45 teachers in Pennsylvania resign because of student violence against them

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November 21, 2017, 08:48 PM
45 teachers in Pennsylvania resign because of student violence against them
find an old school building

replace the glass with metal bars, replace the doors with steel

take the ferals and send them there 30 days first offense

second time, permanent expulsion - no third chance

then send them to PR to dig through the dirt

[B] Against ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC

November 21, 2017, 09:07 PM
This problem will not get solved before something terrible must happen to correct it. We are too PC to address this decay properly. Instead we will wait and ignore it until it cannot be ignored anymore. The predators this method creates will multiply until they cannot be escaped. Then self defense by extreme measures will be all there is left. We could have dealt with it decades ago, but our politicians had/have no spine and either cannot or will not make the argument for doing the right thing at the right time. Instead we chose PC.

You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier
November 21, 2017, 09:17 PM
This problem is solvable. Leg irons and wireless electric neck shockers.

Sadly, it is just not socially acceptable yet.

EasyFire [AT]
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November 21, 2017, 09:17 PM
This is the New Normal in a lot, bet mostly, city schools. My wife has taught in two different city school districts in Ohio where this happens frequently. The parents don’t parent, sponge off the Government for their FREE stuff and use the schools to feed their kids and care for them during the day.

“Nobody can ever take your integrity away from you. Only you can give up your integrity.” H. Norman Schwarzkopf
November 21, 2017, 09:23 PM
This scenario reminds me of H G Wells novel, The Time Machine, where the Time Traveler discovers the Morlocks and the Eloi.

Is this our future evolution?

November 21, 2017, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by deepocean:
Originally posted by justjoe:
Teachers-- who are these kids' best hope for a better life-- are literally afraid to be in the same room with them:

'I have been hit, kicked and restrained from behind - by FIRST-GRADERS': At least 45 Pennsylvania teachers resign in just three months due to student violence and those that remain are 'begging' for help from school board

At least 45 teachers resigned from July-October, and more have quit since

Complaints came from 3-4 unidentified schools in the PA capital of Harrisburg

On Monday teachers begged the school board for help with the trouble students

Stories included children assaulting teachers and smashing school equipment

The board agreed to set up a committee but said parents need to get involved


We find it unfortunate that our teacher organization has chosen to engage in public discourse opposed to factual and substantive discussions.

Translation: the teachers are lying. Sure, 45 teachers decided to quit their jobs to prove a lie. How about the administrators try this: get out of your offices and into the classrooms. Put cameras in the classrooms, or give the teachers body cams like the police use. While you are at it, put more police in the schools. Give them the latitude to lock the kids up, and fine the parents for damage done.

Make the little punks accountable, not just the teachers.

This! It's laughable that the first line was against bringing the problem to light. Better we just sweep it under the rug and let it get worse.

Some of the SF replies are a little outrageous, but the above suggestions make sense. Cameras; accountability; explosion (auto correct, expulsion); fines to parents/guardians; etc.

There needs to be consequences to actions, a kid can not just waste my tax dollars while going through the school system and juvie system simultaneously. It sucks to double pay.

Also on the flip side. There needs to be programs to find paths for emotionally and learning disabled kids to find careers after high school, not all kids are destined for college then the board room. Also vocational education should be stressed as well. There are plenty of kids that can make art with metal or woodworking but can't spell or remember anything to save their lives. They can still kick ass in life, just need the avenue.


Sic Semper Tyrannis
November 21, 2017, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by justjoe:


"Additionally, processes for Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) and/or Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) are in place throughout all schools. Further, the District has an open door policy to advance communication and address any and all concerns from administrators, faculty, staff and/or students.

As a School District, our effectiveness and success hinges on all stakeholders taking a positive and committed stance on moving the quality of education forward for every student; this includes professional responsibility, accountability and true ownership of the work that puts students first and continues to move our District in the direction of academic growth and achievement.

As a District, we will continue to strive to overcome isolated challenges and resolve differences.

Furthermore, we endeavor to build a culture of collaboration among all stakeholders that is focused on improving teaching and learning in every school throughout the District."
The above words are a bunch of bureaucratic doublespeak that don't mean a damn thing.
November 21, 2017, 09:51 PM
As a District, we will continue to strive to overcome isolated challenges and resolve differences.

A long, drawn-out fart has about as much meaning.


"You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone."
November 21, 2017, 10:14 PM
If the majority of these children are black, then nothing will ever be done. Money will continue to be wasted, white people will be blamed and the problem will get worse.

No one's life, liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session.- Mark Twain
November 22, 2017, 04:22 AM
Ahhh.... School days! I vividly recall the day on the big yellow bus when some of my fellow students ripped the sneaker of a girls foot and were tossing it around.
Bus driver stopped the bus, physically and bodily speed ejected the shoe thieves onto the roadside and we went on our way.
We have tolerated (and possibly encouraged) this atmosphere in our schools, and cant really be surprised at the results.

End of Earth: 2 Miles
Upper Peninsula: 4 Miles
November 22, 2017, 06:25 AM
Parents are key. Corporal punishment was allowed when I was in school but my biggest threat was my father. He went to every parent-teacher conference and let the teacher know that one phone call would solve any discipline problem they were having with me would be handled. Like an idiot, I pushed it too far ONE time. Since most of these kids don't have what we would call "good parents" this problem seems unsolvable. I hope it's not but it sure seems that way to me.
November 22, 2017, 07:29 AM
We had an incident locally. I can't remember the age/grade of the student, but the teacher took the student's cellphone away (which was not allowed in class).

The reaction of the parents was to drag the teacher out of her car and beat her with a brick.

I believe the mother of the student is facing felony charges.

I apologize now...
November 22, 2017, 10:59 AM
Lord Vaalic
I know two people who went to school to be teachers and started in inner city schools. Both quit the profession after just a couple years. One was called a racist for giving a kid a failing grade, the other just got sick of the BS, kids with an iPhone but no money for lunch, mom with a $400 weave but no money to buy a winter coat for the kid.. Feral little shit bags who think the world owes them something and working at the local 7-11 is a fine life career goal pumping slurpees.

It's systemic, and barely one step above third world conditions, and feral is truly the proper word for these cretins. There is no stopping it now.

Don't weep for the stupid, or you will be crying all day
November 22, 2017, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by olfuzzy:
Starting in the first grade Wink

1st day of Kindergarten the principle introduced herself to the class. All 5' nothing,100 year old nun with paddle in hand. Granted different times but she rarely had trouble in her school.
November 22, 2017, 11:39 AM
punishment is the key to solving bad behavior - but remember that getting a free public education isn't a right...its an opportunity

if you squander it, nothing is written down anywhere that says we need to spend good money after bad

if enough of these ferals are expelled from school permanently, perhaps the rest will have a chance to learn and teachers can go back to real teaching instead of babysitting

I detest the money we spend on public schools

[B] Against ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC

November 22, 2017, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by GWbiker:
About 20 Nuns with 18" rulers will restore order.

This - and good parents.

I can remember teachers shutting down misbehavior by simply suggesting thye'd call our parents. That was all it took for me, because I knew what would happen to me if my Dad got a call from the school. Eek

“Civilization is not inherited; it has to be learned and earned by each generation anew; if the transmission should be interrupted for one century, civilization would die, and we should be savages again." - Will Durant
November 22, 2017, 12:45 PM
Since most of these kids don't have what we would call "good parents" this problem seems unsolvable.

These kids don't have parents at all. The previous generation were often raised by a single mom or grandmother, sometimes raised well. From friends of mine who teach-- though not in Harrisburg-- what I know is these kids are usually raised by an "aunt", who often agrees to be so listed in order to get the federal and state $$. The birth mother is often a druggie, and birth father was never known. It is chaotic beyond belief.

For decades now we have been cultivating an underclass who, in parts of just about every major city, are predators. Anyone who makes a wrong turn and ends up there is prey. This population is growing, and the "off limits" sections of cities are expanding.

America's greatest enemy has for decades been the Democrat Party. Or, as we can identify it more accurately now: the Uniparty. If America is ever destroyed, it won't be from without, but from within.


"You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone."
November 22, 2017, 12:49 PM
The problem is entirely solvable. It's simply not legal to do so.

I guarantee you- guarantee you that this crap could be stopped permanently. The problem could be addressed in such a way that no one- ever- would again raise their hand to a teacher. They wouldn't even raise their voice. That's the truth.

All it would take would be men of sufficient will, and their reputations would ring through the decades. Fifty years from now the grandson of todays's little thug would know the stories and fear- genuinely fear- the consequences.
November 22, 2017, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by cruiser68:
If there is no reaction to your action then they will never learn period.

Oh, I disagree: they are learning.

They are learning what they can get away with and they are learning to push that boundary (which is what kids do).

The school district has the choice to between "no" and "oh no." I think we can see which way that choice is going.
November 22, 2017, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by ptb351:
Originally posted by sigfreund:
Superintendent ... told Fox News 43 she would need help from home too.

Who are you, again, and what planet did you say you were from? Roll Eyes

I have worked in public schools for pushing 20 years now....if we had more "parenting" out there, public schools would be in much better shape. I know it is popular these days to bash public education(and sometimes, rightfully so), but parenting is at an all time low........can't educate little Johnny if he comes to school 2 days a week. Kids come in(when they come in).....late, hungry, no support at home, mommy playing the best friend role, texting their kid during is a mess.

and schools are asked(or mandated by crazy laws) to do more and more....they are taking over parenting responsibilities...very scary.

What happened in PA does not surprise me. While isolated(for now) from much of that where I am in Maine, student behavior is certainly not getting any better.

I observed this first hand back in early 2000 as a school cop. for every hour of class the teachers spent fifteen minutes wrestling with a dozen kids who had no other purpose in school other than to be there. Many parents do nothing to prepare their students to learn. The teachers used to ask me to rotate classrooms every day to help calm the classes with the threat of a ride to the juvenile receiving center. I was amazed at what teachers had to put up with with some of these snots.

351 God bless you!