Post your favorite Amateur Radio links

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April 17, 2019, 07:56 PM
Post your favorite Amateur Radio links
I had been wanting to get a nice hand held HAM radio for some time until today. I came across the Yaesu radio I’ve wanted used. They quit making it and apparently it’s a fairly in demand radio cause every where I looked it was still $350+. It’s a VX-8DR. My cousin is a “technician” and has been helping a lot. I’m reading a couple of books to get ready for the test, soon hopefully. So, I know there are a good number of y’all here... point me towards some good websites. I’m more interested in this for emergency communication, etc. Thanks!

"Attack life, it's going to kill you anyway." Steve McQueen...
April 17, 2019, 08:15 PM
I read a lot on eham for reviews of products and to get additional info websites. Good luck!
April 17, 2019, 11:08 PM
get the West study book - its loaded with useful links

[B] Against ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC

April 17, 2019, 11:33 PM
Wasabibill . Select the test you are studying for and memorize the answers.


I'm filled with gratitude for the blessings I've received.
April 17, 2019, 11:50 PM
+1 on the Gordon West books. The current General is about to change to a new question pool which will affect study guides in print or online so if you plan to test before June 30th you’re good. After June 30th it will probably change some. Try for your General while you’re taking the Tech. The info will be fresh and it about the same amount of questions, some repetitive from Tech or at least same ballpark. Best of luck to you. Going to finally get off my butt and at least attempt the General before my Gordon West book needs replacing. Also, Eham is a good source. Bought a Yaesu VX-3 and 7 there. Would love to have the 8. Good choice. N4IOI
April 18, 2019, 12:29 AM
Thank you guys for the suggestions!

"Attack life, it's going to kill you anyway." Steve McQueen...
April 18, 2019, 02:57 AM
My favorite HT is my Icom ID-51A. One cool feature is that you can tether a tablet to it and select repeaters on a map.

I have my own style of humor. I call it Snarkasm.
April 18, 2019, 04:47 AM
April 18, 2019, 07:44 AM
Agree the Gordon West books and go for the General at the same time as the Technician. Go early for the test as the guys are only there for a limited time and won’t let you take the second test if you are running up against their beer time. In our case the second test was free thus saving $15.00 and it is good experience. Good luck, KC3FMT...

"Fear is a Reaction - Courage is a Decision.” - Winston Spencer Churchill
NRA Life Member - Adorable Deplorable
April 18, 2019, 02:42 PM
Krazeehorse for classifieds. QRZ has classifieds and forums as well but they also allow you to build a page with photos so when people look up your call they can see what you want to show them, rigs, shack etc. It also has a nice logbook function.


Be careful what you tolerate. You are teaching people how to treat you.
April 18, 2019, 05:44 PM
GWbiker or Hamtestonline. Study the Tech practice questions. Element 2 (tech) has 35 questions with 29 correct to pass exam. Exam is usually $15, payable to AARL and given by fellow Hams once a month. Check with local Ham radio club for date and time.

Stick with Tech license for now as your Yaesu VX8 is UHF/VHF 5 watt. Get a list of repeaters in your area from Ham club. Repeater hook ups are free. Win system is one, Echolink ($$) with computer is another.

W&W battery in New York has great prices on aftermarket batteries for the Yaesu. Half the price of the OEM battery.

Good luck,


"Some people are alive today because it's against the law to kill them".
April 18, 2019, 07:41 PM
Our local VEC doesn't even charge for the test. I'd recommend taking a swat at the General test at the same time... it won't take long and you never know. You don't have to get into HF until you're ready, but if you already have the ticket, so much the better.

I have my own style of humor. I call it Snarkasm.
April 18, 2019, 08:56 PM
I’ve had 6 or so HTs. I skinnied down to a FT-60R. IMO it is the best value for a HT.
April 19, 2019, 12:17 AM
Originally posted by p113565:
I’ve had 6 or so HTs. I skinnied down to a FT-60R. IMO it is the best value for a HT.

That’s my trusty HT as well.