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Joe Biden on the campaign trail: "If you like your health care plan, ..." // biden is out ! Login/Join 
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are we sure they indicted Hunter Biden and not Charlie Sheen?
Posts: 24290 | Location: Gunshine State | Registered: November 07, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Get my pies
outta the oven!

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Get ready for the MSM and Dems to flip back to the old “the President’s son has nothing to do with the President, he’s his own person and Joe Biden is not involved in all this” bullshit to insulate Dementia Joe.

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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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Acta Non Verba
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Posts: 30926 | Location: Elv. 7,000 feet, Utah | Registered: October 29, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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So Hunter knocked up a stripper. put her on his payroll to get health insurance, she does no work, his employer health insurance pays for the delivery of the baby, and he writes off her salary and the health insurance premiums as a tax deduction.

Where is the charge for defrauding the health insurance company?

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
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Where is the fraud? She was an employee. Many employees do very little work. All she would have to do is pick up the mail.
Posts: 17501 | Location: Stuck at home | Registered: January 02, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by ZSMICHAEL:
Where is the fraud? She was an employee. Many employees do very little work. All she would have to do is pick up the mail.

According to the indictment (Page 39) she did no work.

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
Posts: 13098 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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All the talk about how Donald Trump's kids are evil and yadda yadda-

And the left has time and again excused the vile, criminal behavior of Hunter Biden. It's the absolute height of hypocrisy.

Well, Joe, it's time to throw up ol' dead Beau as a shield once again. I think the story will need further embellishment, what with Hunter being so super sleazy and nasty and all.

Let's see, Beau was building an orphanage single-handed in Iraq, when evil Republicans appeared out of nowhere, killing babies and kittens and Beau vanquished them all, and with his dying breath, pledged his love for his country...
Posts: 109088 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by parabellum:
The biggest Goddamned fool ever to occupy the White House. Send more US taxpayer dollars to the lost cause of Ukraine, or we'll have American troops fighting Russian troops.

Yep, Tucker Carlson posted this and Elon Musk asked if it was real...

Posts: 24290 | Location: Gunshine State | Registered: November 07, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Hunter Biden Vs. Elon Musk: First Crackhead Talks Trash During 'Moby' Damage Control Podcast

If you needed any more evidence we're in the most entertaining timeline imaginable (or this is all a simulation), Hunter Biden has now picked a fight with Elon Musk.

Following Hunter's multiple felony tax charges that hit Thursday night, the international energy expert appeared on the formerly famous Moby's podcast to do damage control - which is hilarious in and of itself. Yes, the same Moby who claimed in 2018 that the CIA asked him to spread the Trump-Russia hoax. On the same day WaPo buried the story six ways from Sunday.

While discussing Elon Musk, Hunter began projection-ranting, suggesting that the political sphere is 'some kind of a game' to Musk, who is 'culpable' for spreading misinformation about him.

"Elon Musk doesn’t care about the goddamn First Amendment.. all of this idea that he is a champion for the First Amendment and blah blah," he said.

To which Musk replied on X: "Exactly what "misinformation" is he talking about? The dude made so many videos of himself doing crime that he should get an award for cinematography!"

The replies are, of course, hilarious (given the timeline and all):

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
Posts: 13098 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Coin Sniper
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I swear Hunter Biden is pioneering a new mode of crime drama, selfie style. As opposed to production crews and actors recreating the alleged crime, you just video yourself doing it and post it for the world to see.

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According to the indictment (Page 39) she did no work.

OK thank you. Plenty of offices hire attractive females to be receptionists. Every dermatologist I have seen has eye candy at the reception desk. Perhaps he could make that argument.

I will say one thing Abbe Lowell is one hell of an attorney. His fees run around one grand per hour. Hunter made a good choice there.
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Baroque Bloke
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Remember when Hunter’s lawyers tried to hide a secret clause in Hunter’s gun charges plea deal? It would’ve given Hunter immunity from nearly all subsequent charges:

‘Noreika also called the deal federal prosecutors reached with Hunter over his gun possession offense "unusual," and that it contained some "non-standard terms," such as "broad immunity" from other potential charges.’

Fortunately, Judge Maryellen Noreika spotted it and the plea deal collapsed. Hunter had a very long face after that.

Serious about crackers
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His diet consists of black
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Originally posted by parabellum:All the talk about how Donald Trump's kids are evil and yadda yadda-

I said way back in 2015 or '16 that I was impressed by Don and Eric. They came across as genuinely nice guys, equally at home in a boardroom or barroom, and I have never heard of scandals of any kind.
Posts: 28662 | Location: Johnson City, TN | Registered: April 28, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
wishing we
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yes, this times 1000

Remember when two IRS whistleblowers came forward to charge that the Biden administration gave the president's son, Hunter Biden, special treatment in the tax investigation into his business affairs?

The two — Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler , both of whom were deeply involved in the Hunter Biden investigation — offered proof that the IRS had an open-and-shut case that Hunter Biden evaded taxes on large amounts of money he had made from foreign sources

But the U.S. Attorney's Office in Delaware, and the larger Justice Department, would not pursue it, and both men were removed from the case in retaliation for having the temerity to point out the inaction.

Shapley's and Ziegler's testimonies supported the Republican charge that Justice Department officials stifled and slow-walked the investigation. GOP agitation forced the U.S. attorney leading the inquiry, David Weiss, to seek special counsel status, giving him the freedom to resume the investigation.


American heroes and role models for govt employees. Think what a bunch of FBI agents could have done to bring out the truth
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Five months ago, exasperated Biden defense counsel Chris Clark snapped at federal prosecutors to “just rip it up” after a plea bargain hit a snag in a hearing before Judge Maryellen Noreika. They did and, for the first time, Hunter could be facing a real chance for jail time.

The six misdemeanor charges and three felonies carry a potential sentence of 17 years for alleged tax evasion and filing a false return. It could have been worse. The Justice Department inexplicably allowed the statute of limitations to run on the most serious allegations involving payments from years going back to 2013. Those are mentioned in the narrative of the indictment but not charged as separate offenses.

None of this would have happened if Judge Noreika did not ask a very simple question about the plea agreement and a sweeping immunity provision buried in its language.

Noreika noticed that the deal seemed to give Hunter immunity for any crime going forward and asked the prosecutor if he had ever seen any agreement like this one. He honestly answered “no.”

It was later learned that there was a push within the Justice Department to have no charges at all brought against Hunter in an investigation that was heavily laden with special treatment, according to IRS whistleblowers.

The investigation by the House has shown how Hunter and his counsel allowed their appetite for special treatment to turn into a raging disorder. The Justice Department reportedly gave Hunter a “heads up” about planned searches and interviews, scuttling those efforts. Even though the Justice Department had an agreement to “toll the statute” to prevent the early charges from expiring, the Special Counsel just let them die without any rational reason.

In this “all-you-can-eat” legal Smorgasbord, it is little surprise that the Biden team would demand an unprecedented immunity deal and just two misdemeanors after years of tax evasion covering millions from insider trading.

After all, Attorney General Merrick Garland had refused the calls of many of us to appoint a Special Counsel to look into the corruption scandal. The scandal was capped off legally and the media was running cover for Hunter.

The laptop was falsely denounced as Russian disinformation and the media largely dismissed influence peddling claims. Whenever new allegations surfaced, the President and the media would literally run to the nearest ice cream shop to discuss the President’s favorite flavors.

In other words, why ask for a sweeping immunity deal? The answer was why not.

That all came crashing down when Judge Noreika just cleared her throat in court.

As the prosecutors struggled to explain the absurd immunity provision, the Biden legal team was obviously shocked at the notion that they might have to exercise portion control. After all, the President himself has declared “no one f**ks with a Biden.”

That is when they told the prosecutors to “just rip it up.” Those are the four most dangerous words that a criminal defendant could utter in a hearing on a plea deal. They could have immediately narrowed the immunity deal and even added a few misdemeanors to salvage the deal. Instead, they shredded their client.

What followed was performative and frankly a tad pathetic. To the thrill of some in the media, the Biden team promised to get aggressive with witnesses and critics. They started to make demands as if they still controlled events, including saying that they would only comply with a congressional subpoena on their own terms.

It won’t work. A bill has come due. While Garland is still protecting President Biden from a Special Counsel, Hunter Biden is going to have to face these alleged crimes and corruption. Even the media is now admitting that he was influence peddling, though maintaining a final line of defense for the president. The last defense is that it was corrupt, but merely illusory because it did not actually influence Joe Biden.

The lesson for lawyers should be lasting: even if you can secure a massive sweetheart deal, you may want to exercise a modicum of portion control. That “all-you-can-eat” option may not be the best course for your client. The Justice Department was clearly willing to give Hunter anything that he demanded, but maybe you need to demand less. Sometimes it is better to go for the more limited a la carte option. Your client will consume less but he may be able to get up from the table. In other words, you need to be careful what you ask for . . . you just might get it
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Mass shootings occur because people pick up kids off counters...ah, skip it.

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The Main Thing Is
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Man, I was spellbound with that, He's a Churchill without a cigar, a Ghandi but with a worse haircut, a John Kennedy with his own dream. Just listening to this I feel more awesome than usual.


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House Oversight Committee Chair Rep. James Comer (R-KY) said Friday on CNN’s “The Lead” that he believed Hunter Biden was indicted by federal prosecutor David Weiss on nine federal tax counts on Thursday to protect his father President Joe Biden.

Comer said, “What he got charged with, with that indictment last night, that had nothing to do with all of the so-called loans that the Bidens have taken. We’ve identified, it appears, with the president’s son and brother, over $14 million in loans where it doesn’t look like they made any payments on, principal or interest. And what point do those loans, if you’re not going to pay ’em back, become income?

Comer added, “So, we think this is just the tip of the iceberg. We think there’s many more crimes. and my concern is that Weiss may have indicted Hunter Biden to protect him from having to be deposed in the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday.”

Anchor Jake Tapper said, “Ah, yes, yes. He indicted him to protect him. Yess the classic rubric. He indicted him to protect him. I got it.”

Comer said, “Well, look, this whole thing Jake, you know, this whole thing’s been about a coverup. You know you’ve got two serious—

Tapper said, “That’s why he indicted him, to protect him? To cover it up?”

Comer said, “Look, you indict him on the least little thing, the gun charge and not paying taxes.”

Tapper said, “He’s facing like 17 additional years in prison. These are felonies.”

Comer said, “Yeah, but look at what he’s done. Anybody else in America would already be in prison. He may owe $7 or $8 million if the loans are fraudulent, a loan means you’ll pay it back. Look, at the end of the day, this money is coming from bad people around the world. Why are they paying Hunter Biden? We believe that it’s because they want a direct access to Joe Biden. I don’t think that any American would want a president that’s compromised to our biggest enemy in the world, China.”
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
This Space for Rent
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^^^^. It’s pretty much a given that Ol Joe will pardon Hunter when he leaves the office. So, this begs the question if the charges Comer is suggesting are not added to the list against Mr. Biden, can the Republicans hold off until the. Ext administration to enact further charges? This would avoid double jeprody. Also pending if the Republicans still hold the majority in congress.

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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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Raises the question.

But Biden can simply pardon Hunter for crimes that he hasn't been officially charged with yet too.


Acta Non Verba
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