Originally posted by tacfoley:
Originally posted by Fusternc:
I own and highly recommend a TIMNEH African Grey
Friend of ours had a brother was in the Merchant Navy and had an African Grey - type unknown. This bird could do things that were totally out of this world. You could creep up to the study where the bird was kept when ashore, and over-hear, usually, one of two performances -
1. The Captain's table dinner night - everything was there, from the low-key conversation, the tinkling of silverwear and Grace and the 'Loyal Toast'. It took about twenty minutes to go through and was worth paying money to listen to.
2. The Dubliner's 'Finnegan's Wake', about as realistic as you can imagine. Astonishing to say the least.
However, there was a lot of Kate Bush woven into it, stuff like 'Heathcliff' and 'Running downhill'[?]
The instant you walked into the room they stopped in mid-stream.
My late great-uncle Ted had a female raven living with him. She was not a lot of fun, to tell the truth, but latched on to me when I was coming into my teens. She used to ride on my handlebars when I went down into the village, just like f She was a mailman cap-badge thief, in the days when Royal Mail posties used to wear a nice brass badge in their hats.
She used to fly away most days for whatever it that ravens do during the day, but always came back around dusk, pecked on the front door to be let in, walked around the house to see that Ted was there, and walked out again to spend the night in the old stone coach barn.
One day she flew off and never came back.
Ted died the next day.
When we were clearing out the house we found about forty or fifty brass cap badges hidden in the eaves of the coach barn.