So there totally pink house blocks from me

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February 23, 2019, 06:30 PM
So there totally pink house blocks from me
Ok so now I can vouch that this guy and their family are very annoying. There is a house on the street behind my house that have annoyed me for years. One of the sons in the family was in a car accident years ago and is now wheelchair bound. The family won a lawsuit from that accident and got a ton of money. They bought all of their kids very nice vehicles and all have those super loud car audio systems with the bass that will literally rattle windows.

I have had to call the police on them so many times I have lost count from them leaving their vehicle running outside of their house with the radio turned up so loud it has actually caused picture frames to fall off my wall from the vibration of the bass. They don’t just have the radio that loud for a few minutes; it will be 30 minutes of it before I had enough and would call the police. They also have a ski boat parked in the backyard with those directional speakers on it which point right to my house and they will blast the music on it forever until the police are called.

They also like to shoot birds in their trees with BB guns just for fun and laugh about killing them. I was curious of who owned the pink home so I ran the license plate of the vehicle in the driveway and looked up the home owner. Guess who owns the home? It is one of the sons who lived in the annoying house behind me. Apparently he moved out and bought that house and does indeed enjoy annoying people. Good grief.

NRA Benefactor Life Member
February 23, 2019, 06:48 PM
What makes it worse is that there are no contrasting accents. At least make it look decent!

"I'm yet another resource-consuming kid in an overpopulated planet raised to an alarming extent by Hollywood and Madison Avenue, poised with my cynical and alienated peers to take over the world when you're old and weak!" - Calvin, "Calvin & Hobbes"
February 23, 2019, 06:53 PM
I would take the HOA. This guy is obviously an attention whore dousche bag and the house color is probably just the tip of the iceberg. That fence might be worse.
February 23, 2019, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by Orguss:
What makes it worse is that there are no contrasting accents. At least make it look decent!

I'd say you're asking a lot, expecting style from this guy.

Originally posted by 1s1k:
I would take the HOA. This guy is obviously an attention whore dousche bag and the house color is probably just the tip of the iceberg. That fence might be worse.

An HOA, is like crippling the 2A. It seems like you're protecting yourself by giving up your rights, but really you fuck yourself long term.

"Like a bitter weed, I'm a bad seed"- Johnny Cash
"I'm a loner, Dottie. A rebel." - Pee Wee Herman
Rode hard, put away wet. RIP JHM
"You're a junkyard dog." - Lupe Flores. RIP

February 23, 2019, 07:47 PM
That’s the best explanation of an HOA I’ve seen yet.

“Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.”
― Ronald Reagan

Retired old fart
February 23, 2019, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by Skull Leader:
I kinda like it.
Me, too. Not sure I'd want to live next door to him, but the house is kinda pretty.

Yep. No HOA would ever allow that--probably not even one in Haight-Ashbury.


Texan by choice, not accident of birth
February 23, 2019, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by 95flhr:
That’s the best explanation of an HOA I’ve seen yet.

My work is done here.

"Like a bitter weed, I'm a bad seed"- Johnny Cash
"I'm a loner, Dottie. A rebel." - Pee Wee Herman
Rode hard, put away wet. RIP JHM
"You're a junkyard dog." - Lupe Flores. RIP

February 23, 2019, 08:03 PM
This random case still isn't worth a HOA.

It's a perfect example of why you should have a larger lot, with trees, and mind your own business.
February 23, 2019, 08:17 PM
We have an all pink/fuscia house here though the roof is not pink.
I have seen houses look a whole lot worse than that. Yup wakadoo color but everything seems to be kept in pretty good shape.

Not really all that big of a deal in my book. Sounds like his attitude would be a larger issue.

The world's not perfect, but it's not that bad.
If we got each other, and that's all we have.
I will be your brother, and I'll hold your hand.
You should know I'll be there for you!
February 23, 2019, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by StorminNormin:
Ok so now I can vouch that this guy and their family are very annoying. There is a house on the street behind my house that have annoyed me for years. One of the sons in the family was in a car accident years ago and is now wheelchair bound. The family won a lawsuit from that accident and got a ton of money. They bought all of their kids very nice vehicles and all have those super loud car audio systems with the bass that will literally rattle windows.

I have had to call the police on them so many times I have lost count from them leaving their vehicle running outside of their house with the radio turned up so loud it has actually caused picture frames to fall off my wall from the vibration of the bass. They don’t just have the radio that loud for a few minutes; it will be 30 minutes of it before I had enough and would call the police. They also have a ski boat parked in the backyard with those directional speakers on it which point right to my house and they will blast the music on it forever until the police are called.

They also like to shoot birds in their trees with BB guns just for fun and laugh about killing them. I was curious of who owned the pink home so I ran the license plate of the vehicle in the driveway and looked up the home owner. Guess who owns the home? It is one of the sons who lived in the annoying house behind me. Apparently he moved out and bought that house and does indeed enjoy annoying people. Good grief.

After a while of that douchebaggery id be tempted to stuff thier mail box with dog shit and a nice note as to why they deserved it. And would keep it coming as long as they do
February 23, 2019, 09:22 PM
I like the color, actually, but I should also note that when I was a kid I had a solid purple ping pong table.
February 23, 2019, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by Black92LX:
We have an all pink/fuscia house here though the roof is not pink.
I have seen houses look a whole lot worse than that. Yup wakadoo color but everything seems to be kept in pretty good shape.

Not really all that big of a deal in my book. Sounds like his attitude would be a larger issue.

^It was sold after decades of ownership. New owners repainted it normal.... then after a while painted it pink again. Some things become landmarks. The OP photo, not so much.

NRA Endowment Member
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." -- C.S. Lewis
February 23, 2019, 09:48 PM

You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier
February 23, 2019, 10:34 PM
Everything is pink, but the front door?
February 24, 2019, 12:50 AM
You know what would be funny?

If the city came in and built a 10 foot block wall right in front of the house on the street.
February 24, 2019, 02:13 AM

Demand not that events should happen as you wish; but wish them to happen as they do happen, and you will go on well. -Epictetus
February 24, 2019, 07:57 AM
How long is that paint going to last on the shingles?

Seems like a bad idea, even if you like the color.

It is interesting to note that the homeowner looks a lot like his house.

“We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration…President Obama’s administration before this. We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,”
Pres. Select, Joe Biden

“Let’s go, Brandon” Kelli Stavast, 2 Oct. 2021
February 24, 2019, 08:19 AM
I never thought I’d say this, but yay for my HOA.

As for all the ones arguing “but it’s a private property!”, I’d counter that it’s precisely because property rights are essential that that monstrosity should not be allowed: it ruined several other private properties - at least the value thereof.
February 24, 2019, 08:32 AM
In a little community of off base duplex houses near Fort Dix NJ a slum lord was forced by the town to paint his properties based upon complaints from the tenants and others. This slumlord applied malicious compliance to his response by having the homes painted in various shades of Fluorescent colors. As there were no local codes against it he sure made his point. I had to chuckle every time I drove by those garish homes.

La Dolce Vita
February 24, 2019, 08:38 AM
Personally, I'd care less about the color of his house than the fact that he's probably bat-shit crazy.