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Netanyahu: We are at war. Israel attacked by Hamas. Login/Join 
Picture of RichardC
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" Israel on Wednesday released footage of AK-47 assault rifles, grenades, several cans of WD-40, battle vests with Hamas insignia and other assorted military equipment it said it found hidden in the MRI wing of the hospital." Wink


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Originally posted by RichardC:
What does this mean?
Posts: 108234 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Unflappable Enginerd
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Nobody but the most uninformed want to deal with these "Palestinian refugees".

I mean, it's actually an Israeli/Egyptian "blockade" that started all of this stuff. Wink


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Picture of RichardC
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I inserted " several cans of WD-40" into the quote and didn't want anyone to think it was a real word for word quote.

Those LOOK like cans of Wd-40.


Posts: 15992 | Location: Florida | Registered: June 23, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Y'ever stop to think that you're too clever for your own good, and that there are some threads where such things are out of place?
Posts: 108234 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Voshterkoff:
Originally posted by wcb6092:
Top Israeli Politicians Demand Europe & U.S. Take Gaza Refugees.

Even if countries took in as few as 10,000 people each, it would help alleviate the crisis.”

Hell of a way to treat countries that give you billions every year, and fought the Nazis. And just like that, my little bit of compassion I had for the Jews after the attack is gone.

I'm all for it! Go ahead, take on refugees!
Let me just pull this world map out and...
Oh, hey, LOOK!
Egypt, Muslim country, right there!
Sudan, Muslim country, not too far!
Saudi Arabia, Muslim country, right there!
Iraq, Muslim country, right there!
Syria, Muslim country, right there!
Iran, Muslim country, not too far!
Oman, Muslim country, not too far!
Yemen, Muslim country, not too far!
Libya, Muslim country, not too far!

Don't lay that shit on us!

By the way, WHY aren't those Countries welcoming their Muslim Brothers and Sisters?
"Things that make you go 'HHmmmm?'"

"When its time to shoot, shoot. Dont talk!"

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delicately calloused
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I guess WD-40 is for firearm maintenance……if it is actually WD-40

You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier
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Posts: 15992 | Location: Florida | Registered: June 23, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Thank you, and don't think I don't appreciate that you are genuinely witty.
Posts: 108234 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
A Grateful American
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My take is that "top Israeli politicians” are suggesting this as a way of reminding Europe and U.S. folks "telling Israel" how they must conduct this conflict, to think of why the Aram world does nothing since 1948, to alleviate the plight of their own people.

Or, Israel is calling out everyone wringing their hands, but at the same time, asking what the world will actually do in the solving of this dilemma.

Israel does not want this war. How many times has Israel offered Land for Peace, and it be outright rejected by these Arabs*? I know.

The world see this as Israel's "problem" to solve, yet interferes in every step of it, and states out one side of their mouth that Israel has a right (and many say, duty) to defend themselves, yet collectively hold Israel's hands while the enemy hammers them, and calls Israel's response "dis-proportionate" and always calling for "cease-fire" and "humanitarian" consideration ad nauseam.

Israel is not the problem, Israel is a symptom to focus upon. Stop treating a symptom, deal with the problem, and the symptom will no longer present as the problem.

There is no "Palestinian", there is no "Palestine", the people that call themselves such are Arabs* from Egypt, Jordon, Syria, Lebanon.

The Jewish people at the time of independence told all Arabs in the land that they would be citizens within the boundaries. The surrounding Arab states told these Arabs to flee, temporarily and that the Jews would be eliminated and they could have all the land and return after.

It did not work out that way.

Arabs in the land of then, Israel (1948) were now Israeli citizens, those Arabs outside in the "camps" Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Judea and Samaria (West Bank), East Jerusalem, and Jordon, were called "Arab Refugees" and it was not until Yasser Arafat and Egyptian, Declared the PLO, that the name "Palestinian" was attached to those in the camps. After the '67 war, Israel held Judea, Samaria, all of Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, Sinai Peninsula, and the Golan heights.

Israel permitted the waqf (Areas of Jerusalem) to be under the control of Jordan, exists to this day in order to not deprive Christians of Muslims rights to them, even though Jewish worship is forbidden, and for a time Jews were not permitted on the Temple Mount.

The Mosques in Gaza and Judea and Samaria are present. (There have been Mosques that were destroyed, some turned into Synagogues, and other uses, but the point was that Christians and Muslims are not forbidden to worship in Israel.) Contrast that with the Arabs* in Gaza and the 4 settlements in northern Samaria, after the withdrawal of all Israeli people, destroying everything they considered a "symbol of the occupation", including all Synagogues. (Israel had voted to destroy them before leaving to prevent desecration, there was dissent of the decision and Israel asked the Palestinian Authority to assist with protection of the synagogue buildings (all artifacts were removed), but that did not happen.

Jews are not permitted in Gaza, and most any other area under these Arabs* control.
If Jews accidently enter in these areas they are often beaten and/or killed.

The Jewish people in Israel are not perfect, and the attitudes are the full range from full acceptance and willingness to go beyond the requirement of civility, to the other end of extreme loathing and desire that the Arabs* be expelled. But the law of Israel is as even and fair as it can be towards the non-Jews living in the state. Contrast that with the Charter and the attitudes towards Jews.

The term "Palestine" came about in 132 C.E. after he renamed Jerusalem "Aelia Capitolina" and build a Roman Colony and later after the Bar Kochba rebellion, Judea was renamed "Palaestina" and Jews were forbidden from Jerusalem or Judea.

Ironic that the name of Jerusalem, changed at the same time as Judea, is no problem for anyone to this day, not even the Italian people have anything to say, yet "Palestine" is like a bloodstain that the world refuses to acknowledge and have a fit because the Jewish people of the land, who have always had presence as Jews in the land, attempt to remove that stain.

There was no "Palestine", the fact that a part of Israel was called Palestine by the Romans and used the "name" of a the Philistines, from Philstia, and enemy that King David wiped out, was as a grave insult to the Jews after the last rebellion was put down.

Later, when the Ottoman Empire fell, Britain and France drew new boundaries, and "Transjordan" was the name that encompassed all the area of Jordon and Israel (and became under British rule). Later Churchill, partitioned Israel from Jordon, and called Israel "Palestine" which was greater area of land, than simply Judea.

The Arabs in that land were the same Arabs that had come from Saudi Arabia centuries before, called Arabs, and were Arabs when France and Britain drew new lines, and were Arabs when Israel declared itself a state on May 14th a few hours before the British Mandate for Palestine ceased at midnight May 14th 1948, and was recognized by the US eleven minutes later, followed by the USSR and Iran.

Several hours later 5 Arab nations attacked Israel, and Israel prevailed.

There are angry Arabs*, some of which refuse to live among Jewish people in peace.
There is Arab land and wealth enough that the Arabs could solve this issue.

There is no other land that the Jewish people have as their continual home, they will not leave this home, nor be uprooted again.

There is no Palestine, there is no Palestinian,

It's like the pronouns and gender nonsense. Buying

Let's see the arguments to the contrary.

But, I will not be moved.

"the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב!
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Coin Sniper
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Originally posted by darthfuster:
I guess WD-40 is for firearm maintenance……if it is actually WD-40

Isn't a knotted boot lace and WD-40 of other oil a field method for cleaning an AK47?

Pronoun: His Royal Highness and benevolent Majesty of all he surveys

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Oh, yes, a ceasefire- against people who have vowed to wipe you off the planet. Roll Eyes

Posts: 108234 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Wait, what?
Picture of gearhounds
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She is a JINO. As we know, there are MANY Jewish people around the globe including the US that know little about the nation of Israel and certainly don’t support them. She is a Hamas collaborator at this point. Her life isn’t on the line; she is a piece of SHIT playing politics.

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Meet the American millionaire Marxists funding anti-Israel rallies

Pro-Palestinian group shares ‘reprehensible’ antisemitic map of NYC targets on social media

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
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A Grateful American
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Originally posted by wcb6092:
Meet the American millionaire Marxists funding anti-Israel rallies...

Imagine that.

It's simply a peaceful non-organized spontaneous protest, with spontaneous shirts.

"the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב!
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Peace through
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Here's an interesting bit of news. I don't recall ever seeing this approach from management of any newspaper of any size:

LA Times blocks reporters who signed open letter criticizing Israel from covering Gaza

The Los Angeles Times is prohibiting staff from covering the Gaza war for at least three months if they signed a strongly-worded open letter criticizing Israel’s military operations in the region.

Earlier this month, nearly a dozen staffers at the LA Times signed the open letter condemning the Israeli government’s bombing of Gaza, and saying the military operations were harming journalists and threatening newsgathering. The letter also called on newsrooms to use language including “apartheid,” “ethnic cleansing,” and “genocide” when referring to the Israeli bombardment of Gaza.

Two people with knowledge of the situation told Semafor that staffers who signed the letter have been told by the paper’s management that they will not be allowed to cover the conflict in any way for at least three months.

The letter, published earlier this month and signed by over 1,000 current and former journalists, called for an end to Israeli military actions in Gaza which it said represented a “slaughter of our colleagues and their families by the Israeli military and government.” The letter laid out an estimate of the number of journalists and their families who had been killed in the conflict, saying Israel’s military actions “show wide scale suppression of speech.”

But it also expressed strong criticism of mainstream news organizations, which it described as too timid in their coverage of the war.

The letter argued that some news outlets have been “hesitant to quote genocide experts and accurately describe the existential threat unfolding in Gaza,” and that newsroom leaders often “undermined Palestinian, Arab and Muslim perspectives, dismissing them as unreliable and have invoked inflammatory language that reinforces Islamophobic and racist tropes.”

“We are writing to urge an end to violence against journalists in Gaza and to call on Western newsroom leaders to be clear-eyed in coverage of Israel’s repeated atrocities against Palestinians,” the letter said.

The LA Times did not respond to a request for comment. But earlier this week, LA Times top editor Kevin Merida reminded staff of the company’s ethics and fairness policy, which stated that a “fair-minded reader of the Times news coverage should not be able to discern the private opinions of those who contributed to that coverage, or to infer that the organization is promoting any agenda.”

“Feeling heard and seen are essential to a healthy newsroom, as are civility and collective responsibility. Rigor, fairness, dissent, difference, can all co-exist as qualities that lead to the best journalism,” Merida wrote in a company-wide email. “But we must maintain the integrity of that journalism, which is core to our reputation. Journalism itself is an agent for change. Having a compass to guide that work ensures that we don’t imperil it, or inadvertently cause harm to our colleagues’ ability to do their jobs,” he wrote.


...LA Times top editor Kevin Merida reminded staff of the company’s ethics and fairness policy, which stated that a “fair-minded reader of the Times news coverage should not be able to discern the private opinions of those who contributed to that coverage, or to infer that the organization is promoting any agenda.”
That is marvelous. Such a policy (assuming it is consistently applied) signals an attempt to return to actual journalism, in which the reporter becomes a conduit for reporting the facts. Naturally, all human beings have their own perspective, but efforts to minimize bias in reportage is fundamental to journalism and the absence of this principle is at the very heart of the problems we face today in news media.

This is the part where a member or members provide me with 46 different instances of glaring editorial bias from the L.A. Times.

Posts: 108234 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by parabellum:
. . . [snip] . . .
This is the part where a member or members provide me with 46 different instances of glaring editorial bias from the L.A. Times.

oh, there’s probably lots more than 45, but this policy at least seems like an attempt to take a step in the right direction. Let’s enjoy this bit of good news and not look for nits to pick.
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That sounded like that the "journalists" are looking to interfere with Israels mission of self defense and to garner sympathy for terrorists.

Todays "journalists" are pure human shit.
They look to create chaos without ever lifting a weapon.
The left are dangerous to a free society.
They would GLADLY hand this country over to Hamas.

He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster.
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wishing we
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Israeli Defense Minister: Hamas Leaders in Exile Are Dead Men Walking

JERUSALEM, Israel — Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant vowed Saturday night that all Hamas operatives would be killed — including those outside Gaza, sheltering in comfortable exile in Arab states like Qatar.

“There is no difference between a terrorist who walks around with a Kalashnikov … and a terrorist who wears a three-piece suit and walks around in another part of the world,” Gallant told a press conference, as the war entered its seventh week. “All of them are dead men walking.”

Gallant’s remarks hinted at the kinds of targeted killing that the Israeli security services carried out after previous terror attacks, such as the massacre of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympics in Munich, Germany. Israel spent several years hunting down and killing everyone responsible for that attack.

Currently, senior Hamas leaders live in luxury in Doha, Qatar. Many of them are billionaires, as they condemn Palestinians in Gaza to death by attacking Israel and starting wars. Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh travels by private plane to various supportive destinations around the world, including Tehran and Moscow.

Israel’s explicit goal in the war, which began when Hamas launched a massive terror attack on October 7, is to destroy Hamas and to return the more than 200 hostages it took.

Gallant and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have often said that every Hamas member is marked for death.
Posts: 19686 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Official forum
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^^^ excellent!! I was wondering when we would publicly see Israel officials declare war on the masterminds outside Israel/Gaza in places like Doha where they think they are untouchable.


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