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So, Are We Supposed to "Like" Kanye West Now?!? Login/Join 
Still finding my way
Picture of Ryanp225
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I've never given this man much thought but he seems to have helped sway opinion towards the light. In that I'm grateful to him and will keep an open mind in the future.
Posts: 10851 | Registered: January 04, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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So-called entertainers aren't genius's.

Once in awhile, one'll come along and actually be on the right.

That nice, but their opinion isn't any better than yours or mine...
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Legalize the Constitution
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Jason Whitlock is a former sports columnist for the Kansas City Star, former sportswriter and on—camera personality for ESPN, and currently appears on FS1 on a daily TV show. His column, refers to Kanye West, but the important message has more to do with black America’s affiliation with liberalism and the Democrat Party.


Sorry, this link wants you to subscribe, if you follow the link in Whitlock’s Twitter feed—no charge.

Whitlock will be on Tucker Carlson tonight (Tuesday) to discuss his column.

despite them
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Legalize the Constitution
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Six months later. White House today. American media loses their shit. I don’t know if we are supposed to “like” Kanye, but I think we can like what he does and says.

despite them
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Oriental Redneck
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Originally posted by TMats:
Six months later. White House today. American media loses their shit. I don’t know if we are supposed to “like” Kanye, but I think we can like what he does and says.

As long as he makes the commies' heads explode, it's a good thing.


Posts: 28774 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: September 04, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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So, I'm sorry, but I haven't read the thread all the way through.

Didn't like the man when he was shitting on Bush.

Currently he is on our side, and influences a lot of mindless drones.

Glad he has (maybe temporary) seen the light.

Good on him.

Thanks Kanye for the media :BUMP:

"And I think about my loves,well I've had a few. Well,I'm sorry that I hurt them, did I hurt you too" I Was Wrong--Social D.
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Get Off My Lawn
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It's been a strange month.

I mean, guys we used to disparage, McConnell, Graham, Grassley, Collins, etc., have seen the light and gone to bat, basically put themselves out, to support Donald Trump.

And apparently, so has Kanye West.

As we have seen, folks can change, they can have a moment of realization. Some members here say Kanye does not speak for them. Of course, we can speak for ourselves. But West represents a certain demographic that has not seen the light. That may never heard of the racist tactics of the left. Or realize the other bullshit the left has presented. I watched his presser before his lunch and he wasn't insane. He wasn't incoherent. Like Para posted, he is just not articulate enough to please a segment of America. But like Para stated, he is an ally, and he's reaching out to a segment of America that Trump, McConnell, Tucker Carlson, cannot reach.

My son seems to think that he has reached an epiphany after he got married and kids. I don't know, again, I can't really figure him out because there hasn't really been anything like this. But I welcome his efforts to perhaps bring blacks into the Trump tent.

"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
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Legalize the Constitution
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My son seems to think that he has reached an epiphany after he got married and kids. I don't know, again, I can't really figure him out because there hasn't really been anything like this. But I welcome his efforts to perhaps bring blacks into the Trump tent.

Speaking of Tucker. He brought up West’s White House presser. We were reminded: Black America votes Democrat at a rate of 95%. CNN and MSNBC talking heads were losing their collective minds about Kanye’s WH appearance and the things he said. They called him everything they could safely say on the air, “Negro,” “stupid,” “not a reader”...Uncle Tom would almost be kind. The Left is in panic mode because if that 95% voting rate is eroded down to say 65 or 70%, the Democrats may not win another national election.

Haven’t watched the Paul Joseph Watson video in the OP? You should, it’s still relevant

despite them
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Purveyor of
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I don't listen to hip-hop and generally avoid knowing anything about that community, but Kanye wields a lot of influence. Not as much as Jay-Z, or the more hardcore gangsta rappers, but still enough that if he keeps at it he'll change minds.

"I'm yet another resource-consuming kid in an overpopulated planet raised to an alarming extent by Hollywood and Madison Avenue, poised with my cynical and alienated peers to take over the world when you're old and weak!" - Calvin, "Calvin & Hobbes"
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What’s the saying? Something like “If you’re not a liberal at 20 you don’t have a heart and if you’re not a conservative at 30 you don’t have a brain.”

I’ve always been heartless I guess, but maybe Kanye found a brain.

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A man's got to know
his limitations
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Who? I don't who he is or care.

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It's not you,
it's me.
Picture of RAMIUS
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Originally posted by hberttmank:
Who? I don't who he is or care.

Roll Eyes
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Bad dog!
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I don't listen to hip-hop, and I know next to nothing about Kanye West. But I see the left savaging him. They know that he could hurt them with the black vote that they have exploited for generations.

If he can start to turn the tide with black voters-- that's great. It's all I need to know about him, and all I care about.


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I knew he couldn't get through his 15 seconds without saying motherfucker or was it, this motherfucker here?...referring to Trump.

If he can open the minds of black Americans, he's done his job well. Democrats are not their pals.
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Too soon old,
Too late smart
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This guy is so unhinged that it wouldn't surprise me if he does a 180 and says Trump is a MFer and sets his MAGA hat on fire. Then someone will look like a fool but it won't be Kanye.

Which is why he never should have been invited to the WH and the Oval Office no less. Reagan wouldn't even go in there without his jacket, out of respect. But this pant load gets the run of the place.

Go figure.


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I believe in the
principle of
Due Process
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Here’s an entertaining look at Trump’s new best buddy.

National Review
Jim Geraghty


The Bold New Era of West-ern Civilization

Kanye West wasn’t my cup of tea back in his “George Bush doesn’t care about black people” days, nor his “comparing himself to Jesus” days, nor his “Imma let you finish, but” Taylor Swift–interrupting days. I don’t really see why I should suddenly change my opinion on the guy just because he’s found a Republican president he likes. I have no doubt that the budding friendship between Donald Trump and Kanye West is genuine, though: They’re both egomaniacal narcissists with model wives who play the media like a fiddle, and as the saying goes, “game respects game.”

What is pretty revealing is how quickly West was denounced for this particular shift in his beliefs. Last night the big talking point on cable news was that West was mentally ill.

They make this accusation now? This is a man who voluntarily signed on to the constant drama circus that is life married to a Kardashian. This is a man whose surname is West — and then chose to name his daughter “North.” This is a man who recorded his debut single with his jaw wired shut after a car accident. This is a man who announced plans to run for president in 2020 back in 2015. This is a man who promoted his sneakers with nude models. This is a man who staged a “fashion show” on Roosevelt Island in New York City where most of the models were wearing translucent outfits and some fainted in the stifling heat.

This is a man who stormed out of the American Music Awards after he didn’t win in 2004, declared himself the voice of his generation in 2008; declared, “my greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live” in 2009; declared, “I would never want a book’s autograph, I am a proud non-reader of books” in 2009; performed for the authoritarian ruler of Kazakhistan in 2013; declared, “black people don’t have the same level of connections as Jewish people” in 2013; declared himself “the Steve Jobs of the Internet” in 2013 (wouldn’t the Steve Jobs of the Internet be . . . Steve Jobs?); described himself “I am Warhol! I am the number one most impactful artist of our generation. I am Shakespeare in the flesh,” in 2013; followed up on his interrupting stunt with Taylor Swift with an aborted attempt to interrupt Beck in 2015; declared, “everyone is a fashion insider, because it’s illegal to be naked” in 2016; contended that Jay-Z was threatening to kill him in 2016; depicted naked celebrities in a 2016 video; and declared himself “50 per cent more influential than any other human being” in 2016.

And now the cable-news crowd deems Kanye crazy?

Come on, hugging Donald Trump as he’s sitting behind the Resolute Desk doesn’t even crack the top 30 craziest things Kanye West has ever done.


Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown
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Partial dichotomy
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Originally posted by RogB:
This guy is so unhinged that it wouldn't surprise me if he does a 180 and says Trump is a MFer and sets his MAGA hat on fire. Then someone will look like a fool but it won't be Kanye.

Which is why he never should have been invited to the WH and the Oval Office no less. Reagan wouldn't even go in there without his jacket, out of respect. But this pant load gets the run of the place.

Go figure.

That negative mindset will get us nowhere!

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A Grateful American
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We know from Goebbelsism that a lie repeated enough is believed as the truth.

And we also have heard, the truth shall set you free.

Kanye has the microphone, imagine a demographic that is so far entrenched in the lies, having their eyes turned to look at the possibility that there is "another" truth.

Let him talk. If he does a 180, what have we lost?

If you are in a war, and your enemy turns on itself, do you rush to stop them, or welcome the turn of events? If they return to 100% fighting you, that was where you were in the first place, and you were already dealing with that.

"the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב!
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Little ray
of sunshine
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I don't think I'll ever like him, as he seems to be entirely too enamored of himself, but I do like that he isn't in lockstep with the entertainment industry. Maybe a few of his ideas can reach people that we wouldn't reach otherwise.

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Picture of TigerDore
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He's intelligent, but unbalanced by his own admission, so the "can of worms" carnival atmosphere that follows him is part of the baggage that comes with him. I don't like the lack of respect he showed for the Oval Office yesterday in his dress, his mannerisms and definitely not his language; I shudder at the implication, but he is what he is.

Having said that, if he can get more black people to think and step off of the democrat plantation, then more power to him and his unorthodox ways.

Posts: 9314 | Registered: September 26, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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