captivity, a well that we can get water from without electricity, etc...

Enough Guns and ammo to keep others out, not to mention the folks that are close by are in similar situations and we regularly trade food with each other based on who is growing what.

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― Ronald Reagan

Retired old fart
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Experienced Slacker
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I stopped thinking of PMs as emergency money a while ago.

Now I just consider them viable liquid assets that my survivors can literally move around easily and cash in quickly without uncle sugar knowing anything.
Posts: 7574 | Registered: May 12, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by pepsiblue:
Antibiotics.... where do you get these without a prescription?

Fish antibiotics are an easy source to procure many antibiotics, do research to see what works best for certain things ( infection, respiratory, urinary, etc.)

Pet Mountain has a great selection, as do many pet stores. I can guarantee, I have yet to sprout gills!


"Once abolish the God, and the Government becomes the God." --- G.K. Chesterton
Posts: 3856 | Location: WNY | Registered: April 11, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by pepsiblue:
Antibiotics.... where do you get these without a prescription?

Mexico and I believe, Canada.

Posts: 10062 | Registered: October 15, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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