Originally posted by Elk Hunter:
It says they cant connect to the internet and there is no cost to the taxpayer.
So exactly who is paying for all those tablets?
IMO, just more liberal horse pucky from the commies in charge of NY state.
And all those "feel good" justifications for this lunacy do nothing to actually address the FACT that prison is supposed to be a PUNISHMENT.
We lived about 75 miles from NYC back in 1977. Spent 9 relatively awful years there.
That whole NYC region is one huge shit hole which was proven to me when I had to spend 5 months in NYC going to IBM school in the center of the city. There were about 20 of us attending class and we were cautioned many times about going out alone at night.
We cashed our expense checks at the bank below where we went to class. I was amused to note that they had LEO presence in that bank whenever it was open. And that was at Penn station.