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Why don’t you fix your little problem and light this candle |
Link to article. I love that strongbad made the picture [IMG]https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/6weSJObpSEkYdU9rxG4urZV-kLQ=/0x0:2040x1147/1820x1024/filters:focal(857x411:1183x737):format(webp)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/63222966/acastro_190306_3277_0001.0.jpg[/IMG] On this day 30 years ago, Tim Berners-Lee submitted a proposal with the dreary title “Information Management” to his superior at the European physics laboratory CERN. It began by asking how future scientists would keep track of their increasingly large projects. “This proposal provides an answer to such questions,” he wrote. The proposal described what, in just a couple years’ time, would transform into the World Wide Web: a connected system for sharing information that would revolutionize how the entire planet communicated. At the time, connected networks of computers had been up, running, and growing for a couple of decades. People had sent emails, shared files, ran message boards, and even created the first emoticons. But it wasn’t until the World Wide Web came along that the internet at large really began to take off. Web browsers, webpages, and hyperlinks made information easy to find and move between, and because the core code was open sourced, anyone could create a browser or website of their own. Over the past 30 years, major portions of the web have come and gone. They’ve made us laugh and cringe, let us waste time and find friends, and reshaped the world in the process. For its anniversary, we’re looking back at some of our favorite websites, from A to Z, as well as some key people and technologies. Of course, there was far too much good stuff to include, so we had to note some additional favorites along the way. (see linked article for the rest). This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it. -Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Joshua Painter Played by Senator Fred Thompson | ||
Banned |
Thanks Al Gore! | |||
sick puppy |
Strongbad, XKCD, AND PornHub? Its an allstar list from my teenage years right there! ____________________________ While you may be able to get away with bottom shelf whiskey, stay the hell away from bottom shelf tequila. - FishOn | |||
Honky Lips |
lots of late web 1.0 stuff there. pretty good. | |||
An investment in knowledge pays the best interest |
and ARPANET’s forty-two year anniversary... | |||
Drill Here, Drill Now |
I remember when everything was command lines and all of the terms were named after Archie comics characters. I also remember using NCSA's Mosaic on an engineering workstation in the computur lab, and being told this is the future. Ego is the anesthesia that deadens the pain of stupidity DISCLAIMER: These are the author's own personal views and do not represent the views of the author's employer. | |||
Why don’t you fix your little problem and light this candle |
Speaking of ARPANET: "Requiem for the ARPANET" by Vinton G. Cerf Like distant islands sundered by the sea, We had no sense of one community. We lived and worked apart and rarely knew That others searched with us for knowledge, too. Distant ARPA spurred us in our quest And for our part we worked and put to test New thoughts and theories of computing art; We deemed it science not, but made a start. Each time a new machine was built and sold, We'd add it to our list of needs and told Our source of funds "Alas! Our knowledge loom Will halt 'til it's in our computer room." Even ARPA with its vast resources Could not buy us all new teams of horses Every year with which to run the race. Not even ARPA could keep up that pace! But, could these new resources not be shared? Let links be built; machines and men be paired! Let distance be no barrier! They set That goal: design and built the ARPANET! As so it was in nineteen sixty-nine, A net arose of BBN design. No circuit switches these, nor net complete But something new: a packet switching fleet. The first node occupied UCLA Where protocols and measurement would play A major role in shaping how the net Would rise to meet the challenges unmet. The second node, the NIC, was soon installed. The Network Info Center, it was called. Hosts and users, services were touted: To the NIC was network knowledge routed. Nodes three and four soon joined the other two: UCSB and UTAH come on cue. To monitor it all around the clock At BBN, they built and ran the NOC. A protocol was built for host-to-host Communication. Running coast-to-coast, Below the TELNET and the FTP, We called this protocol the NCP. The big surprise for most of us, although Some said they guessed, was another protocol Used more than all the rest to shuttle Mail in content flaming or most subtle. When we convened the first I Triple C, The ARPANET was shown for all to see. A watershed in packet switching art, This demo played an overwhelming part. Within three years the net had grown so large We had to ask that DCA take charge To operate a system guaranteed For R&D and military need. Exploring other packet switching modes, We built the first spread spectrum mobile nodes. The Packet Radio, the mobile net, Worked on the ground and even in a jet. Deployed at SAC and Eighteenth Airborne Corps, The Packet Radio unlocked the door To what we now know as the Internet. The driver for it all was PRNET. The Packet Satellite, another new Technique, was added to the net milieu. And then to shed more light upon the dark, There came the Ethernet from Xerox PARC. To these we added yet another thing From MIT: a local token ring. We saw the local net techniques compound Until the list could easily confound. The Internet foundation thus was laid. Its protocols from many sources made And through it all the ARPANET grew more; It was, for Internet, the central core. The hardware of the net was changing, too. The Honeywell was first, and then the SUE, Which forms the heart of Pluribus today Though where this platform sits one cannot say. The next big change was called the MBB. It emulated Honeywell, you see, So one by one they modified each node, By means of closely written microcode. Now known as 30 prefixed with a C, These nodes are everywhere from A to Z. The European MINET too was full Of nodes like these from Mons to Istanbul. The second Autodin was long desired But once accepted instantly expired. Then to the rescue rode the ARPANET! And soon the MILNET by its side was set. By nineteen-eighty DoD opined Its data networks soon must be aligned With Internetwork protocols, to wit: By eighty-three the TCP was IT! Soon every host that sat on ARPANET Became a gateway to a local net. By eighty-six new long-haul nets appeared As ARPANET its second decade neared. The NSFNET and its entourage Began a stately national dressage And soon was galloping at T1 speed Outdistancing its aging peer indeed. And so, at last, we knew its course had run, Our faithful servant, ARPANET, was done. It was the first, and being first, was best, But now we lay it down to ever rest. Now pause with me a moment, shed some tears. For auld lang syne, for love, for years and years Of faithful service, duty done, I weep. Lay down thy packet, now, O friend, and sleep. This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it. -Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Joshua Painter Played by Senator Fred Thompson | |||
Why don’t you fix your little problem and light this candle |
I did not even see the pornhub image. My old professor in the 90's used to say that all new high speed technologies were tested and driven by porn companies trying to improve and innovate video distribution using the web.
Ha! I remember using Jughead, and we used Veronica to telnet and do research in libraries remotely. This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it. -Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Joshua Painter Played by Senator Fred Thompson | |||
Something wild is loose |
DARPA refugee...tip o' the hat.... "And gentlemen in England now abed, shall think themselves accursed they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that fought with us upon Saint Crispin's Day" | |||
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