RFK will recommend the banning of pharmaceutical ads on TV

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February 14, 2025, 10:15 AM
RFK will recommend the banning of pharmaceutical ads on TV
Originally posted by a1abdj:
They aren't buying advertising. They're buying control over the broadcaster.
It's a certainty that you are correct.
February 14, 2025, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by bigwagon:
I swear most of those ads exist for the primary purpose of exerting financial leverage over the networks they run on.
Read Sharyl Attkisson's Follow the Science: How Big Pharma Misleads, Obscures, and Prevails and any doubts you might have will be dismissed.

They probably make some increased revenue from consumers demanding these drugs, but the main thing that advertising accomplishes is giving them control of the narrative on the dominant "news" media.

And, according to Attkisson: They most certainly do exert that control.
Originally posted by a1abdj:
they were a little speechless, and said they were not aware of the supplement. I did not expect them to have a scientific answer to my question as I know this advertisement and product is a crock of shit.

If a cardiologist has never heard of beets and their relationship to heart health, perhaps you need to find new cardiologists.
I'll try to remember to ask my cardiologist about it upon my next visit.

I think he's pretty good. Of all the doctors I've had over the last ±40 years: He's the only one who's told me he commonly recommends diet and exercise for health.

Over the years I've mentioned various supplements that have proven track records for having certain health benefits and never once have any of my doctors known of them.

Here's a good one to ask your doctor about: Creatine.

Creatine traditionally has been thought to be primarily, or only, of interest to weight lifters. But recent research strongly suggests everybody should supplement with Creatine—particularly those of us of advanced years—whether they hit the gym or not. Has a whole slew of benefits.

As for heart health: I don't supplement with beets, but I do supplement with CoQ10 and Turmeric.

As for the instant topic: There's an advert been showing on Peacock (NBC's streaming service) for one of the fat-loss pharmaceuticals. Zepbound, I think? The disclaimers... Oh. My. Lord. I'm thinking "Why in God's name would you risk all that when you can achieve the same, and more, with a keto diet and a bit of self-control?"

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system,,,, but too early to shoot the bastards." -- Claire Wolfe
"If we let things terrify us, life will not be worth living." -- Seneca the Younger, Roman Stoic philosopher
February 14, 2025, 10:30 AM
For me, the most ludicrous thing about drug commercials is the rapid read off of the multiple side effects that are worse than the affliction they are intended to treat!
And I wont miss "step up to prep up" either! Roll Eyes

End of Earth: 2 Miles
Upper Peninsula: 4 Miles
February 14, 2025, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by tleddy:
Although I would miss the disclaimers. "Do not take Flixshigyonet if you are allergic to Flixshigyonet. Side effects may include spontaneous decapitation and explosive diarrhea."

I have spent 55 years in clinical laboratory medicine and have been appalled at advertising for prescription drugs! People asking for drugs drive physicians crazy! Taking time to explain why an advertised pharmaceutical is not appropriate for a particular patient eats up the limited time they have in a patient appointment.

Physicians are required to spend a lot of time with continuing education, including pharmacology, to maintain their credentials. That is far more detailed than a TV ad.

I would be happy if they banned those stupid bears trying to sell me the bestest TP. But I suppose it's important for some folks.
February 14, 2025, 10:33 AM
Not to mention "If you're taking medication A and you have these side effects, you need medication B and C to combat the effects of A."

I may be a bad person, but at least I use my turn signal.
February 14, 2025, 10:34 AM
Oh. My. Lord. I'm thinking "Why in God's name would you risk all that when you can achieve the same, and more, with a keto diet and a bit of self-control?"
Because many, many people these days are stupid, lazy idiots and simply want a pill (or two) to solve all their problems for them.

“A man’s treatment of a dog is no indication of the man’s nature, but his treatment of a cat is. It is the crucial test. None but the humane treat a cat well.”
-- Mark Twain, 1902
February 14, 2025, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by newtoSig765:
I get it, but without them, how would I have learned about Peyronie's Disease?

Some of those pharma ads get folks all bent out of shape.
February 14, 2025, 10:55 AM
I pray that the mute button on my remote continues to work.

How about legislation mandating the the mute button be the largest one on the remote and located right in the middle?

Or. perhaps, require that commercials emit a carrier tone that could be use to automatically mute them, blank the screen, and/or switch the TV to cute dog videos (my wife made me put that in)?
February 14, 2025, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by gjgalligan:
If you ban all the drug ads then the time will be filled in with more extended warranties, car & home, lawyers, medicare supplemental insurance, life insurance, bla, bla, bla....

Just more demons to annoy us.

If you have trouble taking any win handed to you, see your doctor about...

"the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב!
February 14, 2025, 11:12 AM
Peace through
superior firepower
Picture of parabellum
posted February 13, 2025 10:53 PM Hide Post
What really got me was the way the older ads were- they wouldn't tell you what the drug they were trying to sell you was supposed to treat!

The ads were like puzzles- OK, let's see, there's a guy walking his dog in the park. Now he's in a pottery class. OK, he's making dinner. Looks like some kind of stir fry. Now he's sitting on his deck with a beverage, looking up at the sky. Maybe it's coffee. It's a coffee cup, so...
Maybe he has some booze in there. I think he needs a girlfriend. He could be a psycho. Maybe the girlfriend is buried under the deck and he's thinking about that. I don't know.

These days, they slip in the purpose of the drug somewhere in the commercial, sometimes at the end, but it used to be that these ads were kinda useless. How am I to even begin to think I need what you're pushing if you don't tell me what it's for? Roll Eyes

One of your best posts ever, and that is saying a lot. Big Grin


"You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone."
February 14, 2025, 11:14 AM
Don't take Dribaescrapapbin if you're allergic to Dribaescrapapbin.
February 14, 2025, 11:21 AM
Actually, when I go to the doctor of late, I've been asking them not to prescribe anything. Standing tall against the merchandising of medicine!
February 14, 2025, 11:24 AM
I remember an older commercial for one of the hard-on pills. It had a guy camping on the beach and wanting to build a fire, but he was out of matches, so he struck the butt end of a knife against a rock to make sparks. It was a Buck 110 or similar knife - brass.
February 14, 2025, 11:25 AM
I wonder about the drugs that I’m supposed to tell my doctor about if I’m taking them.
Hey, I’m talking to my doc…shouldn’t he know what drugs I’m taking since he’s prescribing them?

I understand the disconnect that can occur between PCP, cardiology, psych, etc. but there’s usually a LIST OF MEDS you fill out prior to seeing any doc.
And don’t forget to mention any taint rot or swelling!!

After the game, the King and the pawn go into the same box.
February 14, 2025, 11:53 AM
if I never have to see two fairies kissing and trying to figure out which AIDS drug is right for them I can die a happy man

Banning this crap can't come soon enough

If you want to keep pharma ads on tv, then lets go all in

bring back tobacco ads and lets add in some good old gun ads just for safe measure
February 14, 2025, 12:02 PM
sig sailor
If they ban those ads, they will have to shut down TV. Do it! Big Grin

"Do not approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear, or a fool from any direction." John Deacon, Author

I asked myself if I was crazy, and we all said no.
February 14, 2025, 12:17 PM
I think along with the tv ad ban it should also include the banning the use of email and phone number ads.
February 14, 2025, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by parabellum:
Originally posted by a1abdj:
They aren't buying advertising. They're buying control over the broadcaster.
It's a certainty that you are correct.

I didn't realize this until Covid.
There were plenty of pro-freedom doctors, some brave enough to speak out, but MSM wouldn't invite them on to talk about it. Not even FOX News, except for Tucker Carlson, and eventually they got rid of him.
FOX News runs so many drug commercials it's obvious they won't bite the hand that feeds them.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
February 14, 2025, 12:52 PM
Too much money involved . Won't happen . And if it did , they would find some Federal Judge to overturn it ..
February 14, 2025, 12:59 PM
I took FUKITOL, and I feel totally relieved of stress

NRA Benefactor CMP Pistol Distinguished