Proscuitto di Parma - thickness?

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December 29, 2017, 07:07 PM
Proscuitto di Parma - thickness?
Definitely a first world problem....

I like di Parma. The local market will put each slice between paper thin sheets of plastic (not saran-wrap).

Problem is that the slices are so thin that it's hard to remove from the plastic. It comes off in pieces rather than a slice.

We like it thin as it's easier to fold, wrap around fruit like figs / melon slice, etc. Easier to chew, better meat to fruit ratio, blah blah.

But it's academic if the slices are in pieces.

What thickness do you guys request? What's the typical recommendation?

"Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it." L.Tolstoy
"A government is just a body of people, usually, notably, ungoverned." Shepherd Book
December 29, 2017, 07:35 PM
Thin, otherwise you can't chew through it.
December 29, 2017, 07:39 PM
It should be thin as possible and each slice put individually on wax paper.

These go to eleven.
December 29, 2017, 08:26 PM
single sided.

I have my own style of humor. I call it Snarkasm.
December 29, 2017, 09:14 PM
Razor thin

All I've had all day is like six gummy bears and some scotch...
December 29, 2017, 09:47 PM
Skull Leader
Try letting it come up to room temp before trying to remove from the film.
December 29, 2017, 11:27 PM
Ok. Keep it thin but let it come to room temp before trying to peel off a slice. Thanks.

"Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it." L.Tolstoy
"A government is just a body of people, usually, notably, ungoverned." Shepherd Book
December 29, 2017, 11:58 PM
Originally posted by konata88:
Definitely a first world problem....

I like di Parma. The local market will put each slice between paper thin sheets of plastic (not saran-wrap).

Problem is that the slices are so thin that it's hard to remove from the plastic. It comes off in pieces rather than a slice.

We like it thin as it's easier to fold, wrap around fruit like figs / melon slice, etc. Easier to chew, better meat to fruit ratio, blah blah.

But it's academic if the slices are in pieces.

What thickness do you guys request? What's the typical recommendation?

Yes I always ask them to slice slightly thicker so it does not tear apart. They'll give you samples until you find the perfect thickness. I usually have to have them adjust it a few times. Smile
December 30, 2017, 04:10 AM
Only so thin I can get it in my mouth!!!!! ( I had to Wink)
December 30, 2017, 06:44 AM
As an Italian I can tell you that the problem is the plastic wrap not the thickness.

Wax paper and as thin as they can slice it and enjoy your meloni!


Our Founding Fathers were men who understood that the right thing is not necessarily the written thing. -kkina
December 30, 2017, 07:33 AM
Thin is good but on wax paper. Use a butter knife if it's difficult to separate.
December 30, 2017, 08:16 AM
Pipe Smoker
I didn't know of Prosciutto di Parma. Here's a pretty good article about it. At least I think it's pretty good.

Serious about crackers
December 30, 2017, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by Skull Leader:
Try letting it come up to room temp before trying to remove from the film.

My recommendation.
December 30, 2017, 02:58 PM
Great, now I have to find some prosciutto!

Nothing here to see!
December 30, 2017, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by frayedends:
It should be thin as possible and each slice put individually on wax paper.


A Veteran is someone who wrote a blank check Made payable to 'The United States of America' for an amount of 'Up to and including their life'.
That is Honor. Unfortunately there are way too many people in this Country who no longer understand that.
December 30, 2017, 03:57 PM
And once free from the paper....

Certifiable member of the gun toting, septuagenarian, bucket list workin', crazed retiree, bald is beautiful club!
December 30, 2017, 05:19 PM
Pipe Smoker
Fruit wrapped in prosciutto is a new concept for me. But I'm thinking that banana would be an interesting target fruit.

Serious about crackers
December 30, 2017, 05:26 PM
Just like apple / apple sauce well complements pork chops, fruits such as figs, melon, red/black grapes and cherry complement prosciutto. YMMV.

One of my favorite is a slice of prosciutto on toast tips with sour cherry spread, with a half a red grape on top. Bite size morsels with a variety of tastes and textures. Sum is greater than the individual parts.

"Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it." L.Tolstoy
"A government is just a body of people, usually, notably, ungoverned." Shepherd Book