| Its a great show. Bring more cash than you can afford to spend, you'll need more. What doublesharp said. One time, years ago, a fool asked me if I'd take a credit card. We don't do checks, either. You end up walking till you can't any more. There used to be tables in the back. Somebody said they were to eat the food the vendors offered up. The promoter, Dickson, changed then to cheap jerks. Now the food isn't very good. Read that as kind of bad. The guy wearing an orange Barq's hat is Charlie Sherrill from Hattiesburg. As good a guy as you'll ever meet. I don't recall any Nazi shit, but then I'm too busy to waste time on it. The guy up above, Doublesharp, will yell at you for transacting business in front of his table. He's a guy sitting in a highchair. I guess you can have a great time there if you want to. It does take all day to walk it, or it used to.
Unhappy ammo seeker
| Posts: 18394 | Location: Kentucky, USA | Registered: February 25, 2001 |