Another trip accross the Rainbow Bridge

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March 02, 2021, 04:18 PM
Another trip accross the Rainbow Bridge
Unfortunately it has come that time for my Brady. We got him at a shelter as he was a stray of 2 years old with Lyme Disease and Heartworm. Our no kill shelter brought him up from southern Illinois and treated him. Wife and I were looking for another dog then he jumped up on the half door when we walked by and he picked us. 12 years later and he must think he hit the lottery as he KNOWS what a good life he has. He had a great life and provided endless love for our family. He had an episode Sunday night where he could not stand, walk, and clearly was not aware of his surroundings. He was a bit better today but we know with his health issues he will not be getting any better. So tonight we are having it done at our house where he knows his surroundings and will have family with him to the end.

I have a serious weakness for dogs. They are much better than humans as they rarely try to screw each other over. I don't cry at many funerals but I will sob uncontrollably over my dog. Always helps posting here for some reason......

March 02, 2021, 04:33 PM
I am so very sorry for your loss. I wish there was something I could say to help ease the pain, sadly there is nothing. Frown

Claire and I send our thoughts and prayers this evening.

Niech Zyje P-220

March 02, 2021, 04:40 PM
Love that you are doing this for him. Instead of letting him suffer! Hate that you have to do this, as he is such a beautiful dog. Love means doing what you have to, when you have to. God Bless you.


"Once abolish the God, and the Government becomes the God." --- G.K. Chesterton
March 02, 2021, 04:41 PM
Brady looks like he's been a good boy and has had a great life thanks to you and your family. Prayers and condolences sent for all of you.
March 02, 2021, 04:45 PM
Sorry cruiser, Godspeed Brady.


Sic Semper Tyrannis
March 02, 2021, 04:45 PM
Pickle Rick
I too have a special place in my ❤ for pup's. When we adopt I think that they know that over the years we share our Hearts until the Bridge comes into focus. Its at that point we look to each other knowing we all loved from the ❤. Sorry for your loss, John.

" Formally known as GotDogs "
March 02, 2021, 04:55 PM
I truly thank all of you for your comments. I always try to put in a good word when people are going through similar knowing that I will be in their shoes. It really helps to just read the responses and sob for a while. I'm happy to suffer for a while knowing what he gave to us his whole life.
March 02, 2021, 04:58 PM
Stay strong knowing you gave each other a great life and now you’re giving him a comforting end. Good dog; good man.

Regards From Sunny Tucson,


"Faith isn't believing that God can; it's knowing that He will." (From a sign on a church in Nicholasville, Kentucky)
March 02, 2021, 05:01 PM
You gave that beautiful dog a second chance and it worked out well ! Sorry for your loss. There is very little that is comparable to the love and loyalty of a dog.
March 02, 2021, 05:17 PM
God Bless all of you! Tears in an old guys eyes reading this......


"Tulta munille!"
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March 02, 2021, 05:44 PM
I'm sorry that Brady's health has failed and I know what you're going through cruiser. There is something about our relationship with pets, dogs in particular, that is very special. I suppose that is why it's so difficult. It sounds like Brady couldn't have asked for a better life!

No car is as much fun to drive, as any motorcycle is to ride.
March 02, 2021, 05:58 PM
Our Bud, Wendy, Macie, Gretchen, and Jacks will be waiting for Brady to help him cross the bridge.

He will be in good company.
March 02, 2021, 06:00 PM
I am so sorry! I have been there... Hopefully the many good memories you have of sweet Brady will console you a bit. They are family! They fill your heart then take a piece with them when they leave.

You can't fall off the floor.
March 02, 2021, 06:13 PM
Webley Green
So very sorry for your loss. Shelter dogs seem to know when their new guardian comes by. That happened with our first rescue girl, a Brittany/Golden mix.

We saw the picture and remarked, we've got his sister. The resemble is uncanny. She's also a rescue from Northern Missouri.

The feeling of loss never goes completely away but over time becomes more manageable.

Gifford, Samantha, Gypsy, and Strider will be welcoming him to the fold.
March 02, 2021, 06:28 PM
sig 226
Sorry for your loss. Brady can play with Timber and chase cats all day long.


9/11/01 Never Forget

"In valor there is hope" - Tacitus
March 02, 2021, 06:35 PM
I'm so sorry for your loss. Clearly you gave him a great family and loving home.

Sometimes, you gotta roll the hard six
March 02, 2021, 07:47 PM
Well he is in a better place now. I must say doing the deed at home was almost wonderful compared to going to the vet. He got to stay right on his rug where he spends most of his time and his two male cats and two favorite humans were with him the whole time. The cats were literally at his side the whole time. That kind of surprised me but then again didn't as they were buds. The Vet said he was ready as his BP in his hind legs was very low. He passed peacefully before they had half the shot in him. We are convinced he hung on and perked up today just to give us some quality time with him. It was a nice peaceful day.

Webley, I appreciate the comments about strays and his twin.

I sincerely appreciate all the kind words. Dogs are indeed mans best friend no doubt! He is looking forward to playing with all his new found friends!
March 02, 2021, 07:51 PM
old rugged cross
Very sorry. We share a lot of the same feeling when it comes to our beloved pets. Tough does not begin to describe what the ends means. I wish you the best. Take it one day at a time.

He is a beautiful boy.

"Practice like you want to play in the game"
March 02, 2021, 07:52 PM
My condolences. A fine dog!

End of Earth: 2 Miles
Upper Peninsula: 4 Miles
March 02, 2021, 07:56 PM
So sorry to hear of your loss.

You did the kindest thing for Brady. When my cat gave clear signs she wanted an out a couple years ago, we did the same via home visit. Peaceful and painless for them, that's what matters.