SIGforum.comMain PageThe Lounge Chief Justice Roberts gives hilarious grammar lesson in unanimous decision for the people and against the Fish and Wildlife agency.
Writing in the manner of a schoolmarm whose patience has been sorely tried by a slow pupil, Roberts said: “According to the ordinary understanding of how adjectives work, ‘critical habitat’ must also be ‘habitat.’ Adjectives modify nouns — they pick out a subset of a category that possesses a certain quality.”
The case itself was about ~1500 acres of privately owned land in Louisiana that the Feds (Fish and Wildlife Services, USFWS) were trying to designate a Critical Habitat for some endangered Dusky Gopher Frogs that haven't lived there for a century. The designation, if it had been approved, would have robbed the owner of ~$34 Million in lost Timber income and other Development uses.
Any day that the government is smacked down, for the people, by the court is a good day.
SIGforum.comMain PageThe Lounge Chief Justice Roberts gives hilarious grammar lesson in unanimous decision for the people and against the Fish and Wildlife agency.