Low Profile Member
| I can't see the point of this. Whether you pay for your order or the person behind you, what's the difference. Sometimes you pay more and sometimes you pay less than you spend. In my mind it just adds a complication to an otherwise simple and straightforward transaction. Seems kind of stupid and pointless. Get off my lawn |
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semi-reformed sailor

| When I get to the window, I’m where that shit dies. Last year I paid for dinner for a woman who had a special needs kid who was having a melt down and mom was literally crying. I didn’t make any big deal of it. I told the waitress not to tell her anything, and I gave the waitress a $20 for a tip. When we were done we got up and left. I don’t need my ego stroked by someone to make me feel good, I’m in charge of my own happiness.
"Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor.” Robert A. Heinlein
“You may beat me, but you will never win.” sigmonkey-2020
“A single round of buckshot to the torso almost always results in an immediate change of behavior.” Chris Baker |
| Posts: 11668 | Location: Temple, Texas! | Registered: October 07, 2006 |  
| I live in NewYorkistan! It’s never happened to me. Here you will be afraid to pay for anyone, as you might OFFEND them. |
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