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The difference between you and I is I really don’t care what you think.

"It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it works out for them"

Posts: 37449 | Location: Logical | Registered: September 12, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Get my pies
outta the oven!

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The Dem Governor of Pennsylvania tried to order the second largest mall in the entire country (King of Prussia) closed as of Friday and they basically told him to go fuck himself.

I don’t think that mall has been closed for two days, let alone 2 to 3 weeks in its entire history. The impact on the businesses there would be absolutely devastating.

Posts: 35588 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of maladat
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Originally posted by jljones:
The difference between you and I is I really don’t care what you think.

And yet you can't seem to stop chiming in with snide remarks.

I generally respect what you post here, but every now and then you seem to get really fixated on something you don't have any evidence for and rather than discuss the actual issue you just attack the posters you don't agree with.

One instance I recall was in one of the pot legalization threads, where you decided the whole thing was doomed to failure because you were sure illegal pot would always be cheaper and no one would buy legal (at the state level, of course we all know it's still federally illegal) pot. I remember that thread in particular because I was really startled that someone who usually seemed so reasonable would absolutely refuse to engage in rational discussion and pretty much went all in on playground tactics.
Posts: 6321 | Location: CA | Registered: January 24, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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What can I say, I can’t stand fake statistics and those who push them.

The cool thing about the pot legalization thread, I have been since proven right. But, I guess I should have listened to the “experts”. Just like other topics where I’m 34 times more likely to be correct.

"It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it works out for them"

Posts: 37449 | Location: Logical | Registered: September 12, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Sigforum K9 handler
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LOL why do you keep deleting your replies????

If you’re going to make straw man arguments, leave them up for all to see.

You’re a scientist and married to a doctor for goodness sakes.

"It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it works out for them"

Posts: 37449 | Location: Logical | Registered: September 12, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of maladat
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Originally posted by jljones:
What can I say, I can’t stand fake statistics and those who push them.

Neither the actual data about tests performed, nor experts' projections, labeled as such, are "fake statistics."


The cool thing about the pot legalization thread, I have been since proven right. But, I guess I should have listened to the “experts”. Just like other topics where I’m 34 times more likely to be correct.

And yet somehow there are billions of dollars of sales of "legal" pot.
Posts: 6321 | Location: CA | Registered: January 24, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Go ahead punk, make my day
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Originally posted by jljones:
LOL why do you keep deleting your replies????

If you’re going to make straw man arguments, leave them up for all to see.

You’re a scientist and married to a doctor for goodness sakes.

It's all fun and games until the Scientists are in the 'hot seat'... Life is easy when you are in the cheap seats and throwing shit at people, but when that big magnifying glass turns to you, your hands get clammy, your neck around the collar gets hot, your cheeks flush... But you ARE THE EXPERT, so its SHOWTIME!!!!

"Ah, well, these are just estimates from the model from the place with the people and the thing. I mean it COULD be DEADLY, but it COULD also be nothing, with a PROBABILITY of about 45.434% of either being correct or maybe I had that wrong. I need to check on the lastest data from DLHFH, CDCRS, and Dr. Mansigfringgencsin... He hasn't updated yet, so I well, I'm not sure really but maybe...."
Posts: 45798 | Registered: July 12, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of maladat
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Also, you keep attacking me with the "34 times" thing. If you climb down off your high horse and look at actual posts, I wasn't the one who said that, and I have consistently said that I thought the 3.4% (and other estimates in the 2-4% range) fatality rate estimate was a significant overestimation, and have posted links to medical journal articles supporting that position.
Posts: 6321 | Location: CA | Registered: January 24, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of maladat
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Originally posted by jljones:
LOL why do you keep deleting your replies????

If you’re going to make straw man arguments, leave them up for all to see.

You’re a scientist and married to a doctor for goodness sakes.

I've deleted a couple because I thought of something I wanted to add and didn't want the original post to get quoted and the addition missed. Every post I deleted here has been immediately reposted with the same content plus an additional paragraph or two.
Posts: 6321 | Location: CA | Registered: January 24, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Limiting a gathering to 250 people is a lot like putting a limit of 3 oz of liquid on air travelers; it's not like 2.9 oz of a hazardous substance is that much safer than 2.1. 249 people aren't much less risk of interaction than 251.

The line got drawn somewhere. The simple fact is that if it's risk adversity, then drawing it anywhere above zero actually defeats the point.
Posts: 6650 | Registered: September 13, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of maladat
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Originally posted by sns3guppy:
Limiting a gathering to 250 people is a lot like putting a limit of 3 oz of liquid on air travelers; it's not like 2.9 oz of a hazardous substance is that much safer than 2.1. 249 people aren't much less risk of interaction than 251.

The line got drawn somewhere. The simple fact is that if it's risk adversity, then drawing it anywhere above zero actually defeats the point.

Setting aside the legality question, the question of what the size limit should be (although I agree the choices made in different areas seem pretty arbitrary), and the question of whether we should limit public gatherings at all, the rationale behind limiting public gatherings is clearly illustrated by the progress of coronavirus in South Korea, where they aggressively trace cases and contacts.

After the initial 30 cases, South Korea had coronavirus largely contained. Patient 31 exposed thousands of people and started the two clusters of infections responsible for the vast majority of cases in South Korea.
Posts: 6321 | Location: CA | Registered: January 24, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Sigforum K9 handler
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This thread IS about the Constitutional “legality”.

"It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it works out for them"

Posts: 37449 | Location: Logical | Registered: September 12, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Recondite Raider
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I personally think these restrictions on assembly are akin to making one pay to exercise ones rights (aka concealed carry permits, or permits to even own a firearm as some states have).

An infringement on one right granted us by our Constitution and its amendments is very much an infringement on all of our rights.

Right now it is the right to assemble, then it will be the right to free speech, then the right of being secure in your house (4th and 10th amendments).

When will these infringements stop?

Oregon has a Governor who is violating the Oregon Constitution and now it seams with her limits on assembly is violating the US Constitution.

More blessed than I deserve.
Posts: 3583 | Location: Boardman, Oregon | Registered: September 19, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Get Off My Lawn
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Originally posted by smlsig:
My problem with governments limiting gatherings to no more than “X” people is that it is a completely arbitrary number..

All it takes is one person so 249 people getting together (as opposed to 250) somehow makes it ok???


Who are the govt. officials coming up with these guidelines. Why 250? Why not 148, 96, 27, 14?

Why churches, sporting events, conferences? Why not Costcos and Walmarts. where hundreds of people, pushing and shoving, touching and grabbing things others have touched and grabbed?

There is NO logic, rhyme or reason in this "crisis". People are just pulling numbers, scenarios out of their asses, making it up as they go along.

"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
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Originally posted by jljones:
This thread IS about the Constitutional “legality”.

I get that. I thought the additional information was relevant.

I'm not a Constitutional scholar or a lawyer, and I don't know what the answer is. However, the text of the First Amendment is:


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

As far as I know, all the limitations on public gatherings in the US so far have either been voluntary (e.g., the NBA suspending its season, or state governments requesting that people not engage in public gatherings) or have been state governors imposing limitations as part of declarations of a state of emergency.

The Second Amendment says "... shall not be infringed." The First Amendment says "Congress shall make no law ..."

As far as I know, Congress hasn't made any laws relating to public gatherings during this outbreak, and I'm not aware of any state legislatures doing so, either.

There may be some other Constitutional reason the limitations aren't kosher, but on the face of it, it doesn't seem to conflict with the First Amendment.

Do the emergency powers of the executive branch (at both the federal and state levels) come from laws passed by Congress? (Honest question)

I don't think we want to fall into the trap of taking a page from the Democrats' playbook and deciding the Constitution says what we want it to say rather than what it actually says.
Posts: 6321 | Location: CA | Registered: January 24, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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What public gatherings have you been prevented from attending?

You have no right to attend a basketball game. You have no right to attend wrestle-mania or a local concert. City of Pittsburgh cancelled the St. Patricks Day parade can you file a civil rights violation? No. Can you go stand downtown where a non existent parade would pass by? Sure, go right ahead but I dont think your going to find 249 other people to just stand there with you.

Some a$$hole just received a lifetime ban from Jet Blue airline. He had the symptoms and was currently waiting for the test results. Guess what, he decides to get on an airplane from NY to FL. and later finds the test came back positive.

An older couple is suing one of the cruise lines because they failed to "properly" screen travelers and being forced to quarantine on the boat.

Most of the large gatherings are private events and are being shut down by choice and recommendations by the .gov. They are CYA measures.

Posts: 5512 | Location: Pittsburgh, PA, USA | Registered: February 27, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Recondite Raider
Picture of lizardman_u
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Originally posted by gpbst3:
What public gatherings have you been prevented from attending?

You have no right to attend a basketball game. You have no right to attend wrestle-mania or a local concert. City of Pittsburgh cancelled the St. Patricks Day parade can you file a civil rights violation? No. Can you go stand downtown where a non existent parade would pass by? Sure, go right ahead but I dont think your going to find 249 other people to just stand there with you.

Some a$$hole just received a lifetime ban from Jet Blue airline. He had the symptoms and was currently waiting for the test results. Guess what, he decides to get on an airplane from NY to FL. and later finds the test came back positive.

An older couple is suing one of the cruise lines because they failed to "properly" screen travelers and being forced to quarantine on the boat.

Most of the large gatherings are private events and are being shut down by choice and recommendations by the .gov. They are CYA measures.

The gentleman with the ban on Jet Blue was banned by a private company from using the resources of that company which is perfectly legal.

Basketball games and concerts cancelled by the venue (a private business usually) again perfectly legal.

As to the public gathering being prevented here in Oregon a group of citizens and business owners have now been prevented from peacefully protesting our Governor's usurping the people's will and pushing cap and trade via executive order.

So yes a constitutional peaceful assembly is now prohibited by the Governor's executive order. Last gathering of this group was over 12000 people and 2000 trucks (logging trucks, cargo trucks, and farm equipment on flatbeds and lowboys.).

Right now in Oregon "We the People" are in a peaceful fight against the Democrat run legislature to the point that the Republican House and Senate members had to walk out of session to deny a quorum to the Oregon legislative body.

More blessed than I deserve.
Posts: 3583 | Location: Boardman, Oregon | Registered: September 19, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by maladat:
Originally posted by jljones:
This thread IS about the Constitutional “legality”.

I get that. I thought the additional information was relevant.

I'm not a Constitutional scholar or a lawyer, and I don't know what the answer is. However, the text of the First Amendment is:


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

As far as I know, all the limitations on public gatherings in the US so far have either been voluntary (e.g., the NBA suspending its season, or state governments requesting that people not engage in public gatherings) or have been state governors imposing limitations as part of declarations of a state of emergency.

The Second Amendment says "... shall not be infringed." The First Amendment says "Congress shall make no law ..."

As far as I know, Congress hasn't made any laws relating to public gatherings during this outbreak, and I'm not aware of any state legislatures doing so, either.

There may be some other Constitutional reason the limitations aren't kosher, but on the face of it, it doesn't seem to conflict with the First Amendment.

Do the emergency powers of the executive branch (at both the federal and state levels) come from laws passed by Congress? (Honest question)

I don't think we want to fall into the trap of taking a page from the Democrats' playbook and deciding the Constitution says what we want it to say rather than what it actually says.

I would not assume that the season postponements/cancellations by the NBA, NHL.PGA and Nascar were voluntary. I am sure their governing bodies received several phone calls from numerous government officials "recommending" they support the narrative. Is it the right call? Who knows?
Posts: 4983 | Location: NH | Registered: April 20, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I miss the arguments about guns. And other fun stuff. All this wasted bandwidth on freedom and saving me from the ass wipe virus is getting old. I am going to the store right now to try and buy more charmin, and if I get it I am going to start a new thread and gloat about my luck in depriving a fellow citizen of his just ass wipe reward. And while I am at the store I AM GOING TO NOT social distance myself. All close talker shit. Fuck you Jay Inslee!
Posts: 1923 | Location: Spokane, WA | Registered: June 23, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Nullus Anxietas
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Originally posted by Stlhead:
I miss the arguments about guns. And other fun stuff.

As wrapped around the axle as some suggest I may be about this whole thing, I still managed to finally get to the range with my new pistol, yesterday, and post a range report early this morning Smile

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system,,,, but too early to shoot the bastards." -- Claire Wolfe
"If we let things terrify us, life will not be worth living." -- Seneca the Younger, Roman Stoic philosopher
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