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Picture of GarandGuy
I read this earlier today and I’ve been thinking about it all day.

What's the sense in working hard if you never get to play?
Posts: 1080 | Location: On the outskirts of Richmond | Registered: September 10, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
delicately calloused
Picture of darthfuster
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I don’t think that is the cause of generational differences. I think it is the decayed culture and perverted education system and selfishness encouraged by each.

You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier
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Picture of hjs157
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Please don't be fooled. There are plenty of manly men among our ranks. The leftist demonization of masculinity is simply another facet of a larger assault on that which defines traditional Euro-centric, Judeo-Christian western culture.
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Team Apathy
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I think it can be partially attributed to societal expectations (those wars didn’t exactly sneak up on anybody)...

But also I think humans are humans and we tend to rise to the occasion.

It surely is a complicated issue and not something that could be easily traced to one reason or another.
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Picture of sigfreund
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An interesting idea, but if there were any validity to it, it should have been manifested in the major powers after World War I to the point that there should have been no WW II in Europe at all. The phenomenon could have been blamed for the collapse of France in 1940*, but then how to account for the performance of Germany and to a lesser degree, Great Britain, in the same conflict? And of course the US didn’t suffer anything even approximating what the other countries did, especially in WW I.

* And to reiterate what I’ve pointed out many times here, the idea that the French performed disgracefully in WW II or later is simply ridiculous and demonstrates a stunning level of ignorance and stupid bias.


“It is peace for our time.”
— Neville the Appeaser
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Oriental Redneck
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Totally ridiculous question. Would have been better, if he were being facetious, instead.


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More to Sigfreund's point, the interwar period was a high point for pacifism and isolationism in the West, particularly pacifism in England and isolationism in the US.

After 9/11, our country rallied superbly until the Left got back on its feet and accused us of being Islamophobes. Mind you, those who fought were a small minority as the days of mass conscripted armies seem to be over.

The neomarxists appear to have the upper hand now, but they do not represent the American people.

“Remember, remember the fifth of November!"
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My parents were children of the depression and WWII and lived through that. They raised kids with those experiences in mind and wanted those kids to have the same skills, mindset and values that carried them through those events. Subsequent generations of parents did not emphasize those skills and if they are not lost, are certainly less evident now.
Which brings us to the state of manhood we see now.

End of Earth: 2 Miles
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“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain

"When its time to shoot, shoot. Dont talk!"

“What the government is good at is collecting taxes, taking away your freedoms and killing people. It’s not good at much else.” —Author Tom Clancy
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I think the issue of why so many milleniels men are sissies is because divorce became so much more prevalent after the 1970's. Many of the men were primarily raised by their mothers. Then the dad's were too afraid to discipline when the kids are there because the kids won't want to visit. Both parents tend to over-compensate in a divorced parent situation, and nobody disciplines like they should. Creating a whole generation of children that have been babied their entire life.
Posts: 21441 | Registered: June 12, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Victim of Life's
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Rush was noted for calling the war on boys/men, chicification.

God spelled backwards is dog
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Not as lean, not as mean,
Still a Marine
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My paternal grandfather served and survived (Army) the European theater in WWII.

My father served and survived (USAF) Vietnam.

I served peacetime (USMC between Gulf Wars).

We had discussions of our different services, and one thing that rang true for them was the though and belief that they never wanted their kid to go what they went through. Many of their peers discussed the same.

So when the WWII vets returned home, they took what gains they made to try and provide a better life for their kids (leading to the baby boom and split between the hippies and the Vets of Vietnam).

When the Vietnam vets returned to their "less than happy home" they were more detached and less involved in fighting the Hippy culture, focusing more on financial security helping lead to the consumerism of the 80's.

Then you have the Gulf War kids that the Nation lauded in part to 'rectify' the abuse of the Vietnam Vets, leading to a swell in Military Pride, and a sense of comfort, leading to election of the Progressive Left (feel good movement) again splitting the country.

This is just viewed through the eyes of my Grandfather and Father, and by no means a true history of the full context of the country... But it certainly gives me a context to understand why certain periods may have acted the way they did.

I shall respect you until you open your mouth, from that point on, you must earn it yourself.
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Picture of HayesGreener
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One should never underestimate the capacity of America to produce strong and courageous men. Trust me, in my years of law enforcement I have seen the effects of weak and unprincipled men. We have our share of shitbirds, but out here in farm and ranch country in the Florida Panhandle I have daily contact with real, honorable, tough, hardworking men and women who are farmers and ranchers, fixers, builders and lumbermen. Farm boys and others learn the value of hard work, God, and family at a young age. Most are Christian, know their father's names, have close family ties, had strong fathers as role models, they are hunters and fishermen, many are veterans or active duty, and I am continually humbled by the number of Purple Heart license plates I see on my local drives. I would be surprised to not find a firearm on any of them or in their vehicle. I have many strong, patriotic neighbors who, at a younger age, I would not have hesitated to go to war with. To say that conservative values are strong in this community is an understatement. Sissyfication of our young men is not going to happen here anytime soon. They refuse to be poisoned by liberalism.

As I have traveled around the country before I retired, and since then on hunting trips, I have encountered people with values just like my neighbors in many states, so I believe there are far more of them than you might think.

I have friends and family who were or are fighter pilots and Recon Marines. I have two adult children who are career military in Air Force Special Warfare, and I am confident that the warriors in their units are as courageous and lethal as any warriors this country has ever produced. They, and their peers, are role models for their children. Every day many fine young men and women are arriving for work at basic training, police academies, oil rigs, lumber camps and construction sites. Yes chickafication is happening in some segments, often the ones who get the most press or memes, but America is still producing many fine and upstanding men (and women).

CMSGT USAF (Retired)
Chief of Police (Retired)
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I also see the same things here in the UP that HayesGreener sees. I think that our major cities house most of the chickified. And wimpy men are constantly seen (where else) on TV and in commercials. As if to indicate wimpy is a societal norm.

End of Earth: 2 Miles
Upper Peninsula: 4 Miles
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Picture of TSE
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Originally posted by CPD SIG:
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain

Notice how once a population ceases to "need" to take care of themselves, they loose perspective. Wealthy populations feel useless and lack focus. They feel guilty for their wealth, yet are selfish and lazy. Eventually things collapse and the population is not wealthy anymore. That is when alpha males begin to be valued and the population begins to value hard work and the creation of wealth.
Modern Western society is fixated on weakness and helping make it virtue, and that can't last forever.

Calgary Shooting Centre
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Sigs are
my Panacea...
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My Dad drove an ambulance in WWII, landed four days after D-day, was at the Battle of the Bulge.

I asked him more that once, "What happened to the country that beat the Nazi forces AND Imperial Japan, but could not teach the next generation how to do it again (ie Korea and Vietnam)??"

It actually is a question that shows "something happened" to this country after WWII.

--- Sig 365, 365XL, 245, P6
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Little ray
of sunshine
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Well, we kind of did do it in Korea. We pushed the Norks all the way back and then some.

But politics would not allow a roll up of N. Korea, which was smart, because the PRC might well have been willing to go nuclear not to have a US client state on their border.

Vietnam was also a political failure. Of course, it is possible, even likely, that we should have never intervened in that our interests were not strong enough to justify it.

I don't think men are less manly. We haven't had a war that so clearly needed to be fought since WWI and WWII.

I know humanity loves to look back with fondness on the old days and decry current decrepitude. I don't think people are fundamentally different. I agree with CPDSig above. HayesGreener makes valid points.

The fish is mute, expressionless. The fish doesn't think because the fish knows everything.
Posts: 53499 | Location: Texas | Registered: February 10, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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i agree with the comments -- a global total war will do that

there are many US and allied men who have recently performed acts of extreme bravery


Proverbs 27:17 - As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
Posts: 8940 | Location: Florida | Registered: September 20, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of sigfreund
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I believe that the defense of South Korea was every bit as necessary as defending ourselves against the Japanese. The outcome was and is not very satisfying to many people who are even so much as aware that the war was fought, but I have come to believe that it was the best that was possible.

Fortunately Germany declared war on the US after Pearl Harbor and that made it possible to join the war against them as well. Defending South Vietnam was as justified as defending the ROK, but of course that was never explained to the American public in any effective way and even if it had been, it probably would have made no difference. Germany’s hostile acts against the US in WW I fully justified our going to war against them, but as for the war itself, I agree with John Keegan who observed, “The First World War was a tragic and unnecessary conflict.” By the time of the US involvement, though, that was completely irrelevant.

I also believe that the ongoing wars against the literal forces of evil in the Middle East and Southwest Asia are as justified as any others the US has fought, but just as we got tired in Vietnam and picked up our ball and went home despite being points ahead, that’s about to happen there. I hope I won’t be around to see the inevitable consequences just as I hope I won’t be around to see the consequences of the political shift of the Nation to the Left.


“It is peace for our time.”
— Neville the Appeaser
Posts: 48119 | Location: 10,150 Feet Above Sea Level in Colorado | Registered: April 04, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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My belief that is was a long term goal of the left to infiltrate the education system of this country.

They have succeeded. We are producing a generation of leftist.

The left is just a capable as the right in producing fighters in what they believe in.

When it hits the fan again and it will, it will be interesting to who steps up and what they want to fight to protect.
Posts: 4833 | Registered: February 15, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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