Is this Normal Police Procedure?

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August 30, 2017, 12:37 PM
Is this Normal Police Procedure?
Originally posted by chongosuerte:
I used to know one of those state level revenue people.

He didn't take himself too seriously. Pretty good guy.

that's how these guys were. They said we COULD take everything, but understood the situation I was in, even offered me a few days to get the $2500 together. I'm not holding it against them for doing their jobs, they couldn't have been nicer.


August 30, 2017, 12:48 PM
Makes more sense that it was State tax guy. I work for the State of TN and if needed we are supposed to have a state trooper go with us when we suspect someone is going to be really pissed about what we are about to do or say...

It very rarely happens. I've never done it and can only think of once in 13 years that a coworker has done it.

August 30, 2017, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by SBrooks:

It very rarely happens. I've never done it and can only think of once in 13 years that a coworker has done it.

disarming someone? Or someone being pissed? I think once they saw the look on my face they realized had the other partner been there, the police presence would have been good Big Grin


August 30, 2017, 12:53 PM
The police going with us rarely happens.

I've had people cuss me before - but I just walk away. Had one coworker who claims a gun was pulled on him (not sure because he's a known liar).

The disarming ? No clue. Sounds stupid to me.

I've been in two traffic stops while carrying and was disarmed in one and told "no problem" in the other...

I've Never Ever Ever heard of anyone worrying about a pocket knife until they are being searched and handcuffed/charged. (and I watch cops and live pd all the time :-)

August 30, 2017, 09:54 PM
So you're saying if it was you, you would have had all your property seized and your business shuttered. Seems kind of self destructive.
Nope. I'm saying in my experience, there are few legit situations -- short of being arrested -- involving the government where you have to do something RIGHT NOW or their are irretrievable consequences and you can't call your attorney.

I am also saying I don't know the law, and don't understand the extent of my rights in such a situation. That's what I pay my lawyers for.

I have trouble believing that a legit government agency is going to force me to make a split second decision without advice of counsel.

I don't doubt the OP's story... but I suspect the situation included options about which the OP was unaware. Again... that's why you have lawyers.
August 31, 2017, 06:38 AM