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WTF? Walsh is so high he'd need a jet pack to scratch his ass once satellite traffic got cleared out of the way.

Originally posted by chellim1:
How the Obamas could easily win eight more years in the White House

By Michael A. Walsh
What the Democrats need in order to be sure of beating Trump is the perfect vice presidential candidate, one who will not only balance the ticket, push progressive causes, and check all the social-justice boxes but who will turn out the African American vote in droves without Biden’s having to say a word or lift a finger.

There's absolutely no reason to believe that any vice presidential candidate is, or ever has been, a selling point to the general electorate in a presidential election. Veeps are chosen to consolidate support within the party - at best.

Adding Michelle Obama to Biden’s presidential bid would be an unstoppable ticket, and potentially give the Obamas eight more years in the White House.

And this is based on what? Some article in People Magazine, or some clever quip on The View? I can see the picture of her now, holding a white placard reading Bring Our Girls Home My Balls Itch Vote For An Old White Man Who Creeps On Young Women And Who Is Suffering Dementia And Never Mind Your #MeToo Nonsense. After all, she has such a mind-blowing record as a communicator and motivator, doesn't she?

“If she engages, God help Donald Trump, because she’s tough as nails and enormously popular,” former Democratic Party chairman of South Carolina Dick Harpootlian told the outlet. With her husband finally having endorsed Biden last week, the stage is now set.

If she's so effective, why hasn't she engaged Trump effectively yet? It's not like she has some sensibilities about criticizing a sitting President that she'd have had to overcome. Come to think of it, why wasn't she one of the people doing an effective job of selling O's "policies"? While we're at it, who says that popularity as a former First Lady somehow translates into electability? This is Harpootlian trying to blow smoke up the asses of millions of people simultaneously.

Nov. 3: With the black vote and the Bernie Sanders wing of the party solidly behind them, the Biden-Obama(s) team would defeat Trump in both the popular vote and the Electoral College, flipping Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and North Carolina and winning both houses of Congress.

If there's one thing Biden is sure of after South Carolina - whether his certainty is justified or not - it is that he has the support of Black America solidly behind him. Has anyone noticed that he hasn't made a single effort to capitalize on concerns the Dems have always assumed Black people have? At the same time, getting Bernie Bros in line is a tougher version of herding cats. Hell, Bernie couldn't get a handful of Bro delegates to simmer down at the 2016 convention - who, exactly, is supposed to deliver the Bernie Bros' "solid" support?

Oh, and while we're at it - what exactly is Michelle supposed to do for Biden such that the combined ticket would automatically win all of those states and both Houses of Congress? Apparently Walsh hasn't the foggiest idea.

he’s resigning. Michelle Obama is now president of the United States and will not only fill out Biden’s term but will retain her eligibility to run again in her own right in 2024 when she will have turned 60.

OK, this is the part that really makes me snicker. Why would all the white MidAtlantic goons backing Biden, the goons who are about to get their big payoff for all of those years of investments, allow this to happen? Either Biden stays in because he's biddable, or Biden makes a point of passing the power to someone else. Remember, like so many other prominent Donkeys (think Les Panetta and Hillary Clinton), Biden got sidelined while O and Valerie Jarrett ran the entire show during O's years in the White House. What makes you think Biden believes he owes the Obamas squat, and what makes you think that loyal, biddable old Joe wouldn't protect the interests of those who've consistently backed him? Oh, and never mind the question of whether Michelle is actually interested in actually making all the commitments and doing all the hard work involved in getting elected rather than enjoying her nice $5 million, or $11 million dollar home.

Come to think of it, has anyone seen any evidence whatsoever that O wants to come out of retirement or that anyone would really be excited about seeing him become a virtual president for the next 8+ years? All this "Obama was great!" noise you hear is essentially another way of saying "We Hate Trump" and nothing more. Think I'm kidding? Then tell me how prominent a role O or Michelle is playing in the DNC and has played in backing other candidates for other offices.

However unlikely, it's the smart play. How could the Republicans ever counter it?

So now we get to the truth - the only reason Walsh wrote this crap is because some editor told him to do it 'cause they needed to fill out some column lines.
Posts: 27324 | Location: Deep in the heart of the brush country, and closing on that #&*%!?! roadrunner. Really. | Registered: February 05, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Lawyers, Guns
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WTF? Walsh is so high ...
Oh, and while we're at it - what exactly is Michelle supposed to do for Biden such that the combined ticket would automatically win all of those states and both Houses of Congress? Apparently Walsh hasn't the foggiest idea.

I'm not saying I buy into it... but just letting people know that it's a theory that's floating around out there. There are a number of Obama people who would love to coronate Moochelle.

Biden isn't much of a candidate which will become more and more obvious in the months ahead. He won't have the stamina to mount an effective campaign against Trump.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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delicately calloused
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Originally posted by nhracecraft:
Originally posted by chellim1:
Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said in a new interview that he would have no hesitation picking former first lady Michelle Obama to be his running mate, but added that he doubts she is interested in the position.

“I’d take her in a heartbeat,” Biden told Pittsburgh’s KDKA....
“She’s brilliant. She knows the way around. She is a really fine woman. The Obamas are great friends,” Biden added.

I take him at his word(s)....No one should doubt 'Creepy Joe' for a second! Roll Eyes

Take at his word in the moment. In an hour he won’t remember what he said nor be able to repeat it

You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier
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Picture of George43
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Originally posted by chellim1:
Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said in a new interview that he would have no hesitation picking former first lady Michelle Obama to be his running mate, but added that he doubts she is interested in the position.

“I’d take her in a heartbeat,” Biden told Pittsburgh’s KDKA on Monday when asked if he’d choose Obama if she said she would be willing to be on the ticket with him.

“She’s brilliant. She knows the way around. She is a really fine woman. The Obamas are great friends,” Biden added.

Biden, however, said that he doesn’t think she is interested in the position.

“I don’t think she has any desire to live near the White House again,” he said.

Biden said he’s still in the process of deciding whom to pick. He again committed that his running mate will be a woman, but did not commit that his running mate will be a woman of color.

“I’ll commit to that [it will] be a woman because it is very important that my administration look like the public, look like the nation. And there will be, committed that there will be a woman of color on the Supreme Court, that doesn’t mean there won’t be a vice president, as well,” Biden said.

The former vice president, who served under former President Barack Obama, has previously said that he would like Michelle Obama as his running mate.


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Lawyers, Guns
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George43: It's not exactly a Jibjab...

Your thread of February 09, 2020 was titled:
Could Trump lose the 2020 election to Michelle Obama?

This is similar, but not the same...
Biden would be the candidate at the top of the ticket.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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Gracie Allen is my
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I'm not saying I buy into it... but just letting people know that it's a theory that's floating around out there.

Didn't think you bought into it, but Walsh was due for a reaming.
He won't have the stamina to mount an effective campaign against Trump.

Dole didn't have the stamina to mount an effective campaign against Obama. There's at least a chance in hell that picking Biden was effectively the Dem establishment's way of making a face-saving surrender to Trump without leaving a space for Bernie or some other non-establishmentarian to gain power or stature within the Democrat Party. Even if that isn't the case, dementia may or may not have the slightest effect on Biden's ego - and therefore his willingness to be accommodating as his dementia becomes more of a problem.

Surely the fact that Michelle is being floated as a Prez or Veep is a sign of desperation among the donkeys.
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While I have no love for Michelle ( I honestly think many of the targeted memes and messages I get are not warranted) if Biden picked a female running mate the often neglected democratic candidate Tulsi Gabbard ( somewhat centric not that I would vote for her, but at least she served and continues to serve in the military) would be a good choice. While not my cup of tea she does seem like the most moderate of democrats despite her stand on gun rights and being from California west ( aka Hawaii ) not saying in any way that I would vote Democrat, but such a candidate might bring more voters to the democratic side
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Muzzle flash
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Tula would appear to be the more palatable of the possibilities.


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Gracie Allen is my
personal savior!
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Yeah, but she couldn't generate votes and, ultimately, no one paid any attention to her.
Posts: 27324 | Location: Deep in the heart of the brush country, and closing on that #&*%!?! roadrunner. Really. | Registered: February 05, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Which women from a swing state brings the most to the table? Skill, ability and competency aren't on the list.

It's easy for biden to say Sure I'd pick michelle in a heartbeat knowing she isn't interested.


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Originally posted by sigfreund:
People keep referring to a presumed debate between the President and the bumbler, but what reason is there to believe that such a debate will take place? What benefit would it be to the Dems at this point to permit that to happen? Although debates have long been traditional features of campaigns, why would/could they not just say, "No"? Whom would they influence to vote differently by doing that?

Frankly, if Biden's handlers allowed a debate between Too-Slow-Joe and the President, they'd be guilty of felony political malpractice. Its just sad that the C-19 circus is giving them such an easy excuse to dodge. I'd like to see them struggling to try to come up with reasonable sounding excuses for dodging.
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Funny Man
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Whomever is selected as the VP candidate could very well end up at the top of the ticket by election time. Now that Bernie is out of the way the Dems can #metoo creepy Joe or declare him mentally incapacitated or both in order to anoint their preferred candidate.

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Originally posted by slosig:
I'd like to see them struggling to try to come up with reasonable sounding excuses for dodging.

It would be entertaining, but my point is that no “reasonable” excuse is necessary.
How many fans of people like Biden, not to mention of BJ’s wife, are/were governed by reasonableness? If someone is prepared to vote for the bumbler, is there any likelihood that they will change their mind because some lame reason—or no reason at all—is given for saying, “Nope: no debate; Vice President Biden’s nether parts hurt”? Were I the one making the decision, I would do that without a moment’s hesitation—and especially given the alternative.


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Wait, what?
Picture of gearhounds
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Originally posted by flashguy:
Tula would appear to be the more palatable of the possibilities.


There’s no doubt the DNC screwed up royally disenfranchising Gabbard during the primaries- and thank the lord for that. She was the one person on the stage that had a chance to beat Trump. Clinton’s “Russian agent” attack pissed her off enough to file a 50 million dollar lawsuit against the old bitch. Clinton IS the DNC, so I don’t see her giving Gabbard the VP nod. We can all be grateful that Clinton continues to torpedo her party’s chances.

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Posts: 16098 | Location: Martinsburg WV | Registered: April 02, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Wait, what?
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Originally posted by sigfreund:
Originally posted by slosig:
I'd like to see them struggling to try to come up with reasonable sounding excuses for dodging.

It would be entertaining, but my point is that no “reasonable” excuse is necessary.
How many fans of people like Biden, not to mention of BJ’s wife, are/were governed by reasonableness? If someone is prepared to vote for the bumbler, is there any likelihood that they will change their mind because some lame reason—or no reason at all—is given for saying, “Nope: no debate; Vice President Biden’s nether parts hurt”? Were I the one making the decision, I would do that without a moment’s hesitation—and especially given the alternative.

And don’t think for a minute that team Trump isn’t considering the possibility of the leftists trying to keep bumbling Joe away from the cameras. If they do, Trump would be calling him a coward on every news venue, and probably during the live Covid pressers where they cannot muzzle him. Those live appearances have been golden and Trump has used them to extreme advantage.

“Remember to get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from a virus they got vaccinated against because you’re not vaccinated.” - author unknown
Posts: 16098 | Location: Martinsburg WV | Registered: April 02, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Once the VP is picked, the first Trump ad will be, "is this who you want to be President?" because they will be in a year because of this feeble fool.
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Originally posted by sigfreund:
Originally posted by slosig:
I'd like to see them struggling to try to come up with reasonable sounding excuses for dodging.

It would be entertaining, but my point is that no “reasonable” excuse is necessary.
How many fans of people like Biden, not to mention of BJ’s wife, are/were governed by reasonableness? If someone is prepared to vote for the bumbler, is there any likelihood that they will change their mind because some lame reason—or no reason at all—is given for saying, “Nope: no debate; Vice President Biden’s nether parts hurt”? Were I the one making the decision, I would do that without a moment’s hesitation—and especially given the alternative.

Clearly, the hardcore Ds and the hardcore Rs could vote today, nothing is going to change their votes. However, are there no independents who might actually swing things?
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Originally posted by slosig:
However, are there no independents who might actually swing things?

That is the question, isn't it?
I simply don't know. It seems to me that the country is so polarized that, no, they're aren't, but I suppose that just as is true every election, some of the electorate is so clueless that they won't make up their minds until the last minute and could be swayed by something like that.

If that is a serious possibility, Biden's handlers will have to decide whether no debate would be worse than having him demonstrate his unsuitability for dog catcher, much less the presidency.


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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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Originally posted by slosig:

Clearly, the hardcore Ds and the hardcore Rs could vote today, nothing is going to change their votes. However, are there no independents who might actually swing things?

Certainly there are. Refusing to debate would surely be a nail in the coffin for a candidate. Surely.

Then again, even hardcore D's might have serious misgivings about voting for their nominee if it's revealed plainly that their candidate is senile. And Biden is unquestionably going senile.

The dems got themselves into quite a pickle.


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Originally posted by sigfreund:
If that is a serious possibility, Biden's handlers will have to decide whether no debate would be worse than having him demonstrate his unsuitability for dog catcher, much less the presidency.

Nah, they just have to decide how they are going to spin him not debating. No handler with a room temperature IQ would let him debate, period.
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