My Band of Brothers karma ... (with an update)

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March 09, 2018, 02:27 PM
Jim Shugart
My Band of Brothers karma ... (with an update)
... have to be postponed. I am in the hospital with five broken ribs. I'm OK. More later.

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Jim Shugart,

When a thing is funny, search it carefully for a hidden truth. - George Bernard Shaw
March 09, 2018, 02:28 PM
Oh, that old excuse. Big Grin

"What'cha do that for George?"

Sliced bread, the greatest thing since the 1911.

March 09, 2018, 02:38 PM

"the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב!
March 09, 2018, 02:39 PM
Todd Huffman
Don't laugh. Or sneeze.

Here's to the sunny slopes of long ago.
March 09, 2018, 02:42 PM
Sorry to hear about the broken ribs. I hope things heal up quickly.

"Louis was furious with the sharks. He thought they had an understanding: The men would stay out of the sharks' turf - the water - and the sharks would stay off theirs - the raft...If the sharks were going to try to eat him, he was going to try to eat them." From Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand
March 09, 2018, 02:45 PM
I was going to post something really funny but if you laugh it'll hurt, no end. Big Grin



"If you can't be a good example, then you'll have to be a horrible warning" -Catherine Aird
March 09, 2018, 03:01 PM
OUCH! Hope you heal up quickly.

Be careful when following the masses. Sometimes the M is silent.
March 09, 2018, 03:01 PM
You should have started the karma earlier if the Gods were frowning at you so hard.... Big Grin

Now seriously, get well soon (and rewatch the box while recovering).

Crap! I missed Jimbo54's post.


"OP is a troll" - Flashlightboy, 12/18/20
March 09, 2018, 03:04 PM
Get well soon!

Officers lives matter!
March 09, 2018, 03:14 PM
Who did you aggravate?

הרחפת שלי מלאה בצלופחים
March 09, 2018, 03:16 PM
Great Bouncing Shugarts! WTF you do?

"I vowed to myself to fight against evil more completely and more wholeheartedly than I ever did before. . . . That’s the only way to pay back part of that vast debt, to live up to and try to fulfill that tremendous obligation."

Alfred Hornik, Sunday, December 2, 1945 to his family, on his continuing duty to others for surviving WW II.
March 09, 2018, 03:21 PM
I don't know how many times I've told you son, you ain't 16 any more. And besides, that whole dancin' on the brass pole thing is just kinda... weird and disturbing.

Stop it already.


"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving."
-Dr. Adrian Rogers
March 09, 2018, 03:23 PM
Oh no!

Hope you are doing better quickly.

Pics of the hawt nurses or I'm calling bullshit!

Jim, stop reading here and skip to the next post. Do not read anything else in my post, cuz we know how you love dirty jokes! Don't start laughing and worsen your condition.

Of course this reminds me of the old joke: Did you hear about the prostitute who was injured and placed in the hospital?

She couldn't wait to get out and get back on her back. Big Grin

Now that's a Shugart joke! Big Grin

This message has been edited. Last edited by: OKCGene,
March 09, 2018, 03:26 PM
Use the incentive spirometer, like the nurse tells you.
Ending up with pneumonia is one of the ways this could be worse.

Heal quick!


"The designer of the gun had clearly not been instructed to beat about the bush. 'Make it evil,' he'd been told. 'Make it totally clear that this gun has a right end and a wrong end. Make it totally clear to anyone standing at the wrong end that things are going badly for them. If that means sticking all sort of spikes and prongs and blackened bits all over it then so be it. This is not a gun for hanging over the fireplace or sticking in the umbrella stand, it is a gun for going out and making people miserable with." -Douglas Adams

“It is just as difficult and dangerous to try to free a people that wants to remain servile as it is to try to enslave a people that wants to remain free."
-Niccolo Machiavelli

The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all. -Mencken
March 09, 2018, 03:29 PM
Damn, Jim, that hurts me.
Having had two sessions of just one broken rib, I’m having pain from just thinking what four would be like.
Shallow breaths, put the comics up, avoid the thread with the fun photos and memes.
Saying prayers!

"I don't shoot well, but I shoot often." - Pres. T. Roosevelt
March 09, 2018, 03:33 PM

Ribs move with every breath you take and every move you make ~ take the drugs brother, take the drugs!!!
March 09, 2018, 03:35 PM
here’s a karma I want no part of! ouch!!
heal quick!

Those who trade liberty for security have neither
March 09, 2018, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by cas:
Oh, that old excuse. Big Grin

OK, that’s funny Big Grin

despite them
March 09, 2018, 03:43 PM
Hope all goes well, and that you get better quick.

NRA Life Member, Annual Member GOA, MGO Annual Member
March 09, 2018, 04:38 PM
Oh no, heal up and take care.
